
So, can we all agree this is the best superhero movie of 2019?

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*blocks your path*

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reminder... when she fell on blockbuster you could read "tsu" in the window from inside.

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Literally our movie. Yea Forums is a Captain Marvel board now.


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The Joker movie looks pretty solid tbf


more like

worse than anime

go back to >>>reddi/tv/

>marvel capeshit nonetheless

BASED GREEK BVLLS btfoing huezilians


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pedos leave

You all sound upset. =3

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You sound like a monkey.
Go back to your containment imageboard, and stay there.

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How are people not bored of these films by now?



I don't know, because those movies are entertaining? Unlike the EFL Championship.

just go to one of the showings for any of these movies and take a good look at the audience around you

>just go to one of the showings for any of these movies
I'd rather not. What would I see?

People who are entertained by superhero movies.


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