For you, is it Gerrard or Lampard?

For you, is it Gerrard or Lampard?

For me, it's Lampard.

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Scholes for me pal

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As a manager or a player?

radical carrick-ist

who is gerrard

stevie G is a degenerate gambler

For me, it's Barry

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Either Bill Struth and William Wilton were closeted gay lovers on a romantic boat ride together when the accident occurred or Bill threw William overboard in order to take over his managerial position and while I do not wish for a minute to equate being a homosexual with being a murderer I find it appalling that either of these facts were kept secret from the general public for so long.

Paul Scholes

Lamps > Scholes > Stevie Me

for me, it's Tom Cleverley

For me, its darren fletcher's colitis

Lampard obvs

Lampard. Only Liverpool fans will say Gerrard.

For me, it's Michael Carrick

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For me, its the eternal promise of a healthy Hargreaves


Gerrard obviously.


*Gets raped by Yaya Toure and Steven Gerrard for 5 years*

Hendo la

For me it's healthy Abu Diaby. But if we're talking Lampard vs Gerrard then there's no debate here. Lampard was significantly better.


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Raped so hard he won more trophies than the pair of them combined.

It's Lampard.

Somehow Gerrard gets talk about as if he's more all-round complete, yet he was fucking awful at DM (all those backpasses to strikers came from his retarded tactical awareness in those positions). I never saw Lampard make a bad mistake when he was playing at DM for Chelsea from 2012.

Lampard was better at all midfield roles and functions than Gerrard.

When Lamps comes back to Chelsea and leads them to a historic Septuple it will be like POTTERY

Lampard obviously

>unironically picking slippy g

Lampard, no contest


has to be gazza

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It's unanimous. Lamps is best

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Oasis or the Beatles is the real question

Stone Roses

Yh it helps being carried by Ronaldo Rooney tevez scholes and co.

They both seem pretty crap as managers


>A wool or a rent boy

What next in the line of terrible choices? Savage or Owen for 'best' sports commentator?

>Dirty bastard for fouls
>Dodged trophies for money

For me? It's Benitez. If Gerrard, Carragher and the Yanks hadn't pulled the plug on Benitez, Liverpool could've avoided that mildly hilarious phase where they hired Kenny and Brendan, and nearly fucked their entire team.

gerrard for hollywood passes
lampard for goals


For me?
It has to be Tom Cleverly without a doubt.

They are practically the same player

I concur

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lmao was hoping this would be the first post

>all those backpasses to strikers came from his retarded tactical awareness in those positions

Imagine being so braindead that your opinion of an objectively elite player can be swayed by a single webm of a bunch of exaggerated handpicked errors that were made over the span of a 13+ year span of a football career at the highest level. ABLs are fucking insane.

For me, it's Gepard.

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>The Beatles or a Manc Beatles cover band
hard choice


Except one has a Premier league trophy