Yfw LeGod wins one for da land

>yfw LeGod wins one for da land

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I miss those days.

has there ever been a more iconic/sp/ reaction image?

doubt it

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winning 1 for cleveland>winning 6 for the most stacked chicago team in history

don't @me


I saw this dude was at a nets game tonight shouldnt he be getting ready for the playoffs?

Man I really wish cleveland had never won a championship with him. It would have been priceless to see the ass rage from the cuck fans it would have caused when he abandoned them a second time.

why won't he get retired players then

Actually based

Kyrie, AD, Blake Griffin, Wade, Dirk, will be the squad.

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>he thought I wanted to be in his shitty movie

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hezonja laughs at lebron .jpg

It's true

When the lakers whiff on all the names once again this offseason they should just rewrite the script so he has to lead his current lakers team against whoever the baddies are. Mind controlled evil Bugs with the power of very-obvious-but-you-can't-prove-it Durant

kd is signed to nike so whats the problem?

Maybe KD just doesn't want anything to do with LeBron.

giannis is trash and will be defeated by the pistons or boston

>mfw lebron is big gay

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nice digits for such a lie.

lol lebron should have done this 5 years ago with melo, cp3, wade

>yfw Cabron wins one for da Anghelitos then the San Andreas fault breaks off california from arizona and flushes it into the sea

>That schnoz

>muh laigs dont work nomo