/mug/ Manchester United general

So, it happened AGAIN. We can blame injuries, we can blame fatigue, we can praise UFEA and referee' effort but the truth is it's simply not enough. Tactics, determination you name it, it all stinks.

Don't get me wrong, I still have full faith in Solskjaer and the lads, but MASSIVE reinforcements are desperately needed in the transfer window. Otherwise I'm not very optimistic about this season, or our chances in Champions League for that matter. Not playing like this. What do you think, /mug/? Ole at the wheel #YES or #NO?

Some helpful links to numb the pain:

Attached: munited2.png (220x223, 40K)

hello Nikolic

Hello. Fuck UEFA.


absolutely unreal how shit ashley young is lmao

We put the pressure on
barcelona had to dig deep

t. Undercover Spurs fan

How are they so FUCKING BAD

Go fuck yourself OP
3 ignored hand balls, 3 yellow cards that shouldn't exist, Suarez was offside before Messie even got the ball and it should have been called offside before that even happened, multiple fouls were outright ignored
We outplayed the fuck out of Barca and you're out of your goddamn mind if you can't outright admit that
You euro cunts always say how 95% of our players are shit/played like shit every single match no matter what they do
You're going to shit on Smalling despite the fact he was arguably the most active player on the pitch for either side
You're going to say how McTommenay shouldn't even be in the lineup let alone on the team even though he dominated the middle of the pitch
You're going to say Dalot didn't do anything even though he held off his side of the pitch despite being slower than both of the people he had to defend
It's disgusting to see how Europe can have soccer and yet eurocucks somehow are incapable of actually understanding or appreciating it

Can he fix United?

Attached: LD.jpg (205x246, 14K)

He's fine, he just can't cross as good as he did a decade ago but he thinks he can still have it
Valencia needs to come back so he can go back to harassing the midfield
Shut it potatonigger

Go fuck yourself OP
3 ignored hand balls, 3 yellow cards that shouldn't exist, Suarez was offside before Messie even got the ball and it should have been called offside before that even happened, multiple fouls were outright ignored
We outplayed the fuck out of Barca and you're out of your goddamn mind if you can't outright admit that
You euro cunts always say how 95% of our players are shit/played like shit every single match no matter what they do
You're going to shit on Smalling despite the fact he was arguably the most active player on the pitch for either side
You're going to say how McTommenay shouldn't even be in the lineup let alone on the team even though he dominated the middle of the pitch
You're going to say Dalot didn't do anything even though he held off his side of the pitch despite being slower than both of the people he had to defend
It's disgusting to see how Europe can have soccer and yet eurocucks somehow are incapable of actually understanding or appreciating it

>We put the pressure on
>barcelona had to dig deep

Attached: c61.png (800x750, 106K)

Kys, customer.

>Ole at the wheel #YES or #NO?
don't add flavor of the month memes to timeless pastas

Go fuck yourself OP
3 ignored hand balls, 3 yellow cards that shouldn't exist, Suarez was offside before Messie even got the ball and it should have been called offside before that even happened, multiple fouls were outright ignored
We outplayed the fuck out of Barca and you're out of your goddamn mind if you can't outright admit that
You euro cunts always say how 95% of our players are shit/played like shit every single match no matter what they do
You're going to shit on Smalling despite the fact he was arguably the most active player on the pitch for either side
You're going to say how McTommenay shouldn't even be in the lineup let alone on the team even though he dominated the middle of the pitch
You're going to say Dalot didn't do anything even though he held off his side of the pitch despite being slower than both of the people he had to defend
It's disgusting to see how Europe can have soccer and yet eurocucks somehow are incapable of actually understanding or appreciating it

>Park the bus all game even at 1-0 down

Attached: 0000.jpg (288x499, 24K)

What the fuck fred was the best man u player

He spent the whole 2nd half hiding out wide.

Valencia got dropped for sexting underage girls, like Fellaini. He's gone in the summer.

Go fuck yourself OP
3 ignored hand balls, 3 yellow cards that shouldn't exist, Suarez was offside before Messie even got the ball and it should have been called offside before that even happened, multiple fouls were outright ignored
We outplayed the fuck out of Barca and you're out of your goddamn mind if you can't outright admit that
You euro cunts always say how 95% of our players are shit/played like shit every single match no matter what they do
You're going to shit on Smalling despite the fact he was arguably the most active player on the pitch for either side
You're going to say how McTommenay shouldn't even be in the lineup let alone on the team even though he dominated the middle of the pitch
You're going to say Dalot didnt do anything even though he held off his side of the pitch despite being slower than both of the people he had to defend
It's disgusting to see how Europe can have soccer and yet eurocucks somehow are incapable of actually understanding or appreciating it

The goal was 100% onside you landwhale.


>1-0 up

also what a performance from McTominay and Fred. genuinely surprised

De Gea
Meunier Varane Lindelof Shaw
Rabiot Ndombele
Bale Sancho Neres

We will be back.

Finna get raped in Camp Nou.

Pogba will feign injury again so his brand wont be badly tarnished.

Are we doing this again?

Fred is okay. I don't understand why everyone hates him.

McTominay is United's best player.
He's a budget Fletcher.
Says everything about the quality of the squad at the moment.

Somebody prove to me that Rashford is any better than all the other speedy niggers we've produced. Ebanks-Blake, Campbell etc
The only thing Rashford got that they didn't was a chance out of desperation.


It is truly just fucking UNREAL how bad Man utd is. Any decent team would have wiped the floor with this Barca. It's just painful to face that you are not able to beat a fucking shit team because you're even shittier urself