Give me reasons not to kill myself

Give me reasons not to kill myself.

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you can go to a convenience store buy a gun then shoot a school and make the world better by 30 americans instead of just 1

No. I'm not doing a shooting and I'm definitely not doing a shooting and getting caught.

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You are not worthless. You can be a perfidous, bullying, worthless, backstabbing jew attack dog but at least you're not american!

I mean if you're really gonna kill yourself there's no reason you shouldn't sign up for every credit card humanly imaginable and do/buy anything you want with it.

If after getting all you ever wanted and you dont feel like killing yourself then get a plane ticket to Europe as your last purchase get a John doe cadaver on the black market to fake your own death with and start a new life in a new world.

Honestly if you're gonna kill yourself might as well live recklessly as much as possible before

mom will be sad

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Your favorite team might win a championship and then you won't be able to shitpost about it here if you kill urself


actually good advice. you could get at least 50 grand or 200 grand before they stopped you

You can watch Messi choke in 6 days

The Cubs already won a WS.
I'm too old for anime. I'm putting it off until I finish Jojo, though. I'm also sticking around to see how the Carolina Hurricanes do in the playoffs.

Ole's at the wheel.

Fuck, you're right. That's going to be a sight to see.

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Ole's at the wheel.

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Go back to /b: faggot

you need to stay alive so one day you can get yourself a wife and watch her get fucked by a black guy

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>"guys pls gib me attenshun""" :(((

you wont kys cos youre a pussy faggot.

Game of Thrones, Endgame.

You're right then I can kill both of them.

Just like clockwork, uma shows up and is the first reply. Do you have some kind of program that alerts you immediately if an American posts a thread?