/nba/ general - Playoffs edition

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where the fucj is the news, delete your thread and try again!


Not watching the playoffs without LeGoat

POR: Damian Lillard active but might not play
GS: Cook, Klay, Durant, Bell, Bogut will start
MIA: Dragic, Wade, Winslow, Olynyk, Haslem start
DET: Blake Griffin (knee) out Wednesday vs. NYK
DAL: Luka Doncic (thigh) out Wednesday vs. Spurs
BKN: D-Lo, LeVert, Graham, Kurucs, Allen starting
OKC: Paul George (right shoulder) out Wednesday
MLW: Middleton, Bledsoe, Wilson, Brown & Ily start
BOS: Woj: Marcus Smart could miss first two rounds
IND: Pacers start Collison, Tyreke, McD, Leaf, KOQ

fucking brazil, i swear


those are old already

it's the newest news that's new.

Orlando Magic is GOAT

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would you rather face them raptors or buckies

Charlotte out of the playoffs

Dirk got the dubby dubby

I like the blazers and but also they’re gonna get tromboned by utah

the hornets suck dick and are denying us of the based casey revenge tour

>hornets need knicks to win so they can make the playoffs
>post this shit on twitter
>knicks lose by 40

Lmao. And Kemba is going to NY next year. That’s poetic.

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Can somebody please explain Jeannie Buss’ Twitter avatar to me?


jesus christ all respect to wade's career but his retirement tour was the most obnoxious shit ever. shit went on for way too long
dirk beat wade even in retirement procedures

He ain’t no Kobe, dropping 60 in his finale, wewwwww lad



retirement tours are stupid in general I dont remember them being a thing 10 yeats ago..... seems like a recent thing....

when the word ends in a ''s'' you only need the ' ?

Jeannie Buss's twitter avatar
Janie Buss' twitter avatar

>Raptors lucking out by not getting the pistons in the first round

he'll never surpass the goat

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I assume it's her?

nothing wrong with her posing nude, it's empowering bruh....

This is the last time you’ll see Kemba in a Hornets jersey

>being a tripfag
>being a clippers tripfag

we're winning the championship aren't we thunder bros?

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Feel bad for Kemba 2bh

gerald wallace rolling in his grave at this charlotte team

no. Only if it is more than one.


Jeannie Buss's shitty franchise

>being a newfag

Clips is on his retirement tour right now just like DWade. When the playoffs end we're retiring his number in the /nba/ rafters you stupid bitch.

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prob best for them imo i love kemba but some team will max him out and he's no max player....

>not knowing who i am

lol ur newness is showing bruh you should delete your post before you embrass yoursleve further....

Technically both are correct for names

This is literally clips’s’ proxy

Ayyyy lmao

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You only get a retirement tour if you’re going to jail and literally cannot shitpost, ala lex, otherwise you’re just a tripfag on an anonymous image board in the year of our lord 2019


Proxy exposed

Gowiz is getting his retirement tour next season. We already did hinkjinks.

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There are going to be so many Canadians in Orlando during the playoffs. Literally homecourt on both floors.

Fucking this.

Fucking snow birds.

Ready to be swept faggot?

Are they Jewish?

Danny Green's gonna like sweeping the first round in South Beach.

It's almost always overrun by opposing fans.
Fucking Heat games.

the english grammar has some weird particularities


the english grammar have some weird particularities

you had one job you fucking scrub ass hornets

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>2 games with playoff seeding significance and 1 game that literally doesn't matter for either team
>ESPN decides to air the 1 game that doesn't matter at all

explain this shit

threadly reminder that Larry has been officially debased, desparked and for all intents and purpose, neutered.

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the fact that we are even in the playoffs are a testimont to how great this team will be...

idk if we get swept or whatever we already won this season this team is like 3 years ahead of schsduele...

also just want to point our that i'm not gay but I do take offense to ur use of the slur, lgtbtq+ ppl are ppl just like u and me, fucking bigatry in 2019 has no place...

My Pissties had one job and that is to hold on to the 7th seed and sweep craptors in 1st round yet they couldn't even do it.

Honestly Orlando may be a scary team. They've blown us out twice in the regular season and Siakam gets shut down by Isaac. Could push the Raps to 6 games.

English grammar has some weird particularities.

saying the english grammar just sounds weird. I would either drop the "the" or say "the english language" but not "the english grammar." And it's has not have

my gsw bros, would you rather play against the spurs, clippers or ogaycee?

for me its the clippers

>lgtbtq+ ppl are ppl just like u and me,

except I'm not a sexual deviant with mental illness

It's already set. They're playing the Clippers.

My boy Jokic raping CAT tonight and getting into one of those "nba teams"
screencap this

let's go raptor


jokic is making first team

>lakers miss the playoffs
>the other la team makes it
stay mad flyovers

Dwane Casey chokes again

Maybe. Raptors are doing really good this year.

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It’s spelt Dwyane

Been a hell of a ride lads. See you next year

thanks bro

raptors are literal first round exits

Real Serbs support Kings, lifelong! Fake casuals support some boys in some teams.

threadly reminder that LeFraud has been officially debased, desparked and for all intents and purpose, neutered.

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lakers own this general win or lose. whoever wins the chip doesn't even matter cause you are thinking about the lakers. hell, you were thinking about posting about the lakers just now.

the hawks the most clutch team in the organisation

they do good literally every year and get massacred in the playoffs. this year will be no different

It was supposed to be Charlotte Hornets, not Detroit Pistons ;_;

Raptors literally havent given effort into a single game this season. Amazing how they have a healthy roster when every other team in the division is down numbers

>magic ended the season 22-9
>best defense in the NBA sice feb 1th

be scared rapties

Milwaukee is going to lose to Detroit in the first round

Neither the Cavs nor Lebron are in the playoffs this year though, so if you are going off of history then your post holds no water

threadly reminder that the Lakeshits have been officially debased, desparked and for all intents and purpose, neutered.

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the orlando magic yes the magic are gonna destroy the raptors. be afraid

>Vintage Joker
the fucking dude is like 24, fuck off retard announcers

The Fultz magic


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Hawkies have the best young core going forward.

>Memeiornigger posts nothing but TMZ-tier bullshit instead of actual facts or arguments

We have enough fans over there to have home court advantage for all games and Danny Green is clutch af against the Tragic

Will be a quick sweep

Meme team 4 life

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Raptors in 6

You know he'll still be killing 'em softly with the same moves at ages 34 and 44, just like Duncan

imagine if fultz comes in and torches the raptors and the sixers lose in the first round

to the english teacher in this thread helping out

feeling scared already?
feeling afraid already?
feeling scared yet?
feeling afraid yet?

which one is the correct? (sorry im studying for the TOEFL)

>being a tripfag

>What the actual fuck happened to our shit franchise??

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if the magic win the east somehow I won't even be mad, just impressed

Based Bev/Ingles god-tier banter

Clips win Portland loss for max kino

you keep thinking that canada

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but that says jokic is more likely for 1st team

Milwaukee in 5
Toronto in 4
Philly in 6
Boston in 5

Milwaukee in 7
Toronto in 7

Toronto in 7

>What the actual fuck happened to our shit franchise?

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>hoel embodi
He played like 60 games

blood clots and brandon ingram having tromboneitus are just fluke accidents that Lebron has no control over. The rest are just shit that happens to every other team, only when it happens to lebron's team or his team mates you hear about it more often because of all the media surrounding them.

but those are all correct

this clippers announcer sounds like jesse ventura

Milwaukee swept the Pistons 4-0 during the regular season. It's the best matchup they could possibly want.

I'm just disappointed it wasn't Raptors/Pistons 1st round.

my raptor have the eyes of all Canada on them, they will not fail an 8th time


my rockets finna first round exit

I dont need to think it - it is fact

pretty sure the last one is correct but no one is going to criticize you if you say the other three in a conversation, the meaning is almost identical and the difference is very subtle

english language is constantly evolving, all those are actually incorrect no one talks like that

it's actually: "scared much?"


feeling afraid already?

>are you shaking in your little booties?
use this one

hoping for:
nuggies vs. spurs
blazies vs. thundy
rockies vs. jazzies

what we'll actually get:
nuggies vs. spurs
rockies vs. thundy
blazies vs. jazzies

>milwokee is going to get past the first rou-

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You think the Memeiornigger cares about logic when he's literally foaming at the mouth as he tries to "denounce" LeBron like his life depends on it? kek

wait holy fuck it's bill walton lmao

>not wanting harden v chimpbrook

P Bev shitting in these niggas eyes

its lawlers last year he did a game with billy crystal one time

it is and he's predicting the clips are sweeping the larrios

Why not CAE?

clips are a tough team harrel is a beast who the hell is gonna stop him? green lmao

“Are you scared yet?”

i'm talking about the younger of the two guys, i know the older one is retiring after this season
>clippies sweep larriors
God I hope so
biggest upset in NBA playoff history? only one that comes close to me imo is the Baron Davis Warriors beating the Mavs

>be Magic Johnson
>arguably spent the most time with the Lakers organization of anyone on the planet not named Buss, West or Rambis
>intimate with the inner workings of the front office having spent time in multiple roles with the Lakers
>get hired as President
>rejected West as an advisor, saying 'we got this'
>immediately fire several dozen Lakers employees who played a role in building your and future championship teams
>flip D'angelo Russell and Lou Williams for menial returns meant to clear cap space
>draft Lonzo Ball with the second overall pick in a draft where a guy who ate his ass out on live television is drafted several spots afterward
>land Lebron James in free agency
>let Randle and Lopez walk
>immediately hire the worst possible players ever to be his supporting cast despite him having lost in the Finals the previous years due to not having enough help
>sell low on the only young player on the roster showing any flashes in Zubac
>miss the playoffs
>quit without giving your boss any notice via public press conference humiliating the franchise you love
What did African American business professionals mean by this?

how pathetic are the blazers, so shook of the thunder

if the wars didn't have kd i would say its possible

Porkies posters pls go

More than 2 lines of memetext and I won't read it idiot

Doubt Orlando gets swept.

bucks and second rounds. name a worse duo

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im a thundy fan though. Rockets are our worst matchup, out of them/blazers/nuggets. Would rather see both teams make it to the next round

it was walton playing hypeman, he was talking chips for the clips in the near-future. bingoman was playing the pessimistic straight man.

gotta hand it to ballmer's knack for headhunting talent. lured laker stalwart jerry west to head his fo then kicked out bowen and replaced him with portland champ walton to commentate.

cp3 and being healthy for the playoffs

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nuggets are thunders worst matchup

You should never boast of your ignorance for having not read something user. I read it. And I was glad I did.

A word of advice, to find that which holds power over you, simply ask yourself: “what am I too afraid to look at?”

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thunder are gonna play the rockets because the blazers are shook and ducking them

did you even read noonga, embiid is on second

harden and playing well under pressure

Since fucking when is ralph lawler retiring

there isnt much of a difference between the tests really

I think lebron is coming back to the heat in his last years. he seemed to reconcile with pat

After this year apparently. Now he can actually go play bingo in his retirement desu




Nigs/Spurs? Thundies/Rockets?

dunno but they started serving the drinks way too fucking early to Walton


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Walton's brain has been fried by the LSD for years now desu

The #2 seed is determined if the Nuggets beat the Wolves. That game is currently being played.

Is it worth it to find a broadcast of walton?

kek. it's edibles for walton. he's practicing his senile man act.

Isnt one more respected?

thats what makes it so funny

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based walton is completely toasted and shitting all over the refs

Wolves going to make a splash in free agency
We talking kd. Ad,

>discussing LeHeadcannon about LeFraud like a typical Lebronsexual
*Sighs I’m disgust*

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portland is tanking the last game to duck the thunder (pathetic if you ask me). So if nuggets win it's nuggs/spurs and rockets/thunder, if nuggets lose its rockets/spurs and nuggets/thunder

>tfw first stream is bill walton

lol its so great

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imagine having a gay son

Based LMA gonna dick slap Harden

Also hasn't Portland owned OKC the last few years? Are they that unconfident?

He called Richard Sherman "Bob Marley" one time

The heat arent going ot be relevant for a long time

eh I have close family members that are gay not much different

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Portland is playing smart, you wouldn't understand since you are from the US

tripfag btfo

Walton is just going in on the refs LOL

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nah not really. the difference is that CAE doesn't have an expiration date

a decent TOEFL or IELTS score is more than enough for pretty much everything you need

also the other big difference is that the TOEFL test is done entirely behind a computer, you type and speak to a computer rather than a english teacher in the room

>heat and warriors background hats

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>tfw bill walton will never ask you to go on a week long trip where you get high every night

i highly doubt it, gays ive come across have a bunch of bitch antics

bill walton's so fucking plastered, this is hilarious


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The heat suck dick and missed playoffs and gayde's legacy got shitted all over

You post much too much and say much too little. Have you considered taking a different approach, like maybe putting a bit of spark into your posts? Might make them more readable for the rest of us. Just sayin..

nah wade has retired so I am going to shitpost more

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>fucking walton fireball

load management was a mistake and pop is to blame

I’m enjoying watching and listening to them talk
It’s a 2 for 1 deal in entertainment

just remember paul pierce sucks

>bill waltons san diego clippers jersey

Serge got Kawhi to come onto his fucked up cooking show and the vid is dropping tomorrow. Last video was Serge cooking bull testicles for Lowry.

Lillard is a fag.

why must my 2 favorite teams face off against each other

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CP3 and his hamstring

walton is the goat

This series is aesthetically kino

The really fucked up shit seems to only be reserved for long time teammates (DeRozan got worms and the Bench Mob for lamb brain (?)), Danny Green, Lin, and the Gasol brothers got the more "normal" stuff so I doubt Kawhi will get anything too strange either (a partially censored picture that got leaked indicates a pizza of sorts).

Okay that’s fair. You do you boo

>shut the fuck up, bill. i need to plug the sponsors
consummate professional

What the actual fuck happened to our shit franchise??

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the kings just put up 87 in a half. Sure it's against the blazer's c-team but man scoring this season has really gotten out of hand. Teams are putting up 70-80 and it's not even a big deal anymore

beverley will most likely injure curry at some point

Philly Brooklyn is kind of the only good 1st round series in the east, but both of the 2nd round series are going to be crazy good

Clippies in 7
do what needs to be done, LA

>What the actual fuck happened to our shit franchise??

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We still had a few 97-90 games in the playoffs last year, with the Rockets and Warriors of all teams. Defense isn't dead yet

The Kings are a good offensive team, they play at one of the fastest paces in the league, and the c-team is being very, very generous to the Blazers rotation tonight

jerry buss died

remember when Lakers fans were talking shit all summer long

can't hear em now

fuck the lakers

Remember when SAC thought they were going to playoffs.

You think Jerry had any idea how bad things would get after he died?

I remember angry Lakers fans complaining that Pop didn't accept a "generous" package of the "young core" from the Lakers in exchange for Kawhi
Now Ingram has blood clots and everyone else is injured

stop hating on my lakeys

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So what will happen to the Kings? They end up losing or trading their stars like they always do?

Are the Clips confirmed to face the Warriors in round 1?

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I live in NC and I know this isnt a surprise to anyone outside of here, but I just want to reiterate that its fucking sad how no one outside of people living in Charlotte give a FUCK about this NBA franchise. Tickets are dirt cheap and still no one attends. It's sad really. As rich as we are in college basketball, we have nothing to show for it in regards to professional team. In my 30 years here I dont think I've ever seen a local news station talk about a Hornets game.

i would like to think that was the final nail in the coffin knowing his kids are complete retards in regards on how to run a basketball team

yes the clips are facing the warriors like old times

they won't sign anyone in free agency, their best bet is to keep building up their young players, mostly MG and Fox. if Fox keeps betting better like he has he'll be a top 5 PG in a few years. Bagley has a lot of room to improve but he's shown consistent promise since his first game. all that plus Hield staying a lights-out shooter makes the Kings a good playoff team

Memeiorniggers might be just as big of Laker fans as actual Laker fans given how much they obsess over them desu

At least now I know what a poorfaggot's mentality is like now

i like memes

I believe that pretty much faked injuries, especially Ball. If the Lakers had made the offer for Kawhi that they made for Davis, the Spurs might have traded him there.

The Lakers might have made that offer to the Pelicans cause they didn't get Kawhi though. Even then, the Spurs probably wouldn't have traded Kawhi to the Lakers.

Buddy Hield will be homeless / forced to buy a new home at least, but Vlade and Ranadive seems to have become less stupid over the years so I don't think they'll do anything too drastic

It is guaranteed at this point since they lost the tiebreaker against the Spurs (Conference record since they are tied 2-2 in head to head)

I remembered a Kings fan here mentioned WCS is quite bad and the team might not keep him, so who could they replace as the starting C?

Durant: Warriors
Kawhi: raptors
Klay: warriors
Draymond: Spurs
Jimmy: knicks
Tobias: sixers
Kemba: knicks
Kyrie: cavaliers
Middleton: bucks
Horford: celtics

And as an added bonus, the lakeshits COPEposting is still in full effect, as a seemingly endless spark of entertainment here. It’s like the gift that keeps giving

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the only people I ever hear about going to hornets games are fans of other teams wanting to get cheaper tickets. And i live about 2 hours from charlotte (in sc though)

I used to think Jeanie was competent but letting the other Jerry (West) go to the Clippers because of some dumb feud with Phil(who she's not even romantically involved with anymore) from 20+ years ago was criminal.

This looks like a sit com about the first women's high school team to beat the mens, and these are the supportive fathers.

how often do you guys masturbate

>this responses and memes

>Kyrie: Cavaliers
lol what the fuck is this shit you retard

Reminder Memeiors will go back to irrelevancy after KD inevitably fucks off this summer and will never ever have as many rings as the Lakers.

All bullshit has an expiration date desu

jeanie is too emotional for the job. she would have talked magic from stepping down. she wouldn't have the balls to fire luke (who she is probably sleeping with) at this point only kobe can save the franchise

I don't see Draymond going to the Spurs. Pop wouldn't want to put up with his shit.

peaking at just the right time

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this has to be the most sexist post in the history of 4channel

hows somebody named nick castillo not a cholo esse?

>Where's Chris Paul now?
>Is that Shaun Livingston?
holy fucking lol Walton has to be trolling

He’s coming home

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Pretty much, yea

my lakies

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You think LeBron is trying to get Wade to play for the Lakers next year? With Carmelo constantly telling LeBron that he isn't signed with a team either?

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>I was right and everyone else was wrong
>I predicted lebron would get injured, and then so would Lonzo and the the whole team would fall apart due to injuries

damn we got a nostradamus over here. Can you tell me whether I'm going to tear my groin in the next 2 years playing basketball? Any freak accidents in my future?

>Teens with Fat Tits
based germans

Magic got LeBron. He did his job. If he wants to go do something else now I have no problem with that.

Luke/Pelinka/whoever can stay or go. The only important thing as of right now is getting that FA this summer. Kyrie seems very interested(I think they have the best shot at him this summer) and AD might take a bit longer but I do think he wants to come too. If so the front office needs to make it happen.

Kawhi probably prefers the Clippers, but if AD/Kyrie hit a snag he's a good fallback option.

yeah me too especially when she took the power from jim buss who went full retard on andrew bynum pretty much saying he was going to be the pillar of the organization for years to come

You guys think Magic was forced to leave the Lakers or he can't handle the failure?

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post your favorite chaturbate camgirls pimp

Post some Jeanie Buss


I think they told him that he was either going to get fired or that he has to do whatever LeBron said. Then just said fuck it and quit. Or maybe he just really likes Twitter.

Honestly, from the bottom of my spark, I feel sorry for guys. I took the liberty to run your posts through the Candybread Elite7 Emotional-ratings module, and the system data logs show that you’re all actually in a lot of pain and I should probably give it a rest for a bit. My condolences guys.

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>ywn have a qt milf boss who sleeps with all her employees

you first

Why didn't Jeanie Buss shave her forest pubes before posing for the nudes? I can't jack my 3 inch monster cock to this...

She's old school.

he traded zubac for no reason. i think that was a magic u need to put down the phone and step away moment


imagine burying your cock in a hot pornstar from the 80s bros...

>bill walton called zubac - zubaka and made a whookie noise

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That trade seemed to come out of nowhere. Like he was mad that he couldn't trade for Davis and just wanted to trade someone.

Jim signed off on those MozDeng contracts that cost D'Lo and possibly PG as well. I actually liked Bynum and thought that was the only thing Jim got right. It's not like the Dwight experiment worked like everyone assumed it would.


Dirk only thought about retirement at the last minute because he didn't want to play with that rapist Kristap

i believe he traded zubac because he felt the pressure of not being able to get AD
he expected everyone to pat him in the back and say "hey you made a trade magic! good for you!"

Blazers are cowards

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not trying to get banned, just google Jeanie Buss nudes/playboy

Has Dwight Howard worked out for anyone but Orlando?

No. He's a franchise legend. Jeanie was just as shocked as anyone else by his resignation so I doubt he was pushed out.

I doubt it's as sinister as everyone thinks. He got LeBron and probably just wanted to go do other stuff, simple as.

just post them already

what did he get for the trade and who is Zubac?

>lebron drifting into the abyss while Brady is shaking confetti out of his helmet

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imagine being a retard Boston fan and thinking Bill Russell is legitimately the greatest center of all time

>NBA Last 2 Minute report says foul on Dennis Schröder against James Harden at 1:17.5 last night was an incorrect call. Also says an incorrect no-call on P.J. Tucker fouling Russell Westbrook on a made 3-pointer with 21.8 seconds to play.

>And L2M says an incorrect no-call on James Harden with 1.8 seconds to play as he extended his arm into Paul George before his final shot.

Rockets got away with 4 different fouls and still lost

Fuck the refs

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blazers have played 3 guys 36 minutes and the 4th quarter just started, Are they trying to kill them?

I think it is worse than that

>During the offseason they signed a bunch of "playmakers" instead of shooters because of their so called logic of not trying to beat the Warriors in their own game and even tried to justify their decisions
>Realizes that no one can shoot to save their lifes halfway through the season (free throws and 3s)

The Muscala and Bullock trades reeks of desperation after they realized they need shooters around Lebron and even those two ended up regressing as Lakers

Zubac was basically the only usable Center left in the Lakers lineup after McGee suffered from pneumonia, Chandler became unplayable due to age, and Wagner was not ready

the blazers are so shook of the thunder, fucking embarrassing

ralph looks like he wants to fucking kill himself

>bill walton changing outfits


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>dude what if we do the exact opposite of what the best team in the nba is doing

how did anyone think this was a good idea

So many people thought the veteran signings were a good idea before the season started. Then they all said the Lakers should have signed shooters when they missed the playoffs.

I think he already started having back issues in his last few years with the Magic. He didn't quite live up to expectations but he still wasn't as horrible for the Lakers as everyone thinks.

The roster was just too old in hindsight. Nash and Kobr were both 35+ year olds having to keep up with the Westbrooks of the league and such and Dwight marginalized Pau's low-post game.

It would have been nice to still have Lamar around but thank David Stern for that one.

whats your legitimate greatest centers of all-time list pimp
bill russell has to be #1 in everyones list after all the racist shit he had to put up in the late 50's and 60''s


>2011 was 15 years ago

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I don't know why the Lakers didn't bring back the other Ingram. He is experienced and a good shooter.

I think they need one(but not too many) analytics-types in the front office next year.

wtf is this commentary on the Clippers game

Bill Walton is completely toasted

Fuck the Rockets.

I need the Kings to lose

Please stop winning...

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Nothing new there.

fuck the rockets and fuck that choker james harden

this is kino commentary. bill is sloshed

I unironically want Russell Westbrook to warm me with his BBC dang he cute. No homo tho.

>Nuggets losing to the Timberpuppies

Are they doing this on purpose so they get OKC instead of the Spurs (since they'll be the 3rd Seed from losing the tiebreaker with Houston)?

hmm thought he had dementia or something

>LeBron gave Kevin Love depression

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>time to get back to the action bill
>they have eyes they can see what's in front of them can't they??

I think so. I think the Rockets feel they can beat the Spurs and the Nuggets can beat the Thunder so they made an agreement.

stick that needle in my eye just lost my peace of mind.....
i'm not evil by design but i feel dead at times.....

>Nuggets losing to the Wolves to play OKC instead of the Spurs
>Portland losing to the Kings n(gave up 87 points at halftime) to play the fucking Jazz over OKC (wtf???)
>Kings actually trying to win despite being out of the playoffs


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ye just started watching and its actually pretty kino tbf

who is this jewess semen demon

thunder bros, who do we want? nuggets or rockets

both will kick okc's ass in 4 lmao


Nuggets and Cockshits are refbaiting cancer

check Blazers score again sucka

My team, the Cavaliers, are really going to be shit for the next 10 years.

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rockets would be a kino westbrick vs harden match-up

Nugs and hope Adams can tire out Jokic before they get swept

Her name is Natalie Wynn

Be honest with me /nba/, can we (the Spurs) beat the Rockets in the first round?

At least you got that 2016 ring

don't be sad user, you won a championship 3 years ago
collin sexton started the season rough but he's shooting the ball really well. he just needs to learn some defensive principles better (he's not necessarily a liability but he isn't a benefit)
plus you have Love, who despite being old is still a good scorer/shooter and rebounder
my Knicks have fucking no one and we're going to strike out in free agency and draft some fucking retard with the 5th pick

>It's yet another "Kings can't maintain/blows huge leads" episode

That team actually needs a few good veteran players so they can stop collapsing like this

>Blazers win despite tanking, still fall regardless
>Nuggets tanked the last game so it doesn't matter, they'll be 3rd seed while Houston jumps to 2nd

Fuck this bullshit

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Nuggets get swept, not sweep I meant to say

the western conf first round is gonna be ridiculous

Fuck the Nuggets you worthless pieces of shit

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lol, I think Thunder can win, but wait for Jokic to get tired first is all im saying

both conferences will be wild. lots of interesting possibilities of upsets plus the pipe dream of Clippers beating the Warriors

>score 48 in a quarter
>score 6 in a quarter

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The Kings are natural born chokers

You're losing to a fucking G league team you scored 87 points at halftime against and had a 20 point lead

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True. But people like to act like it doesn't count cause Draymond wasn't there for game 5 and apparently Steph and a phantom injury that made him play like ass.

True. I like sexton a lot. He reminds of golden State Gilbert arenas at this point. I have high hopes for him becoming a good scorer who can hopefully start getting 4apg. Kevin Love is a great guy for the city. He's said a lot of good words for Cleveland. I hope he sticks around because he used to have elite talent that he can pass down.

the lou will scoring 58 off the bench meme can only take you so far

>Nuggets only down 2 now

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lmao getting put to task by a dude named Skal Labissière

C'mon Wolves stop letting Denver make shots, we want to play the Rockets

High potential for drama in this Nugs game

come on twolves pull this off

If Nuggets don't choke it's OKC Portland and Spurs Nuggets

Do you speak Tagalog?


>go on long ass stretches without being able to score
>Derozan takes the worst shots that either get easily blocked or are just impossible to make
>can't score transition points at all and give them up like crazy after missed shots cause of lazy defense.

It pains me as a Spurs fan to say this, but no.

Do you? Cyberkantutan tayo sa tagalog



>Wolves chocked
Fine, the Spurs will have to win the Championship the hard way then

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Are the cockshits really falling to 4seed? lmao


Name a bigger bust

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>andrew wiggins
dude doesn't care its so obvious

there are a lot of worst busts, the correct question is "name a bigger bust to still get PAID"


Warriors vs Clippies
Nuggies vs Spurs
Portland vs OKC
Cockshits get ass raped by the Jazz and Frauden gets Ginobili'd by Ingles

i feel bad for utah bros..


based 2019 first round. imma end up watching all the games this times

>Blazers try to duck OKC
>Still have to play them

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Could he have become elite under LeBron if he didn't get traded?

well this suck
rockets will sweep. its the next round I'm worried about

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Its good to be a Denver Nuggie tonight

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bruh ur gonna look bad when the blazers sweep okc in 6

lebron doesnt make players around him better

why would you duck okc. just lock down pg and force westbrook to shoot

What young player has become elite under Lebron?

are we happy with portland? do we have a good chance thunder bros?


Amazing comeback.

apply the ben simmons sag defense

>cliff paul and steve corey gonna get injured early this postseason
breddy good timeline

>Nuggets vs Spurs
Who are you rooting for?

OKC swept them this year when they had nurkic

That is pretty unlikely.

Rockets are now the 4th seed. That means a healthy Chris Paul in the second round against the warriors

Westbrook is fast as fuck, if you sag early he drives, you have to contest up till his momentum stops then lazy contest but don't actually sag

Also he's been averaging 14 assists during the win streak

The only thing Kyrie seemed to learned from Lebron was his passive agressive attitude.

players entering the playoffs injured:
paul george
mirotic, brogdon and divicenzo for the bucks

team entering the playoffs completely healthy:
toronto raptors

help me fill out this list. all teamfags report in.

Or you know, how to compete at the highest level...

Hell yeah, pick and roll vs Kanter til they have to play that Gonzaga lanklet at center most the game

Then force CJ to shoot and snuff Dame with PG and Ferg

George just has a sore shoulder.
So does steven adams.

Jusuf nurkic and Marcus smart

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I guess thats the one plus side of facing them sooner. I just really wanted to stall that until the wcfs

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Forgot that one. No way is McGollum a hunnid percent too. That Blazers/Thunder matchup will be a battle of the cripples.

He sure used that when the Celtics competed better without him.

Imagine being a UTAH fan a day ago and now. Hahahh

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It's his shooting shoulder and other shoulder too and it's been an issue since ASB, he's looked like a mummy when on the bench

It's not as bad as the puss swollen shooting elbow last year but it sucks

>nugs will easily beat spurs
>4-0 vs okc in reg season so they'll most likely beat them as well since they've been pounding them lately and adams can't contain jokic
>whoever emerges from the other side will be gassed as fuck from difficult matchups
>nugs will make the finals due to mike malone's 300 iq
>but then they'll lose to my bucks in 5
nothing personnel nugs bros

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Utah is sweeping the Cockshits in 5 what the fuck are you laughing about bitch? You still think you have Ariza and Luc??? Lmaoooooo

portland - nurkic
pistons - blake griffin
celtics - mahcus smaht
pacers - dipo
utah - ricky rubio

everyone else pretty much healthy

nugsbro here we wont but i would literally be happy if we got to the WCF

Rockets and Jazz is gonna be the best series in the first round desu

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Bucks fans really are pure cringe

Enjoy losing to the Celtics or Raptors kek

dantoni is back so the choking from last night won't be an issue due to bad end game rotations. it will be a piece of cake

>celtics didn't use load management
tsk tsk

>It's a warriors win it all again episode

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bros I need some bros in my life bros...

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>reddit is down

>two teams whose best players are already leaving

try to include players that are officially listed as active but you know for a a fact are trying to play through a nagging something because you watched every game like the fan that you are. this is the semi-insider stuff that makes for good ball talk.

>melo is taller than lebron


is this the yang gang I keep hearing about?

Holy shit did Chris Paul catch aids or something he's looking a little off

what do we do now fellow redditors

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they're going to cuck rockets in 6 just watch

Famous last words of a cocky 4th seed thinking it's better than it really is lmao

Rockets suck dick

damn this gen is almost over. and now we get the andrew wiggns era

I'm honestly pissed off! What the fuck!

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LeBron looks homeless

>Black Americans account for nearly half of all new HIV infections each year, despite representing only 13 percent of the U.S. population.

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Michael Malone: "Gregg Popovich has 5 rings. I have a wedding ring"
What the f*ck did he mean by this?

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Who is a former King. Kings benched their starters at halftime... but they also can’t break a zone defense to save their lives. As a kings fan it was one of the most shameful ways to end the season.

Do you think Chris Bosh seethes at not being part of the Brotherhood?

Yah, reddit niggers, leave this place.

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don't say I didn't warn you guys

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he definitely plays a part in that brotherhood if you know what I mean


Who is Michael Malone?

Bill Walton keeps fucking calling Zubac Zubaka and my sides have been obliterated

Clippies will upset
Spurs will win
OKC will sweep Portle
Cockshits will win it all

BASED 2019 season

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Did he just clinch coach of the year? He played the NBA like a fiddle.

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How the hell did Melo just fall off the NBA planet?

he's moses malones brother

He clinched most lucky coach of the year.

>Clippers upsetting that GSW team

Unless Beverly somehow takes out everyone in GSW's starting lineup that ain't happening


What, are they related to Karl Malone?

nuggets coach

Portland beats OKC in 6 screencap this

clippers should have just kept tobias and rolled the dice in the playoffs

Somehow OKC wins the biggest playoff lottery in NBA history. If Popovich's wife wasn't dead, the Spurs would pull off the upset and we'd be looking at the dream series in OKC/Warriors in the WCF.

It's possible with a dead Mrs. Popovich. God wills it.

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He made a calculated risk. Rockets would have either dropped to 4th or Nuggets would have dropped to 3rd to play OKC in the first round which is a better match up than the Spurs.

Pat Beverley is going to kill Curry but the Warriors will still win

dude walton is the single greatest announcer, i can't even pay attention games when he's calling I'm laughing so hard, I swear he just micro-doses LSD every day

no karl just drops of the mail

walton had no idea who the jazz coach was

reddit still down


When do the playoffs start


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Right now

Next month!

against a 6 man rotation of rookies and bench warmers no less

Just a reminder that Lakers traded Zubac for Muscala.

>trading away ZUBAKA
big mistake

i told all yall hating faggots that portland is going to win the game, just making sure the bench mob is ready for playoff crunch time

>be celshits fan
>marcus smart
>literally never gets injured
>gets injured before playoffs

AHHHHHHHHHH we're really 1st round exit. What a shit year it has been

Does he deliver on Sundays?

No that's the lords day

I can't wait to see Flopden exposed by Jingles

He really showed up in OT tonight

reddit is back boys

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>grayson allen 40 pts
>TJ leaf 28 pts

It's happening isn't it? The age of the white man.

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So fuck off faggot



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Nets will expose the Sixers if Embiid doesn't play enough games

Bucks will get upset in the 2nd round

Raptors Celtics ECF



>all games on national tv

mfw rapties gonna get swept

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My Netties and Magicies will expose those frauds

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Embiid only played 64 games.....

Kawhi only played 60!!!......

You can't trust any of these injury prone losers...


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my GOD we get Houston-Utah as a FIRST ROUND SERIES that's going to be absurd. Unstoppable force vs immovable object Portland-OKC would be insane if Nurk were healthy, still going to be decent. Nuggets-Spurs is really, really interesting. NBA playoff basketball owns.

>ed davis
This would have been a dynasty bros...

where were you when the thunder sweep the warriors in the western finals?

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The reason the Heat worked was because Pat Riley stood up to Lebron and made it known that he was the shot caller in that operation. Lebron essentially had to shut up and play. His efforts to get rid of Spo and make deals didn't work.

When he went back to Cleveland he sold the future of the team to win a championship, which I don't think is all that awful of a trade. Lotta fans would and should be OK with it. But what was dirty about it is how he got such overpriced long term deals for his bros that his agency rep'd. Guys like Tristan, JR, etc.

So now he's trying to do the same thing in LA. Does Jeanie have the balls to stand up to him like Riley did? Or will he burn this Laker franchise down?

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All we needed was the missing piece Greivis Vasquez....

the brodie works in mysterious ways...

I'm crying bros. Wade vs dirk in 06 was the second finals I ever watched...

Jeanie has literally no idea what's she's doing. A typical air headed woman with no greater purpose or will to succeed, simply wants to continue the Lakers legacy by handing it to former players and thinking that's all it takes

the old photos of jeanie aren't very good, you can tell she has had plastic surgery ever since she turned 18

Jeanie Buss is a virgin

serge turned the show into more of an interview style its pretty great. compared to the first few eps i guess

Id still fuck her hairy pusy

there was talk about trying to pry pat riley from the heat. pats a laker legend too and she seems to only look at former lakers for front office

come here you illiterate smelly fat incest faggots
nets in 5

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>rocket's sweep the jazz in 4
>3 out of 4 games on tnt

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Is it possible for this kid to put on some mass? He could be a beast if he wasn't so skinny

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Nuggets really bamboozled Rockets in last few days

are there any other candidates to be the next face of the league than giannis? can't stand him desu

Her dumbass brother was just as bad

Uhhh Curry?

50 year old Vince Carter.


Beverly teaching Crowder how to defend Harden after the game tonight

Everyone says it's zion even though he isn't in the league yet

no, E!SPN has already spoken

Actually based

Have you even watched them this season? Outside of a 12 game run after the all star break, they've been a bad team

Jazz have been solid second half of season and post ASB 2nd best defense and offense, Rockets aren't even top 5 in either

Night losers

Giannis is great

KAT, Jokic, or Embiid are the other possible guys. Maybe Ben Simmons if he stops being a coward and a playoff fraud

I miss when ESPN use to show wood chopping, cheerleader tournaments and sumo wrestling

Anyone remember watching Cheap Seats?

Donovan Mitchell

All he does is dunk, it is really boring. Embiid is much more entertaining.

Yeah, both of the Cameroonians are better than him, more likeable and also don't have AIDS

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no memes -- "feeling scared yet?" sounds the most natural

Dude looks like hes possessed

I don't think those issues are as applicable to the Lakers. The Laker brand is still too iconic, too golden to be affected by stuff like that.

Also a big difference is they're trying to get AD. AD is not Tristan Thompson even if they both happen to share Rich Paul as an agent. If going for AD in FA is "burning the franchise down" then so be it. It's not like there's some other realistic path to a title in the near future.

jarret culver

zubaka is the next big thing

>The Laker brand is still too iconic, too golden to be affected by stuff like that.

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Even worse desu. At least Jeanie found a way to sign LeBron and also to unload the MozDeng contracts which could have crippled the franchise for years to come.

It still cost them this year of LeBron's prime, but he does have a few more years left in his prime IMO. Think of this year as a shit-happens year, but they absolutely do need to make a major splash in FA and soon if not now.

>tanking to get the best possible playoff seed
4-D chess

Look! Isnt that frank thomas?!

It's still way better than whatever the fuck the Memeiors franchise is known for.

Once KD bounces and the Memeiors suck again, the customers will abandon you and you'll go back to irrelevance like you always have and always will.

One thing's for sure though, the Lakers will still always be better and you'll still always be obsessed.

Ahh yes unloading awful contracts that you signed! Great move Jeannie.

35 years old isn't a players prime.

>his team didn't manage their players' load
lmao reg season is a marathon not a sprint

NEW in a few homerposts

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It was Jim that signed off on them dumb fuck.

I don't believe LeBron is out of his prime just yet. People said he lost a step in the regular season but I think he was just coasting. He looked fine in the 4th quarters to me.

wiggins is the next kobe. he just needs a 14-15 year vet

It's still not his prime. I'm not saying he can't play, but he isn't in his prime years.


Help! My Team is Shit!

The Lebron James Story.

Lakeshits suck

>that Canadian education

good job!

He should still be able to contribute at a championship level, even if it may have to be as a 1B or 2nd option. It would also help a lot if they got Kyrie/AD and if Lonzo/Ingram/etc. keep improving.

you think they suck NOW, wait until you see whatever incompetent moron they hire for their GM next!!

Harden? I hate how he plays but he's popular and recognizable


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