Post ass you couln't handle
Post ass you couln't handle
My dick wouldn't even penetrate 1/4 of those cheeks
I remember my first krabby patty.
at what point you thought "yes, it's a good idea to post this shit on Yea Forums, the lads will love it"?
formulate a scenario in your mind regarding the odor
too much ass
my dick is barely 2'' x 3'' most likely I'm going to die a virgin
flippin' 'eck
I absolutely love this OP
>malaysia not posting nonce shit
good lad
I love the new Doom Patrol show. The effects are so real
el tapón
How does this even happen?
that ass is much too big
anything bigger than this is too big
Just get a surgery, bro
Whaling isn't a sport m8.
you are too high IQ for this place (yes, I recognize you). What are you doing here?
>wants to talk about ass
>uses anime figure for reference
Based on what I've learned from watching My 600lb Life, it's probably something with the lymph nodes in the legs not draining fluid and just always building up. Too lazy to search for the exact term, Lymphedia or something like that.
What happened to Lana
>No one will ever find out, right doctor?
>Absolutely not.
she died during a gangbang fucking 20 niggers
she died
How does that even happen? Why is there less fat concentration everyone else?
I refuse to believe a man with a micropenis wouldn't an hero
what do you have against anime?
the sauce is love randalin for anyone wondering
Those tails nghhhhhh
Considering your dick is 4 inches that would be anything thicker than an ironing board for you, chang
2 length 3 width? I don't believe it. post this chode
Reminder that anything less than 7 inches BPEL is the new dicklet cutoff
inb4 mega cope shit posts saying 10 inches is the cutoff in an attempt to skew the reality of their micropenis with shit posts
*asses your path*
hips too wide
has science gone too far?
big gay
>tfw just made the cut
Y-yes, I’ll take both please. C-come with me ladies
patiently waiting for the based dutch BREHS poster
I'd rather smash that 4 times a day than live in either Greece or Brazil.
is this the ass thread?
Not one good ass.
rolling 6 for gooby
Yes only asses you couldn't handle though
reminder that a strong preference for ass is a symptom of latent homosexuality
waaaaiiiiiittt....that's a boy!
based paddy tranny
damn, that surgeon was definitely /elite/
do you think her turds get stuck in the fat rolls? a turd roll haha
most of these are sad, but i'd still sniff each of them
>tfw this boy has bigger tits and penis than you
Sauce, pls
What is the name of this disease?
this reaction image is for you
I'm so fucking glad white women got THICC.
Blacks are yifes. Nothing like a PAWG angel
chloe salpa
clearly a guy in this pic
the massive head is always the give away
this is literally disgusting
lay down the onions and hit the weights. And after taht tell me if you WOULDN'T tap that, I dare you
I want a tranny gf. I get hit on by a boatload of trannies but like 8/10 are ugly af.
>falling for the thicc meme
men can sit around and get a flabby ass just as easy as a bitch can
You're gay.
>Wanting to fuck a Tranny
You might as well fuck a man. Literally the same thing
trannies on hormones don't smell like blokes and their skin is much more softer
Nah, guys are gross. Trannies (ones actually on hormones and aren't just college kids larping) are much more feminine and pretty.
But they are still a MAN. It's gay. There is no excuse you still want to fuck a man. You can put make up on a pig all you want, at the end of the day you're a faggot
>It's gay
lol, who cares?
Bro, fucking a tranny is literally no different than fucking Magic Johnson gay ass son. Both are men. They can't have a period or make babies. That's gay
i've fucked men, women and trannies so i don't give a fuck if it's gay or not. just the experience of having sex with a man and tranny feels completely different
they're a man, it's ok to be gay, I've fucked campus blokes wearing their gf's clothes, it's ok.
>Ass thread turns into a Tranny thread
Every fucking time. Goddamn Yea Forums is gay as fuck
I don't have a problem with it being gay desu. Like the bong user, I've fucked dudes, trannies and girls. It is what it is.
I was being ironic, seek help, or even better sick the love of Jesus Christ
I saw that penis a mile away
there's no ass in the planet i couldn't handle, if i ever get one that is
But i'm catholic. I just like having sex. I actually slept with a Colombian tranny once, >she was a really nice person too.
How do you guys feel after fucking another man? Like do you feel ashamed? I can't bring myself to doing anything sexual with another man no matter how horny I get. I do watch bi sexual MFM porn from time to time though.
Colombia seems to be overtaking brazil for the trannies