Footballniggers redpill me on this guy...

Footballniggers redpill me on this guy, is he really a generational talent like everyone says or will he fizzle out into nothingness?

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Hard to say, but he's lived up to the hype so far.

Too early to say if he is or not but he is pretty good so far

how does he compare to andrew luck?

It's early but he looks Peyton level.

Better in every way.

>tfw 6 years older than him and work in retail

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the chad trevor vs the virgin neckbeard andrew

Fairly similar, though he doesn't have Luck's frame so he won't be able to take as many hits in the NFL. He's clearly an NFL talent and will probably be a top 5 pick, but 1 year in college with one of the best teams around you makes it hard to tell how good you really are. Give him another year or two before you crown him.

looks like a tranny to me

Don't be jealous just because you're a hairlet

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he has a very feminine face though

Since when do strong cheekbones and a chiseled jawline count as feminine?

>this qualifies as a "man" in the US of A

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he looks buff as shit and hes like 6'5 i dont see how thats a bad thing

>best case: Diet Peyton
>worst case: A.J. McCarron
depends entirely on whether he can stay healthy and if he can be /elite/ without having ridiculous levels of talent in every position around him

any GM that wants to gamble a 2-year tankathon for him though should probably be fired

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You do realize he is around 6'5"? When he gets to the pros he'll bulk up even more as well. Don't be mad because his hairline isn't nearing the back of his head

they called dutch squareheads for a reason

>19yo boy has soft features
no shit

>have masculine face
>be tall as shit
>visible muscles
>but have long hair so you're a women jajajajajajajajaja
The state of Yuros.

>best case: Diet Peyton
he is literally the next peyton, he puts the ball wherever he wants just like peyton

Yeah so did lots of other QB's that didn't work out in the NFL. Sam Bradford was the next Peyton, Andrew Luck was the next Peyton, fuck I bet you can find "Sam Darnold is the next Peyton" articles. He hasn't even played a full season yet, calm down.

>this qualifies as a normal hairline in the netherlands
i think i see where the aggression is coming from

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hes already better than bradford and luck ever were in college and hes a true freshman

The hell are you talking about? He had a better year than Luck's freshman year, but in no way has he had a better year than Bradford ever did.

keep believing that bud :)

Sam Bradford: 237/341 for 3121 yards, 36 TD's, 8 INTs. 69.5% completion with 9.2 YPA
Andrew Luck: 162/288 for 2575 yards, 13 TDs, 4 INTs. 56.3% completion with 8.9 YPA
Trevor Lawrence: 259/397 for 3280 yards, 30 TDs, 4 INTs. 65.2% completion with 8.3 YPA.

So basically he doesn't throw as deep as either of them and isn't as accurate as Bradford despite having an absolutely stacked team on both sides of the ball that would put both 09 Stanford and 07 Oklahoma to shame.

dont know, mariota, winston, bradford, manziel,they where all going to be the next something and just didint happened, gotta wait and see but in general i wouldnt fall for the hype, not because he is bad in anyway but because media is retarded and always over praise players specially those in big programs

The most talented college QB I have ever seen. Tall, strong arm, accurate arm, makes good decisions, quick release, no funky sidearm release so he can throw it over a big line, fast runner, and perhaps most importantly, has demonstrated poise, composure and execution at the absolute highest levels of pressure in the biggest games. Is also a "character guy," a Chick-Fil-A loving, Jesus-loving kid who NFL franchises aren't going to have to worry about ending up in prison.
Literally college Peypey with a stronger arm and much faster running speed. Almost a bionic quarterback. Will be the most unanimous #1 pick perhaps in the sport's history.
Despite all this, NFL success still isn't a guarantee at the quarterback position for anyone.

how about we wait until he has two good seasons before crowning him, my dude

>a Chick-Fil-A loving, Jesus-loving kid who NFL franchises aren't going to have to worry about ending up in prison.

wasnt Tebow like that aswell?

He has lost a grand total of one game, ever. This includes high school.

Tebow also threw the ball like a javelin and was horribly inaccurate as a passer. Lawrence passes the statistical test and the eye test, but he's still just a freshman. plenty of QBs in recent years have been propped up as generational after one season and floundered.

Did Tebow end up in prison?

>best case: Diet Peyton
So at best he turns out to be a worse version of a huge choker who can't win important games?
Why are people getting excited?

>how about we wait until he has two good seasons before crowning him, my dude
I know what my eyes have seen, and they've seen the most talented college QB they've ever seen. Talent and accomplishments are two very different things and I'm not crowning him anything except very fucking talented. It's all too obvious that talent doesn't always lead to accomplishment.

You're replying to an idiot because he literally has a stronger arm and faster running speed than Peyton.

He seems to have the talent to be a perennial pro bowler. That's as much as anyone can tell you. He is still a kid with more than a season away from the NFL.

If Peyton was the best prospect since Elway and Luck was the best prospect since Peyton, I think it’s fair to say Lawrence is the best prospect since Luck and maybe since Peyton.
Obviously being the best prospect doesn’t always translate to being the best QB (Peyton wasn’t the best QB of his generation, Elway it’s debatable, and Luck absolutely hasn’t), but none of those guys have really been busts, either. So I think it’s fair to say Lawrence will be at worst a decent franchise QB akin to Luck, and at best he could very well be a Hall of Famer like Peyton or Elway.

Are you saying Arizona wouldn't want to be consistently in the playoffs and win """only""" one Super Bowl?
Just because Bill Belichick makes it look easy doesn't mean winning.
Getting a first ballot HoF QB is ALWAYS a good thing.

>it’s an “this guy isn’t as good as Tom Brady so that makes him bad” episode
Dreadful bait. Take a lap.

lol too bad Arizona is wasting another first rounder on a shitty QB this year huh

on the bright side, with Kyler Manlet they might be terrible enough in 2021 to draft Lawrence

Murray is the next Russell Wilson

yeah no

>49ers get #1 draft pick when Lawrence declares
>Jimmy Garoppolo by this time is now a bust and declared expendable
>they trade the #1 pick and draft a different position simply because they don't want a white, male, Chick-Fil-A-eating Christian in San Francisco as the QB
Realistically, could this actually happen?

>strongly considered playing baseball as they were both good prospects for it
>short for a QB
>mobile yet exceptionally accurate for a mobile QB
>don’t have an over-reliance on mobility like RGKnee, Lameme, Manzlel etc. as they can deliver from the pocket when given the opportunity
>both going to an NFC West team in need of a QB

more than half of these things have no bearing on Murray as a prospect. he also played on one of the most stacked offenses in CFB while Wilson was setting records at fucking NC State, and doesn't have Wilson's physique. Aaron Donald is going to break him in half when they try and prop him up behind that turnstile they call an OL.

tebow was also terrible

>racism outside of Yea Forums

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Ur mom gay

Are you new.

If you watch college football, Lawrence is considered a generational talent going into CFB much like Luck. If Lawrence can sustain his play and improve like Luck did at Stanford, you'll see the hype next year. I definitely think Lawrence is probably right up there with Luck, and I think the reason I put Lawrence just below Luck because of the top tier talent he's surrounded with. Not to discredit Luck's teammates, but Clemson has a far superior team.

I would hate to be compared to Luck who hasn't done shit in the NFL

4 playoff wins, 40 touchdowns in a season, and at least 10 wins every year he's been healthy is nothing? I swear, people got so butthurt at the amount of hype Luck got out of college that they still try and discredit anything he's ever done. Peyton didn't win a ring until his 9th year in the NFL.

luck surviving that dumpster fire is an achievement in and of itself

He should grow beard tho, would look like absolute chad

he looks like colinsworth when he was young

>Is also a "character guy," a Chick-Fil-A loving, Jesus-loving kid who NFL franchises aren't going to have to worry about ending up in prison.
remember when that footage came out of him chimping out against some literal who student in a fucking pick-up game of basketball at the student rec center? His entire team is on PEDs too.

Clumpson doesn't have """character guys""", they tout the same phony Baptist shtick to get away with all the cutthroat tactics behind the scenes. There's a reason they vaulted from getting dabbed on by WVU to bootyblasting Alabama in just 4 years

>remember when that footage came out of him chimping out against some literal who student in a fucking pick-up game of basketball at the student rec center?
So, he's ultra-competitive. That's a good thing. That leads to GOATs like Michael Jordan.

>all these dixiemutt Bubbas and casuals planning Owl parades for a 19 year old

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Nice strawman

Luck is a meme

He should stay a twink as long as he reasonably can

he's another overhyped college quarterback. Never count your eggs before they hatch as it relates to the NFL, ever.

ah yes, the absence of an argument. blew me away with that one.

Don't need one. I consider you to be retarded

you think him and his sister ever fuck?

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Andrew luck is nice guy with godtier arm and accuracy, Trevor Lawrence is bad chad who just shoots


that's not his sister u mentally ill autist

Tebow was known to have accuracy and throwing motion issues. Tebow is still a great guy though