Why don't Southerners like baseball or hockey?

Why don't Southerners like baseball or hockey?

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>hockey in the south

it's hot as fuck all the time. also, they like baseball. there aren't many teams to follow so they usually just latch onto the braves

>be union soldier
>die for the sake of negro slaves
being a yank is the ultimate cuckoldry

they definitely do like baseball

diversity is strength

it's true, atlanta is the capital of the south

It's no where near as big as it is up north though. That was a key plot point of the movie The Rookie

I live in Texas and played hockey in high school for two years. I loved it and I love watching hockey as well. It's just not as easy to relate here since we don't get much ice/snow.

Growing up in NJ I got into hockey cause i played it every winter on the pond when it froze with the neighborhood kids. I'd imagine living in a place that never snows you dont get those experiences.

Hockey is cold and Baseball is for Jew nerds

I would think that would make it more attractive. We've got another 12" of snow forecast tomorrow and if I see grown men enjoying winter activities at this point in the year I will snap.

>people think the civil war was fought over slavery

Lol they teach that in northern schools?

It’s the same people who think being neoliberal “woke” capitalists and supporting google, Facebook, etc. is the same thing as being a true socialist leftist because the companies slap a few rainbow flags here and there

>in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding states....

Texas' reasoning for seceding. Literally every state, plus Jefferson Davis himself, directly pointed to slavery as the justification

what do they teach in southern schools

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It's really funny these inbred dipshits refuse to own it, despite being racist shitlords otherwise. I guess they're just a bunch of weakwilled faggots addicted to humalog.

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all that wasted food that the skeleton could have eaten

How to use the rhythm method with your relatives.

>chad north wants to ship slaves back to Africa
>virgin south wants to keep negroes around

It continues to this day.
>chad north/liberal states want to increase foreign aid to Central America to improve conditions to stem migration, similar to how Mexican immigration to the US has dropped
>virgin south/trump country wants to BUILD THAT WALL

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Southers fuck their 3rd cousins
Northerners fuck their brothers and sisters

Yeah, when it comes to American incest that's the popular thought...

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>2 of /nfl/‘s worst tripfags having a gay political spat
Somebody fetch old bay and we can summon Satan with the unholy trinity

Could we sub in the Turkish Iggles faggot?

Niggers in baseball

The North is whiter than the South, get wrecked dixieboi


Never mind me. I'm a retard who completely misread your post... because I'm fucking retarded

Most attended on campus college baseball games

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post-civil war they started teaching how their culture was actually good, and their generals noble, and how everything was fine until the War of Northern Aggression.

Which is how you get posts like this guy:
who might be trolling, but they really still teach that, even though you can easily google the documents each state sent to DC as their given reason for leaving the USA. In 100% of cases, it was "slavery."

Baseball is too complex and hockey too difficult to play for dumb southerners

It was. Mariya, however, is a flat-eather anti-vaccer maga.

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Based teen country

Based Ebony states.

Half of the baseball players in the MLB are southerners the rest are Dominicans. Baseball is just boring as fuck to watch.

Texas exports beef and athletes. I don't believe any of it when people say a certain sport isn't popular down here, it's just that football shadows it that much because it's that fucking huge.

that's like saying the US revolted just because the brits were housing soldiers here. Slavery was A reason but was not THE reason

Post the rest of the document or don't post it at all

>twas not the main reason, boy I telluwut. THESE COLORS DON'T RUN! PROVE IT AND I'LL MOVE THEM THAR GOALPOSTS

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These guys are literally Instagram personalities. They got famous off of Barstool. It's an act you fucking liberal faggot.

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Pinhead faggot

>the best education systems are Massachusetts, New Jersey, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Connecticut
>the worst are New Mexico, Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Louisiana

Really makes me think


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>>the best education systems are Massachusetts, New Jersey, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Connecticut
Alabama literally almost elected a pedophile to keep a Democrat out of office.


Now look at the demographics of those states

Also look at who they elect in as President.

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it's a red state, they just really love the Cheney's there

>war was fought for slaves
>conveniently forgetting how the south was basically treated as subhuman in Congress despite producing 90% of the country's food
Why are northie posters so shit? Is it the leaf influence rubbing off on them?

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Donald Trump makes me wish I was American

Who uh... produced all that food?

imagine having to sit out in the southern summer for 4 hours to watch baseball

Tennesseean here. Don't listen to these retards, they teach us the same thing they teach everybody else.

I had a good history teacher, though, who also included things like the gap between the average Confederate soldier and the politicians that actually pushed for secession and the war. Most Confederate soldiers were sold the war as being about states' rights, about defending their friends and neighbors from northern aggression. Almost none of them owned slaves or had any sort of stake in that argument -- they were too busy trying to survive to worry much about what happened to the slaves.

The idea that all Confederate monuments and shit should be taken down is hugely offensive to me as a history buff. It serves no purpose whatsoever. Liberals should want those monuments to remain in place as a testament to how simple people were sold a war as a lie by these remote politicians. Confederate soldiers are victims of manipulation and political conditioning -- by and large, they do not deserve to be demonized for their part in the war.

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>and Baseball is for Jew nerds

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If you're a history buff, you know when those 'monuments' went up and why.

Take down the losers.

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We will take down you losers soon don't worry

History should be impartial, brother. It's been a long time since the war. I don't have anything against people from the north, just rabid social media mongoloids obsessed with identity politics.

They took down the losers in November 2016

>southern education

The shit I can't stand is that you yankees leave it at, "The Civil War was about slavery, all those southerners are inbred racists for saying anything that I deem contrary." The civil war was instigated for selfish economic reasons by politicians. Their intent was to preserve their power, of which was built with financial gain by the enslavement of Africans. Slavery was the hot-button topic of the day, it was not the true underlying reason. However, this somehow ends up perverted in the North into, "Every white man, woman, and child in Dixie, no matter how poor or infirm, took up arms to wage war against the United States because they'd rather die of gangrene in a mud hole in Virginia than give Africans civil rights." This is not the case. The "inbred racists" that you are so eager to point fingers at and cackle about are not who started the war. They're the descendants of the poor souls who were swayed by propaganda into giving their lives for a paper nation at the whim of their senator. They were were foot soldiers, not the lieutenants. The politicians who started the Civil War are still in power here. Their family names are still non the ballots. They're not the rednecks with mullets pounding natty light and watching Nascar. Those big wigs lost the war but they kept their power. They didn't really lose, in essence. However, I bet you still think the USA fought the GWAT for "freedom in the middle east" and not to stabilize the middle-eastern economy for our own benefit. Wars are not fought for the reasons you're told. The Iraq war was over oil, the Civil War was to maintain the political status quo. Lincoln wanted to preserve the Union and he didn't give a shit about slaves until his constituents told him too.

Also, a PSA to all Ohians, we hate you too. If you don't like us rednecks then please do us a favor stay in your containment state and stop shitting up my state.

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Absolutely based

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>thinking this post is coherent or contains a thought
Yea Forums really is the fucking sewer of the internet, isn't it

Imagine being this mad you type out lies for 5 minutes.

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>"The Civil War was about slavery,

Full stop.

"What you Yankees need to understand is--"

No. It is you who are uneducated. The reasons for the Civil War are documented. You can google them. Go away.

t. berniebro

Why are southerners so easily butthurt?

Imagine being such an attention whore of a tripfag that you reply to same post twice in 3 seconds, showing everyone that you have pathetically bought a Yea Forums pass.

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Tose statues were put up in the 50s and 60s as a response to civil rights movement

theyre not "historical" in the fucking slightest. theyre cheaply made shit made by angry boomers

Bernie's a literal millionaire, unlike Trump.

The most famous case of a Confederate monument removal was the Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville which was commissioned in 1917, a good 50 years before Civil Rights.

Nice try though, namefag.

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The South really is awful. Thankfully, plenty of Northerners are migrating to North Carolina and the Gulf coast to erode that shit culture.

>As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated, my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour.
Imagine having some inbred idiots literally oppose you 50 years later under the false beliefs you wanted it.

Wow, one guy had an opinion. Excellent. I wonder if he was also a tripfag that everyone filters.

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>doesnt realize that there was another civil rights movement around 1917
southern education everybody

>doesnt know who ted is or his greatest achievement tonight
nice try meme frog
burn one out for ted

That guy was Robert E Lee.

oh shid :DD

>needs statues of slave owners erected during the civil rights movement to threaten black people who wanted rights

They have literally nothing else.

the real issue is that blacks are so entirely devoid of any history we have to pretend irrelevant black cooks helped win the west. even globally, we have to pretend great zimbabwe is some remarkable achievement. it's a fucking pile of rocks that was built at the same time as the sistene chapel. Angkor Wat. Sistene Chapel. Taj Mahal. A fucking pile of rocks.

Who built your house?
Who brings water to your pipes?
Do you think countries grow by worrying about every single literally who that exists just to do manual labor?

Do you think southerners were just NEETs that didn't need to look how their farms were managed? How about bringing cotton up north? Who did that if all the blacks were picking cotton?

Fuck off

Southerner here, I like both.
Go Lightning and Rays!
Also, did you not pay attention to how good the Preds have been the last couple years?


those sports require a higher iq to enjoy and the south is, well, you know

Southern congressmen were subhuman. Not only did they violently attack other congressmen that disagreed with them like a pack of antifa, they derived their powers from the slaves themselves. The 3/5s compromise benefited the slaves states by artificially increasing their population and thus their representation. This means that each southern congressman was partially a nigger and therefore, not white.

Based Mia, Rebecca More n Danny D

Dumb halfnigger inbred southerner.

> leaf logic not realizing a united america is what made it the superpower it is today
keep sucking trudeau's cock

>sunbelters, where we @?

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Everyone outside of Texas/Florida in the south roots for the Braves, that's why

No, you've got that backwards. There are tons of players from Florida and Texas. The Florida teams just get no support because everyone down there is a Yankees/Red Sox fan.