These guys are getting really cocky lately, being in the NL finals and knocking out Real Madrid...

These guys are getting really cocky lately, being in the NL finals and knocking out Real Madrid, having talents sought after by Barca etc. I really hope Juve destroys them next time because they're getting really uppity on this board.

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Just wait until Verstappen wins F1

And wait until we win more medals than Sweden at a Winter Olympics, oh wait...

Attached: Screenshot 2019-04-11 at 01.11.55.png (1138x946, 186K)

Ice skating doesn't count

Attached: 1552075306032.jpg (380x250, 28K)

>iCe skaTInG dOEsn'T couNT

Attached: DQmvn4GVAAEPplu.jpg (1024x824, 58K)

It's so nice to see a historic team challenge again, but the sharks are already at their door so they can't build a new era

nigga are you new around here? dont you remember all the toothpaste shitposting from 2010-2014?

> I really hope Juve destroys them next time
They won't. Ajax will advance to the finals unless UEFA refballs them.

Is your manager a non meme manager? Asking for a friend of course

I accept rape from the Germans, since they’re basically us but better in every way. But fucking Norway?

The only thing Vercrashen will win is a one-way ticket to the morgue lmao

fucking luxemburgians

Get that german cock out your ass kankerprovinciaal

>he doesn't appreciate the quality posting of Dutchbros (exclusing that Man City plastic spastic)
>his heart isn't warmed by the boundless enthusiasm and joy for sport they have

You monster.

Based, and dare I say it, /elite/

>Sven mad at people expressing joy for their nation's accomplishments

Why am I not surprised?

Nah, we're not that good. And Dutch teams (whether club or national) always struggle against an italian side. And lets face it, Juventus is top tier with Ronaldo.

>having talents sought after by Barca etc.
>when Barca is always sucking dutch cock whenever they can for almost half a century
>being this much of a newfag

You must be 18+ to post on this site

The only abhorrent Dutch poster here is that Man City bandwagoner.

Literally never said a single good thing about the Negerlands in my life

for me, it's the insecure dick size netherlands poster

thank you UwU


>together with your baldbro Sneijder and chadfriend van Persie carry your team through a WC twice
>rest of the ungrateful fucks cannot hold their own for just one game
>losing is your fault now

Always rated Aquafresh bros

go back to italy

We statpad in skating, they statpad in the nordic skiing events. (and the germans in "100 different ways of sliding down an icetrack" events)


>Oranje wins NL
>Ajax wins CL
>verstappen wins F1
>Dumoulin wins giro
>MvG wins /180/
>a new wave of nationalism hits the Netherlands
>nexit happens
>bring back the guilder
>colonize Indonesia again
>annex Flanders to restore the greater Netherlands
>set fire to wallonia
>polder the entire north sea and have a land border with the UK
>no warm water from gulf of Mexico to Scandinavia anymore means global warming is reversed
>swedish economy crashes due to colder weather destroying all farmlands

Attached: 1537202202391.gif (498x282, 2.45M)

It's doable guys, let's make this happen.

Skating is the Swimmimg of the Winter Olympics

FaggotvD pleb detected

Lekker fvd stemmen en geen seks hebben

Haal dat kilo zak lavendel is uit je anus man kanker gek

why would you set fire to the only non shitty looking part of the benelux
Flanders and the Netherlands are literal parking lots

>handelstraat antwerp


Can we reroute the channel tunnel so we're connected to Greater Netherlands instead of Fr*nce?

Only if you find a way to give us New Amsterdam back

Deal. Wanna help us annex Spain to expand Gibraltar? You can have some of the mountain monkeys for your zoos.

>nieuwe wasverzachter
>lavendel geur
>neem een dikke snuif
>ineens slaat de uil van minerva haar vleugels open voor mij
>krijg totaal nieuwe inzichten over de minderwaardigheid van vrouwen (hoeren) en buitenlanders
>maak een anoniem Twitter account aan en ga Nederland weer groot maken

no the dutchbros are fine. always good to see a member of the holy alliance having success

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zeer rood-gepild

You are a small population without any mountains,so it is ok that you statpad.

Please conquer Westgermany and remove kebab,it is a jump away from Limburg.

Is there an Asian Nations League?

those NEETs imagining themselves as rulers of their own countries lmao