Ole's at the wheel

Ole's at the wheel

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Not even Ole has been as exposed as this.

>3 years on and this bus is still parked rent free in everyone’s heads
Get a grip

should you not care about people lying?

where's the 350 million??

>m-muh gorillion shekels!!!


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Ole's at the wheel.

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Ole's at the wheel

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With the EU given that we're still a member...

Actually laughed

>still believing that disproven figure

Up your ma's fat arse ya burk

This. Judge after Halloween please

Where is the Brexit?

Nobody lied. The fact stated there is true.

It's not disproven. And it was higher in 2018.

Gross and NET are different things, it's like saying a packet of chewing gum costs you £5 by not mentioning the fact you were given change.

It's not fungible. So it's effectively lost.

Someone post the Alexis Sanchez edit

Is this how things are going to be like from now on?
An endless string of extensions of Brexit?

Will the UK be in the process of leaving the EU for all eternity?

Pretty much. Once all the Brexitears have dried and the older generation have died off it'll be quietly withdrawn. The main reason there was a push to leave is the upcoming crackdown on tax avoidance schemes, if we fail to avoid that then our mainstream media will suddenly drop their push for Brexit.


What did Pamela Anderson mean by this?

Attached: pamela anderson calls UK americas bitch.jpg (1079x1263, 356K)

The only people who think that it's a lie are those who don't understand English

>it's like saying a packet of chewing gum costs you £5 by not mentioning the fact you were given change
No it's not like that at all because you're not compelled to pay for chewing gum with a £5 note

She's not wrong but what was she responding to?

is this true britbros?

>"With you no matter what, George."
Yes, it's true.

That wikileaks autist got arrested

Ecuador got tired of Assange shitposting in their British Embassy so they invited the police for tea

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Fucking tit cow old hag bitch.

You tell that dumb bitch Lenín

based retard Lenin