In dutch, baseball is called honkball

>in dutch, baseball is called honkball.

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its true




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For me it's FC Honka.

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we call it liquorice ball because the players are the same color as liquorice

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Has the honk meme gone too far?

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clown world


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cursed thread

In America we call the Netherlands, shithole but there’s weed




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please take us serious

It truly is a clown world

but weed is mostly illegal in the netherlands, in fact, the it's way more free in the usa than in the netherlands

also, the usa is a bigger shithole than the netherlands

Fuck Jannie

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Weed is decriminalised so you can smoke without worrying about police.
Not a lot of people smoke weed though. More people just take xtc and mdma

in italy, baseball is called bagliacci

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If you smoke in front of a cop or in a public park you can get fined tho. Police will mostly let you off with warning but if they have a bad mood the fine is nearly 200€. For this this thread just honk on buddies. Honk=base in dutch btw.

oh I had thought that honk meant ball and I also thought ball meant base. Bravo to you for correcting these errant assumptions and for saving me from future embarrassment.

>Honk=base in dutch btw
Honked and redpilled

worst meme in my 4 years on here.

I'll take the bait.

This meme is literally keeping me alive. In a world with a wealth abyss, tax dodgers, crumbling infrastructure, incessant advertising and propaganda, mutilation of women to suit the sexual preferences of psychopaths, military-industrial complexes, enshrined racism, consolidation of news and entertainment outlets, break down of the rule of law, expansion of prison systems, erosion of public health, elimination of habitable earth and viable species, and general malaise what more could be a pure celebration of the potential human spirit than an anime frog in clown drag.

This meme will die, yes, like all things. But it's residue will fertilize the soil of a lifetime of human creativity.

What do you say of our honkbal league?

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>trying this hard to get (you)s on a siberian washboard scratching support group

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