Lineker: "fuck the away goals rule"
>That is the opinion of BT Sport host Gary Lineker.

>Lineker watched on as Barcelona took an early lead against Manchester United in the first leg of their Champions League quarter-final match and then proceeded to play cautiously for the remainder of the game.

>Barca's 1-0 win at Old Trafford, gives them an away goal advantage going into next week’s second leg, which means United will now have to win by two clear goals to win the tie in 90 minutes.

I partially agree with him, in that the away goal rule should be discarded from the ET and only in case of a double draw.
2-2/1-1 or 0-0/3-3, you go to ET or penalties, fuck the away goals. You don't advance if you don't literally beat the team you're facing at least once.
Milan in 2003 "beat" Inter in a derby (same stadium both legs) like this
0-0 Home, 1-1 "away".
The away goals rule was used because there were no ET nor penalties, you either replayed a game and tossed a coin. Now they do exist so it has to go.

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remember when Croatia literally cried that they had multiple extra times during the last WC?

LOL, you really want it so badley?

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At least with away goals there is an incentive for the away team to attack. Without it I worry every away team would just play for a 0-0

He's just asshurt that United lost and played like a bunch of bitches.

>gary "fuck using the loo" lineker

Nonetheless, away goal rule during an extra time is retarded

>go to ET
>opponent scores a goal
>you suddenly need to score 3

we should honestly always do the exact opposite of what Lineker suggests. for example, when he craps his pants, we just don't.

lmao cry more bitch nigga

just for the record
no era penal

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>get rid of away goals
>everyone plays for 1-0 and 0-0
That's not the problem, the problem is away goals rule extending to extra time, creating an advantage for the team playing the first leg at home.


if you got rid of it in extra time the team playing the second leg at home would have an advantage though

Lineker bumlicks Barca because he used to play for them.

Why do they only moan when it goes against them?

He bumlicks Man U too because they're an English club.

A perceived psychological advantage is less relevant than a concrete advantage.

I agree

2013: 3 - 3
2014: 3 - 3
2019: 3 - 3

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>fuck Gary Lineker

its a genuine statistically proven advantage

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How about either
>get rid of ET, go straight to pens
>get rid of pens
>keep away goal as usual for ET but if and only if no one scores in ET the home team advances

Gary Lineker shags crisps

the factor is always the refereeing desu. home teams are more agressive and get away with it due to refs being influenced by the crowd.

Also it's a matter of mentality with teams preferring to play defensively away.

>refs being influenced by the crowd
what about foreign refs who dont understand what the crowd is saying?

Away goals are bad but away goals + extra time in the 2nd leg are extra retardation
You either have:
>no away goals then extra time then penalties
>away goals then penalties
>no away goals then a replay in a neutral stadium

Replays are never going to happen with an already congested fixture schedule.

why is the home percentage getting weaker and weaker

You don't need to understand what they're saying to be intimidated

This. Away goals is based

Shouldn't get an away goal if it's own goal desu, barca reaps the reward without doing anything

this it adds to the whole thing. penalties are shit and if you can avoid it as much as possible do it. plus there is something to be said for european atmosphere helping a team

imagine being this mad


he committed to the dive as soon as Marquez went for the challenge. notice how far he is in his diving motion even before marquez has a chance to put his foot down.
it's a well-executed dive
no era, indeed

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Can someone explain how away goals even work? If they count for a goal and a half how come if you lose 2-0 at home and then win 4-3 away you don't go through?

It's true though, you'd be fuming if it happened to your team. I'm not even a utd fan

good posts

lmao away goals?? Fucking dum yuropoors

Because the combined score there is a 5-4 loss

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this is a very based and underrated post from Germany and you idiots are just ignoring it?

They don't count for double or extra points, the people who say that are idiots. Away goals rule is that in case of an aggregate tie, the team who scored more goals in the other teams ground goes through.

They only count double is there is a draw over two games so 1-1 away means i win if it stays 0-0 at home.

No, it's a 6-5 win

It's not true, it's utter bollocks. Exactly the sort we expect from Man U customers.

I think it's a valid way of preventing penalties but it's kinda of silly to not do extra time when the game is tied. This is especially the case where the leading team loses a lead in the second leg and ends the match well on the back foot struggling to maintain a draw and is bailed out by away goals. Why should the fact that one team may get fucked in OT outweighed by a goal they happened to score away?

>1st leg
Team A attacks, Team B parks the bus
>2nd leg
Team B attacks, Team A parks the bus

>it took a Kiwi to explain this very basic rule to a Brit
Embarrassing desu

It's a fair point, but when the away goals rule was introduced home advantage was greater than it is now (easier travel, more managed everything etc). I wouldn't mind a trial run of either
1. Try it for EL
2. No away goals for QFs and/or SFs

I think FA cup has revised the no-replays after the last 8 perfectly to balance small clubs getting revenue from big time matches and big clubs not having to play so many matches at the end of the season

make every matchup a best of 7 series with each time guaranteed 3 home games. coin flip to decide who gets the 4th

Based and coinpilled

what if you just pretend they are angry at somebody else

Let's not be hasty, that Brit may've been a woman


>You will always remember Lineker for being one of England's best ever strikers rather than the shitting accident
People are obsessed.

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t. Gary

this seems to make a lot of sense

based german humour

Away goals rule is not perfect but fine.
Away goals rule being active in extra time is completely retarded.

I remember him for trolling Brexiteers and Conservitards on twitter.
Epic style.

Don't be a fucking beta and let teams score against you in your own backyard. Away goals are based and are going nowhere, fuck off OP and FUCK OFF BIG EAR CRISP TWAT

This has been statistically disproved in the last 15 years.
The rule was created to encourage away teams to attack in the 60s, when they had to travel long distances in crappy planes and then they were knackered on the pitch. This is not the case anymore. In result, we see a first game where the home team is too scared to receive a goal and a 0-0 is considered a good result for both. Then on the second game we see the home team too scared to received a goal because it means they have to score twice, and if they receive a second, the leg is over.

Like when he got really wound up and sperged over "child" asylum seekers?

That will never happen though. At most you would have to now score two.

This, shit decisions happen in almost every game, if three or four more go in one team's favour than the other, it's very difficult to overcome that. Weak minded referees need to gtfo.

An away goal isn't worth double, or 1.5, or whatever retarded shit some pundit says.
In practical terms, an away goal is worth 1.000000000(...)1 goals. This method of calculating who goes through will work every time unlike their dumbass ways of explaining it.

very hard, people just want to be accepted, same for referees they instinctively side with the crowd for the instinctive sake of their survival

Funny how they never complain about the away goals rule when the plucky underdogs from Norf FC shamelessly steal a 0-1 win against far superior continental opposition.


>and then proceeded to play cautiously for the remainder of the game.
Less cautiously than Man U who did fuck all.

He is right. Away goals rule is cancer

Your face is cancer.

Pooniteds result aside. He is completely right. We are talking about magical goals here. Goals that dont exist, but are counted. Away goal rule is literally shria law. One away goal is already a huge adventage, two goals and the tie is dead.

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They should add the coin toss as tiebreaker instead of ET + penalties
The butthurt would be great to observe

>two goals and the tie is dead.
Like PSG?

I'd like to hurt your butt, f you know what I mean, m80

games should be played on a neutral stadium with only the total tally of goals mattering

Mongoloids should be nuked from orbit

Because quality of football is going up.

t. retard

>the exception makes the rule

just drown in a puddle

t. soon-to-be vapourised Mongoloid

okay what if, as punishment, if the tally of goals is even after 2nd game ends, they have to play 3rd tiebreaker game which goes to penalties

Dunno why you are upset. What you claimed is factually incorrect, my peg-selling friend.

>play a third game

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why not? if they're unable to decide a winner in 2 without penalties, then do it in 3 up until penalties

Because the fixture schedule is already congested and teams will not accept it, you melt.