/f1/ Relentless Formula One General - Miga edition

>Countdown to Chinese GP:
(click menu on left for session times)

>/f1/-approved series calendar

>Other racing on each week, choose your poison


>Previous Thread:
>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>Fantasy.formula1.com: Formula Autism Official:
Passcode: b3dccf1429

>WDC Standings
V. Bottas 44
L. Hamilton 43
M. Verstappen 27
C. Leclerc 26
S. Vettel 22

>WCC Standings
Mercedes 87
Ferrari 48
Red Bull 31
Alfa Romeo 10
Haas 8
McLel 8

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 races without ever scoring a podium:
158 (160 entries)

>Max Verstappen F1 races without ever EVER scoring a pole-position:

>Hund status:
Ze Red Auto might be ze faster car in ze red country

Daily reminder that Miga's sabbatical is over
F1 2021 regulations clusterfuck is like Breggs It according to bong media
Gabbo a 185cm man said that standard cockpit sizes are the future
Steiner shilling for costumer team protection

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Flip thread status:

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This bread's pace looks like it needs some Rich Energy

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you didn't know bout
Yea Forums F1 BOARD

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I wanna see their hairlines.


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At Shanghai:
1. LeCute
2. Verstappen
3. Bottas
Hamilton is taken out of the race on lap 4 by a collision with Grosjean

>mfw I get paid driving an exploding piece of shit

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Miga Hagginnen

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>Matty isn't the worst thing in that picture

How is it possible?

>russell shilling for standard cockpits
>after the near communistic weight rule this year
fucking clown world. stop being fat or deal with the consequences of being tall like a big boy, instead of bitching because some have an advantage you dont. if schumi can get 7 at 75kg they have no excuse

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Why is it always lanklets that are bitching? You would think for a master race they would be quiet and have no constant problems with everything. You never hear manlets bitching about a basket being too high in basketball and for it to be lowered down


>i'm not approaching the weekend thinking it's going to be better, but we'll see
>i don't know if we have more spare parts, didn't ask
>in bahrain we were testing in my car using russell's parts (LOL), i felt the car was different, but so were conditions - colder and less windy
>if it's better in china, it's only due to conditions

at this point he should ask for shorter steering column, so he can forget to turn left or right somewhere, it's beyond a joke now

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ikr? its the disease of the modern world. everyone feels entitled to being equal. everyone has to be dragged down to the same level

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Still 19 or something hours until FP1

there was a big crash on the first lap, so SC is out!

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How much does Merc pay to be SC?
Would be nice to see a McLaren or Ferrari.

Seems like AMG GTR is just way too comfortable than any other sports car. Those fat fucks from FIA can't fit in anything else.

Standard cockpit wont solve a thing anyway.
Assume the driver head has to be in the same place regardless of driver for aero reasons
Even if the cockpit area goes to where the feet of the tallest driver would be (ot already does in each team), the shorter drivers can have the pedals moved further from the nose (which they already do), which means the entire system can be moved further from the nose (like they already do), which gives the engineers more area to work at the end of the cockpit which makes them happy (like they already do).
Paul literally has been through this with sky half a dozen times as he was the tallest William's driver so the cockpit was made to fit him and the engineers hated when he was in the car because there was less room for adjustments to the car through their little portholes.

why did he leave?
>I get paid driving an exploding piece of shit
he has 30 millions of reasons to do it

I think Ricciardo has a cold chest
>runs away from RBR because is scared of Max
>gets in to Renault where he gets exposed in two races
>only stays in the sport because he gets a lot of money

In comparison to someone who has /strongmind/ and /warmchest/ :
>get shitload of money from Ferrari
>when Ferrari decides to drop you, call your old buddy in the midfield you met in early 1000's
>He arranges a meeting with you and Vasseur
>Get in a midfield car with a salary around 1/10th what it was at Ferrari
>Still do perfectly fine and enjoy what you're doing

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Kit set wood burning sauna for 5k. Yes no.

>time for mika to mika comeback :DDDDD

Now do Antifa Gimi killing Gio the Nazi.

Cringe and brainletpilled

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>being so used to forced memes that you don't allow memes to follow their natural course

so how does your F1 job application doing?

me in the Jag


meant to respond to


look they found flip user ehehe

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Tell me boys is there any hope left for vettel

Thankfully we dont have the WE WUZ types here

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He has a family that loves and supports him

only if he doesn't make a single spin all season

ahhh yes, the famous, funny and entertaining OC ideas from Australia

>t. redditor getting upset about "chocolate Senna" because it doesn't fit his personal politics

>people decapitated and cut in half by the bonnet
>people crushed to mush by the tumbling engine block
>people crushed by suspension and radiator
Imagine being there and going to help the victims and there you see legless torsos, brain matter, intestines spilled everywhere and random bits of a humqn body lying everywhere

yes bet it was fun

u wot? where does hamilton fit into an unfunny joke about Gio's /f1/ nickname? and what's this about my politics?

If Bottas' Australia performance wasn't a fluke, and the Mercedes drivers take points off one another, while Ferrari focuses on Vettel from the beginning (as they have), then he stands a chance for a WDC. Assuming he doesn't choke anymore though.

>australian """"bants""""

>accuses others of reddit membership and forced memes
>"muh blessed choco Senna" and tries to force a hyper cringe meme
So this is tasmanian intellect...

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Depends on if you can get nice ventilation for the sauna. It's the most important part of wood burning sauna, otherwise it might not produce enough moisture for it to be enjoyable at higher celsius levels. Generally you want a wood burning sauna to be rather big (ensures nice fresh oxygen flow to the sauna people and makes ventilation easier) with a nice open rock stove like pic related.

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If Gio is the Nazi, naturally his rival is Antifa.
You're upset because this is Yea Forums, so you're likely right wing, and you're also Finnish so you're likely a Gimibabby, put those two together and having >muh Gimi called Antifa upsets you because Antifa is against your personal politics

>where does hamilton fit in
Plebbit got upset when a few people exported Choco Senna there because it was "racist" (cringe) and it upset their personal politics.
Just like plebbit, you're demanding that memes only be "allowed" if they align with your personal politics.

two seething posts in a row, looks like someone is triggered

>I’m looking forward to this weekend to be honest. After Melbourne and Bahrain where I was really close to get points now for sure the target for this weekend is to get some points, first points for me in F1.
t. Gio

Pack it up lads, it's over til next year.

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Rosberg says if Vettee wins, he will be OK

>first two races of his second chance F1 career were utter shit
>for the third race he goes to track that ruined his first chance at an F1 career
>"I'm looking forward to this weekend, I'm reckon I'll get points"

Holy fuck that's some ebin mental gymnastics.

youtube.com/watch?v=pQE-0nG2kYE 1991 brazilian grand prix extended highlights (why not full race?) in 5 bongs

>why not full race

Probably edited out every time Prost made Senna look bad to fit the narrative.

here's why your joke is unfunny:
>Alfa has been playing the team game and there has been not a single hint of a rivalry
>Gio says in almost every interview how Gimi helps him to develop
>the joke is only in the fucking nickname
it's like a shitpost about ">Remontoija, :D" or ">pari kelloo :D", only worse, it has nothing to do with the implied "punch nazis" message, which is cringy as fuck in the first place, given that F1 is apolitical. It's on the same level as making Vettel wear "MAGA" hat in a photoshoop for no reason other than the ferrari cap is red.
in a nutshell your joke is unfunny because the joke is forced and reaching, doesn't fit the theme of the team and because it's political it earns a permanent place in my cringe folder.

>Massa :D

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>Pari kelloo :D

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Your post completely ignores the fact that it's derivative of "Gio the Nazi".
Also, you only consider it overly political because it upsets your personal politics, which literally no different than redditors getting upset by "Chocolate Senna".

>Remontoija :D

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based meme erudite

good morning
the fuck is going on

I like how Canadians pronounce out “ute”

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Gio the Nazi meme would be funnier if it was made like these
and I believe there already exists a pic of him wearing some German uniform
it's also quite curious how you know what triggers reddit and what doesn't
I guess you also find "VETTEL MAGA HAT XD.png" funny because the joke is the red colour of his team uniform, literally the same thing as "Gio the Nazi" getting punched by antifa Gimi (btw more fitting would be Kvyat because Kvyat is Russian so he must be communist and Gio and Kvyat already have fought on track)

Reminds me of

IIRC he claimed he was told it was pronounced that way.
Likely bullshit damage control, but I do like to believe he was trolled in to making himself look like an idiot.

based and brainspilled

>Gio the Nazi meme would be funnier

LMAO so now we're not allowed to use the Nazi meme for Gio that we have been since he was in GP2 either.

>being this TRIGGERED



>australian reading comprehension

yes, just ignore the entire context of the conversation
there's this concept called reading comprehension, you like to use that to attqck others so why don't you practice what you preach?

Remember: no scoring points.

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>mfw Renlol DNFs near me

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>gets BTFO
>"r-reading comprehension"

Australia ruins another /f1/ thread.

Imo Vettee needs 2-3 wins in a row to get his confidence back. His last win was in Spa (10 races ago) ffs

>Tfw Alonso has never won Spa
Muh 9.5/10 diver

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If people just stop replying to him it would be fine

this is what happens when an assburgers person thinks they can be the resident ebin master trole of the thread

I fucking hate wtf1


>yfw another merc 1-2
>Leclerc ignores team order and crashes into Vettel

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Good post my unironically homophobic friend.

He looks like Erdogan here

I think you mean the unemployed.

Not that they will ever answer, but still gotta lay in the slippers for Charlotte.

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>Not making F1 cars wear white 50s style tyres
They made all wrong.

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Probably because it wouldn't look good when the white side gets dirty af from all the discarded rubber on track

It's funny that I always get blamed for crapping the thread, but I'm usually only actually responsible for

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Wonder what Richie and Lee chatted about??

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no it's unironically just you

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hey check out how hard i can bwoah

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hello ylireddit

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what did he mean with this

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very cool

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what is in that extra stick on bit at the back of f1 helmets?

It's for aerodynamic reasons, IIRC


Gimi and Vasseur interview

Bretty good

Turbolence managing, but not everyone has them

is that an american

based mentally ill poster.

are these fan made helmets? why do they look so scruffy / painted in a shed? the design is OK. with helmets, simple is alway better

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Fuck cripples

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Ole's at the wheel

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Just what did Vettel mean by this?


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Maybe they're supposed to look old school for the 1000th race. Persoannly I think Hulk should use that design for every race, looks amazing

I can't believe Mouser is dead

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This thread is the last place I'd see Vinny

Here is my payment of one (You).
Well deserved.

How do we keep soibois out of F1?

Populate F1 with twinks. Soibois are afraid of cute.

add cylinders

Weapon grade WAG autism

>Well deserved.
Thank you, I went through blood, sweat and tears to save and upload the image.

>cut the social media shit
>make moar cilindars
>encourage everyone to smoke fags on the grid and get drivers to slap their grid girl on the arse before getting in the car

They are already filtering themselves by watching "formula" E

You get your white gloves on, you get a hand in there and if you feel some spaghetti & meatballs you go see your local Doctor

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Ultimate business idea:
>1st: Ban all sponsors in helmets, promote classic desings, drivers are racing not sponsoring brands.
>2nd: Bring back Tobaco sponsorship but they need to put in their car "Smoke Kills" or shit like this in return.

I got it from twitter tho

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Who really died that day? And who came back?

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Did Martin finally find the cp?


Someone post the Tom Coronel gif

One of the best brazilian commentators (Reginaldo Leme) is hospitalized and probably gonna miss the 1000th Grand Prix, why even watch this race bros?

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>There’s something to do here. Will we make it? Maybe or maybe not, but if we fail, it certainly won’t be because we haven’t tried hard enough. I have a good feeling and, in the past, it has rarely cheated on me. When I returned to Lotus after my WRC seasons, I had the same feeling as today.
Gimi on Alfa Memeo

I luv Gimi when he's first driver

'ate mercs
'ate willyums
'ate claren

luv tifosee
luv le clark
luv furrarree

simple as

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I will be honest with you guys
These two helmets are in the top 10 of the last 10 years of helmet designs

Not these current fuckery with the tribal motives and such

Did I miss something, did Hakkinen do something?

this design is great, but you have to consider that in other races this would end up fucked up with sponsors all over it.
but still, basic design + sponsors > busy tribal design + sponsors

Gimi in a midfield team
>carrying the whole team into success
Alonso in a midfield team
>crashing and burning everything

Really makes you think.

So this is what they call bliss.

Hey Australia, formula mEme heard you


>Formula E and CSM to deliver sustainable, non-PVC signage

Team LH china

He's back.

Wasn't he already at Mercedes doing ?


Isn't china one of the most racist country btw?

I claim Japan to be the most Racist Country

More like sissy.

Why is australia so uppity today?

New Bape livery, still dunno what it is.

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>pink camo

which car is this?

How? He won last year ?

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if you drove for Ferrari what would you call your car?

Sophia or Juju

>it's polypropylene
So they replaced plastic with plastic


thicc, tight and fast


PP is much more recyclable than PVC.


"Amore" if I think it's a championship contender. I'd go out win races with her and on the media, I'll say that this car is made with love hence "Amore". The tifosi will go crazy for me.

>hehh me funny

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2012 williams with some modern bits added on, ja?

fastest fuck francesca



Valentina Nappi


I just went full retard.

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swap Vettel with Hamilton or Max

How's Williams status? They are allowed to go over the kerbs already?


Unironically based as heck

The patrician's choice m8

Anyway, the grauniad has published a list of the best f1 races. What do you think /f1/? What would you add?


Spa 98 obviously


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Which site moy ruski brat?

Henlo, newfren!
fantasygp, read OP



These are fine.


>Nigo [...] is a Japanese fashion designer, DJ, record producer and entrepreneur best known as the creator of the urban clothing line A Bathing Ape (Bape). He is the DJ of the Japanese hip hop group Teriyaki Boyz.
I wonder if you know how they live in Tokyo

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>McLaren Honda V12

>mclaren and williams 1-2 LMAAAAAOOOO

haha, such original and funny comment *hides chat*


fucking italians, why do you have such kino anthem but don't win races?

>last manual transmission to win a world championship
>last V12 to win a world championship

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>IMPLYING being gay is ok

Was this the race which Senna had a gearbox problem but won anyway?

No, that was 1993


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i still think tokyo drift was a good movie, i mean they even went as far as to place a few ae86s here and there
it is


> With just a couple of laps left, Senna had also lost fifth and third gears. Having to maintain sixth gear in slow and medium corners meant that several times he nearly stalled. Patrese was catching him rapidly, but with gearbox problems of his own he was unable to pass.

Based homosex ruski, even tho we disagree



>that mansell sprint

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>Shadman Mansell

>torrential rain in monaco
>wtf why was the race stopped fucking french faggot prost i almost won it
>light drizzle at interlagos
>wtf stop the race now because i'm leading and i have gearbox problem



>t. senna

do you agree?

and btw, do you guys just hate Senna because of the explosion of meme hero worship among casuals the last several years?

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>the last several years

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Ricci sucks at setup


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>For me it's Valencia 2012 and Hungary 2006 (despite results)

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Senna's generally been considered the best of all time for quite a while, amerifat. Only /f1/ has led you to believe otherwise cause this place is full of contrarians

Gilles with the wheel should have been there

great acting

This makes me feel very unwell.

>imagine being such an asshole that people hire a fucking SNIPER to kill you

ofc senna's always been considered one of the greats, but it's been taken to another level, in part thanks to that hagiographical doc that every f1 normie hails and buying into Lewis' own worship of the man

how did betas smile before the s_oygape became standard

checked. they look so clean much better than the busy shit we have now. are they all to be retro at china?


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>it's been taken to another level, in part thanks to that hagiographical doc

This meme again. A year before that documentary, Autosport consulted 200+ ex- and then-active F1 drivers who said Senna was the greatest driver of all time. Schumacher himself said Senna was the greatest of all time, before that documentary aired. While Senna was still alive, James Hunt, Eddie Irvine, Jackie Stewart, Gerhard Berger and Alan Jones all said he was the best driver of his generation, if not all time. Immediately after his death, Niki Lauda, Mario Andretti and Stirling Moss said he was the best driver of all time (the latter tying him with Fangio). You're free to think what you want, but the idea that Senna's present reverence has been heightened due to a single documentary from 2010 is just straight up wrong. He was always considered the best, even when he was still breathing.

Nah, he was actually cheering because it started to rain in '91

Imagine thinking a world famous documentary hasnt changed public opinion

Like that Michael Jackson doc?

no, they still have to kerb their enthusiasm

Bussiness idea: every driver has to RC the teammate's car while seated on your very own (driven by the teammate), AND watching it from a air camera on your steering wheel screen

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To be honest, everyone I've spoken to about Leaving Neverland basically said it was either a disgrace or it just reaffirmed their opinions about Jackson

Business idea: no WDC, only WCC

Business idea: sprinklers and more cylinders

really? any source?

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Bussiness idea: lynch verstappen

they should make dual cockpit so one driver have accel pedal and the other on brake
while the wheel controlled by twitter voting

Business idea: instead of DRS, give the drivers guns when they're within a second; let the driver ahead lay spike strips to keep the system balanced

Business idea: Formula E

tfw they got my nigga assange ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Formula mEme kick about


Business idea: Formula Nuclear

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is he your "nigga" because he exposed US secrets or because he's a rapist?

the guy never said he wasnt always considered the best, just that the fervor around him was taken to another level in modern times due to the doc. theyre not mutually exclusive. and you admitted that his fame was heightened to goat due to his death

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For me, it's Life Racing Engines

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the first one. and the rape charges were dropped like 2 years ago

>exposed US secrets, uncovering shit that violates international law
>exposed US' extensive spy ring and efforts at influencing public opinion in the EU
Charges were dropped completely so it was probably some CIA plot

My nigger Assange has never done anything wrong

#bebrave #pushtheboundaries

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Is this the same strayan autist who has been shitting up past threads? Fuck off dude seriously.

Based Leclerc

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Stream starting

Formula E Vs Roma

>"Stop being them" helmet is a patchwork of different colors
>Shits the bed in two races with it
>Switches to literal NPC meme helmet
Did he start being them?

>Bape x F1 merch is China only

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This guy is a cunt

/ourcar/. And when I'm asked about it in interviews I refer to it as "forward slash our car backward slash" and give a shoutout to /f1g/ everytime. #blessed

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gtfo hypebeast

Tell me something girl

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do you think it could be his lads? how do i track him down?

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what memes will Liberty orchestrate during the 1000th GP?

motherfuck i flipped it on purpose because i thought it would flip

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>how do i track him down?
start looking around sao paulo area cemeteries



what happens if it's still mwl after 2021 rule change?

>2-0 already

I reckon we could take the drivers team lads

Ferrari leaves to do something else and F1 dies with that

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to think that in 2010 up until 2016 liberals and leftists loved Wikileaks, then Drumpf is elected and suddenly Assange and Wikileaks are Russian compromisez espionage assets meant to harm America

>Formula ONE General
>Formula 1 General
Fuck filter dodgers

Unless you're making a big (based) sauna building that seats 15+ people electric heaters are generally easier to manage. In smaller saunas if you don't have a literal Finn fire manager you'll either freeze to death in a 75° sauna or it will creep up to 150° and you'll burn your ass when you sit down.


yes, I can imagine

I don't know who is playing but when there were Schumi, Mika and Alonso it was a properly ok team for a low-tier football league

El*ctric is cancer, makes hot and dry löyly and is generally far worse to be in from comfort point of view than wood

My electric heater has rocks on the top, we pour water on it all the time.

Yes and it is worse than wood burning kiuas

The F1 team took on more charity teams though with only a few decent players.

The Roma team is fucking stacked

lol true maybe someday. id post the name stitched on the back but i wear it quite a bit and its easily identifiable. i thought it was just some kind of unrelated mm hat but it really is an f1 hat like the seller advertised. i will ask the ebay seller if he knows anything about where or who it came from

To be fair drivers have a physique good enough to play football plus they aren't coordination inepts and that's pretty much what it takes to be a competent football player

For our little 6 person sauna electric does the trick. We can pour three ladles of water on the rocks and all three fully steam up. Though I'll just concede that wood wizard sauna > lazy electronigger sauna for the sake of muh sauna heritage.

>Magneti Marelli

Based ameribrainlet

Fat Max: youtu.be/Lxj4wUrLemM

he has the face of a bulldog

It's not only for muh heritage, it's also because wood stoves produce objectively better experience, both in temperature/oxygen level/moisture ratios and the feeling of the steam

To be fair all the apartment saunas have electric stoves and even in newer houses a wood stove is getting more and more rare. But when it comes to cabins and cottages, it has to be wood.

Ffs not Reginaldo. Should've been Galvão.

whats the point of a sauna?

it's nice plus it literally extends your life


it reduces stress and increases cardiovascular health

but how is it nice? isnt it just a hot humid room? do you just sit in there and sweat? what kind of temperatures do you experience?

mwl in numbers.

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feels nice, relaxes, works as a social pastime, has health benefits, makes cold beer taste better

>but how is it nice?
see >do you just sit in there and sweat?
yes if you're alone, also think about things
>what kind of temperatures do you experience?
60-110c is the normal temperature range

f1 vs fe when?

How many of those belong to hamilton?

Very thankful to myself for stopping to watch F1 fanatically from 2013 to mid 2017.

>you now remember 2015

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Just sitting around sweating feels good, it's a nice way to hang out with your buds. Also, You've never properly taken a swim until you've ran out of a sauna and jumped in a lake.

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He had like 20 +/- wins with McLaren, so prob somewhere between 52-55

pre minttu gimi looks very different hmmmm

I guess its a snowfolk thing
growing up in hundred degree weather and shitty humidity made me love sub-zero temperatures
guess its the opposite for finns and leaf

>last summer, 30c< outside
>shit's fucking awful
>go to 80c sauna
>is okay

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50 and he won 900th race in bahrain too

Agree. No sport where hight is an advantage tries to accommodate short people.

read the chain brainlet
the former owners name is stitched on the back. its spanish or portugese

I just realized that I went from referring to Fahrenheit to referring to Celsius


21 with McLaren and 53 with Mercedes

Ferrochi Rosa

lads is ashemaletube down for any of you?

Someone should use this on that honda/mclaren power request meme.

>Magneti Marelli


It won't be, they'll set it up so a bunch of big designers leave the team.

t. Bernies buttock massager

Someone Besides Ferrari Wins LOL

yeah, 3 of his merc wins happened before 901th race (hungaroring '13, sepang and bahrain '14)


Missed Rosberg podcast with Mr. Skeletal

Lads... It's bormule weekend

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yes and it's on nice and early

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>hangover f1
need to stock up frozen pizzas for this

Great fucking ad

carrie races at nordschleife on saturday
weather forecast: snow showers possible

it didn’t really work desu rosberg isn’t the best host

Not going to watch, too spooky

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business idea: acid rain during the race

More likely a golden show.

Top lels

>another retard enters the thread
read the chain. the owners name printed on the back of my hat is spanish/portugese. mm is obviously italian. i am of italian descent and literally study european languges as a major. i know mm is italian you faggot

Remove safety measures

bizniz idea: drivers take acid right before the start

I used this website to see to which celebrities i looked more like and well... I’m a crippled man fan now.

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Finish First Fernando

>hfw ssmw lol

Are you niggers ready for
>MERC 1-2

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I am ready for max taking out shamilton

You will be dissapointed my friend
I can hear it already

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>Ferrari, it's James

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James, it's ferrari, we've killed your children and kidnapped Hamilton's dog, please inform toto that we have the key now.

Who's waking up at 5AM to watch formula?

>not already being awake at that time because you're a degenerate

I usually wake up at 6AM

>extends your life
not everyone's brah

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not bad for die unterhunds

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I'm going to be at the Chinese GP
are there any particular bants I should avoid?

>has a heart condition
>uses roids
>HNNGH in sauna
it's not sauna's fault


Same, though that doesn't help me watch F1

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Just MalvaTV Force Panjabi F1 Team checking in

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max sux

Why not just strap guns to the cars?

biz iz: fart powered blown diffuser

Why does it always feel like I'm watching pic related when Brundle opens his mouth and says "THAT FERRARI LOOKS PLANTED"?

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>mfw a (most likely braindead) fellow toothpaste tells me the return of a Zandvoort GP is happening

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Would only suit merc since they are all full of shit

Kek, I literally, 20secs ago, finnished watching Brundle drive the -00 Ferrar

some say his head landed in the lake

Attached: grosjean canada 2018 vs little chub.webm (1280x720, 2.53M)


Missed a lot of podcasts desu

his bloodlust.

he stabbed a man. then he killed a man. don't be surprised if he goes crazy with a rifle next.

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>When I returned to Lotus after my WRC seasons, I had the same feeling as today.

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>porsche team never
I wanna see mercedes and ferrari rage cuz porsche wins lol

ricciardo bless

theyd embarrass themselves just like Lamborghini did loo

They have nothing new to do in,F1, they already have a powerful hybrid system developed in LMP1 and aero gayness is retarded in the grand scheme of things

pick 1

>le contrarian mexican
do we need to harass you again?

u gain the championship milliseconds by making micro adjustments in corners, thus deluding hacks like br*ndle into thinking the car is inferior, when infact it is the driver being superior

literally when has Lamborghini ever done something competitive in racing?

Don't bully Mexi

pretty sure one of lambos descendants killed bianchi


Imagine claiming the achievements of superior Bantlords as your own.


never forget
RIP Lil' Chub

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ya ding-dong diddly worked?

>really wanna go
>race is on sunday
I want to cry

Attached: I WANT YOU MARMOT, I WANT YOU!.png (379x833, 282K)

>implying Lecute would settle for such an average looking girl

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God I want her to pee on me.

>4 full hours

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based Yea Forums poster.

Implying white trash is considered avarage

Reminder that without the Halo Grosjean would have surely gone the way of the Chubster.

Imagine the memes if lil chub actually did hit the halo instead

>Ahead of the 100th world championship race in China, Formula 1 drivers were asked to pick the eras they would race in if they could. Here are their answers.

Hamilton (Sennababby)
>"In just pure racing? Probably I like the early eighties, they'd be the cars that I'd choose – eighties or mid-eighties. The cars that I'd like the most. But I'd be old right now, so I'm quite happy being in this period of time!"

Bottas (Nazi)
>"Well, I have to say last Saturday at Silverstone we were celebrating the motorsport history of Mercedes, being this year 125 years since motorsport started for Mercedes. So I got to drive the W125 from 1937. There was more than 600hp, it felt like a rocket on wheels: no proper brakes, no grip at all. And just imagining those drivers racing flat out on the kind of tracks they were using back then, I have a lot of respect from them. You need some big balls to do it, and every time you'd risk your life 100 percent every time you jumped in the car."

Verstappen (Zoomer)
>"From 2004 to 2008, and I would like to try an early 90s car. Before that, not interested. A bit too dangerous."

Raikkonen (Sips)
>"I've gone back for the second one any more. I guess in the past, I would look at seventies, sixties, late sixties, seventies. For sure it would have been more fun, more relaxed, more pure racing but obviously much more dangerous but that's normal at that time."

Albon (Also sips)
>"I haven't really thought about that. I'd say old school, 1950s. I want to see how the sport was back then. I know it's dangerous so maybe I will bring my HANS device with me and we will see but I think that kind of racing is cool and I'd like to try it out."

>early 90s car. Before that, not interested. A bit too dangerous.

Obviously worried that he couldn't run anyone who tries to pass him off the track without eventually killing himself in the process.
What a great """racer""".

hmm finnbro do i pre order my pizza for the race or do i get frozen like you? i need something to soak up the vodka and heineken that will be in my belly

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Based Verstappen

Fuck Boomers

based aryan Bottas

>need to stock up frozen pizzas

Get on my level :^)
>tfw I got them all >for free

Attached: snacks.jpg (1288x660, 215K)

frozen pizzas are cheaper, more money for booze

Comfy weekend ahead :DDD
>AU east coast times

(reposting because condensed 3 part Supercars qualy in to one row to save space)

lads I've got a dilemna
I wanna take some ovarian glandular to help get a nice fat ass but I really fucking do not want moobs or tiny tranny moobs
will doing pushups keep them away? If I DO get moobs, would they go away if my estrogen levels go back to male normal after not taking the glandular?
help me brahs


Attached: HRTm4.jpg (1236x1236, 403K)

If you want a nice ass just work out your ass. Selective fat burn is a myth. Doing chest exercises won't burn chest fat.

Squeezed Saturday a bit more just for autism.

Last one I promise :^)

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Favorite Hakkinen moments?


Good autism

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why do australians say cunt so much? its a mean word

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Being a Formula 1 World Champion is worth more than $30 million. What a retard.

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Fuckup cunt.


Why is this kind of faggotry allowed from americans?
I expect it from yuro "lecute isnt just a meme, we are all actually faggots" poors. But any white american that makes a post like this should be executed.

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alright, race predictions speed round time. one prediction per post, more digies=more truth
>ricc dnfs

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Dont ever reply to my posts again.

Vettee wins

Hamilton dies

Kubica finishes last (excluding DNFs)

god f1 cars used to be aesthetic.

Grosjean DNF

Vettel wins LOL

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Ricci out first lap

Hamilton DNF

why are you sperging over a guy asking what kind of pizza to get? im actually curious. are you ok?

Merc double DNF

first check of the night but its only dubs. whos next?

we see a titty on live tv

HULK win

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desu m8, you just have to accept that some people here have actual mental illnesses and not dwell on it.

we see a benis on live TV :DDD

Riccardo and Magnusen end up in a fist fight.


Kmag is the kind of based chad who would go for a nutshot too

good point. its a clown world and theres no point in getting angry about it

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Renault suffers a mechanical failure.

Supercars on this weekend.

TV coverage starts in 1 hour

>it's Friday
>google "time Melbourne"

Live Timing:


motorsport-us.cf:8081 (in VLC)

motorsport-us.cf:8080 (in VLC)

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Is Australia the America of the Southern Hemisphere?

>LEC HAM AMX podium

>t. Indonesia

i believe 69 constitutes a get, especially with how likely that is. can we recognize this?

No you tell me. why do you think it's acceptable for a grown man to make a post like that? How many moe anime dolls do you own?

Ferrari blows up an engine trying to match pace with Mercedes.

HAAS doesn't tighten a wheel lug properly.

fight me fucker im 6'5" 198 lbs


I can easily move over 200 but its just as easy to stay below
I prefer boxing at cruiserweight because here Im close to the limit, if I moved into HW id just barely be above the minimum and I dont like being at a weight disadvantage

i really dont care

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I'm undefeated at super welterweight, I don't plan on giving away a 20kg weight advantage sorry m8.

Anything less than super heavyweight is foxy boxing.

there is a star that lights the road...

Little correction
Not that anyone was going to watch it while FP2 is on, but Carrera Cup qualy isn't on TV (because of FP2).

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F1 Streams
>from MorningStreams

>Sky Sports F1 HD - 1080p

>Sky Sports F1 HD - 720p

>ESPNews HD - 720p60 (FP1)

>ESPN 2 HD - 720p60 (FP2)

I've already had enough of this game of thrones bullshit.

Same, and I like GoT, but fuck they're overdoing it.

doesn't work but thanks

Does Driver of The Day award get you championship points?


Attached: netflix-logo.png (1920x1080, 13K)

Gets you fanboost.

>aero track
inb4 Mustang 1-2-3-4-5-6

Fuck Hamilton

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More like 1-2-3-4-5-11

The >fucking state of Holdsworth

Ocon scores points.

>ferrari brapping

There is literally no driver I'm interested in anymore. How is this even possible.

Time to get out the .303

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Just start to get interested into Leclerc and your whole point of view will change

Was cone-gate last year or the year before?

How can you get interested in someone born in Monaco with a grand prix car steering wheel in his hand?

I hope Hamilton get's Senna'd this year

Vettee's road rage at the scale? Last year.

Just remember how must he had suffered when Jules died, and how he still raced, and when his father died

Only Williams' workmanship is that shoddy.

I miss the colorful tires


>Scotty doing a better job on the fly behind the wheel than skaife and crompton

LMAO Penske actually seething at Snotty doing an impromptu lap for TV

i think we can all agree that these last 100 races have been one of the worst periods in f1 history

No one cares about aussie nascar.

What the fuck was that on the rear of Red Bull?

Aero rake.

>Indonesia thinking he speaks for everyone

stream where?

>red bull has an aero issue

fishing net

this, goodstream hasnt streaming

>tfw he was in today's episode
at least there's cars running fuel already to distract me

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Will he last the season?

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>t. believes everything he sees on Netflix

Shoey induced suicide by France

dry and wind on sunday

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Christ that was cringey, Crofty.

that statement Karun made about the drivers needing to arrive a finished product was pretty nice
shitters btfo

>he doesn't subconsciously zone out the commentary team

Crofty cringe makes me cum

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As also does almost alliteration

Meanwhile if a driver spends more than 6 races in F2 (actually developing in a development series) they're dismissed as shit and not good enough for F1

>tfw Williams can't even afford to build a straight car for Kubica

>implying he deserves a straight car

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1. RUS


1. MAG

Russia is truly based!


Well I get that he's lopsided, but if they can get the bend in the car to cancel out the bend in his arm, they might get him faster

>i bet you'd never guess that between George Russell and Robert Kubica, Russell would be given the "straight" car

got a bit emotional at the end tbqh

Verstappen dies.