*wins 5 world cups, gets the first reply and makes Yea Forums seethe in every thread*

*wins 5 world cups, gets the first reply and makes Yea Forums seethe in every thread*

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Whats the secret of winning WC?

gain weight

this is just embarrassing now

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>seethes hard at the Greek Chad

>5 times la, 5 times

Not going to school and playing football instead comes to mind.

Whats up with the greeks and brazilians going at it today bros?

Attached: 4rewfd.jpg (1086x992, 73K)

Based and Pentapilled
Cringe and cope

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see also: france

Attached: brasilian_genepool.jpg (1037x1037, 128K)

It's been 17 years and still no sixth cup

it's just banter la

it's just one Brazilian who got upset by some Greek guy shitposting

HUEzilian bois getting daddy dicked by big strong GREEK BVLLS


It's been 2019 years and still no first cup nor lost weight.

Just wait until 2022, la

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big if true

Get beaten constantly to the point the entire country believe you are going out on group stage at dead last without scoring a single goal and taking at least 3/match

Obcessing over it and then cheating

I don't think that any Latin American country could won a World Cup in the future "we" are getting lazy and only caring about importing players to Europe.