Kyle Korver is a cuck whose "white privilege manifesto touches every silicon valley talking point" is Jason Whitlock...

Kyle Korver is a cuck whose "white privilege manifesto touches every silicon valley talking point" is Jason Whitlock right again?

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>Le feel bad and responsible for something you didnt do meme
why do white americans think this so much?

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based whitlock calling out self-hating short-dicked kuckver of course hes right

brainwashing and propaganda from the moment they're born

Based black man calling out the self hating white cuck.

Literally brainwashing

I heard a rumor that it's ok to be white. Is that true or not?

Nah no whyte peepol only nigs and people who may or may not be asian

K through 12 history classes focus solely to the colonization, the Civil War, and the Civil Rights Movement.
It's no wonder so many come out brainwashed hating wypipo

when I was in 6th grade I remember our history book has some blurb about this irrelevant black cook. At 11 or 12 I thought to myself, why is this completely unimportant person even in this book? Now my daughter is in 6th grade and the fucker has like 2 pages. In another 20 years he'll have singlehandedly won the american west.

>Jason Whitlock
fuck that fat fuck, he ruined ESPN by starting the Undefeated. Asshole is more vain and narcissistic than even Skip Bayless

Whitlock has always been based, he's the only one with balls to speak. I think Colin feels the same way but wouldn't speak on it.

because americans are controlled by parasites that use guilt over supposed past events to dictate their present and future actions

and who are these ((((parasites))))?

Are you implying those people? if you can call them people

ESPN was already ruined long before the undefeated though and if anything it moved alot of sjw Whyte people is be racis shit to ther instead of the main pages

we get it, youre racist, you can head back now

I was gonna say jews, and hating niggers isn't racist, killing them is and boy do they like to do it.

George Washington Carver? I feel like I learned about hike atleast 4 different times throughout k-12 he invented like 50 peanut based products!!! Meanwhile I can't remember ever seriously looking at anything on Albert Einstein or Thomas Edison maybe minus a mention of a light bulb orne=mc2

Imagine thinking I'd give you a (You) because you throw a trip on and shitpost lol kys youreself faggot

to be fair american girls love them some BIG BLACK COOK.

I think you have to be really fucking stupid to get brainwashed by public school, especially in the age of internet. Honestly you probably deserve it if you're that fucking weak willed. Brainlet.

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Thinking about it I think I learned far more about Washington Carver Harriot Tubman Martin Luther King Muhamed Ali and Jackie Robinson then any other people combined over my school every year for February you would spend a whole month talking about this shit

please kill yourself and remove your genes from the world
>hating media manipulation is racism
you are worthless

Legitimately based af

White cuckoid virtue signalers round the world eternally BTFO

Because despite half a century of welfare expansion the majority of Black Americans are worse off now than the sixties and seventies. Not by a standing of a culture of racism but from the economic development across generations. You can't accumulate wealth and pass it on to the next generation under the safety blanket of welfare and that's what took black people backwards while middle class and higher of every other ethnicity rose economically.
No white people are told that their empathy and sympathy for this situation is actually because they benefited from puting black people down, whether from slavery, Jim crow laws, or what ever when less than one percent of American families can be said to have any traced benefit from racial discrimination or slavery.
Meanwhile, true middle class whites, Asians, Latinos and what ever is left of middle class blacks have been and continue to fund the system of perpetual impoverishment of the lower classes.

I was talking about people who are susceptible to shit like , not myself, brainlet.

Half the Vietnam War is concentrated on My Lai alone (if they even cover it)

In my high school, you were lucky to even finish world War 2. More time for state testing.

black dude here. if i can take away anything from some of the comments here is that i will home school my boy if i can do it. i want him on equal standing in understanding this country, god forbid i have some obama wannabe still preaching inequality a million years after the end of segregation etc etc. and we're in new york, we shouldnt even give a fuck in this state

Korver probably spent too much time around woke nba players and wanted to fit in.


shoo shoo nigger

Obama was white lol