What a digusting sack of shit manager. You can see how this guy lost to Roma

What a digusting sack of shit manager. You can see how this guy lost to Roma.

Attached: valverde39r.png (1171x784, 784K)

They lost to Roma because Messi did his annual choking act


I love Valverde but he's no barcelona material
Not that any manager could make shitters like Coutinho and Sergi play well, mind you.


>You can see how this guy lost to Roma.
The guy set up the same way against United tonight I mean holy shit. If United were just a little more clinical, Barca would have got thrashed. The nigger can't do away games in the CL at all. If they make it to next round Liverpool can absolutely wreck them at Anfield like this.

How does he not learn? How do you get smashed by Roma, draw to Lyon and not change things up? Literally what's the team set up? What does he tell them to do? They just look aimless, it's like they decide to just play defensive but they're completely shit at it so it doesn't work. Barca are not a team that can sit on a lead. Ffs

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>Le let barcelona park the bus man
What the fuck does he mean by this?

>If United were just a little more clinical
Implying they created any chances

why exert unnecessary energy against a dogshit murderball team when you will win easily at home? kill the game


Barca really need Pep back

>Post your face when barcelona parked the bus for over an hour and looked like absolute shit

fucking relegation tier

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>Not that any manager could make shitters like Coutinho play well
Rodgers and Klopp managed it


I expect it at this point, it's Valverde, but I don't get how he doesn't learn.

If barca were relegation tier, united was sunday league

>there's people in this board who think barcelona ain't gonna win the uefa
user I...

>parked the bus
>7 shots on goal
>60% possession

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this was the worst barça match in over a decade. thanks god, manu are even worse

Get ready for the second leg

>score meme goal
>proceed to do literally nothing for the next hour cause hey one away goal surely is enough right?
He's a fucking cowardly shitter and this was an awful match.

>Start with 4-3-3 with Coutinho up front
>get a goal
>*Valverde kicks in*
>Messi doesn't touch the ball for an hour
>they kick the ball with their back line even Ter Stegen has more touches than Messi and United has 0 shots on goal
>occasional hoof ball to Suarez while he rams his ass into Smalling for a foul
>repeat until 80'
>Vidal comes in
>there's now a midfield and you control comfortably

Why do spanish do this, bet you had fun losing to Russia playing this shit back line keep away crap

>play in Tuesday league
>tfw still not good enough for Man U squad

Attached: fwe.jpg (645x773, 57K)

Honestly imagine Liverpool or Juve/Ajax against that Barca
it'd be worse than Roma


Barca didn't give a shit about this game. They know it'll be 6-0 at Camp Nou. ManUre are Schalke tier.

This. That guy is fucking retarded