
The Early NEET Catches The Worm Edition.

Tonight: BroncGOD's take on the TigeSucks.

Good luck with your SC and Tipping :D

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thread will not make it til kickoff

with your help it will!

hey lads hoping you can give a friendly bump to the new /afl/ thread cheers

Don't know what will make me feel more virginal lads, broncos losing again or broncos getting a bounce back "win" and then going back to shit next week





Broncos or Wests?

Ruck me harder hooker

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outsider observer here
has seibold been exposed and bennett been vindicated?

I don't think the coach has much to do with it, it's the players. Exactly the same shit happening this year happened last year

do you mean broncos got off to a slow start last year?

I mean last year the broncos would have one good game every now and then that would make their players look good, but all the other games are so error prone and retarded that you'd think they're deliberately throwing the game

6th on the ladder vs 13th seems like a massive difference

Tomorrow night is storm vs cowboys which is 1 v 15

really hoping cuckbourne lose but looks likely the spoonboys will lose 50-0

execute all lebonese

Friendly reminder that Folau did nothing wrong



did he make the cut?


He discriminates against our based nrlw players which makes him a faggot and he is NOT supported by the /nrl/ family

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Does Folau know what year it is?

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how come it's round 5 and you can still see all the breakevens and shit? thought it was only available for free for the first 2 rounds

Based Tigers tigga bout ya dab on those Brisbane niggers

Folau to the Cowboys, lads.


Did you have it last year? If so then check your bank statements because it automatically renewed.

I had Gold in 2017, but cancelled the recurring payment immediately, and last year I couldn't see any of that stuff past round 2.

which club has the most salary cap room?

>trying to buy extra tickets through ticketmaster for my m8s to go the the footy this weekend
>punch in my member number for muh 10% discount
>prices stay exactly the same

I'm not surprised but still a little offended

What game were you and your boyfriend going to m8

>get sacked for telling fags they will burn in hell
>sue for religious discrimination

GOATcastle vs Manly

I unironically hope he does this

Anyone here have GOATes in their peems? Massive BE. Is he a hold or a sell?

Cowpats were saving room for holmes so probably they have the most room

Joseph Melican’t you here lad?

Holmes was a 300k player at best. not enough for folau

Sorry but you can't be discriminated against if you're white, christian or male.

kek, Drongos are gonna get their shit pushed in.....again.

>he actually thinks the BroncFOBS won’t get refballed to victory like every other game

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Joseph Melicunt

Joe Melincel

np: counting crows - august and everything after

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He’s a pedo, he’s an incel
He’s a tripfag named Richo

Wests Tigers to win by 13+ points and Corey Thompson to score the 1st try

Brisbane Broncos to win by 13+ points and Corey Oates to score the 1st try

Cowboys have Barba AND Valentines' salary free under their cap.

Are brothels usually open on good friday?

Asking for a mate

Haven't been here for 2 weeks and I still have my virginity lads

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Israel Folau, lads. So much for free speech

Me on 1% watch

A mates mummy is tipping the footy and she picks based on dragons would eat Broncos and by alphabetically etc has never watched a footy game or anything. She got 6/8 last week. If you didn't manage this you're dead to me.

shit teams but bored as fuck anyway

>pick home peems only
>get 6/8


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Fish markets are open on good friday yeah

>use my elite and muscular analytical skills to meticulously deconstruct every possible variable in every game
>get 3/8

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

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folau did nothing wrong, fags utterly btfo

Izzy finna dab on Rugby Australia for religious discrimination

You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.

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Elite opinion: It wasn't Folau's opinon on fags going to hell that got him de-registered it was him including drunks in his rant

Does she have nice tits?

Assange on assassinated by americans watch

Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

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Friendly reminder that Based Izzy never went on any 'tirade'. The first time around someone asked him a question about what gods plan is for fags, ans he simply explained it to them.

This time he literally just shared a picture.

Don't fall for the dirty media tricks. He has done nothing wrong.

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Broncos will choke again they suck

Bless him. What picture did he boast?

Mfw NBN news had a gay activist with glasses and a onions latte reeing about it

The Ecuadorians have leaked his embassy sex tapes with Pamela Anderson to blackmailers.

>broncos try already

Based GIL


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>put money on them last week against a shittier team and they lose
Broncos suck

I wish I could lose my virginity that quick lads

Quick delete your post before anyone sees it

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Thanks m80. I see nothing wrong with this. Are people and the media really chucking a spew over it?

He was too based for the aussie murdoch owned media

Um sorry that is problematic and he needs to be fired *sips onions latte*

It's 2 weeks into april and my "available from march 2019" nbn is still not available lads

Its nothing special mate still on 1950s copper

and if you're far from the node you will likely not even get decent speeds anyway

Still better than the mobile broadband I'm stuck with right now

God help us if liberal wins again this election

>more like dropped

ffs lodge stop dropping the ball

Ladbrokes had a word with Matt Lodge pre game. Also based izzy hope he comes back to NRL!


I need to stop putting first tryscorer bets on oates

NRL should take Izzy back. Is the guy that made the degenerate sex tape still playing? Let he without sin cast the first stone.

Sex tape GOOD
Discriminating gay BAD

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Hope Boyd puts in some fucking effort tonight...

Based brownie fumbled it.

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>taking the poo

>taking the poo
Jesus first I've seen all season

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anyone know who is commentating this game tonight?

ik its not hadley or rabs...not bracey is it?

>Jack Turd


What the fuck was that

>get paid millions to catch a ball
>practice whole life to catch a ball
>get ball thrown to you
>drop it

Fuck you Bird. Dumb fuck has bombed a try 2 weeks in a row.

Loving this visually impaired under 12s game lads.

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Reminds me how every time I go to the shops and there's a female cashier I get nervous and I usually end up dropping my wallet and/or my card when I go to pay

>not using a self serve so you don't have to talk to anyone
We got a chad over here lads

I've never seen an iga or maccas with self checkout

>boyd killing Joshie
Redemption arc

maccas you can order at those touch screens and then wait for them to bring the food to your table

not making eye contact or thanking the kid serving the food is alpha and they can't do anything to the food after they give it to you


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Based old bird in the crowd with the broken arm or whatever


More like get the fuck off my peem

Based: dropping americans with right hooks
Unbased: dropping the ball every time you get it

excellent post

Alex Twal.

awful game tbqh

Fuck sake

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Don't appreciate joey calling players of colour genetic freaks to be quite honest ladies

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>traded Garner out this week for Okunbor

>haas's score
Reminder that sangster is ALWAYS right

barry check the fuse box



Woolies changed their homebrand party mix lads, don't know if it's better or worse yet though

Woolies meat fucking sucks. I had too many shit steaks from them and I've seen some POS cuts of meat. Disgusting.

resent oates

mud cakes doe


nice of reddit to join us tonight

thanks for having me

lmao gillet owners BTFO

For me it's schick

For me it's dick

bought a cheap electric razor from big w a few years back, been pretty good so far

wish i was a girl

I bought a cheap electric razor form the shave shop or something and it's shite, manual razors work better

I don't like the feeling of a clean shaven skin 2bh

it's the current year. You can be a girl lad

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thinking about going to the salon and getting a full body wax

went electric a few months ago and I haven't looked back since

thats what happens when you can't decide whether to let the ball bounce or not


We diveball now lads.

BBQ shapes lads

Does anyone know who the chinaman is in the Broncos box?

I miss the new ones they came out with


>taking the poo
This game is poo


more like dislodged

Fuck my life and my virginity

he actually thought that was funny lads

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vaginas are so gross, I love ass and titties but not the puss

Hate it when you pull out the shapes that have virtually no coating

Feel like a roast beef sandwich for some reason lads

They are 20 metres out from the fucking tryline. Why jump up and contest for it osasko you fucking coconut. These islanders have great atheltic ability but the iq of a fucking pile of bricks. Either that or ladbrokes had a chat with him at halftime

I love the really really cooked brown ones I wish they were all like that.

Same. I wish it was possible to impregnate a woman through the ass that way I would never have to have vaginal sex again

He fucked up that Dragons lose as well so his athletic ability is fucking shit as well.

I wish the Broncos could hold the ball lads

Wow JT just said two words... how much are channel 9 paying him?

Jason Taumalolo is commentating now?


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>St George

how my tips looking this week? got a $2.50 multi on


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Broncos have to score a try to win.

>taking the poo
Brisbane will lose by 1.

based broncgods activating it

>it's another scripted game

broncos wont make the 8 with Niko/milf in the halves.

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>its another golden point so the betting agencies dont have to pay out any bets game

Either Nikorima or milford in 5/8 is fine, but they don't complement each other at all, they need to be paired with a white halfback who can lead

Wait is that how it works? How is that fucking fair?

I wish I had as much hair as him lads.

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And also tackle, I forgot that since nikorima/milford are both shit defenders

Joey roasting matty

>that choke by memeford

What a fucking mess. Jesus H Christ my lord and savior.

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brooks redemption incoming

haas lads

Thank God the Tigers are retarded.

Why can't teams into field goal sets?

>lodge almost bungled again

Wests TiGODS

Boyd on retirement watch

Fucking Boyd

C'mon refball you know what to do.

*breathes in*

I can't believe how bad the broncos have fucked themselves

>Boyd no where to be seen
>Isako kicking it out by 2 meters giving Tigers a try
This fucking peem is getting the wooden spoon.


>*falls over*

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Michael Chee Kam gonna be drowning in footy slags tonight







Who on the broncos board had the plan of filling the team with 50IQ coconuts anyway

Will Seibold have the balls to drop Boyd to reserve grade where he belongs? And honestly, he would be lucky to even play reserve grade.

>You now remember Anthony Seibold

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What did Boys do? My wife (Broncos customer) made me turn it off after Wesrs scored.

A fucking cunt that should be fired. 1/4. Fucking POOTHETIC. I'm legit a bit pissed lads.



Honestly I'm most impressed Chee Kam was smart enough to keep the ball against his chest instead of reaching out and getting himself penalized
At least 70% of the NRL probably would've bombed that at the end there

>letting your wife control your TV

>he didnt pick the tigers to win
easy 8/8 this week lads

He could have easily tackled che kam before the line, either stopping him himself, or slowing him down enough for backup to arrive.

He didn't even attempt a tackle. Just fell over in the opposite direction.

I have a better chance of losing my virginity than BroncGODS have at NOT getting the wooden spoon this season.

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Didn't a broncos player fuck up a try by doing exactly that a few weeks ago or am I thinking of something last season

The spoonboys are winning the spoon m80

Will Seibold works for UNICEF USA lad

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Perth Broncos

I missed that. Boyd is a pathetic captain. My in-laws are all Broncos fans and they hate him.

Clearly an obstruction by an invisible extra man


>Goyd being interviewed

>marrying a queenslander
>letting """"""her""""""" dictate what you watch on television

fucking cucked retarded trippy

Is Boyd sabotaging the BroncGODS from withon for based Bennett



>mfw Queensland teams

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>if bulldogs can beat the dragqueens, all bottom 3 teams will be qld

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>“Israel Folau doesn’t pass our inclusive test,” Beattie told The Daily Telegraph.

At the paddo lads, lots of broncucks customers seething

Broncucks Ltd.

>lots of broncucks customers seething
pure joy

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Lads, this is my new best favourite winger for this season. He's awesome and you need to see him play.

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Given the Fullwogs disposition to rape he's the right colour for them.

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