Is it time the NFL stepped in and did something about Ben Roethlisberger?

Is it time the NFL stepped in and did something about Ben Roethlisberger?

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i'd imagine most white NFL players are racist. anyone who has to spend a good amount of time around blacks can't help but see how fucking stupid they are compared to every other race

>act like a cancerous diva faggot on the sidelines throwing fits like a two year old instead of being a grown man
>get disliked for it
glad that dumb nigger's going to rot away in brokeland lmao fuck AB

Who said this?
Also racism is overblown
it’s ok to hate white people and its the end of the world if a white even mentions race- unless we’re begging for mercy

Is Mr. Benjamin Roethlisberger a jew?

they should have done something when he raped and murdered that girl in 1968

no, but he is a serial rapist (not even memeing)

He looks like a literal ogre/troll hybrid so yes

I live in London and spend a good amount of time around blacks and they are no different to anyone else, take your racist stereotypes and fuck off back to /pol/, your not wanted here.


t. Obele Ngumbo

Who said this?
Why are you posting twitter replies with no name

Dude stop being reddit. Also American football blacks are retarded. Everyone who went to college in america knows this. And honestly the white players aren't that better.

Poor people who are using athletic ability to escape poverty appear dumber than richer people who spend more time focusing on their education. Black people happen to poorer for a bunch of historical and cultural reasons. Why is this surprising?

former Steelers RB Rashard Mendenhall

you don't live around them, moron. just because they don't rob you everytime you see them doesn't mean they don't bring crime everywhere

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t. mbeko chamberlain-ngubu

t. mohammad obogu-smith

Rashard Mendenhall

>he got a $30 million dollar contract with around $24 million of it guaranteed from his new team, like a slave forreal #STAYWOKE #WEWUZKANGS
Getting real tired of niggers and retards comparing millionaire athletes to slaves

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>It was j-just a juxtaposition guys

Pogba doesn't play for a London team you nonce.

Cringe, but redpilled.

What the do bongs even know about niggers
The worst thing you have to deal with are a few mudslime pakis and occasionally the irish

niggers infest every city here and they're 100x more violent and bloodthirsty than any IRA cunt or god fearing muslim
they also have fucking guns

Fun fact about Detroit, it's was a city that trived on factory work, and when all the factories went over seas, it kinda crumbled in on itself, regardless of population breakdown

he is a serial rapist and no one seems to care, riley cooper was caught on camera shouting nigger and he played a few more seasons, ray lewis murdered a dude

only thing that destroys your carreer in the NFL is if you get caught on camera beating up a bitch and you are already getting past your prime playing years, having some minor disdain for niggers? big fucking deal

I like how a white guy being racist is like a free pass for negros to do anything they want. Truly they are dogs. Just as my dog sits when I say so, a blegg will chimp out when I say so.

Your talking to a board of incel shut-ins, that don't even leave their house. So their only perspective of what black people are like is through degrading news articles and videos posted on /pol/.


>get paid millions upon millions upon millions


Fuck off you dumb fucks.

Just ban the N'F'L and start from scratch.

Detroit was a shithole long before the plants left.

.t Detroiter

very good bait

>Your talking to a board of incel shut-ins, that don't even leave their house. So their only perspective of what black people are like is through degrading news articles and videos posted on /pol/.

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>trying to bring down the franchise qb's
when will these people learn. they tried it with rodgers. guess what he's not going anywhere. guess what ben isn't going anywhere

Don't want to express your true opinion(s) and risk a knock from the bobby, eh?

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hell i'm getting in on this

>the roster is like 52 children and Ben

>fat rapist who rode a quad bike through a shop window

>Alejandro Villanueva
>Green Beret

Ab is an attention whore, but Roethlisberger is a shithead and the whole Stoolers organisation caters to him.


This paired with them hitting their heads full force on objects doesn’t help.

Yeah he’s a HoF QB and had led the organization to a lot of money

i'd happily be a slave for that amount of money desu

Pretty dumb post desu


>Team caters to one of the best QBs in the league


Love when based retards post Detroit in attempts to demonstrate how bad blackness is in a different of itself. There's a transparent macroeconomic variable that made the biggest difference here that has nothing to do with race. You're undermining your own argument, ironically while attempting to show how your alleged intelligence can be attributed to genetics

based retard thinking detroit is the only example

Didn't imply that anywhere, my handicapped friend.

*posts a picture of literally any city in the USA*

Hey look it’s the dolphins fan that makes a living off shining tourists’ shoes

t. Jaime Akinfenwei-Jones

>Genes don't affect the brain

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>Races have different skeletal structure, muscle structure, cranial structure, but their brain structure is magically the exact same

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t. Mbappe Al-Qadaffi

Blacks and niggers aren’t the same thing.

what the heck? My kid and I are browsing together this PG-13 board, watch your racist rethorics and go somewhere else before I talk to the managers. Thank you.

I want you to look up the difference in the Detroit crime rate between 1930-1960 then 1960- the present

damn mendenhall is redpilled af

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Yeah the guy with a black coach and all black WRs and black RB and is friends with the black OL must be a raging racist, that’s why AB left. Not because he’s a diva cancerous niggerfaggot

10/20/70 rule

10% of niggers are based or good enough
20% of niggers are tolerable
70% of niggers need to be shipped back to africa on a container ship and thrown overboard halfway through

I'd like you to tell me how you think that could possibly refute my point

>Weirdly chooses the worst one to illustrate the point

you should check out the relationship between demographics and crime rate in NYC over time.

Weird trend.

Brady is better. Simple as

>richest city per capita in the world in 50s
>becomes blackest city in america
>suddenly poorest city per capita in america
>mississippi poorest state
>mississippi blackest state
>the entirety of africa
>lol no monies

you are bad at reading.

>No dude! there's a bunch historical and socioeconomic reasons for why blacks commit crimes
>why do they commit crime in countries like china and france too? w-well because there's a giant global conspiracy against them of course!

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Go back to Jamaica

t. nigger or vermont resident

you guys don't even troll post or make fun jokes anymore.

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He's also a rapist, despite what Jack Kearney cleaned up and hid.

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>maga fag
You've never seen a black person.

This. I’m stuck dorming next door to them. I’d say the majority of the american black demographic are niggers with very likely less than 40% being not so. I didn’t wholly realize this until being stuck next to them and their fat hoes for so long.
>inb4 pol incel
I’m mulatto and not particular to pol’s pathetically retarded populous

Things are different in london

What’s wrong with raping women?

The crime rate could rise as a result of the increase in poverty.

>1943 race (black) riots
>1967 race (black) riots

This except unironically.

better than a bullet from the pig-militia we have here

t. Mugumbe Ofallo al Wazir

t. Bradysbiscuitsandcheese

not racist just think it's a little weird how 2% of the population owns 40% of the wealth is all

Based and redpilled

This guy is unironically right, I can same the same about black guys

Racism against blacks is just a thing in the USA, when they keep blacks as pariah with no opportunities. Here we have literally 0 black people in jail, it means that if you don't treat them like shit, they don't become shit, just like any other group of people in any country

>but they dumb
They whole American system is made to keep the black man down, check the data on all major universities and see how little black people attend (they show the % per race in their websites)
>but they commit crime
Violence generates violence, if you keep a race from 1492 until the 1960s with next to 0 rights, of course they'll grow up with violence within them. Here they live in peace and don't commit crime, we treat them as equals

Best bait I've seen in a long time.

>Doing a job = being a slave
>Getting paid millions to do it

Not only are blacks dumb, but they're entitled too. Imagine being paid millions and feeling you were entitled to just do as however you saw fit despite being contracted.

>they get paid, they no slaves
During a vast majority of humanity, even today, slaves get a wage and in some periods of time they were even richer than some free people

See gladiators or slaves in the classic greece

Really easy to hate an entire demographic when you’re exposed to them.

He's not wrong. We will never know what really happened.

These two pictures make it look like they demolished the entire downtown area. lol.

AB is a piece of shit.

The NFL is rigged who cares

god you're fucking stupid

The American sport system is quite slaverish

>most athletes come from poor families
>most athletes are black
>most team owners are white
>athletes make 99% of the work yet the owners make more profit and for a vastly longer time
>athletes have contracts different to any other job, and they are highly limited in their rights, like moving to another team as the want or even dare talking about wanting to play with another player

Don't let the fact that they make lot of money think they aren't being exploited

>t. Nzoogabooga Mifumbo-Cambridge

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t. nigger

>>most team owners are (((white)))

t. island nigger

>most athletes come from poor families
>most athletes are black
>most team owners are white
none of these things are remotely relevant

>employees make 99% of the work yet the owners make more profit and for a vastly longer time
wow almost like how any real business works

>athletes have contracts different to any other job, and they are highly limited in their rights, like moving to another team as the want or even dare talking about wanting to play with another player
it's a sports league you fucking mong. players willingly sign contracts with the worst thing to happen to them being that they sometimes get to be paid their millions of dollars in another city. anti tampering regulations exist to protect the legitimacy the league.

you are dumb as hell

Jews are white

t. lives in a shitty 5k people town in the middle of nowhere

See? You just take that for granted, but that shit literally only happens in the USA

t. nigger refugee selling shit on the street
>you have to go back

ok tripfag lmfao

not an argument

My sister dates a Senegalese lad, they are normal people

>bullys you
>calls you a nigger
>torments you endlessly
>other black players support him and don't say shit to him about calling you a nigger
>you cry to the league and whine "wahhh racist waaaah >:("
>league turns on you
>guy who bullied you still has a job
tfw you'll never be an honorary black like incognito was

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>but that shit literally only happens in the USA
You really think poor people play sports only in the US? Every Brazilian or Argentinian club is filled with players escaping the favela. If anything that's more relevant to Football considering South American poverty levels

Who's the first tweet about?

I feel so sorry for you, is your dad dead? He probably wishes everyday he is
>sister ravaged by BBC on a daily basis
>b-but i'm ok with this!!!
>they're totally not niggers!!!

>Black people are human beings.
>haha that's a good one, you almost got me

absolute state of bongistan

blacks are humans
but they aren't like everyone else

Da white ppl have big brain so theyre big smart hahahaha dumbass

Everyone in this shitty thread fell for the bait. AB even took shots at Juju like the jealous cunt he is

>Jews are white
When it suits them

Based and 100% correct

pretty much

This, if Japan was filled with niggers it would be exactly the same

maybe they should let in millions of niggers to breed with their fertile women and repopulate their country then

>Things are different in london
Yeah, the niggers have British accents there. Stop believing what you see in the (((movies)))


Based grown man bullier Incognito

It’s honestly ridiculous that Yea Forums posters have the audacity to speak down on people more successful than them in numerous ways. I mean, I use this website. I know that when you type stupid racist shit, you gotta do the captcha and you gotta press post. And you’re just staring at a screen. I feel frustrated as well, all the time, but you guys have to get off of here. I’ve been here since 2007 when I was 13. This shit sucks. Do something else.

AB does have your standard WR diva syndrome but Big Rapist Ben is annoying as fuck and I'm not going to give him a free pass desu

I hope this spurals into another PR disaster for the NFL. Hopefully this is the season of "brave poc (players of color) coming forward on social media to shed light on the institutional racism of the NFL perpetuated by RACIST white quarterbacks"

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>getting all these (you)s
well done sir

Racists are afraid of the unknown. If only you lived with the other races, you’d see there just like you and me! This is why my home state of Vermont has virtually no racism, we actually interact with the 3 black people in our state so we know they’re cool. Evil southern Nazi confederates don’t have any black people in their states, so they don’t actually know what black people are like.

When did Yea Forums became Reddit?

fuck off

2014 World Cup

Black people are niggers

Well there is a difference between hating white people in america and hating black people in america.

One is a majority who holds a great amount of power, guess who. And the other is a minority that holds very little power.

So if white people spread hate around towards black that can generally oppress them while if a black person does it to a white person it is null. That doesnt make it right but it is the absolute reality of the situation and why generally people get upset over it.

Holy reddit, the excessive trite replies to this. You fuckers are baited with the utmost ease bunch of cringey cunts

Blacks in other countries just don't have the same niggerish culture that they do in the US. I saw a leaf post this same sentiment a few days ago. Unfortunately I don't know how you rectify this. Black people don't care to work to change, because if you're even remotely smart as a black person in today's US culture, you'll use the excuse of racism and hood culture to further yourself. And white people aren't helping at this point, they're just bending over backwards to give blacks everything they can while allowing them to keep their niggerish culture. It's a cycle that needs to get broken.

Death to niggers

Another stellar job here mods

All races are full of retards and morons who think they’re tough/shoplift at 27

I’ve yet to see a race do it in greater frequency than other races

Ah yes, i hold so much power in my low end shitty job and my debt. There's a slim chance a distant ancestor may have owned a slave, but probably not based on my familial background

Why do you presume that being a skin color means i have power? Isn’t that racist in itself?

You're being so dishonest here. If a majority of the country wants something done and the general population is white then that means they hold a lot of the power.

If people spread hate about a particular group of people aka black people, then the general population might start to believe it. Even if its jokes. This is very well documented.

A better example for your pea brain is. If I said white people all act like savages. It does not matter because the general population is white and will be like "no I dont act like a savage,that's clearly dumb". Now if someone does that to a minority group. The general population does not know if this is true.

Ok, so you’re implying other races are insecure and need to be patronized

>lose argument
>"I was trolling the whole time loser Haha xd"

Villanueva is a former US Army Ranger, not a "Green Beret" (Special Forces).

Not at all
You’re implying that other races can’t take criticism or rise above their circumstances
You think that to improve their life, you mist tear down, bully and insult whites, and convince minorities that we are enemies
I think that the patronizing view that the left have of minorities is just as destructive as the people who outwardly hate minorities
At least those people are honest

This is correct but it should be noted that he was an officer in ranger reg and not just a tabbed infantry officer. Pretty frickin based

>mercenary for israel
>pretty frickin based
the absolute state of mutts holy fuck

wtf i love incognito now

t. freshman sociology major
maybe post about intersectionality too you massive faggot


Blacks Are 13% of London, England's Population: Blacks Represent 50% of the Murder Suspects in London

DESU, this actually seems like an improvement over american blacks...

Go back to Pol you pathetic little fag

clearly you've never lived in a half black area

Just dissolve the NFL and take control of your sport at grassroots level.

>because if you're even remotely smart as a black person in today's US culture, you'll use the excuse of racism and hood culture to further yourself


If you're intelligent and want to succeed as a black person the other blacks you're around will call you an Uncle Tom or accuse you of being too white and do everything they can to drag you down to their level

>I’ve yet to see a race do it in greater frequency than other races
then you should check crime stats by race to see it

No. My whole point is that an entire race shouldn't be criticized for individuals and should be treated differently. My example above proves that.

I do not think we need to bully whites but it's ironic you want to criticize black people but its bullying if its criticizing whites. My argument is that its easier to oppress minorities than it is majorities.

I am not sure the left is patronizing minorities more than they are defending them. There are a lot of dumbasses on the left but once again, you are pea brained so it's very easy for you to view everything in buckets because it gets scary realizing everyone is their own complex creature with their own thoughts.

You are a prime example of the allegory of the cave

Never have taken sociology or philosophy courses. I work and read economics and some philosophy.

I am not sure what intersectionality is but I will take a look.

What do you have a problem with on my stance though?

Yeah especially QB's who are generally going to have pretty high IQs. Tom Brady probably looks at the black guys on his team as literal sub-human monkeys.

basically yes

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Shut it down.

ITT white boys let their insecurities seep through the internet

ah yes i forgot all white people share the same stream of consciousnesses
what the fuck are you talking about you retarded nigger

you operate under the logic that there's no way a majority class could possibly face discrimination (even though that's what affirmative action literally is) because you think races are single entities of people. half the anti-white sentiment in the west comes from other white people, so clearly there's plenty of "power" there. most of those same people are upper class so why should they give a fuck about lower class white people?

they don't. a lot of them despise lower class whites. did you forget how many of them thought it was so racist how trump's platform dared to cater to working class whites? to them only poor minorities matter because whites have "power" after all.

>minorities NEED my defense because they are weak, stupid and disenfranchised, while I am an enlightened white man
This is how you sound.
And for some reason, you’ve insulted and name called in each of your woke posts instead of actually engaging in discourse
This is why every time someone like you says you want an “open” or “honest” discourse, you’re lying
You’re making an excuse to belittle and bully opposing viewpoints in the guise if being enlightened

Yes Ben was so racist he threw it to AB and JuJu 25 times a game. It all makes sense now,

You're putting words in my mouth. Almost all posts made with the exception of 1 has insulted me so far. It's hardly fair to criticize me for name calling.

No minority group "needs" my defense. But we ought to speak out and voice our concerns when we think there will be a harmful outcome. My job is to convince you that your viewpoint is horrible and filled illogical nonsense.

Also you are doing it again with lumping a person into a group. I never stated I wanted open and honest discourse. I think most of you refuse to want to think about other peoples issues and instead just simplify everything into a large bucket.