Reminder that domestic violence has no place in football and Yea Forums is a board of friendship between the only 2...

Reminder that domestic violence has no place in football and Yea Forums is a board of friendship between the only 2 genders, men and women.

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>the only 2 genders
Gender is a spectrum.


It’s a myth that domestic violence increases around sports events.

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I was just about to go beat up my gf but, now that I've seen that image, I won't. Thanks.

This is why bongs need guns. Our guns keep domestic violence down. My sister's husband knows if he ever touched her my brothers and I would put a bullet in his fool head. Not to mention my sister packs her .38 in her purse

Our rates for domestic violence are near identical, but much fewer accidental gun deaths.

bullets are not the solution, Jamal

america really is a shithole

*gets arrested for having a butter knife*

time to ban the laws
who divine_providentiality_ pill here?

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>tfw American """banter"""
Aww, cute

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>needing a gun to defend your sister
Lmao gay

>.38 special
>but no curry, onions and mayonaise

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>not allowed to keep bitches in line anymore
its all down hill from here i guess

Your post is about as useful as these ads

What will his wife have to endure tonight if Arsenal lose vs Napoli?

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