Exactly what does he do?

Exactly what does he do?

Attached: images(4).jpg (251x201, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:


he pays to post in Yea Forums about his obsession with messi
i wonder if he'll eventually kill himself once he realises he can't do a thing about messi

I'm going to miss all the shit posting that Twain makes when he is no more.

Messi lives on his head completely rent-free

>he does it for free
>he even pays for it
>bans threads that expose his judaism
Imagine posting 20 threads a day under various proxies and people tell you everyday you are faggot,yet you still can't stop.

Attached: 0l9qb7i.gif (360x359, 549K)

It's not even shitposting it's flat out spamming the same repetitive threads over and over again I will dance on that fucking gypsies grave if we are lucky enough to see that day coming

Making 200 Yea Forums bois seethe at the same time

Lives in your empty skulls rent free

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>a brony is severely mentally ill
Hardly a surprise

>he paid money to make this post

Not him m8 but love how he makes you all seethe so much.

I believe it's a beaner in this country using a VPN
chicanos are obsessed with Messi

it's not even the same trip m8. also the tripfag manager and the anti-messi autist are not the same person, you can check the archives and compare writing styles, not even remotely similar + the anti messi guy is anti vidya and severely racist

Shut up TWAIN

kill yourself

>Not him m8
literally 100% of the time this means it's him

no u

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Jobless niggas letting proxyfags live inside their heads rent free


this is my australian proxy btw

he shares the truth with those who are afraid of saying it.