How does it feel now, Ole?

How does it feel now, Ole?
Mourinho's sides must be exploding right now.
The state of Manure.

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Why can't Pogba respect authority?

I think you know the answer.

because he's French?

of course.

At least Mourinho can shut him for a full year.

he is not a cuck

How does Deschamps do it?



>"FFS fine Paul you can dab with the world cup if we win jesus fucking christ fucking zoomers I swear to god"

pathetic, really.

>completely ruins and shatters the reputation of your football institution

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he's an alpha



because he's a nigger



yikes and reported are not going to like this, jannies, better come remove it before I screenshot it

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pogba is TOXIC

behave yourself hans


Paul is a proud Frenchman that loves his country, ulterior motives go out of the window when playing for your country


He's fucking off to Madrid in summer so no real worry.

>no real worry.
*don't have any AM left*

Yeah because we're planning to give Pogba away for free and donate all our money to charity.

because woodward is known for his sensible transfer policy

Signing Pogba in the first place was a mistake

Imagine if you hadnt signed pogba, maybe ur squad would have bought into mourinho? maybe u would created something great.

Pogba is bigger than manure

His religion literally instructs him not to respect anyone who doesn't also believe in his religion. Actually, if we're going to be perfectly accurate, it literally instructs him to kill any managers who don't also believe in his religion.
This is the factually correct response to your question.

>Paper talk pushing the agenda of Pogba leaving
Raiola wants Pogba to move to Real Madrid this summer so he is drumming up as much press coverage as he can so he can make bank in agent fees.
I don't think he will leave United because United want to build a midfield around him, but United sure as hell dont really need him as much as people think. He is too inconsistent to be considered world class. Very much a luxury player, great on his day but never really turns up when he is needed in the big games.

>Very much a luxury player, great on his day but never really turns up when he is needed in the big games.
that applies to every united player

Not really, we have a number of players who only seem to turn up for big games.

Not really, the only Luxury players united have are Mata, Pogba, Martial and maybe Sanchez.
The rest are shit or still young and developing (with the exception of De Gea, Shaw, Rashford, Lingard and Lindelof)
Fred is also starting to adapt to the team and becoming less of a liability

mata has been shit ever since he came to united. why didnt they sell him the first season? i couldnt believe man united were dumb enough to sign him at the time

>mata has been shit ever since he came to united.
>i couldnt believe man united were dumb enough to sign him at the time

Fucking hell Ole is your brain melting?

He came of the back of a great season and Mourinho didnt want him at Chelsea
He has been okay for United but usually played outside of his best position or in a system which doesnt really suit him. He is a good player, but very much a luxury player and one United didnt really need at the time and dont need now either

unironically this.

thats waht i said, united were dumb as fuc kto sign him

Imam dechamps

It was a panic buy because of how fucking awful they where that season and how good Mata was the previous season.

The love for country probably trumps everything re: playing for France.

yeah exactly! dumb as shit

Does Pogba dab on Christians?

Pogba has an out of wedlock child with a non-muslim; he's just got a ghetto attitude based on his upbringing.

t. white dude who used to date a "devoted muslim"

YOU SEE Yea Forums

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>Pogba has an out of wedlock child with a non-muslim
Well, yeah. His religion instructs him that he's allowed to fuck that non-Muslim whether she consents or not.

>mfw Mourinho was right and Pogba was the virus the whole time

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Mourinho is always right, he just can't handle things not going his way even when he's right

>Yea Forums actually doubted Mouyes

Whats wrong with you man

Who gives a shit about this gossip

I think knowing that your club doesn't have the potential to win anything does the trick too. also florentino perez is known to tell his future buys to be a pain in the ass to their club so they don't get too greedy during a transfer

m8 ole's at the wheel now, we have created something great

Pure Zoomerism

why cant they both be cunts?

This desu

Basically this
Most zoomers are either egomaniacs who can't accept authority and go out of their way to create problems, or pussies who will not stand up for themselves under any circumstances.
Successful people from any generation are able to find a happy medium between these two mindsets