
we /playoffs/ now

CBJ @ TBL, 7 pm
PIT @ NYI, 7:30
STL @ WPG, 8 pm (7 pm Central)
DAL @ NSH, 9:30 (8:30 Central)
VGK @ SJS, 10:30 (7:30 Pacific)

Attached: here we go.png (1344x1008, 1.35M)

Other urls found in this thread:


go knights


Unironically leaning towards rooting for the Teds tonight.


which games are you watching lads

Attached: hani (91).jpg (1000x1503, 180K)

Dear everyone,

I don't fucking care about your bracket.


preds dallas is the only interesting one desu

mainly shorks/knights, but i'll be checking in on all of them beforehand except for dallass and trashville literally who cares lmao

im watching poolumbus until dallas starts

how long will the pregame shows be?

what about this one

Attached: shan.jpg (2018x2480, 818K)

Outstanding OP user

thankfully nobody gives a shit what you think

t fuck niggers

Who /Basedburgh Basedguins/ here

Attached: bracket.png (883x651, 98K)

watch the teds lightning before the islanders plau the penguins

Attached: Isles kanakp.png (800x1041, 302K)

for me, it's WINnipeg vs St Louis. Laine is about to unbust

>that Fortnite tracker in the background is from TODAY
>Laine put in another three fucking hours of Fortnite on a playoff gameday

Attached: if.png (1059x1026, 2.03M)

on time and well done. proud to give my ultimate prize,
>this is the thread
to this thread
so it is written so it shall be done

>8:30 start time in Nashville
do these Tennessee niggers even care about the kids watching on a school night?

Dallas - Nashville

Flames WILL win the cup!

Attached: flams.png (443x221, 21K)

Thanks lad.

mfw st louis wins in the first round

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Look at this >rags fan and laugh

Attached: 1554932383501.gif (480x265, 2.18M)

Entirely tolerable.

Based and Lannypilled

Bros I need something to fap to while I wait for the first game

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if laine does not score a goal tonight, I'll eat a bucket of shit
t. finnish pro scout

looks like he >chocked on the spelling

I'd post a doujin here but I dont want to get banned

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On a work trip right now, blowing off my coworkers to watch hockey all night. I think I made the right decision.

>good кoт posting
hqporner or porntrex

Unless one of the co-workers is a qt that you're pursuing a relationship with, then absolutely.


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how about some bowsette

Attached: 0c9.jpg (650x931, 431K)

Please watch our game.

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I've got you senpai

Attached: shannie.jpg (600x450, 49K)

bowsette is TRASH

>0.38 K/G

I see he scores as much as he kills

Who in here

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dont mean to be quite grim before the games tonight lads but there are people sharing this very earth with you that will defend people for video game addiction because its healthier than booze and drugs

Is that Pierre in the Blues pic

Nope. I'm 28 and I'm the youngest by far.

dubs for lightning cup


Go sharks

Attached: 1526604441322.png (480x379, 274K)

but only because I think the series will be closer than expected

Is Laine the guy that was talked about when that one dude said an NHL prospect was ruining his career for Fortnite?

>tfw being so wasted you spent too much time in the old bread


Attached: 1552016919218.png (1068x1025, 921K)

c of redpilled

bolts jackets

The Jest will lose right?

>not watching all of them

Finns I'm excited for in these playoffs:
Kasperi Kapanen
Leo Komarov
Valtteri Filppula
Julius Honka
Roope Hintz
Esa Lindell
Miro Heiskanen
Mikael Granlud
Juuse Saros
Sebastian Aho
Teemu Teräväinen

Finns I'm not excited for in these playoffs:
Patrik Laine

Attached: Llt9Dry.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

You take that back

Attached: Bowsette.png (650x800, 596K)

think I'll pull an all nighter desu lads
sucks there arent any 24/7 shops here

Attached: suomi.jpg (1080x1070, 63K)

in memes and Sid I trust

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-10 NHL 2019 Stanley Cup Playoffs Bracket Challenge.png (990x752, 101K)

>Laffs going that far
Bold prediction

kek, never seen the full picture

fuck boston
fuck tampa
go laffs go

Attached: tampa gay.jpg (627x363, 70K)

I forgot to make a bracket damnit.

For me it's keeping my bracket in my headcanon

ok niggas whats the game to watch my black homies

Bruins will win the cup

>lazyman not working
what the fuck lads how are we watching the games

*WILL lose in the first round

look at the flag, he's probably related to Mathews

>when not even your family believe you will go all the way

hey mon no one really cares about them, you're ok

BJs-Lightning and Blues-Jets at the same time than Sharks-Knights afterwards

Other two are irrelevant

he did score one victory royale tonight though let's see if he'll pull off another

Attached: 2019-04-11 01_57_50-Nalle_Puh29 - Fortnite Match History - Fortnite Tracker.png (813x931, 67K)

surely you'll want to see this season's stanley cup champions, nashville predatorts, play?

I know. I just spent so much time shitposting that I forgot to actually make one, and it only happens once a year.

Smite them, blue brother.

Attached: ready.png (485x631, 120K)

>espn website displaying wnba draft ahead of nhl games

aight niggas hit me up somma dat mo fugin rap music pump up shiiiiet

preds dallas because i'm feeling like watching a 3OT 1 goal thriller

not interested in a 6-4 vegas game

What should I watch

what 3rd world s*nbelt shithole is going to win the cup this year

>first game on SN360
yikes rogers


thats your first mistake, lad.


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I drank a bottle of cough syrup and now I feel funny

>opening night games are all staggered nearly perfectly for optimal viewership
Say “thank you, Gary!” or Bettman will start Round 2 with all games on at once.

Attached: A11DEEF1-5655-4713-8283-F415BF24D338.jpg (620x350, 26K)

>pierre isnt at nassau

thank fucking god

Attached: Kokoro soft.png (491x519, 232K)

F, i'll see you in Valhalla brother

>posting in game threads

based and knight pilled

who cares the Flames don't even play until tomorrow

>11 matches
>4 kills
These games are walking simulators.

His grin disturbs me greatly. He's like some bureaucratic imp-elf plotting terrible mischief regarding hockey.

How to say double cup in Finnish?

I care because my team plays today


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Honestly I bet a lot of hate gary gets is because of the bureaucratic phenotype

sorry for the voice I have a bad cough vocaroo.com/i/s0T76SfRmb4j

>oh no, he’s relaxing and not drinking and doing drugs
>DAE fork knife BAD?

Attached: 70EC52C5-D843-4578-ABFD-20D58A7F8633.jpg (387x437, 40K)

based latvia sharks bro. should be a good series m8.


tuupla come play

>hes back

Report and ignore this fucker already

laine is a pioneer for the incel nhl player generation

my ears

is it time for columbus to win their first ever playoff series?

I don’t know who “this fucker” is

>multiple games to watch
>got food and drink
>got plenty of DUDE
>excessive shitposting incoming
Peak comfy boiz

Attached: 2045894.png (230x230, 67K)

>no finns
Cup confirmed for Tampa

Attached: laine.webm (732x1058, 258K)

>canes don't even get Forslund
wew lmao

the person who spams the basedjack every chance he can

excited for the tuxedo birbs

where the mo fuggin game threads my nigga (im black)


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forslund does more than canes games though

Comeoooooooooon STARS! It's been so damn long DFW.

Could do without the cursed animeposting, but the digits would seem to confirm.

Attached: hat 2.png (832x743, 976K)

already getting rough in tampa

There are some in Canada or the United States that have all their NHL fans right now saying.
Our NHL Team is out of the playoffs again, let's go and support the team of that other league, what is it called? so Major League Soccer

jackets trying to show the blots that they arent a pushover


for me, i hate to say it lads, but for me, it's the teds

somewhere out there in this crazy universe, ted is sitting back smoking weed cock-in-hand and watching his jackies

havent posted since last playoffs.
someone please explain teds

blue jackets are faggots

go ask reddit

what the fuck why are they fighting?? this is supposed to be a faggy as divegrass!



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skyrim or skyrim special edition lads
which one to dl and mod?

Well I see how this series is going to go, nth for fuck Tampon Gay

holyshit Seth Jones, that would get you kicked off my peewee team

the regular one has more mods

comfy is just a code word for boring desu


imagine how much ted is seething at this very second


Garbage meme. End yourself

>nobody mentions the wild
>everybody talking about “them” missing the playoffs

>the civil war wasn’t about slavery it was about state rights
What’s funny is how much Columbus’ team name/uniforms absolutely triggers inbred sunbelt retards

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Man, all the streams I was using have turned into absolute adware garbage just in time for the playoffs. This is fucking sad.



Blue Jackets aren't helping themselves when letting in a shorthanded goal. You just can't do that if you're gonna beat Lightning in a series of 7 this season.

reporting basedbro just had a delicious appetizer cant wait for the main course threepeat

pongs at islels
pongs at islels
pongs at islels
pongs at islels

what rights did the southern states lose again?
oh it was only the right to own slaves? everything else was the same?

>states specifically guaranteed to have rights that the feds don’t
>”except this one we don’t care about the constitution!”

jesus teds suck


This is going to be the most one sided 4-0 ever, isn't it?

Would be 10/10 if you included Flames and Avs

How did my Hurricanes miss the playoffs?!?!

Are a liberal?

don't start posting your cock in the thread ted i don't care how bad you're losing

Shut up faggot

the south had cooler generals though
stonewall > *

NDP actually

So a nazi?

Attached: 1500699106224.jpg (306x306, 18K)

>It has broadened to include concerns of the New Left, and advocates issues such as LGBT rights, international peace, and environmental stewardship.
Was going to share the best streaming site, but now I won't.

remember when ted thought >his poojackets wasnt going to be swept in 3


I hope it's not offside

Just how tiny is Matt Murray going to get these playoffs?

Reminder that the pedosota mild are the ONLY active team to NEVER see a SCF

based pierre throwing Bobrovsky under the bus

Share with me and I'll vote persu come sunday.

What is it about Bobrovsky that makes him become a meme every playoffs? I was never a goalie so I don't understand how they work


the current thrashers/jets too

Attached: 1553125217511.jpg (402x386, 55K)


They don't play until tomorrow night, dummy.

Idfk dude. It's time to give korpi his chance. Send a message.

y'all listen to tunes during games or the commentary?

Pittsburgh didn’t even challenge, what the fuck?

Reminder that they literally refer to themselves as the state of hockey.

Reminder they literally lost their state team to a fucking city in Texas

>Removal of the obligatory character of the second official language (Swedish in Finnish-language schools and vice versa) in curriculums on all levels of education, freeing up time for the learning of other foreign languages such as English, German, French, Spanish and Russian (especially in the eastern part of the country)
Nah. Anyone who's ready to vote for the option to learn literal monkey languages instead of Swedish deserves nothing short of a brutal beating




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Time to take a Tavares, then it's bedtime

Oh no, TVASport scrambled its signal for Bell subscribers, how will I get my poorly done play-by-play coverage?

>listening to music during a game

You're a weird little dude you know that?


Hey you know it's not a "build-your-own-party", right? Jag kan tala svenska, men persu är det bästa vi har. Every other party is for abolishing borders so I can let a little thing like swedish education in schools slip.

I don't
I'm just asking

better no be passing up the chance to listen to pierre

shall be ending it all tonight lads

>Blue Jackets
>Blues (those in first years hardly count)

not so fast incelanders

>he's a big guy


Need Bennington to have a shutout tonight to really get Reddit seething

I'm sure they watched a few games at least

it fooken slipped

I am watching legal Canadian broadcasts thank you very much

hot dogs give you power
t. kessel

Attached: 1546481454981.png (620x460, 26K)

laffsnet is just rebroadcasting the nbcsn feed for the lgbtning game, and pierre is between the benches.

glad I predicted a sweep for the tampa series. looking at my league the brackets are so similiar these series lenghts are going to count.

What kind of parents ever watched their kids play stretch hockey? Only fucking poos who never played stretch hockey growing up would make that commercial

it's only going to be a 9-0 game at this rate

based math poster

>Gary in attendance at the pongs game

Jester game thread, no?


>dallass vs nashville 9.30 et
why though

i'm watching the pongs friend

Panarin and Bobrovsky already looking at homes in Florida

Is that where the NHL Hall of Fame is at?

>why do teams play in their own time zones?
Retard. You should be thanking Gary for staggering the games.

probably so the 1st game will end as the next game is starting.

Tfw overwhelmed with the amount of games on tonight with only one screen

Shut up cuck LITERALLY nobody asked you. Never, EVER assume anyone wants your retarded opinion.


Jets Blues thread where?


dunno if i should pregame or just get shitfaced when i get home.

Why are all the shit games on today?
Couldn't there be at least one decent game today?

Attached: 1554930774703.png (540x540, 247K)

>This is a 9/10 in Winnipeg

Attached: Winnipeg women.jpg (1277x714, 169K)

You should already know how the lgbtning game ends, so not that one

Pongs/Islels is probably going to be the most entertaining.

Not really interested in watching the bolts murder the teds.


I swear to god the blue jackets are screwed why did I ever decide to put money on those fuckin clowns I'm gonna lose so much money fuck my life

>winnipeg with their FAGGOT white out
can't wait for this first round exit lads

Attached: 1554932013833.png (478x523, 168K)

at least you'll learn a lesson retard

blues jets

You should have tried harder faggot

When I'm Commish we ain't doing anthems anymore.

Instead every team will be required to come up with their own haka dance.

i'm glad ted isn't alive to see this

>putting on a clinic and a bunch of people want to watch and now the streams are crappy

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Attached: Eddie Meduza - Hakan.png (1920x1080, 1.6M)

Reminder that every game is determined based on which team got the most betting money in their favor.

laine better do a thing

the event horizon is saying Calgary is winning it you pussies

Attached: c of red.png (369x276, 110K)

Laine sucks

>imagine still hoping that Laine is going to do shit

Attached: 1476165976332.png (827x566, 588K)

based and C of Redpilled

Attached: snoop retro.jpg (1309x1535, 287K)

>DAE hate science? why are we wasting time on that when we should be talking about trump 2020?

Attached: 6E8F2B98-716C-49E0-BB1A-4C6949404763.jpg (960x492, 56K)

pretty sure whiteout is a porn genre where a black girl gets gang banged by a bunch of white guys

Hello, everyone. I'm from the North American Psychology and Mental Health Association. I'd like to ask if anyone here happens to have a current fear of something? Is anyone here scared?

i think so. how is the squirrel fur trade going

bestiality is illegal, user

im scared of balloons popping because they are loud and suprising

>AT&T Sportsnet commentators are already making excuses
>Muh bad ice
>Muh bounces
>Muh glass
Loving every laugh

>user, you're not one of those racist incels, are you?

Attached: cecilia lion.jpg (920x690, 139K)

I hope every day when I come home from work and come on to Yea Forums there's an OP as good as this one

not in finland

Attached: Namnlös.jpg (906x661, 77K)

trips confirm balloons are scary


please, I would never hate another human individual of any race

they play tomorrow night, r*tard

they play tomorrow night knucklehead

based us
brb fucking your mom

I knew I remembered that correctly

Attached: winnipeg white out.png (473x341, 233K)


Attached: 1530518920348.gif (195x229, 1.32M)

who's the nigress?

based yespornplease


cope more faggot the storm is here


Just dropping in to remind you retards that the pongs are getting swept because they're utter dog shit this year

is this a screencap from The Highway Men?

Amilian Kush
right? shame they only have 720p videos

Attached: Sharkie_with_flag.jpg (1024x683, 420K)

how many hits you think we are going to see game 1?

The Blues' defense seems lazy and sloppy.

>Amilian Kush
based binland thanks

Binnington's gonna get in a fucking fistfight with somebody at this rate.

Attached: 1526765266944.gif (542x300, 137K)



>Laine is still playing
Had no idea


Jets already chimping out

that's two weeks, for those that don't know

Attached: 1523518151038.jpg (194x227, 12K)

Wow, Laine did something


You lucky son of a bitch! But I live in Winnipeg and am a huge jets fan so it's great for me

haha it just had to be laine

Attached: Laine.jpg (1626x588, 121K)

There is a thread you dumb fucking nigers

wtf the retard scored

>Lain3rd line

Was looking forward to this.

Attached: if laine.png (596x113, 7K)

Attached: image.jpg (762x800, 121K)

I think I'll just post in /hoc/ but thanks for the suggestion

>Ted got a goal
Maybe I should keep a feed open just in case...

Attached: ugly faggot.png (416x348, 201K)

>Take that, big buff, More like big dickhead!

Attached: lineay.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

Attached: awful.jpg (79x126, 2K)

for me it's watching /mlb/ and occasionally checking out some of these ploffs during commercial breaks

Attached: 1543305633977.jpg (351x466, 47K)

welcome. you are only allowed to root for >my team

>USA flag
I can abide by that rule

>unironically using that faggot nickname for byfuglien
kms yourselves please

Attached: 1544394325992.jpg (1000x1000, 44K)

>it took almost a month for Laine to score a goal

im surprised the NHL didnt get rid of the ice level mics after that VERY PROBLEMATIC incident in Toronto, i dont even want to bother uttering those words again because I was severely shaken up by it

>The last time a Canadian team won the Stanley Cup was 1993
I just want someone to win it but fuck the Flames


Attached: Morgan.jpg (434x600, 39K)

who was >problematic

Attached: 268.jpg (329x399, 20K)

please explain further

Attached: 1530168584895.png (355x362, 207K)

reported to the internet RMCP, expect them to be knocking on your door shortly. warnings wont ever apply to hateful speech like that

for me, it's not even bothering to watch other team's matches until we're eliminated


If anything, the incident in Toronto proved we need more mics on the ice level, so we can make sure the players do NOT say any problematic things

Is Kakko gonna be a meme like Laine and Bulju?

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>I was born that season
i'm CONVINCED that the season that I die will be when a leaf wins again

>state of hockey
>not even in the playoffs

>scores in Finnish


Morgan Reilly was screaming " FUCKING RAG IT" near one of the ice level mics a month ago and it sounded like "FUCKING FAGGOT" and the internet lost their minds over something that actually didnt even happen.

based nip

Attached: 1399737059842.jpg (599x337, 31K)

I unironically hope you live forever user

Literally billions of people were born that same year.
Imagine thinking that it's all on you.

Nana is such a qt

Attached: nana fujimoto 17.jpg (300x450, 28K)


You’ll live forever if you accept Jesus as your savior user

the flames are gonna win

Actually it was Reilly saying FUCKING and somone on the Tampa bench shouting RAG IT

Attached: 1523508594598.jpg (514x536, 54K)


I honestly can't even begin to fathom my consciousness ending via death so don't worry I will
except it is
I did once


Attached: 1550900995000.jpg (1080x1080, 174K)

thanks for the clarification, friend.

>tfw remember reading article comments/social media posts from casuals who said they might not watch a game of hockey ever again because of something that never ever happened

actually quite a funny ordeal seeing people instantly act like they werent being total bitches about it

Is this the same Canadian user from that other gamethread with the girl troubles?

Social media was a mistake. desu.

>the pedosota mild cheer on their goalie by booing him

I really hate how this meme shit has taken over. Fucking internet speech being spewed out by adults all day to cater to.... who? A buncha 19 year old faggots who post their problems online? Idk, I just feel like it somewhat alienates a huge demographic. I'm sure they do their marketing due diligence though. Either way, it just seems so fucking juvenile with memes and twitter and instagram and facebook non.fucking.stop. All they do is talk about drama and gossip as well. 50% of the shit on ESPN is literally not related to the actual play of sports and is off-field or non-athletically related. Pathetic.

Attached: 1553276541875.gif (200x189, 799K)

lad, we only discuss playoff teams here, save that for the off season

what are you referring to specifically?

the current pong/islels one?
how did you know

any other one?

Oh shit, is it nanaposting hour?

Attached: 藤本.jpg (400x299, 49K)

already ate but I can save this pasta for later

Attached: tenor.gif (200x234, 993K)

curling will be on

it was starting to become more of a common thing as i was graduating HS and im so fucking glad i was never hooked like others to the point where they live and die on whatever hill on twitter. the shit just seems exhausting hashing out the only free time you get during day with others

*clap clap*
*clap clap*

hey Toshiro

bing bing wahoo

Attached: wojak.jpg (1066x1093, 203K)

>how did you know
General posting style.
I maintain that you ought to be in a committed relationship first, and that this whole thing's your own fault for putting the cart before the horse.


i don't understand this chant. Would the players forget to play defense if not reminded by the crowd?

Remember Jordan Eberles message as we venture more into the playoffs, lads. We're all in this together :)

I hurd batruk layn scord yes

Attached: liberty.jpg (574x382, 49K)

lmao just get over her bro lmao just bee yourself

dubs and laine scores 4 more goals this game

islanders have the best crowd in the NHL by far

So it's over for Ted, isn't it


sure if you dont count winnipeg montreal or calgary

Just wait until you hear >my team when they're back at home.

is that nashville polesmoker gonna be back spamming their weak-ass goalie chant?

Attached: frog.jpg (394x430, 40K)

Too bad the habs will never see the playoffs ever again.

Attached: 1530140458357.jpg (800x800, 359K)

Nah they will take 3rd in the Atlantic when the Laffs fall to the second wildcard

ha ha not quite lad

Attached: smuk1.png (638x685, 136K)

like I said, that was 6 years ago now, and a lot of shit has changed/happened since
I believe we would be in a relationship too if not for the dynamic I hold with her family and how much shit would fuck up if things were to fuck up
t b h I have been trying to act like I do at work/around friends when i'm around her

n-next year...

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got blues/jets on, what second game should i put on?

pens isles

Attached: nanafujimoto.jpg (683x1024, 143K)

Pongs and Islels are tied at 2

Attached: 1548904809160.png (218x252, 54K)

great round one
great first day
great thread, ewe guise, great all around
Give Yourself A Big Hand

Attached: 1546303644249.gif (700x385, 598K)

how do i get a nip tendie gf

>I believe we would be in a relationship too if not for the dynamic I hold with her family
Were you the pool boy?
Unsavory ethnic minority, perhaps?


he's the town rapist

none of my friends watch hockey though so this is my only fun time outlet\

she's my best friends' sister, known them for a decade now

hmmmmm blots?

i'm just bouncing between all 3

Why isn’t the state of hockey in the playoffs?

from kitchener?


libcucks and muzzies absolutely BTFO

Will be difficult. Most people have no idea what hockey is here. You'd have to go to Hokkaido.

Attached: Goalermask.jpg (640x471, 127K)

>she's my best friends' sister, known them for a decade now

>none of my friends watch hockey though
You should rekindle the relationship with her and introduce her to hockey so that you have someone to watch with.
Then slip a hand down her pants and finger her whenever >your team scores to condition her to get really into it.

he's losing

decided 6 years was too long and thought they'd let someone else have a turn.

only by one and hes made multiple great saves back to back, lad

is lazyman fucked or is it just me?

hell fucking no
she does watch hockey
is a flames fan and a caps fan
i'm a pens fan, remember
it's kept things fun recently

oh okay. currently watching pens/isles, gonna switch back over to that one now.

it's down

thanks for the info satan. hopefully now i can have a qt japanese goaler to clap bombs at then cuddle

it's fucked

Attached: 75676568.jpg (1024x768, 52K)

its really more of the >bloos being the >bloos rather than their goaltending being shit, hes looked great in his 1st ever playoff game

cheers lads.

it's ded, hope it's fixed for tomorrow


Attached: buljuwater.jpg (960x540, 137K)


>IT WAS 3-0






Attached: 1552484087229.jpg (686x913, 214K)

holy shit teds

>ted tied the game
what the hell lmao

wtf I love Teds again

>its really more of the >bloos being the >bloos
losing 1-0 in the second on the road and dominating the second period so far >bloos


>tfw learning Hal's deepest lore
Invite her over to watch a game with you some time next season when >your team is playing >her team. And make her pick one team. Two is unacceptable, even for a woman.
And then, again, the whole fingering thing. Sure-fire plan, I'm telling you.

Yeah, bad timing. Comcast fucked my legal streams too, nbc sports isn't working. Caststreams is still working though.



Is ted jesus?

standing by


Ted NW here

bilasport dot net

>blots gonna blot

thinking that canon might be right, he said teds win tonight blowing their collective load and lose 4 in a row

We out here Ted


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Sharks are based. They’re also the ONLY California team I like.

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What a PK by the Jets

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why wait til then?
we all know pens and caps will happen again this post season; that's what i'm aiming for
we live in cowtown, and I don't know what started her liking for either team, and I like two teams too so kys
I can try, but you underestimate her hatred for the pens and especially Crosby me thinks

I don't care what you guys say, I would have sex with Taylor Swift.









IT WAS 3-0
>IT WAS 3-0
IT WAS 3-0
>IT WAS 3-0
IT WAS 3-0
>IT WAS 3-0
IT WAS 3-0
>IT WAS 3-0
IT WAS 3-0
>IT WAS 3-0
IT WAS 3-0
>IT WAS 3-0
IT WAS 3-0
>IT WAS 3-0


Holy shit Teds

That's a good one, friend. May I keep it on my own computer?

Attached: 1518335037934.jpg (1024x768, 138K)

>rags south


Absolutely BASED

the blots OH NO NO NO NO



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>BLOTS dabbed on

Attached: tonguepick.gif (353x293, 3.15M)

you forgot to put the fucking leafs in the picture we made the playoffs

>and I like two teams too
Hal is looking increasingly grim.

The bulju dabberoonie

She’s my #1 waifu.

based Ted

blots posters awfully quiet now

Remember when people thought the bolts where good?

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I am confused about your reference
even if you mean the hal 3000

Lmao imagine the Ted's first series win comes against this apparently unstoppable lightning team. It's actually going to happen for the memes

thanks fren.

Why would anybody be against that

I was watching pens iles after 3 - 0. What the fuck happend with tampon gays?

ahahah transpa gay lbgtning absolutely BLOWING IT

Why couldn’t he think of something?

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when did columbus get a hockey team

Ill never get tired of seeing Tranpa Gay collapse, its always a true joy

Oh, and Yzerman is coming home this year just so you know

I still believe, but they blew this one big time and the first game loss meme remains.

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I feel bad for Stammer
he gave his legs to that org and he wont get a cup on it

I wanted to be on the playoffs :-/

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yzerman is going to the rags

>CBJ went all in just to get swept by TBL

Ted v Sam finals

t. Knower

HAHAHAHAHAHA get fucked to sunbelt faggots

it's 9000

>he doesn't know about Yzerman possibly going to NY to strengthen the NY/Tampa connection of trades

*to sweep the lightning


isn't CBJ basically sunblet shit KKona land anyways too

I don't trust Bobrovsky with this lead desu



is it?!
well fuck me even worse then

I want jets to win but that was a really weak penalty

ted is honorary snowbelt

IT WAS 3-0

post one (1) finn


holy fuck i'm shaking


I have something to say >standing animefag


>tampon bay

Let's hear your shit excuses bolts




has a president's trophy winner ever blown a 3-0 lead?





jesus crust LGBTning absolutely BTFO

>tampon gay

the mad lads really did it


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i-i-its only game one, right lads?

>no team to cheer for
This palyoff is boring.


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>boo'd off the ice

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Might kms

yes. April 10th, 2019

>lightning fans all year long being insufferable
>already bad enough being sunbelt
>choke to the fucking Teds
O I am laffin

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>IT WAS 3-0

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Its always a great feeling to see the worst fanbase on /hoc/ get BTFO


lots of teams have choked away a game 1 and won a series
specifics are pointless in the playoffs, jackets need to do this 3 more times to feel safe
but memes are fun

>missed Bolts game
How did the blowjobs do it?

this one's for actual Ted, may his cock rest in peace.


>it was 3-0 at home

time for BASED stars @ predators

>not cheering for the teds

Okay, that's actually a really good shot.

Shut down Stamkos and Kucherov mainly, caused alot of turnover, checked cleanly and alot...

Ted gets the last laugh


Got an easy, early lead then softer play combined with Bob getting his game back shut them out while the Jackets played hard for the comeback. Textbook throwing the game away, really. They played like it was a regular season game.


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Who else is going for st louis because of the onions boys booing him. Imagine being that butthurt on controversial tweets that are relatively true


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