How did they from winning the league every two years to being Arsenal? Was sir Alex really all that?

How did they from winning the league every two years to being Arsenal? Was sir Alex really all that?

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yes he was a very good manager. I dont care much for them though desu

Sir Alex had the referee association in his back pocket which gave them 20 undeserved points every season

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he was friends with all refs and regularly took them to dinner after games

Ferguson was elite. What he did was magic. Most of his teams were full of average players and he made them look world class, every season.

Yes. Sir Alex was a fantastic manager and dragged United to success each season. Most importantly he was ruthless with his players and demanded 100% commitment and loyalty to the Club. If you did have that he'd ship you out.

He would never have brought Pogba back, nor tolerated Martial's constant at home drama.

United would still be winning titles if he were around.

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SAF is like the dictionary example of a manager's abilities. He's what you pull on any idiot saying managers don't effect anything and it's all about money / media effects, had a massive effect

It's a different era nowadays. Primadonna players are everywhere even in low midtable teams. Could SAF survive this day and age without making his players mad for being too strict? that is the question.

Yes, because he commands respect. Unlike the beta managers now a days.


Like I said, if they didn't fall in line he'd ship them out. He also had an incredible scouting team that was able to identify players with the right mentality. Winning mentality.

Players didn't fuck around with him.

It's also harder to ship out 3-5 toxic100m players than to sack the manager.

SAF was able to keep Tsuu in line until he went to Real.

When was the last time Arsenal was in a CL qf though?

Fergie was a great manager, but not the GOAT. He came into a time when money became big in the league and with smart marketing, United became a world wide club and literally outspent everyone for a decade (the exception being when Blackburn went big and won the league in 94).

This fella however was the GOAT.

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Edwin, Rio and Nemanja

plus awesome attackers

It's G not Jay

their squad is more talented than some of sir alex's that went deep in the CL, and they have more financial clout relative to their chief rivals than ever before.

they just can't seem to put a cohesive team together, and this has spanned numerous managers.

ManU mistake was selling Angelo Henríquez to Dinamo Zagreb, he was meant to be the 9 of today and the 9 of the future

A charismatic and respected manager is what wins teams. Not some meme tactics. Look at zidane and how well madrid performed under him

>blaming Moyes


Sit DOWN and shut UP!

United were ALWAYS just a mid level Arsenal-tier club.

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Ferguson was a class manager, now add the fact he was personal friends with most of the referees and you have a near-invinsible team.

As soon as he left, refs were no longer shackled. They could give penalties at Old Trafford again and blow the final whistle when they wanted.

>have squad full of world class players
>they all get old and become shit
>buy shit players for unholy amounts of money to replace them
>shit players produce shit results

>All these shit tier replies

The clear answer is Chelsea and City gained unlimited funds to compete at the top, if not it would still be Arsenal, United and Liverpool only competing for the PL

united was still winning trophies after chelsea and city became rich

>their squad is more talented than some of sir alex's that went deep in the CL

No they ain't, it's a Quarter Finals team tops


What's your excuse for Leicester winning the league then, chum?

It's not like that thai guy didn't buy players at all...

What's your excuse for Liverpool never winning one?

You need balance. The current United squad has NO(zero) right wingers. Almost every attack comes down the left which means the other team only has to defend one side of the field.

You can’t be an elite team playing in only one half of the field.

Poop has no charisma, just a gorillion yuan to spend each summer and extreme autism. I guess if he never wins the CL again though that makes him a Messi babby

>The current United squad has NO(zero) right wingers
Good, the Norf needs no right wingers.

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>they can't even blame it on huge stadium debt like Arsenal can

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