
CHC: Lester (hamstring) heads to injured list
NYY: Sanchez out of lineup against Astros
STL: Carpenter signs extension with Cardinals
HOU: Alex Bregman (hamstring) not in lineup Wed.
TOR: Vlad Jr. (oblique) moving to Triple-A Buffalo
MIN: Nelson Cruz not in MIN lineup Wednesday
SD: Tatis Jr. out of Padres lineup on Wednesday
CLE: Lindor (ankle, calf) ran in the outfield Wed.
COL: Braves @ Rockies postponed due to snow
LAA: Mike Trout (groin) hopes to return on Friday

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Other urls found in this thread:



Imagine being a Chicago White Sox fan

cubs fan here!!

Attached: cubsbear.gif (320x348, 133K)

It hurts to live.

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this can't be real!!

Weren't the White Sox expected to win this one?

This is not the thread

>Glasnow vs Lopez
>expected to win

against Glasnow? yesterday was probably their best shot

Attached: Houspie sighted.jpg (433x650, 111K)

If only our owners and GMs cared and knew what they were doing like yours...

Attached: CfNODGYVIAEokjY.jpg (600x1067, 66K)

Your owner knows exactly what he's doing

There were two threads before this one, fuck off with the houspie shit

Well. That's sadly true.


Attached: 6jodci.jpg (792x1024, 125K)

God bless. I wish we had eight. /mlb/ takeover!
Go post for 10 teams in your dead hugbox faggot.

Not the guy you replied to, but he made both threads because his other was dead and he's done it before where he made like 4 at the same time. Fuck off

Classic houspie

correct. two threads before this one. use one of those. we don't need four threads and this one was late

You can't do this to me!

I predict a good day today

Attached: centralbroship.png (4680x1652, 2.85M)

You know what fuck this shit i'm making my own thread, top that houspie

Based Centralbro

Hey guys I made 2 threads why isn't anyone posting in them?

Attached: hou-aboard.png (320x300, 54K)

This golden age is long and it is good

/mlb/ is taking over

>the pirates traded Austin Meadows AND Tyler Glasnow for Chris Archer
how the hell did the rays get away with highway robbery?

duubs and meadows hits for the cycle

Anyone else just starting to feel sorry for the whos now? How do you let the rasy dab all over you?

nice jinx

Moreso the pirates. Two up and coming prospects that are both shaping up to be really good for chris archer.

Attached: Autistro.jpg (1455x919, 312K)

Why are both of the ops of these generals the same person?

Because the Rays are good you seething yaks fag.

he's having another meltdown


>falseflagging as non who sox fan sympathizers

Proud of being a hall monitor. What an embarrassing little wet faggot

Attached: Houspie.jpg (728x546, 101K)

Is this the thread?

>concerned third party


Attached: houspieseeth.jpg (960x895, 339K)


Okay no memeing, how are the chisox so bad this year?

The first April victory will set a track for a shock the World Series win

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no, there were literally two made before it

two that no one's using anymore because this is the thread lol

Who cares? Is your head going to explode if there's 3 threads?
Eat shit retard

But houspie the other one was made way before this one now stop being autistic and let this one dies already

Thread wars are now set to boil!

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So do we come to this one after the one with 47 posters is dead?

Based golden age /mlb/

>your team!
>your last meal!!

#blessed Roylies
I had two bananas with a spoon of peanut butter and a glass of skim milk for lunchies!!!


This one has babytalkers, not the real thread


sorry sir

I thought i told you to fuck off to Yea Forums

sorry I made a mistake

Your mother had a mistake

Please accept my apology

This is full blown insanity

>White Sox
>cigarettes and advil

Fuck your apology and fuck you!!!!


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Please allow me to apologize for baby talking. My behavior was extremely inappropriate, immature, and lacked the respect you guys deserved. It was a disruption and distracted others from talking about baseball.

It was embarrassing, but I learned that nobody appreciated my poor behavior. In the future, I have every intention of curbing my thoughtless actions and learn to adjust my behavior befitting the environment and situation.

Again, I am sorry for my actions and I hope that we can put this matter behind us. I look forward to posting about baseball with you guys in the future. If you have any thoughts in this, please feel free to share.

I'm gonna gut ya, stuff ya in a bag!

I must apologize for reacting the way I did. I know that people might post things that I do not like or agree with, but sometimes my emotions get the better of me and I may post derisive or hateful things in reply.
Sometimes I find it hard to "live and let live", even though I know that's the way things should be. It's one of my faults, but it's something I'm working to remedy.
Please know that I'm trying to be better every day, even though sometimes I slip and fall. Together I hope we can come to an understanding and one day perhaps even a friendship.

The last time the Mariners got an exciting prospect from Japan they had a great season.

This is insane


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>anglels wasting ohtani
>anglels wasting trout
>anglels taking full advantage of matt harvey
What a bust of a franchise

Fuck fat harvey

>6 eggs a chopped onion and swiss cheese 4 sausages mushrooms and 2 cups of rice mixed into scrambled eggs
>black coffee

Attached: 1476419768230.png (534x627, 42K)

Who would have thought the man to break Joe Dimaggio's record would be Tim Anderson.

White Sox
Turkey sandwich with chips and a pickle.

They are losing 8-0, as we speak. My heart goes out to anyone who paid for s ticket and sat there in the cold to watch this fail. I actually fell asleep listening to it on the radio.

>>White Sox
>>Crackers and peanut butter and ginger ale.

Thank god i'm not a white sox fan desu
>yfw not a whos fan

Attached: lol.jpg (820x859, 253K)


Fuck off retard


>>The White Sox have struck out 14 times today.

Still one inning to go.

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>that empty stadium in whitesox land


>the state of the whitesox
>looking gray and dreary
>dumpster fire


>ywn get invited by a former US president to paint with him
feels bad

Incoming White Sox rally bottom of the 9th.

Based Centralbro

Reminder there are only two teams shittier, pathetic and all around more jokes of a franchise than the white sox and the white sox suck LOLOLOLOL

9-0 on 2 hits.
Here we go to the bottom of the ninth.

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This is just rude!

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last # in post is how many runs the white sox will score this inning.

only 8 more to go



>cubs fan here!!
Well hello there.

Someone make the REAL thread

Down to our last out...

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It's all the owner's fault you know. Don't victimblame.

bg rays
Thus ends yet another 1-5 opening home stand
2019 White Sox Baseball: Literally just 2018 again
Time for sleep

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Reminder the white sox suck and thank fucking god i'm not a fan of them

Why don't you people have your own game threads anymore?

Nearly 3 weeks into the season and my chadres still arent below .500

It feels good lads

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Where we at moncies!

Nationals and Phillies duke it out

Good question. I looked for one first before I came here.

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Because none of us want to pay hiromoot

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deal with it philthie faggot

It's not worth the effort to make one.

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I hate chicago don't @ me

Why make game threads when we have 5 /mlb/ threads going on? Just use bump one of our dumpster fires to 500 and be done with them

You disgusting motherfucker!

Not as disgusting as someone from chicago

Why do people who keep trying to attendance shame the White Sox talk about moving them always victimblame the fans and never know about the owner and the dismal product on the field?

sorry I didnt know

let's do it!

And who wants to sit outside in the snow and watch this bullshit?

Attached: tobin.gif (480x270, 1.93M)

Those people don't know about Jerry's deal with the city

Make a new genny for every game Desu ne

White Sox more Like Suck Cocks

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The White Sox deserve to be bullied.

0℅ financing for Corporate Name Stadium?

Sorry I didn't know

Bless you OP, I was world some general fag would have their thread picked

Doyers @ Cards

If the attendance is less than 2,000,000 each year, he gets massive tax cuts and makes bank. Which is the true secret why the White Sox are so profitable.

It's like the real life version of the Producer's without the backfiring.

Not all teams get gamethreads you silly billy. The lesser teams post here, and the shitty teams are banished to the 'general' threads.

It helps that all white sox fans are retarded and love getting fucked yearly

This. The only way Jerry would ever change anything is if the laws change or if people actually start showing up in spite of his shit

>if people actually start showing up in spite of his shit
This is the only solution. Just like in the producers. Maybe they can be so bad it becomes comical and draws that way like how it worked in the movie and in futurama for the Mets.

Well, now it all makes sense.

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>love getring fucked yearly
What can us fans even do? Openly revolt? It's just not possible in this day and age. And the fans have been revolting hard on the internet where it'll never reach the ears or eyes of Jerry and even if they did he still wouldn't care.

The official terms on the lease of then comiskey, former US Cellular, now Gauranteed rate field:

If the attendance was 1.6 Million or below, then Reinsdorf and co would not have to pay rent or taxes or anything to the city at all. The lease was negotiated with Chicago Politicians and is by far the most team friendly deal in professional sports. By utilizing this deal, and then putting out the shoddiest product possible on the field to ensure the under terms for attendance are met, Jerry Reinsdorf who bought the team for 40 million dollars has now made 4 billion dollars off it.

Attached: reinsdorf_3.jpg (600x421, 60K)

Furthermore if attendance is less than 1.9 million, then Reinsdorf gives no cut of ticket sales away.

A little early, but who cares
Pirates @ Cubs


They've had under 1.6 million attendance 7 times since he bought the team (1982, 86, 87, 88, 89, 98, and 99)

and under 1.9?

Who here /ootp/

Why are the Mariners doing so well? Is it a hoax? This was supposed to be a rebuilding year. I feel like I'm being duped into hope to have it taken away again.

Attached: 1990 was 76 years ago.png (500x522, 48K)

are there any other times in recent history when a team that was supposed to recuperate from multiple years of sucking just completely failed at it like the White Sox are doing now? are they just going to be bad for decades?

Reminder the 2018 Mets started 11-1 and the 2016 White Sox started 23-10 and look what happened to them.

Just let this be a lesson to you, do not be the 2018 Mets or 2016 White Sox.

Probably everyone

I would say the Bears. After constantly missing the playoffs and mediocrely sucking at 8 then 10 then 8 wins they brought in new coaches and staff to revamp the team including firing coach Marc Trestman for John Fox and GM Phil Emery for Ryan Pace. They even let go of franchise installations like Cutler, Forte, and Marshall. As a result of that, they would start afresh as the white sox are doing but their win records then became:
With no end in sight at the time
then again then suddenly won 12 last year so who knows wtf

Sorry sir

I forgot my image

and actually on that note, the true answer would be the Bulls, incidentally also owned by Reinsdorf

Having just typed it all out now I see am obvious pattern. Wheareas the bears answered mediocrity by a revamp that got rid of people, it included those who brought the mediocrity in the first place. Meanwhile the Bulls still have GarPax and the Sox still have KenHahn. Quite simple really.

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The absolute state of Chicago sports

Twins have given up 6 walks and one hit by pitch

And the inning isn’t over

sorry I had no idea


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Imagine walking in 4 runs

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>rags time

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>3 threads.
Boys. this needs to stop.

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Rays better not choke this season away like the lightning

It's 4 now

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I see. that's no good.

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Altherr pitching in Philly.

Where is Teboq?

I thought the Phillies were supposed to be good this year?

What the fuck LANCE

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It's almost like having a team that's all offense and no pitching isn't sustainable... sorry Phils, enjoy third place


I still like the Nats to win the division.

Nats outscored Philly 24-1 since 6th inning last night.

Good game, Phillies. Stay mad, Mets.

Attached: Rizz.jpg (879x879, 146K)

Good game, Twins. Stay mad, Nats.

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>poo darshit

*elbow explodes behind you*

>double doink

I took the pirates at +154. Easy money.


tankb owl

Good game, Oakland. Stay mad, Nats.

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Pete "Peter "Petey "Petes Alonso" Alonso" Alonso" Alonso

Well the Cubs didnt give up 9 runs today and had more than 1000 fans at their park.

the chubbies are pulling away from the pack!

>steals 2nd

Attached: the reaper.png (311x304, 23K)

oh no no no no noononon ononono poop darshit hahahhahahahahahahahahahaha

Where's the money, Angelos?


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>tfw have Conforto, Alonso, Ramos, and McNeil on your team


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the mest started last season 12-2 as well

>tfw no one can stop the Mariners not even themselves

Attached: Hanigoat.jpg (850x559, 84K)

Is Gallo a meme? He's like .203 or something after that last at-bat

Attached: rags27.png (732x959, 783K)

sorry I had no idea

I want to believe boys I really do. I keep telling the teenagers at work how much fun the Mariners were back in the 90's and they just tell me to "yeet" and do the fort night dance and not listen.

I'm just enjoying the ride, friendo.

Attached: fun ball girl.jpg (237x487, 15K)

>tfw 8 straight L's

The infuriating part is they aren't even playing the badly right now, its just that the bullpen is absolutely fucking atrocious. No closers what so fucking whatever. How did the royals management fuck up so badly? We would be at least .500 with a semi-competent bullpen.

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yes, some babytalking asshole decided to say "JOEY GALLIE" and it caught on

The calm before the storm brother

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Joey Gallo is the big dinger swinger

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r e s d

The reds are back

I'm in a similar situation. I just hope that they're enjoying it while they can. There's no telling what will happen tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to see if the M's can stay committed to controlling the zone against Houston this weekend.

you mean 9 straight losses lol


i sure as shit hope so, i'm following these dudes to mexico this weekend

But how will the Mariners rebuild their farm system with the erm.........30th pick?

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it's up to the resd and pie rats to knock the gusb into last place

Mariners haven't really been hitting your bullpen. Your starting pitching is trash and cant make it out of the 3rd

>rags, cup cradlers

cubbie wubbie has a tummy
cubbie wubbie rubbie rubbie?
rubbie rubbie cubbie tummy
cubby wubby luvvie luvvie :3



perish, retard

Love the Doyers, love the history, love Vin Scully. Hate the current cancerous Modelo swilling, wrap around sunglass wearing, fruity ass vaping, tramp stamp lettered fanbase. Who's with me?


cease to breathe idiot!

>doyers off to an incredibly hot start
>somehow tied with the fucking Padres for first in the NL west

Lmao what the fuck is going on here

Back-to-back World Series losers

Attached: doyers ws.jpg (400x378, 30K)

the padres have been beating up on trash teams

oh no no nono!

get a load of this retard!

Attached: 12315.jpg (361x359, 24K)

Attached: cringe.png (222x86, 38K)

>chadres take 2 of 3 from cards
>cards immediately take at least 3 of 4 from the doyers

He's right, the bullpen has blown 3 or 4 leads so far. Starting pitching was competent coming into this series.
The Royals have played more teams than the Mariners this year.

But the padres won the series against the cardinals, the same cardinals team currently about to sweep the dodgers

o i fuck ya
then i cuck ya
put my cum in ya
ya swallow me up like bubble gum
ya cute feet have me in a trance
now take off ya pants

Attached: gallie.jpg (318x159, 8K)

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joey gallie make ya seeth?

Gallie gang takeover!


gallie owns ya

Based gallie!

it's gallie mania!!!!!!!!

>Elvis, Donald Sutherland, and Gallie due up for the Rangers
tf is this team?

>pre-Gallo dinger

Attached: rags14.png (626x425, 258K)

Aight bros. Can we all agree that this Bour dude has by far the “douchiest, most punchable” face in all MLB?

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scared...exhausted...I just want to go home and have a BBQ...if only these damn trains weren't guarding my path home... how the hell did I even get here? last thing I remember was someone telling me to use his thread...ugh what is going...no... did they spot me? *breathes out* whew looks like it was a fal--


Attached: shadow trains.png (1024x768, 615K)

Did you say trains?

Attached: Ms Train Panorama 2018.04.04.jpg (8704x1680, 3.32M)

based autist


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Attached: Screenshot_20190411-004101.jpg (720x978, 411K)

Realized a lifelong dream at 27 years old and got a Major League baseball at a game. Unfortunately, it was a BP ball. I didn't realize these balls were branded as such.

Attached: Screenshot_20190411-004208_Instagram.jpg (1080x1920, 589K)

philthies kek philthies!!!!!!!!!!!!

still nice.

Congratulations brother. I have yet to catch one myself, and my inner Hample is crying out.

Gotta say, that’s hard to beat.

>Your team sucks so don't cry too hard

Attached: sympathy sleeve.webm (720x720, 1.02M)

I broke my phone just from lookin at that face for too long.

>tfw Tim is the only one on the team who gives a shit

what happened to cleveland today?

But what about Moncada?

gg broors. fix your pitching it kinda sucks

I like it, he looks like a bully.

world famous cubs fan richard spencer

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It's OK, he's going against an entire staff that throws shit like this.

Attached: a3N-vjTy5sbjivnM.webm (640x360, 2.61M)

Rags Win!
Holy shit that was close.
gg, sneks


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How can I get a fellow angel gf?
Everyone here is a Dodgerfag
LTBU btw

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I'm mexico ? Just fuck off, paco. Root for the dodgers please.

Dodgers lose!

Attached: cards fan.jpg (753x971, 407K)

>mfw I bought season tickets in foul ball territory for my minor league team
>mfw five foul balls a day if the righties were fouling a ton
>mfw just throwing them back to kids

Attached: 42437518_1525273774238848_8952650266522400755_n.jpg (1080x1080, 99K)

lol broors


You like bullies?

give me your lunch money!!

“I always knew I could throw a hundred miles per hour. I just didn’t know I could throw a hundred and FIVE miles per hour.”

Name that player.


Tom Brady?


kek lol

Attached: gaysconsin23.gif (1200x675, 2.45M)


do these help cope with the fact that the cubs signed poo darvish

>it's gotta be a cubs fan

Retard alert

retard sighted

The retards are running loose!

I gotcha, senpai.

Attached: rags25.png (695x662, 480K)

That cat has gone insane!

this cat is a psychopath!

this is terrifying

I can hear the trains bros

>late night samefagging
Have you considered suicide?

I-I see the shadow of a train... It's coming from around the coroner!

my bad

I see a little silhouetteo of a traino

All time bruh moments

i-it's in my dreams bros... the trains are in my nightmares!

Found the samefag

samefaggies spotted!

>continues to samefag
feeling sleepy? drink some drano.

I've never been more exposed in my life

I am humiliated

Any 1 else here watch baseball today

It was a perfect springtime day for baseball... open up the windows... throw a dog or 2 in the nuker... pants off and feet up with the crack of the bat

I watched the Nats beat the Phillies

too much

Attached: rags29.png (552x559, 367K)

Mmmmm.... gotta love spring freshness.... wife's cleanin up... grill's itchin to be used....fresh smell of burned charcoals...maybe some bratwursts...oh my back is stickin to the couch...sensation haven't had in quite some time....Mmmmm lemme get the fan on....that'll do it....ahhhhh...fresh air....Mmmm... hey Marge go grab me a cold one will ya dear...Mmmmm..

Dodgers offense dot exe has crashed, please stand by.

Samefaggies to the genny!

samefaggies are pissin me off! D:

music for cozy thread.


Attached: angels1.png (488x360, 268K)

Mighty fine pickin and a singin...


this piece oh my! oh dear lord! I found it like 5 years ago and it still sounds good to this day oh dear lord!

oh the samefags have been SPOTTED!

Found the samefag

also this, I don't understand the words but for songs I don't know words with this is my favorite.
PS (sorry for samefagging)

all samefags report

Butch Queen reporting in

Attached: Butch Queen.jpg (400x225, 29K)

green bean of the abandoned /mlb/ general
>hou aboard!

Attached: depositphotos_9459598-stock-photo-single-pod-of-green-bean.jpg (1022x412, 21K)

Whens Tebow getting the call?

That isnt Kyle seager

Talk to you Sept 1st..I live in the Seattle area.





Are we still laughing at the Phillies?


Aka: The Pinnacle of Parity

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Which of these teams will be able to stop the Meminers?

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Good morning fellow chadre fans

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So do I. Mariners fan since 1989. I will enjoy every win they get even if the bullpen or starting pitching implodes. For the entirety of Feb and March I told everyone I knew that they would score a lot of runs, the pitching is tenuous at best.

The memeners are going to implode come July

Attached: 3021b3e.png (460x696, 293K)

>people still haven't started throwing a slider that goes right instead of left

>Yankees run diff: +12
>Orioles run diff: -29

For me it's the houston astros desu

Attached: tbh.png (4500x4332, 204K)

For me it's the only team from Texas that matters

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The one with zero rings?

that's a lot of Ws

Morning boys.

Attached: 2019.png (850x1120, 144K)

I haven’t played a non-OOTP baseball game since 2011. Is the Show 19 worth $50 or should I just get The Show 18 for a lot cheaper?

tonight, we take the west

I certainly hope so. We need to take a series from the dbacks, I have a feeling they're going to light us up tonight though, our pitcher has literally never pitched beyond the A level

I agree about the Sneks possibly shellshocking us. I hope they don't, but can see it happening. With respect to tonight's starter though, wasn't that the same for Margevicious before he got called up?

Yeah it was but let's just chalk it up to beginners luck, green cant keep getting lucky like that

Or can he?

hello /mlb/! how are you this fine morning?

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last 3 digits is how many games the mariners win


>green cant keep getting lucky like that
I'm not even giving Green that W. That goes to Preller in my book. Considering that the bulk of the remaining prospects that continue to elevate the farm system to the top of the rankings are pitchers, I would wager that it is statistically more likely to happen again for us than it might for other teams?

Not doing well at all.
I guess at least we can't lose today cause it's an offday.

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They'll find a way

Yeah, but he hits dongers when he does connect so that's why they disregard his BA and focus on his SLG and OPS

Do the Rats miss Austin Meadows yet?

Attached: gettyimages-1133937494-612x612.jpg (490x612, 32K)

Well, I could be doing better. My sports station in SD had it's broadcasting tower leased revoked out of the blue yesterday, so they needed to take it exclusively online today, but considering that I've been listening to it for non-homer takes on the Chargers since a decade ago, and it has become my primary form of contact with the Dads as well as information related to them, so it was a little worrisome for awhile yesterday, but simply seeking access to the hardware to broadcast is a better problem to have than the dissolution of on air shows or a show not being able to agree to a new contract with the station, so at the moment, the station is still operating, and broadcasting, but I hope they can get their access back to broadcasting over the air, as we are talking about the station Rome cut his teeth on before going national, so within the history of sports talk radio as a genre, it'd be a shitty way for it to die.

sorry to hear that user.

mariners thread?

mariners royals

Already a thread

Thank god chicago is shit at baseball. actually shit at most sports this year

why the fuck are there 3 mlb generals right now

feels bad

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Maybe not the bears if trubisky doesn't implode

It's our only hope

I mean a double doink couldn't happen two years in a row right?

I dont even watch football but the double doink is one of the funniest things Ive seen in sports. does anybody here have the mascot's reaction?

The last person to give up a bit to Chris Davis was James Shields lol

The last team to have james shields on their team were the white sox LOL .What a shitty ass team


>rags west

Fucking doyers


>hit your first dinger
>give up 4 in the bottom of the 2nd

What a rollercoaster for Walker - who has been shit in all three starts and ought to be demoted to bullpen long before Kenta or Urias once Kershaw and Hill are back.

samefagging up the thread

You can't call the doyers the rags of the west cause the rags have no rings

What went wrong? He was so good last year.

Dodgers missed their window. They'll have on more playoff run with an early exit.

He's still going to win today


try again sweaty

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stop stealing my post!


Oh it was a walk. Nevermind.

The Athletics just killed a man.

Did you have a good breakfast today /mlb/?

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Yes i enjoy breakfast more knowing i'm not a dodgers fan

Dont be such a seething faggot.

I'm not seething, my team didn't lose to the dodgers when it mattered

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what happened?

Oh you are just autistic. Carry on sir.

What does the dodgers losing back to back world series have to do with autism?

You needing to post every retarded comment that comes to your sperg mind.

But what does that have to do with uh what i posted?

oh no no

Didn't you fags get exposed for cheating by the Chad Sox?

As did the dodgers and yankees. But now they suck

>be houston

Imagine being behind the Mariners in your division.

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>be houston
>get caught
>become loseaton

I thought loseeaton was the white sox?

Its anyone in the comedy central flyover shithole states.

Imagine being behind the rays

Loseaton sure as shit isn’t your fat gf

>You can only reply to this post if your team is over .600

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nope still replying

What team?

doyers gonna doy

>loss doyers


>posts nazi frog
you deserve your suffering

I'm still replying because I'm a MAD MAN.

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Cringing that Cubs aren't on top like they should be.

sorry sir he was being very brash

Make sure it doesn't happen again.

ok I'll talk to him thanks for your leniency

This is unironically my new favorite meme.

Yea Forums's official apology thread #1 was a success. Make sure you're here for the second one!

>the same shitty bullpen arms are allowed to pitch
Do you think that Roberts knows why the Dodgers keep on losing games and the WS?


no it wasn't you tards killed within seconds

It couldn't possibly be him could it?!?!

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it was up for hours


Who was even in that thread? Stupid apologist

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Move over dodgers in come the daddies

here we go dodgies here we go *clap clap clap*

dodgers in da building lets go *clap clap*

Hopefully they can shake this off against the brewers.

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Rockies will win NL west. Dodgers will lose wc game

sorry sir.

>Tardinals broadcast called LA the Doyers

can't even hope for Kershaw's return to save us. he'll be the worst pitcher in the rotation this year, guaranteed

how is it that the dodgers consistently get btfo by bullpens of literal whos

john gant is elite





What happened?


who 1st place here? special thanks to anaheim

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Oh fuck off


So who's making the thread in 10 posts?

Mariners fans are literally the worst cucks in the entire fucking league.

Absolute shitter franchise who have less to it's name than the fucking Marlins despite existing for twice as long as them. Pathetic fanbase.

Celebrating beating the royals like the celebrated the world series win they've ha--- celebrating beating the royals like the ALCS win they h--- celebrating beating the royals like the time they had the most wins in baseball history ever and lost to the Yankees before the WS and wasted Ken Griffey Jrs career

>the team is bad therefore the fanbase is bad
First day following baseball, kid?

No their fanbase is bad because they celebrate beating up bad teams like it makes them good and then act like the Mariners have reason to.

listen sir.... we can change

Just ignore him and he'll eventually stop crying.

we can make this right! sorry ;_;


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a fellow weebie hiya! :D

Is the AL West elite? All teams are at or above 500

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AL west is taking over /mlb/! move over centralbros

also the cardinals own the dodgers

Is it, dare I say, our year?

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relocation won't happen this year but it's coming very soon

You sound butthurt as hell. Even whos fans didn't cry like this when we beat them.

yeah probably

>defending celebrating like you have the highest record in the history of AL after beating a 2-10 team
Maricucks is your new name from now on.

U can only reply to this post if ur franchise has won a world series

I guess i can call you salt

>>the team is bad therefore the fanbase is bad

That's literally how Yea Forums works though.

If you're a fan of a shitty team, you're a cuck via Yea Forums official rules.

U can only reply to this post if your team has won an ALCS

Astros here, congrats white sox fans you might not have a good team but at least you aren't huge faggots like royal fans

Show me where these rules are

roylies make ya seeth?

>Defending divisional rivals
Mariners fans you might be massive cucks who act like they're gods for beating up the weird kid sniffing glue in class but at least you're not faggots like Astros fans.

Thanks 4 choking the 2015 alds tho

Whosfags can't stop crying at their own team. Roylelfags can't stop crying at other teams. Who's worse?

Royals fans aren't crying at other teams, they're pointing out how a team that's never done anything is celebrating beating a shitty team.

I mean we had too after you choked the 2014 world series

What is this 2014 all over again? We're just missing smukfrok and de cats

>be houston

That's crying user, i can taste the salt through this post

the cubs own ya

yeah they do

>be xuckiners
>never win

>be houston

what if he's a rags fan?


Lose eaton? we never had eaton

Why are people mad at the Mariner's? The fans here are shit but the ones that I've met at actual games are great people.

Give me a second digging them out.

>be houston

Did someone say Rags?

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But everyone loses user it's baseball

>be houston
>get caught

Excuse me, Loseaton would be the Red Sox.

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I'm a fan of neither of the teams involved but:
>be houston

When did they ever cheat?

>Why are people mad at the Mariner's?
They're winning. That's it.
>The fans here are shit
That's every poster in /mlb/, to be fair.

I can think of several teams that aren't the case xeattlecuck.

Just mad cause their teams are shit.
>red cucks
actually yankees fags are alright until they start winning

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I think you're honestly missing the point. The team I'm a fan of was 2-9 going into tonight's game. I was unable to even fucking watch the damn game due to being out of state and they've already lost the series. I could honestly care less about the royals losing. I expected them to lose this season, a lot. It's honestly not all that shocking. You're saying we (specifically) me posting is salty about your team (the Mariners) giving the royals their 10th loss of the season when in reality I predicted the Mariners winning by the bullpen choking way back in the 1st inning. Literally the only reason I cared about the game was Whit merrifields streak and seeing royals do fast baserunning. Shame merrifields streak ended but hey his streaks longer than any hit streak the Mariners or any AL West player has ever had so l m f a o.

We don't want that slut

At least St. Louis has the Arch and Ferries. What does Seattle even have? An abandoned factory as a landmark park or some statue under a freeway?

non-sperg actual NEW

>four threads

HOLY FUCK migrate to the one in use:

Why do mlb fags post new gennies so early and like 4 of them. The NFL fanbase which is much bigger have no problems with new early generals and posting only one

here we fucking go again

crazy shit

Why do mlb fags post new gennies so early and like 4 of them. The NFL fanbase which is much bigger have no problems with new early generals and posting only one

And when they fucking do people remind us to migrate like 15 posts earlier so some autist doesn't post a new one before the migrate poster posts.

posting close to 500 is good if the thread is moving fast enough, though you're right, why is there a new thread when we already have others being used.

shit's fucked

it's the same guy making 3 different generals

They are pretty elite so far, though it's far too early to tell if it's sustainable. Mariners are sure to fall off, but who knows to what degree. The rags have a decent offensive lineup but no real pitching aces. Angels could go either way, really. Astros are too good to not stay elite. As are good too and will stay above 500.

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what the fuck is wrong with you

t. whos