Why are both soccer games today on at the SAME time? Why are Yuros so retarded?

Why are both soccer games today on at the SAME time? Why are Yuros so retarded?

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Europeans prefer conveniance over business.

8pm too early, 10pm too late

>8pm too early
said literally nobody outside spain or the UK ever

Don't know about your shit country but in western europe people usually leave work beetween 5 and 7pm, go home through traffic jams, eat, do all sorts of personnal stuff and then, watch the game. You probably don't work and don't have a family.

>catering to local fans instead of TV customers

Good thread, bro.

>working til 5 to 7 pm

because for 99% of all people there's no incentive to watch both games

zoomers know nothing of the great DR Ron Paul

Don't you have better things to do than watching football? Get back to work, leisure is counterproductive, you don't want your country to fall into the hands of Communists, right?

meanwhile, the NFL has 14 games at the same time slot on a fucking sunday.

[citation needed]

I just want to watch both fucking games. Just put them on the weekend.

Hold on, be right back. I'm about to go watch the Barca v Man U game with the lads

>not watching based Redzone and going QUADBOX

anybody with some good VLC stream or regular stream? I don't want to install acestream botnet.

On the weekend we have the league

hurr let's have no debt... let's just sit around with our thumbs in our own poop

>not watching konfi/simulcast
why are shartmarters so fucking retarded?

I don't think they have that schedule in the UK neither, pal. Although to be fair, people in Spain are usually like this. I can't remember the last time I had dinner before 10-11 pm

I'm the last one to leave at 5


Don't you have like a 30 hour week?
When do you start work if you end at 7?

because theres already so much matches between regular seasons , cups , National team matches etc that theres literally no other convinient ways to do it

at least start them half an hour apart so you can watch the finish of both

why are you using PM, what are we americans?

And the work time is 08:00-16:00 (unless you're a shit country), where you usually can come at work inbetween 8-9. Standard 8 hour day with your ocasional 1-2 hour overtime.

inb4 "we're HArCorE working 12-hours shift everyday because we''re so tough" unless you have a burning passion for you work, why waste your life there, lol.

>working till 7

I turn up at 10 and leave at 4.50 lel