Two games on the same day

>two games on the same day
>in the same tournament
>have them at the same fucking time
Why are Europeans so retarded

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>wanting to rip the matches apart even more
unironically kill yourself, Amerinigger
football isn't like your handegg where the niggers get exhausted after 10 minutes of action and you have to wait a week to see them again

because they're on a weeknight. the sport still tries (admittedly not very hard) to be about supporters rather than about a TV product. if you have it too late or too early, it's a pain in the ass for anyone who has to travel or work

how to make football palatable to americans:
1. put ads on it
2. make players fat
3. butter

Your football butthutt isn’t even related to my point. Why are both champions league games at the same time? Shouldn’t they want people to be able to watch both. There’s simply no good explanation

>we don't care about football
>wtf why can't I watch 3 hours of football on a wednesday night?

Lol have one at like 5 and then have it end around 7 or 8 when you can start the next game. How difficult is this

For us it’s a Wednesday afternoon and I want to be able to watch both games today. Why is this such a hard concept

there are more football games on than handegg games, you thick and fat idiot
splitting them apart even more leads to ever more oversaturation, a problem already near its boiling point

I dont get it either

think this through, mouthbreather

>being this mad
So you’re telling me if you had the choice between watching one important game between two of the best teams in the world or two important games between world class teams you would choose one? I thought Europeans enjoyed soccer? Is two matches too much to handle for you?

Tough shit
Record one

Yeah like right around when most people get off of work. You could even do 5:30 or 6 and the idea would still work. The games would end at a reasonable hour and you would be able to see both games if you wanted

How are you going to get from work to the stadium for 5?

I don’t get why you guys are so incensed over this. Why does someone wanting to be able to see more games make you angry

I'm watching both matches you fat clown, it's called a simulcast

>it's an American tries to understand European ways through his American eyes episode

See Also most people are going to be watching on tv anyways. Or if you’re lucky enough to have tickets use one of those plentiful vacation days you guys love to boast about to have a day at the pub and go to the game ;)

you're doing the american thing of making excuses for advertisers and governing bodies. poor form

What if you’re at one game and want to know what’s happening in the other game. Or if you want to watch both games attentively. You’re just admitting that most of a soccer game is dull and lacking action that you have to pay attention for if you do this

So UEFA don't move fixtures to get two games on TV in one night, and that's somehow a bad thing? Get real.

If you reach the semi finals of the CL that's a quarter of your holiday time used just for the football. Half an hour to get from finishing work to sat in the stadium just isn't practical. A large number of people finish at 5:30 or 6 anyway

you could watch 3 times as many games at the same time because nothing meaningful is happening and the few things that are get replayed two dozen times.