Now that LeBron's legacy is finished, where do you rank him all-time? Remember...

Now that LeBron's legacy is finished, where do you rank him all-time? Remember, he only has 3 rings with super teams in a historically weak East.

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He’s the standout athlete of his generation, his basketball knowledge and his general smarts are way above average, and his leadership and personnel management skills are literally garbage. If LeKek had just an ounce of ability as a leader he’d have 12 rings.

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he doesn’t look human when he smiles like that; more like a muppet

hey op you heard of the phrase "rent free"

He would've won more for Da Land if it had been provided proper players to play with him

regardless of how you felt about him he was entertaining and everything from is successes to failures were amazing

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>OMG why didnt this guy win against the greatest team of all time with 4 all stars with a team that fucking sucked

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>his legacy is done

Why do Americans have this obsession with ranking players based on the number of their team's championships?

Why do Icelanders have this obsession with ranking World Cup mascots based on their viability as a fursuit?

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He only won 2 titles himself with a stacked Miami team.

legit popped a stiffy reading this. is it time to end it all?

GOAT. Athletes and the game objectively get better over time, and Lebron is currently the best of this era. He is currently the greatest to have played, but that will obviously change soon when the game continues to evolve.

>Lebron is currently the best of this era
at no point has he been the best player in the league during his career.

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If you disagree you’re a fucking pleb


maybe top four in his era

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put it this way; i would not pay to see this clown play. however, i would pay any day to see players like carter, billups, rose, wade and garnett.

Top 15 maybe


Jordan couldn't even shoot 3s.

He was pretty much universally considered the best 2011-2017.


#1, if you disagree then it just shows how little you know about basketball

He isn't in this list

I have bron at #2. His legacy may not be so great but there hasn't been a player other than Jordan who is actually better than him. Bron is pretty much everything you would want in a player. His game is so versatile.

He also played for fucking Cleveland for most of his career

The 2016 Finals is the best series of all time.

Oh boy. I lived in Cleveland my whole life and was able to witness young LeBron and veteran 2015-2018 LeBron in person. He's on another level compared to those you listed. LeBron is an athletic monster.


There is something very uneasy watching Lebron (while keeping in mind the way he is regarded as a superior player). When I watch him with no preconcieved notion of the outside world, he gives the feeling of a Kidd/Nash/Rondo/CP3 etc. ie. A pass first guy who you aren’t afraid of when on the other team. That’s how I was introduced to him while in Miami (I only cared about watching the best teams). On that team, Wade/Allen felt like the difference makers. Otherwise, Miami was very teamwork oriented, not top heavy like Kobe’s Lakers 2008-10.

When I watch Kobe/Durant/Wade/Tmac/Kyrie/Jordan etc. the first thing you feel is that they are scorers/difference makers. And when you listen to the outside world, it makes me go, “Huh, they back that reputation up”

To me, Lebron is weirdly thrusted into that category of killers when he isn’t. He just isn’t. He’s like Magic. It’s like people are desperate to want Lebron to have the same popularity of a Kobe/Jordan when he won’t.

When I rank all time, I don’t even consider pass first players so guys like Magic/Lebron are automatically ruled out. It’s just my mentality of wanting scorers.

In summary, watch the 2012 USA Olympic team. Starting five of Melo, Lebron, Durant, Kobe, and Chris Paul. Melo/Durant/Kobe all get on fire and score 15-20 pts killing any opposition momentum, while Lebron passes and gets an occasional dunk/layup scoring 5-8 pts. He just isn’t a cold blooded scorer.

Somewhere below Steph Curry

He and Jordan are still the greatest of all time. No one even really comes close.

Every day. Every single day when I come home.

had him at 2 but after thiis season 3.

after the 2016 championship had him close to 1.

Almost this. Curry just needs the Finals mvps to solidify it.

that's lame

if he wins one for the LAnd, then he's the GOAT

Have sex

Top 20-25

those are fucking awful
hundreds of real artists starving out there, and they choose "graphic artists" and "illustrators" instead

tell me about james, why does he wear the mask

based iceland

Why can't he smile like a normal person?

1. MJ
2. Kareem
3. Lebron
4. Magic
5. Wilt
6. Bird
7. Duncan
8. Shaq
9. Russell
10. Hakeem

switch russell and wilt and you got it

You could say he's not human, but a nigger. But we're on 4channel here, so I highly doubt that anyone would say that.

When Lebron comes to mind I always think of when he lost the NBA finals in 2013. You could see on his face his realization that he wasn't going to surpass Jordan in terms of rings. Quite sad to see when he essentially dedicated his entire life attempting to do so. I don't know where I'd rank him but thanks for reading my blog.


-power gap-

Paul Pierce

He is a very manly muppet

Like if you agree

LeBron leading that 3-1 comeback against the Warriors is the worst thing that ever happened to him. He has now genuinely convinced himself that the comeback proves him as the GOAT and he can half-assedly coast his way to GOAThood for the rest of his career. I feel sorry for the lelkers.

Could have just said you were autistic and saved a lot of bandwidth there, pajeet

top 4 with Wilt, Kareem, and MJ. In any order you want.

Good lord, this is absolutely disturbing and all sorts of wrong. Everybody knows that Goleo is the sexiest of them all, both to fuck and to be fucked by.

>won't appear due to sneaker contracts
what a world

>KD is signed with Nike
what's his excuse?

he’s not as much of a flaming faggot

What a very stupid analysis

Not fit to lace Dirks shoes

>when he lost the NBA finals in 2013

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Could be that (considerably) more of Nike's financial contributions for product placement/endorsement are going to LeBron's paycheck than his. That's just speculation

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I have him 2nd all time.

Wonder if this ranking has changed considering the 2018 WC mascot Zabivaka seemed to have a shit-ton of furries lusting.

Top 15 easily

NBA fans in this thread proving why they're the most retarded sports fans in this thread once again

as an outsider, he's obviously the GOAT

jordanfags literally can't accept that basketball got better, he's got the same stats in a better era, and judging individuals by team awards is retarded

Whatever year it was, he was about to win his third and fucked up

1. Jordan
2. Kareem
3. Magic
4. Bird
5. Wilt/Bill Russel
6. Shaq
7. Lebron?

When someone can explain his teammates getting worse as he stacks teams and then also explain the meaning teammates better thing we can talk about lebron. Until then he's the #1 overhype

top 30 easily

1) LeBron
2) MJ
3) Karl Malone
4) Kevin Garnett
5) Charles Barkley
6) Tim Duncan
7) Kareem
8) David Robinson
9) Bird
10) Chris Paul

all other rankings are invalid and, frankly, stupid

Tremendous talent with terrible leaderships skills. He's between 15-10 all time. Might even be lower honestly. His leadership skills are that shit.

Thunderstuck took its toll on him

This is the sort of syntax depleted by his detractors.

>chris paul
and i love barkley, but that high?
and KG above Duncan?
try again

there are only 3 players ever that deserve mentioning the rest are shit

jordan shaq and lebron

the gap between those 3 and everyone else is so big its not worth having a 4 5 6 etc.

lol no

Surely top 5. He is seen as #2 because of recent bias. Everytime an all time great put great seasons and win rings they are compared to Jordan, once their careers start to go wrong, they get old and they hang the boots the rational side comes and the comparisions stop and Michael keeps being #1

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>Jordan career 3point percentage


I don't know why people say Jordan was a shit 3point shooter, because that's average. He just played in an era when people didn't shoot 15 of them a game. Hell most teams didn't shoot that many 3's back then.

>basketball got better

Sweetie basketball is more than shooting. Defense has clearly gotten worst, especially man to man defense. Rebounding has gotten worst, post play almost doesn't exist anymore. No one knows how to box out or even set a "legal" screen in today's NBA. The fundamentals are absolutely shit in this era. But everyone sure as fuck can shoot the thee!

In his last few years with Chicago, he was shooting around 40% from 3. So he was actually well above average when he gave a damn. Imagine if he put in that effort early in his career.

Michael Jordan is a psychopathic bum. He dominated during a notoriously weak period of the NBA (post-Bird and Magic, before Kobe). His nemesis was Clyde Drexler. He faced teams full of absolute nobodies with the sole exception of the Utah Jazz (Stockton definitely got the better of him). He had to rely on an incredible supporting cast throughout his career which included Rodman, Pip, Kukoc, Grant and Kerr. He was given the benefit of the doubt on every single play he was involved in. Referees were explicitly told not to call fouls on Jordan. That is a fact. And it makes sense considering he was the face of the NBA and the most massively-marketed athlete of all time.

And I guess that's the reason we have to deal with all of these Jordan shills. Because of Space Jam and Hane's commercials and all of the other "Be like Mike" nonsense. Couple that with the racist hatred that Lebron gets for his social activism and it's no wonder we get these stupid posts. Lebron James literally built a school for poor black children while Michael Jordan was building private prisons used to cage black people. Get fucking real even trying to compare these two guys. There's a reason that Lebron is considered the GOAT on and off the court. He carried teams, often with little to no support. And he did it against elite opposition. Something that Jordan wouldn't be all that familiar with. I don't give an athlete points for going off to play baseball when things get tough.

Lebron gets fouled every time he drives towards the hoop but he's so strong and stoic in his reaction to the hits that these stupid refs miss it. It's also worth noting that Lebron is the greatest high school player of all time while Jordan was irrelevant in high school. If Lebron had played college ball then he would have surpassed Pete Maravich as the greatest college player of all time. But we'll never have that confirmation because he was so good he went straight to the NBA.


It's not, scared Memeiornigger.

His loss to Dirk and the way less talented Mavs is the ultimate defining description of his career

building a dominate lakies' team and winning chips will be his final chapter

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you know what the problem is with this analysis? Jordan's competition played against Jordan so you view them as weaker. If Jordan never existed, his competition would look better

>NY hat
>LA fan
At least the Memeiornigger tried

Laker fans are familiar with success and winning and thus recognize and respect true greatness, even if it may happen to be on other teams.

Memeiorniggers are threatened by anybody and anything better than they are so they need to spend every waking hour trying to tear them down like the baby back beta bitches they are.



I think it's absolutely fair to say that lebron is superior to jordan in terms of physicality in talent, in that sense it's almost a no-brainer. It's jordan's intangibles that give him the edge

>Bron is pretty much everything you would want in a player. His game is so versatile.
Except leadership and clutchness, which are what have hurt his career the most. He's missing the most important things you'd want in a player.

>Lebron James literally built a school for poor black children while Michael Jordan was building private prisons used to cage black people.
found the nig lover

Kareem # 1
MJ and Lebron tied for #2

3-6 all time in the finals and getting swept in the Finals twice isn’t what I’d expect on a GOAT resume.

He’s the greatest pure basketball player of all time although my opinion of him has completely tanked after his move to LA. We (the public that worshiped him) created a monster. He’s also pretty clearly a total smoothbrain who needs someone else to make decisions for him but he won’t listen to anyone anymore because he’s been told he’s a god for 20 years

his physical gifts are better than mike, but that's just a genetic lottery

which shows how much of a mental savage MJ was, he knew he wasn't the biggest, strongest, fastest, etc. he was just an absolute madman in the gym with his practice and obsessed with being the best and he still shit on other hall of famers in his era. lebron couldn't even get by the celtics without a superteam

if lechoke had TEN percent of MJ or even Kobe's mental assassin attitudes he'd have 3 more rings

It’s the only way Lebron can say he played with his son kek

>general smarts are way above average

Absolutely no evidence of this.

And it was literally one bounced ball away from only being 1.

Unironically he doesn't even crack my top 5. MAAAAAAYBE #8 or 9 all-time. Maybe.

I’m not sure I would put him at 9 but I’d be surprised if he is still as high as 1-3 in 10 years. People forget about the way they played over time (for example nobody is going to remember how shit the 2018 Cavs were and how much he propped them up, just they got assblasted off the floor) and this Laker stint is going to cast a long shadow.

The thing is, what Lebron is doing now is the same shit he was doing from 2010 on, and he won 3 rings and became a power player with all the Rich Paul stuff. From his point of view, he succeeded a lot more when he was in charge than he did his first time in Cleveland. You can't blame him for thinking he could do it all himself. He's still wrong - those were all collaborative successes, he always needed a structure around him. But of course that's what he's going to think.

MJ had, in some respects, the luxury of playing with good players around him for almost all of his career (with the Bulls). Pretty much everything that could go right in MJ's career did go right, at least for the Chicago part.

I don't think this sport is for me lads



top 10, in the history of the nba no player has (or probably ever will again) had such an enormous impact on a team's performance
terrible, coaches and rosters around him (which is partly his fault) held him back from accomplishing everything he could have

Hes comfortably in the top 10, maybe top 5, maybe top 3 depending on how you quantify it. He's not the goat but he doesnt have anything to be ashamed of.

I saw his peepee on live television

Fit in Barkley, Malone, Duncan, Nowitzki, Moses, Stockton, Nash, Dr. J, Wilt, Cousy, Rick Barry, Russel, and West

He lived up to the hype honestly. He couldn’t help that the GSW dynasty happened in his career. His personality wasn’t the best but how could anyone with his upbringing and fame be normal? He’s fairly well adjusted all things considered.

Charles is overrated as fuck,
Dirk and Duncan are not top 10

Stockton and Steve Nash never won anything

>all those other fossils
they played against scrawny fucks who smoked on the bench, they had no competition.

those seasons with shortened 3pt line you mean?

>played in the worst eastern conference generation of all time
>only won two rings with prime Wade and Bosh
>gets bailed out in the finals by Kyrie
>doesn't even make the playoffs during his first season in the western conference
>forces management to try and trade the entire team away for Anthony Davis and fails
>0 (ZERO) all star free agents want to play with him

He's unironically out of the top 10 all time conversation now. There are plenty of other players with 3 or more rings who weren't absolute cancer in their locker rooms and organizations

>make Space Jam 2
>a cartoon movie for zoomers
>don't cast Steph Curry as the lead

What the fuck were they thinking? Fans of the original are all Jordanbros, and Lebron is about 10 years past his prime in terms of popularity

below kobr

>based on the players skill, dominance, and ability to change the success of an organization individually
>not based on: pretty good for muh era or muh rings

Sorry I forgot to put Duncan behind Shaq and Garnett is probably before Kobe


80 post, best post

I hate his big fucking nigger nose

lebron isn't finished.

he still got another 1-2 years of similar performance to how he's playing now(statistically)

Imagine worshipping an ape that throws a ball in a hoop.

Jordan didn't do shit until he got a decent coach and decent players to form an actual team that sustained itself on time.

LeBron never had that luxury.

>plays in an era where power forwards and centers move out of the way for you
>superior to jordan in terms of talent

>incredible supporting cast
>grant and kerr

>referees were explicitly told not to call fouls on jordan

how about you watch bulls-knicks 1992 east finals?

>pete maravich greatest anything

where are you getting all this hilarious stuff from?

no different than one that kicks a ball into a net

Is Mills related to Millsap?

He's already 34 and had an injured season. He's pretty much done playing at an elite level.

This. Shit just doesn't make sense

check his stats, poorbia

Fuck y'all boomer niggas. I'm still going to watch it.

>check his stats

how about watching the fucking game instead

This is old because I stopped watching ape hoop, but here goes.

Please take a moment to admire the great LeBron for the special talent he is. It never gets old looking at the King's history. So many accomplishments Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan will never achieve:

1.Only player in NBA history to quit because of Air Conditioner.
2.Quit on his team the year after he promises a championship.
3.Dunked on by a high school kid then confiscates the tape.
4.Bail on the dunk contest 13 times.
5.Only able to win a ring with 2 superstars.
6.Play on same team as his moms boyfriend.
7.Average 1.8 pts in the 4th quarter of NBA finals.
8.Lose not 1, not 2, but 4 times in the Finals.
9.Host a national televised TV show to leave his team.
10.Go 2 for 18 in an NBA playoff game.
11.Get stuffed by a player under 6 feet. (Nate Robinson)
12.Flop every single game in the playoffs.
13.Choke 4 out of 5 finals games by dropping FG% by 18.
15.Only player in NBA history to show his ashy dick on national television.

Second best and his career isn’t over

Imagine posting this

This. If lebron adds another title I don’t see how theres any doubt

Go to bed grandpa

The three point line had real utility pre-analytics but it needs to go bye bye again.

I have Jordan one lebron two. However i will say that if lebron got foul calls like michael hed have 9 rings and retire with 40,000 points

How many rings did jordan win without hall of famers

>He couldn’t help that the GSW dynasty happened in his career.

He could have by beating them and cementing his own legacy.

he did....and then they added the 2nd best player in basketball and proceeded to rape the league

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He had a chance to beat them the 2nd time. They were up late in game 3 but he passed it to Kyle Korver then turned it over.

Clearly we were watching 2 different finals if you think Cleveland ever had a shot at beating kd warriors

They blew them out in Game 4. They should have won game 3, but Lebron failed his team late.

This is true. Lebron is obviously going to have an amazing season this year. He may even win another championship. Meanwhile his school is doing fantastic.

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#6 gets me every fucking time

>Historically weak east

Your goat played in East where at least 2 teams were under .500 every year too

Super team is an overused term. I think having 3 all stars, with a top 5 coach and one of the best benches would qualify as super team

I respect this list. Don't agree but I definitely respect it

And beat the best teams in the west 6 times

>Pick and roll used now more than ever
>Defenders get paid now
>6'5 Rodman led NBA in rebounding every year back then

Take those nostalgic goggles off

Grant, 3 time All NBA defense

Kerr, highest 3 PT % ever

Yeah, he 1 on 5 every night and won 6 rings. Tool

Hakeem Abdul Olajuwon

Dubs of truth

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Literally had this same thought only to realize it was posted immediately. Based

His career was saved by DWade and Kyrie. Without them, he'd be nothing but a tragicomic figure.

He has 6 FMVPs and played with two Hall of Famers, (one of which was only on his team for 3 titles). Who was more dominate in their post season runs in the 3 point era?

Top 2 at best, top 5 at worst.

Personally I'd still rank him over Kareem, Duncan and Kobe.

Team sport you faggot. By your idiot logic, Jordan's career was saved by Kerr, Paxson, Pippen, Rodman etc

Moses Malone

Why do zoomers rate Paxson and Kerr? Neither averaged over 7ppg in their careers and both have below average PER (12 and 13), it’s comparable to saying Mario Chalmers carried Lebron.
>Rodman carried Jordan
While losing to him in the ECF?

LeCuck stans are absolutely delusional lel. LeBitch isn't even in the top 15 at this point, he definitely isn't winning another final again

you forgot
>ruined 5 all-star caliber players
>gave two players blood clots
>got countless coaches fired

daily reminder that if you dont have kobe in your top 3 your opinion about basketball is objectively wrong

Scottie Pippen is the most underrated player in the history of the league

also, Kareem #1


Ballhog, inefficient scorer, overrated defender who coasted on reputation, carried to his first 3 titles by Shaq (an objectively better player than Kobe). Just because he was a sociopath like Jordan doesn't mean he was as good as him

>Absolute state
Imagine rating apes that throw balls into a hoop.



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I don't think the goat would go 3-6 and get his super team trashed by Dirk with some 40 year old boomers as support


Ps fuck off boomers