Enter the game just to bully Penaldo

>enter the game just to bully Penaldo

nothing personnel old man

Attached: ekkelenkamp.jpg (1200x900, 139K)

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As it should be.

Homosexuals need to get hit.

Based ekkelenkamp.
Hope he makes it big

Absolutely based. Top tier debute

He did right and basically saved his team from a second goal
Plus Penaldo got bullied so it's cool

Based sven kramer

What did he do? Webm

Dragged forcefully Penaldo down during a counterattack

Crashing ronaldo with no survivors

This photo looks like it was shot in the 70s

Gebaseerd en Banegepilled

The vertical ABN logo was so much better

Attached: output.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

heads up play desu, like suarez's red card


Aegon vond ik ook mooi. Ziggo heeft ongeluk meegenomen

what a hero



Attached: Top_lel.jpg (304x315, 45K)

keked and checked


old-fashioned English challenge

no foul

funny how he keeps running like maybe the ref wouldn't see that shit

Based, probably would have been a goal

He got a yellow card tho

Worth it. It's just some shitter nobody has ever heard of.

nice penta goyim

Its so fucking smart, kills all the momentum of the attack, leaves no passing option, takes out key striker, makes CR7 his bitch.

200IQ football


#respect please come to Besiktas

He should have tried to injure Ronaldo
Can't be that hard to do if he just came back ftom injury

one word
football genius

>> Headers the ball in a world level starplayer feet
>>Corrects his own mistake at the cost of a card.
>>Some annon on Yea Forums: promises to summarize in one word:
>> "Football genius"

pure unadulterated


he injured penaldos pride

a 19yo bodied someone who's so prideful of his body and physique like he was a 7yo girl

i love how he looks back, lining up the "pass to ronaldo" in his mind, runs a bit, looks back and is like "huh ok"

>the weak should fear the strong

This. It's about psychology. Some literally who that made his international debut 10 mins earlier threw Penaldo down like a dog and got away with it. I bet Penaldo is seething so much right now he can't sleep.

I thought the same thing. maybe it was done intentionally with lighting


*solves football*

Attached: Image.jpg (324x324, 16K)

Attached: 312312312312.jpg (225x225, 10K)




>common tactical foul.
>all these zoomers foaming from their vags at a guy clinging someone from the shoulders

>saved a counter
>meaningless yellow as he will barely ever play again
>made his debut memorable for everyone that watched
>racking in (you)s from Yea Forums
400 IQ move
>bullied Ronaldo

It's because it's in the last minute of the game from a player that the punishment will have almost no consequence on whatsoever. It's the perfect crime and that's what makes it funny.

put me in the epic screen cap

>pretends like nothing happened after mowing him down infront of the ref

>getting rolando riled up

kek, that 2nd hand is going to be interesting


Yeah, that and the shirt has a classic look to it.

Just made that webm even more funny to me. Dybala watching as the whole thing happens

Based designated yellow card man

If I were him I'd rather be worried about a 34 yo running past me pace wise without any effort

>infuriating the beast

ronaldofags are this autistic
