Paxton V McHugh

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Other urls found in this thread:


1. Brett Gardner CF
2. Aaron Judge RF
3. Luke Voit DH
4. Gleyber Torres SS
5. Greg Bird 1B
6. DJ LeMahieu 3B
7. Clint Frazier LF
8. Austin Romine C
9. Tyler Wade 2B

1. George Springer RF
2. Jose Altuve 2B
3. Michael Brantley LF
4. Carlos Correa SS
5. Yuli Gurriel 3B
6. Tyler White DH
7. Aledmys Diaz 1B
8. Max Stassi C
9. Jake Marisnick CF

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Go stros

i fucking swear if judge doesnt hit three homers, im writing a letter.

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any oldfans remember jordan montgomery?

should be done with his TJ recovery, right? fuck where is he?

just checked, on the 60 day DL. won't be back til august

Wow that’s some true grit (tm)

apologize haters

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astros cheating again

I lived in the Houston area for 3 years. If you think anyone cared about the Astros before 2015, you'd be very wrong.

That little man can hit

>2004 - 05 never happened

>Angel Hernandez crying racism again
Sad part is people will believe him

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these guys should just stop diving for balls at this point

Yeah, that doesn't disprove that they only watch when the team is good.

I lived there over 20 years, I don't need to prove anything to you kid.

Paxton really fucking blows

Doesn't help that the other houston teams are good at least for a majority of the season, lord knows the yankee fans wouldn't mind their other teams not being utter shit

Imagine how many homeruns Altuve would hit if he was the size of an actual human

my red socks would booty blast both these "teams"

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I've lived in the Houston area my entire life and the Astros have always been pretty beloved. Yeah no shit attendance was down during that stretch when we were the worst team in baseball but Minute Maid and before that the Astrodome are well regarded Houston landmarks.

Get off Yea Forums, old man.
The difference there is that the Yankees always have above average attendance and TV ratings regardless if the team is good or not. When the Astros aren't good, they have abysmal attendance and ratings.

>mad at astros
>not mad at yankees
Historically it's the Yankees who cheat

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Actually, Altuve is the average height for an American. It’s just that Baseball players are known for being the biggest and tallest athletes

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t. manlet

If you think Romine should start over Sanchez, you're unironically mentally deficient.

Lmao try again cuck, Altuve is 5'5

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>The difference there is that the Yankees always have above average attendance and TV ratings
Do you sincerely not recognize how ridiculous a point this is to make when you're literally talking about the most bandwagoned team in all of sports history?

Why is every young player on the Yankees either a good fielder or a good hitter

did anyone seriously expect anything to happen there?

t. Joe West

I started following the Astros in 2013 when my company were giving away tickets behind center plate for free when they were doing shitty. I didn't know shit about Baseball at teh time but I enjoyed it and became a fan only because it was a good way to kill time.



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Yankees still have a loyal fanbase when they're bad. The Astros don't. That's the difference.

>Yankees still have a loyal fanbase when they're bad.
yeah they're called mets fans

that's not real madrid/barcelona

My first game was 2011..
People who say the Astros didn't have fans before 2015 are silly.

2013-2015 was the dark years, every year besides that, they've never had bad attendance.


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Obviously you don't think the mets have fans because you aren't one but yes they do have fans

Basically average for a Mexican.

>He's Venezuelan

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the call was made

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The Mets don't have fans. They just have a bunch of people who call into sports radio to complain about Wilpon and Yankees fans.

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paxtons on pace to get pulled in the 4th

42 pitches in the 2nd is no good

Thank god i don't live in new york

Just like my prediction

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that's 4 innings of work for an ace.
Looks like the yankees overpaid and threw money at a useless "ace" yet again.

What are you talking about? I watch WFAN everyday and Mets fans never call in about the Yankees.

Mets fans hate the yankees, what are you talking about?

anytime the yankees are bad, mets attendance mysteriously increases significantly

That's what happens when a city has 2 teams kek

What? I can't find it on YouTube at the moment, but I remember a huge period of time when Mets fans would call in complaining about how Yankee fans thought that Judge was better than Conforto. And last season is was a bunch of them complaining that Yankees fans wanted DeGrom.

Same thing happens with White Sox-Cubs and Giants-Jets

"The Varsity Sports" streams it live everyday on youtube

because yankee fans dont hate the mets but mets fans hate the yankees

Mets fans go to Yankees games and vice versa all of the time, doesn't mean you're a fan of the team.

>being a faireweather fan is okay because we have multiple teams!!!

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Wtf was that?

Yankees fielding also Fuck the Yankees. Go Astros!

Any team's attendance drops when they do bad and rises when they do good
If you were from New York you would understand that no one switches between Yankees and Mets, it's geographical

It's not being a fairweather fan to go to another team's games. I go to yankee games and root for the other team lmao

Yeah that's it. I'm rooting for the Mets this season


If you can't beat the astros and struggle with the tigers good luck with the rays

>Insinuating the Rays are better than the Astros

I'm implying the yankees and red cucks are gonna lose a bunch of games they should be winning and somehow miss the wildcard

It's only the 3rd inning and paxtons already thrown 70 pitches.

>using a differen't version to look less autistic
>the absolute state of the Yankee autist
Astbros, if you beat this guy to making the game thread, he loses his shit. Making Yankee gamethreads on Yea Forums is all he has in life.

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>If you were from New York you would understand that no one switches between Yankees and Mets, it's geographical
>literally implying you actually live in New York and not Connecticut or Texas

dj is such a professional hitter, so nice to see

This ain't the year lads

wait until you hear about the guy who makes the /mlb/ generals

Which one? there's two autist or is it the same guy?

there are way more than two autists on this board, but i only see one of those threads spammed with "hey, post in my thread instead"

What the fuck are you talking about?

You're some bandwagon faggot who isn't actually from New York, illiterate retard

>this nigga comes into every single yankees gamethread just to bring this up and call someone else autistic

Pfffffft yeah altuve owns new york

Based on what? Fuck off retard

Based on the majority of Yankeefaggots

>putting paxton back out there
the dude strikes again

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if altuve played in new york he would have better power numbers than judge every single season

Htin hol it dine

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Are you implying that when the Yankees are bad, Yankee fans start going to Mets games instead?

>How many home runs does Judge have this series?


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im implying that every single """"yankee""" fan is a faireweather fan who switches teams depending on which team is doing better than season

Altuve owns the yaks

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gg yanks

gg stros

imagine unironically rooting for a professional athlete you could beat up


Yea Forumsstros!

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Goodnight Stankies

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at least they are going to cover the over

Imagine secretly wanting to beat up a professional athlete that could probably beat your ass..

Well that's just not true. A Yankee fan switching to the Mets just because the Yankees are bad is like saying "I don't like getting fucked by this giant dildo, so I'll get fucked by this cactus instead."

When the Yankees are bad, the fans just stay home (like most teams). They don't start buying Mets gear and going to Mets games.

t. manlet

>t. Assblasted Yankees fan

At least you're not the Red Sux, we have common ground in hating those cucks

And I'm 6 foot 220ish [I guess still a manlet if you subscribe to the Yea Forums "chad" doctrine]

I was actually pissed off enough to make this, congrats
Astros attendance drops off like cliff when they are shit
Yankees attendance hardly changes

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>20k vs 50k
>hardly changes

Aren't there like more people in new york?

>Citation needed

Again my guy, It's the Yankees, they could lose 102 games and sell out a few games in a season because their brand is so large. It's like the Cowboys, no matter how bad they are, they sell out games.. because they're the cowboys.

LOL, and people call out that one Astro's fan autistic?

you should clarify this with the percent of the stadium is filled up, because taking this data as is, Yankee attendance would be higher this decade, as well as the last decade when they were in championship purgatory than during the dynasty years of the 1990's

Attendance rose league wide from 1990 to 2000


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>tfw your team sucks but also the yankees suck

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Well the percent attendance would be higher for the 2010's than average attendance indicates since new Yankee Stadium holds 10k or so less than old Yankee Stadium
And capacity was basically the same in the 90s and 2000s

That Sabathia Jedi commercial is hilarious. You can see the string on the ball.

joseph harvey is a legend in scranton, bitch

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Why are the yankees so bad?

Well at least you didn't give harper 330 million dollars to choke

This guys dad can't speak

His fiancee is kinda qt

Is this guy's dad retarded or what?

Is this guy drunk?

>14 - 0
What the fuck is happening over there?

This dude is throwing aces right now, way better than the bums we've been trotting out there in this series.

What the fuck is Boones problem, let him finish the inning.


tfw you will never get as close to touching meredith's ass as Joe Harvey's dad just did

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woah woah woah you guys told me the yankees were good. did Yea Forums get it wrong again?


Hope some one got a screen cap of Tanaka's expression

>josh james

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Some guys have all the luck.

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Before when he's laughing

>couple runs in garbage time
>aint over
gotcha keep us posted

here you can have the corner, its all i got

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Eh, it works. Thanks

look how fucking smug joe harvey's dad looks after her smacked her ass. his fucking wife is right next to them lmao

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Jesus fuck why is this guy choking so bad? Can we just put Osuna in now?

Boomer behind him is staring hard.

he's jealous he couldn't smack it too

What's John Sterling's call for lamahieu homers?


>slowly choking the game away

this pleases me

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so many fucking lineouts what the fuck

This is why we need the 3 batter thing

>Sanchez pinch hitting
Does he ever show up in crunch time though?

Anyone who actually thinks the 3 batter thing is a good idea should just stop watching sports in general


Well not this time.


true. he had several game winning home runs last season though.

legit every yanks/astros game for the past two or three seasons has been super good

I guess I just don't watch the yankees enough. Every time I've seen him, he only hits useless meme homeruns to pad stats.

Josh James was fucking trash this outing. He hasn't been the same since that playoff outing which seems to have given him PTSD or something.

God I hope Marisnick keeps hitting like this all season. He would be a legit, elite player if he could hit well.

this one from last year was my favorite

>It's not time to panic, augkay

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Imagine his mike trout level defense he already has. With his Aaron Judge potential of hitting [They're both the same size]

I hate everything about this game

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>aaron judge hitting with that godlike fielding
I can only get so erect


him and Judge were probably the two big reasons why we were at all competitive against the sox in the playoffs last year and he was like 10 feet away from what would've been one of the biggest dingers in yankee history

when he's right he legitimately is one of the best catchers in baseball; right now he either leads or is 2nd among AL catchers in every offensive stat

Why does this bullpen blow? I thought they were supposed to be elite

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I turned the game off in favor of hockey but kept this thread open: I fucking knew as soon as I saw they made it close that that would be it and they'd still those. This team did this a million times last year.

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This fucking ump has been squeezing the pitchers all night long.


What the fuck

remember that last game against the red sox at yankee stadium during the regular season when they clinched the division and stanton's short porch grand slam down 3? or basically every game in the ALDS the red sox won bar game 3? they're so good at getting your hopes up then crushing them by beating themselves

>Ron Kulpa has entered the chat

Boone is a fucking joke

Stay the course Yankees fans. You have a great team , we will meet again in the ALCS!

kay said Indians and then got super weird after it

imagine blaming boone for these losses when the players can't even execute little league level fundamentals

hes drunk as fuck with joe harvey's dad

You wouldn't say this if you watched them every day.

Is there a mroe guaranteed out than Gardner to leadoff an inning?

its almost like the are undisciplined because hes such a pushover or something

Stanton with men on base

they fired Girardi for going after Sanchez, Yankees Front Office doesn't want managers disciplining the players. Boone literally can't or they'll fire him.

Lightly judged

being a fan of this current squad is like being a fan of the stoolers these past few years

you guys have a legitimately talented, cohesive, and fundamentally sound team, we just have a talented one, even without the injuries

he literally hit a home run leading off in the first you autistic spastic

Meanwhile Rays keep rolling, an absolute massacre of the white sox earlier today. can't keep losing the games i don't care if they're in april or august

voit being a retard trying to be the hero. game over here.

not adroit

have you not watched him play this year? dude is NOT a high OBP guy anymore, he should not be leading off. situational hitting is what he should be best at and he's not anymore.

gg Yaks

who /nawfside/ here

gg yanks now on to the real challenge.

I agree he shouldn't be leading off. I'd pick DJ to lead off

Should be Lamayhu

welp. this sucked. see you in June, 'stros.

Paxton wasn't as advertised, simple as that. We haven't had a single pitching performance worth bragging about this season.

At least we don't play in a division with the Mariners

the funny thing is that the yanks are like 26-4 or something like that when gardy homers, not even that can save them

They're going to blow us out. They always kick our ass for some reason and this year they might be legit so it'll be an extra ass kicking.

Astros are healthy, GG to the league. They are basically a better version of our team top to bottom. 1-5 has stayed consistent, great rotation, adequate bullpen

They should've traded for Cole 18 months ago. Instead Cashman shops in the bargain bin, which really shouldn't be surprising given his DNA,

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>Boone: “I believe we’re really close to turning the corner.”

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