/heem/ Cody was always good edition

Everyone is flushed
Holloway porier this week
Also that manlet and that autist memefighter too

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Other urls found in this thread:


Not sure what whisky to buy for my dad's birthday
He was a huge K-1 fan but thinks cagefighting is uncivilised savagery

this thread is shit

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Conor would have sparked Khabib if he wasn't so distracted and worried about his close friend Dillon Danis getting murdered by dagestani mountain apes cageside.

>Cody is redeemed
>but his chin was deleted, and it's not coming back
>the CTE from those fights isn't going away

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Mira a good one then faggot

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what's a mira

EPO is placenta, it doesn't do anything it's just mental confidence. TJ is and was basically clean.

what if instead of calling him "ben askren", we call him "ben ice cream"? I think that would be funny.


Is this stupid or genius?

hey that's pretty good

Is Holloway finally going to get flushed???

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>be made of tissue paper
>never roid
>still the GOAT
Cody can't compare

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Conor would have heemed Khabib if he wasn't so distracted by being a drunken Irishman shilling his proper rotgut.

Conor was never good

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he was alright but overrated and he dressed like shit

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now THAT'S a ring girl

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>implying Cody wasn't on roids

that does not mean Cody partook in the usage of steroids. lots of people at my gym roid and have given me tutorials but I don't personally use them

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wake up, khabib

the rematch is ova

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rate Kelvin's sister

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Are men actually attracted to this?

She's trying to one-up /ourgirl/

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Chris Chan/10


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rate Rumble's cousin

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no FUPAS can even compete

top-tier goblina

Dios mío

absolute monstrosity, yet in all likelihood could heem every here

>megan's bum

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she does nothing for me


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>no titties at all

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poast megan bunda's

the womanlet to his right. my god. i would manhandle her

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absolute unit

right here my man

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>falling for the big tits meme

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And the best supporting fighter in a knockout role goes to..... FRANCIS NGANNOU FOR DANIEL CORMIER VS STIPE MIOCIC.

>it's real

based and funkypilled
he will flush kamaroid and then hand the belt off to Twood

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>you just know

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back off, gringo

she's mine

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she took the dogpill

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did heemcord actually kill heem? this entire thread is fucking garbage. i can feel the mental illness and NEETdom permeating from you disgusting cave dwellers

>mfw I quite literally just saved and was about to post this pic

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>megan's everything

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Even her name sounds goblish

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make america great again!

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This TJ situation is brought to new heights of hilarity thanks to all the Jones shit. Don't forget, Jon wasn't just cleared, USADA straight up rolled out "new science" detailing how Jon may have simply stood near an open container of Turinabol and inhaled fumes causing his positive tests for the next 8000 years. In the case of TJ "We know EPO, there's no new EPOs, we know the only way to do EPO..." Kinda seems strange when you developed an entirely new testing protocol and turinabol theory in a weeks time when Jon popped (there are only 3 [three] studies on turinabol and they all last under 30 days). In closing, just go full PRIDE and allow roiding, this protect all blacks shit is gay as fuck.

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Mmmm, mtf

>rolled out "new science"
Woah, are you trying to say that our knowledge of science develops over time as we make new advancements or something? I don't know that sounds a bit out there.

Jon Fitch is live streaming with 9 viewers, pump that number up

*in every MMA organizations*

>HI I have absolutely no knowledge on this topic but I have various gut feelings and prejudices and km gonna use those to challenge the conclusions of paid experts on this particular topic.

Top zoz

New science without any study to back it, sounds legit. Go back to your oatmeal, Terrence.

*laughs at TJ*

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My guy this is literally a development that just came into existence last December. What kind of studies do you expect? And can you chill out with the white fragility? Are we really going to pretend that Anderson, Yoel, Reem, etc all didn't piss hot?

Remember that time Cruz came off a 2 year lay off and still won a 5 rounder against someone abusing EPO?

He's making some good points.

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White Brazilian
not under USADA
Proud European, step this weak shit up


hottest wmma fighter of all time
based and unflushable
milf second from left is 11/10

unironically been subscribed and watching these ever since you started posting them, thanks

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Any news on Paulo Costa?

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Supposedly got pneumonia, roid cover if I ever heard one

costa is all natural god genetics

it was yoel that caught "pneumonia" goof, paulo is clean

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could Oleynik tap out a clean Werdum?

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heh :P

toughlf to say bee

You're all on steroids

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>2 year ban
he wasn't pulsing???

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JUST HOW GOOD is Henry Cejudo?

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*becomes first 4 division champion in mma*
heh, nothin personnel

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Can't TJ just rat on a team member for caffeine use? Worked with Jon.

free werdum
fuck poosada and fuck dana

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**becomes first to pop in 4 different divisions

Why is this so funny
Something about his head bobbing from side to side

Poor man's Darren Till

Literally eating mustard out of the jar literally right now, literally.

darren till is already the poor man's darren till

Someone find me that milf NOW
all these skanks around her cant compete

>antidoping right now
>you get caught using drugs = you can't fight for x years
>your career ruined like ali's was when he refused the draft
>can't earn money can't do anything
>antidoping fixed
>you get caught using drugs = your show money is halved for x years
>can still fight, earn some money, keep your career going
>fight out your suspension period without getting caught again and you have a free redemption arc
How is this not the obvious solution?

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Choosing NOT to take steroids is literally neglecting your body
It also shows you don't care enough about winning and probably aren't taking this sport seriously enough

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literally basedpilled and mustard jar'd

You lack that competitive edge that all athletes require to succeed in this sport.

You'll never make it.

>Post fighters who look like you

I'll start (image related)

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Dammit, I cant remember the name of that ugly nigerian that had his eyes placed like someone made an MS Paint comic to argue on Yea Forums.

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diaz was right

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Proper 12 of course lad

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>people reject fighting you because you are a cheat
>crowd boos you because you are a cheat
>sponsors complain about their logo being word by a cheat

Unless you are JJ and have plausible deniability, you gotta serve time. And even JJ served some time.

in each of these he was winning until he lost

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I look like cro cop if he had drunk onions ever since he was a kid

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Magny and Maia dominated him

Wtf is this body type? Dustin looking like an absolute unit lately.

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>they still filter soi
Tbh senpai cuck

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Brutal fist mog.

>W-Wait, n-no I didn't mean THOSE blacks!!!
This is sad now

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Fridge mode

Lawler robbed Condit tbqh


He's always been a fat featherweight.

Holloway is getting slept

Fuck you, I think antidoping should be chucked out faster than they chucked out romero's shorts after the brunson fight.
>reject fight
>get shitcanned by dana
>crowd boos you
>sponsors complain
Who? Reebok?

lipstick on a pig tier

tight, shapely ass with small tits and cute face is the best combo

Tj should should hav listend to the old folk proverb
One piko a day keeps usada away
Jokes aside i hunnit % agree

I vote for Bum AssCan

that smile hides pain

I get people telling me I look like UFC 14 Mark Kerr all the time

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*misses weight*

I would pay a large sum of pesos to have my head squeezed between those legs

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Anderson and Reem are not black, or are you some sort of white supremacist?

Nimm2 and orange juice hoches c
Damn german sweets are great

who does this boomer think he's fooling with that haircut? he looks ridiculous


For me, it's Ben Trashcan.

>guys, I am best wrestling in MMA
>*gets dropped on his head in the opening seconds of his MMA debut*
>*goes out*
>Herb Deans his way to a """"""""win""""""""

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guarantee if she ever breaks up with the goblin and hooks up with another man, she will be knocked up within 6mths

>I'm still waiting for an apology from you /heem/

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>Penn tried to get her to have sex with other men
on no no no

Am I the only one who thinks Adesanya held back against Silva?

without looking it up what was Dustin's last win?

>The former UFC two-division champion and 2015 UFC Hall of Fame inductee has not been arrested or charged with a crime in connection with Uaiwa’s allegations.
so water we even doon here?

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Holy mommy issues, lmao. She is pushing 50, lads.

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That's a pretty standard stance on r/mma

Eddie Alvarez?

BJ, stop abusing cocaine and trying to get your baby momma to cuck you or I'm coming for that other knee.

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speculating bee

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stay there, loser

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why my peepee hard

*gets arteriosclerosis*

Heels enhance the butt, this is her but on PEDs, unfair video

Cody 'Hoverhand' Covington

Here pictured is a CLEAN athlete

Now that I've seen TJ pop I know about steroids, just saying Dustin is a juicehead.

canvarez b

>Uaiwa said Penn repeatedly abused her verbally and physically over the course of their relationship. She also said Penn tried to get her to have sex with other men and pressured her to smoke marijuana.


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Yea it was just like when you fight your dad you don't want to heem him and you both know who is the winner

I never doubted ourboy
both he and romero are natty goats
including my boy robert

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Luke Thomas is trying to tell people that high altitude training can produce results that can match blood doping/EPO injections.

the "steroid era" will go down as the best era just like in baseball. and now we get this clown circus where every couple of months a good fighter gets hit never to be seen again unless you are jones

Correct, but did you have to think about it?
Feels like ages ago tbdesu

tj was training near 5,000 feet above mt everest base camp ok! no epo

I was thimkin you were dropping a trick on me, my guy

For sure just go to high altitude instead of taking PED's my guys

And I'm proud of it.

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>get her to have sex with other men and pressured her to smoke marijuana.
Kinda doubt,who the fuck would preasure someone to smoke weed and why?!

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based and smifpilled

What's stopping TJ from going to ONE?

I had your back.

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>BJ Penn have unironic cuck fantasies

Low-t bois will never get it

UFC contract

An airplane ride where his blood will clot from EPO

He was pretty good. The worst thing he did was make cut baby Khabib look like the lightweight goat to casuals.

it was half a shitpost 2bf, not my best work I'll admit


this era is so fucking bad
hopefully Dana sees sense and scraps the USADA meme

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he should talk to Tony. He seems to have cleared his CTE

just do what they do in tennis and test fighters but use like 1980's testing procedures

>Anderson isn't black
This isn't even funny in an ironic sense. Just stop posting.

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t. moo-ham-mad adbul ass sleeze!

I know you want your fighters to juice and I can tell, stinky mudslime!

this explains why he kept coming back in the octagon to get humiliated in front of an arena full of people

>not under USADA
Are you retarded? It happened 6 months after USADA came in.

It's pretty clear tj got punished for losing to Cejudo and failing to end the flyweight meme like he was supposed to. As long as Jon keeps winning he can "pulse" as much as he wants.

>Not sure what whisky to buy for my dad's birthday

Depends. If you actually like him then lagavulin. If you hate him then

>some sort
>white supremacist

You're on Yea Forums, bum, what do you expect!?

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whiter than you, loser



You forgot to spell it "looser" as your kind always does, literal 12 year old!

>being a racist on 4channel
go back to Yea Forums, sicko

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Jon is the goat because he made Dana the Jew his bitch.

that weight cut was brutal. tj looked like death he honestly might have died if it wasn't for the EPO. Plus, he was training high altitude we all know that can replicate EPO results

>Dustin Poirier talking about his wife being there for him since day one, driving him to training and weigh ins because he couldn't drive and always telling him he could do it

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Are you implying something about brazilians?

D-d-on't shoot me, isis!

Your picture screams ISIS

Literally Jon Jones in the desert with an a "salt" "rifle".


>it doesn't do anything
The body naturally produces it, so it does something. If it didn't do anything, it would've been selected against in evolution.


i like dustin
he looks like a genuinely happy guy
love how he play with his daughter, cute

youre kinda ill spammy

just received some insider info, cejudo tests positive in the next 72 hours

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I like him a lot but I'm very jealous of normies and their gfs



positive for GOLD MEDALS ammirite?

go fuck yourself spammy, i'm in NO mood

When was the last time both fighters popped from a bout? I'm sure it must have happened (Diaz/Anderson doesn't count)

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i will help you
dm me on instagram and we can talk about your issues

But what about Max being a single dad?

Anderson - Sonen both were on PEDs.

also stop spending time on pol
it's full of shills

ngannou v JDS @ UFC 239


lol, good one, ching chong

>gets heem'ed

no thanks, mirco, deal with your own personal problems first, old man! :^)

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i dont share the same feelings, i just wish i was as half as happy and hope ill have a nice cute family
i don't think he is
i believe i saw his wife being hot af
also im cheering for max, i dont see dustin wining


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>Uses the word "shill"

Opinion discarded.

forgot image

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Conor was never good

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really zany poster this time

I see someone else frequents Instagram

He was at one time, wasn't he like on an 11 or 13 fight win streak until he went up to 170lbs on short notice!?

name one 145er who could beat Nate at 170

You ever wish you could go back in time?

i think you'd be surprised

all the time

it's from twitter actually

Max "Bloated" Holloway

He would probably have no problem going up in weight to fight Nate at 170lb.

He's also a good striker as seen in the Jose Aldo fight.

15 fight win streak which included Holloway, Porier, Mendes, Aldo. 14/15 finishes aswell in that streak

Who will be the next to pop?

Nigannou meme ends

Being too caught up in the past ensures you will have no future. Just let whatever it is go

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Yep, and DES VAULT more Arab nations and eradicated the MUDSLIME filth from invading Europe.

Exactly. Plus double double champ champ if you count Cage Warriors.

i haven't seen max's gf in ages
did they split up bros?

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someone who's mysteriously been pulled from a card with no mention of injury, like Volkov

Nah Welter wate Nate would pummell Holloway on the feet.

Holloway is overrated trash, he has never fought a grappler worth any salt, all his fights are stand and bang fests on the feet. Mendes or Volkanovski would eat him for dinner

if you ever need someone to talk to youll find me by my flag and if i post a black women, high chances it might be me
god bless

ps. pol is full of shills, great place to find specific info but harrible to dwell there and ppost with idiots who just shitpost and would never move a finger if it has something to do with anything else then trolling former hollywood stars


My keyboard has a lot of cum on it. Your MUM's cum! :^)

Pretty sure I saw rumors of abuse by Penn years ago on /heem/. Don't let your daughter marry a mok.

Volkov was confirmed to have popped wasn't he?

I imagine a lot of fighters are shitting bricks over EPO being detectable now though.

yeah, I'm thinking he's back

Can't think of anyone else, famalamalam.

Only other person that comes to mind is WHO DA FOOK IS THAT GUY because of his size.

Is he overrated? Be honest.

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>Volkov was confirmed to have popped wasn't he?
not actually sure
it would make sense though

Attached: DC Doesnt Cheat.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

You're still talking!?
Took you long enough.... also...

Pic related. Like I said, Comment Ignored.

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No, I'm black.

I'm not black, kid.

Easily, but that doesn't mean he's bad. People have just been acting like he's far too good when his best win has been Silva and a Brunson who looked horrible

People were calling him the next Jon after his first fight in the UFC or some shit, just ridiculous


looks like we have ourselves a race war

Yes but he's still pretty good. Just need to see him against the real elite 185ers

You're right, ever had your hand fall asleep!? Like you go to sleep and wake up in the middle of the night and you fell asleep on top of your hand!?

Well that's what I'm guessing happened with DC, arms actually weight a good pound or too especially fat bois like DC so no surprise by putting the pressure on the towel being held by two guys on opposite ends ended up taking some weight off the scale.


He is overrated and Kelvin is a great fight to see him vs a top fighter.

Gas the bikes
Race course now!

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you are both low-t pieces of shit

>DC lost 2.5 lbs in 18 seconds
>GSP's coaches brought vaseline into the cage
>Aldo grabbed the fence like Tom Cruise hanging out an airplane
If you aren't willing to cheat you aren't about GOAT status.

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Where's your eagle, Mexico!?

And I agree, I will be rooting for my Mexican brother on this one!

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Will that chin hold up at HW?

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Eventually at the end of Jon's reign we will all see what we've been knowing since the start, but by that time he will always be considered GOAT, cheat or not.

>waaaahhh widdle diaper baby want sloppy milk bags

DJ is the GOAT

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Is Chael the boomer supreme?

What did the UFC mean by this?!?!

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I honestly want roiding to be permitted, whats the argument against? Damage to fighters? Late stoppages do worse than anything else and thats all on the official

that is exactly what I said before suckling on your mother's ample bosom

ass is for basedboys and redditors. big titties are reserved for men who want strong sons (fake doesn’t count)

one of the cameras is running at a low framerate, so one angle is low quality for a couple of seconds and this bothers me


A juiced to the gills promotion in international waters with little to no laws that we can tune in, the municipality of sealand hosting pirate sites and the promotion with fighters using all sorts of peds and we get to watch it for free on Saturdays on cricfree dot me! :^)

*someone coughs in the audience*
*Get off the stage!!*


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sucky sucky, no sucky today!?

funny word play my friend
top fef i r8 it 5/7


you're mostly retarded but I appreciate you

Russian version of this

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Thanks senpai, I've been hit on the head a few many times growing up in the wicked streets of Chi-raq! :^)

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what do you know about fighting, huh, HUH?!

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I’ve gotten this comparison a few times

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If Diego ends up in title contention I'll livestream myself eating tiramisu

DJ's hardest fights are ahead. Asians are manlets so the competition will be deadly.

unironically this

based leech

Not a great couple of days for TJ penn eh boys?




I really think you guys should look at Irene Aldana's most recent instagram video. You will really enjoy it. Can someone make a webm?

BJ Penn spent all his money on cocaine and male chastity belts.

Knob creek15 or redbreast

like this?

Attached: ia.webm (480x600, 1.99M)

Alistair and Brock were both first team all Natty when they fought.

For sure this man walks around at 200 pounds, for sure he should be at welterweight, oh for sure this skinny man with no muscle mass weighed more than Aldo, oh for sure he hasn't got the narrowest shoulders I've ever seen on a grown man

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oh you think you can get away with talking shit on /heem/? think again!

*hits you with 3 piece and soda*

You know race and nationality are separate, right?

Yes that's why he always has hot takes that make him and his listeners feel superior to everyone. It's Boomer kino.

Does this """EPO""" makes you learn how to kick/punch or raise your fighting IQ?
Case closed.

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He's dense. Shredded lean muscle is heavy.

*gives you the combo meak with extra dipping sauce*

Conor Mcgregor has never beaten a single good fighter.

Prove me wrong.

he's not shredded either though. he's perfect at 145, shouldnt move up

*boxes you up*
It is what it is.

Attached: Holloway.webm (640x360, 525K)

Yeah I don't get why people like Joe act like Max is massive he's literally just tall. I guess everyone is massive to Joe though it explains why he fell for the Darren Till "gorilla" meme.


Holloway could beat Yoel


>le lead uppercut man
That RDA KO really got to his head

Attached: Aldo drops some can.webm (800x450, 2.51M)

>Shredded lean muscle
He has none

Conor was only good at featherweight and he beat Aldo there ya edgelord

Cejudo TJ was a work look into it

what a shame that left didnt land

Would Poirier win if they swang and bang the whole fight??

Attached: hollowaylamas.webm (640x368, 615K)

Aldo wins the rematch

>BJ and Hughes were both the bad guys this whole time

That was a work and so was Askren Lawler

Attached: heem any here.webm (480x360, 736K)

Yeah especially now that Conor is all coked up and looking soft. I agree Aldo is the better fighter he just turned into a meme when he fault Conor for whatever reason.

If they started swinging and Poireman didn't get a fast ko then probably not
I really can't see Poireman win this fight in any way

Imagine naming your daughter Christmas.

Attached: Christmas_Abbott.jpg (634x1024, 58K)

It's salty Aldo fans making excuses, Aldo is all muscle and has a torso twice as wide but Max supposedly outweighs him by 30 pounds

I've been applying to jobs guys. Nobody's answering

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It's over, Max

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I want to fuck Christmas

Based last man to get KO'd cold by Michael Johnson

I'd like to open her gift box

Imagine having a daughter
Have you tried 4channel?

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Why didn't you guys show me this?


International law disagrees, have you heard of Europe? There's literally new germans.

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it's like when he uploaded the picture with GSP
>dude you're taller than him, you should be at middleweight!

hips to shoulder ratio is fucked

I want to get paid

>dudes look epic
>announcers are cussing
>ring girls are fire

pretty based

Micheal Johnson is a real munster that had Khabob basically out on his feet those are just facts

How do you think Schaub would react if he knew that he was the official fighter of Yea Forums?

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he isnt

I thought she had no hands

You just know

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Get off this board

That's the first thing you noticed?

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It doesn't let your fight iq to go lower because of the lack of oxygen during the fight
I wouldn't mind having Anderson without tattoos as a daughter

I made a post a while ago about how I think Max struggles a bit fighting backwards, and then Dustins boxing coach said the same thing in the countdown.

If it doesn't help you, why take it?

Herb on Rogan soon

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ur all niggers

Blackfacing is NOT okay in 2019

Let me know if Herb starts smoking weed

We all thought BJ won the war but now him and Matt are on a race to the bottom.

fuck herb

No thanks, I'm already watching GayTalk Live

I believe BJ Penn is innocent.

You need to have big reach or at least reach advantage to fight back well when you are go backwards and Max is definitely not JJ

Freaking BASED. Can't wait to watch it with my friends at /heem/.

TJ....it was over before it started.

Herb sounds nervous as fuck

Even Dana can't take those manlets seriously


Attached: Sean 'Sugar' O'Malley.jpg (1080x1341, 667K)

OMalley is such a badass


Cody won the war

Does herb have CTE?

Sugar is vegan, healthy bones aren't

Ngannou looking like mickey mouse

Is Herb /ourbull/?

his wife certainly knows about bulls

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He was, until he ate some good meat and realized it gives you loads of energy.


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If he really gave up being vegan then he's okay in my book

Looks like Mr. and Mrs. Dean on that Onnit program

Ahh yes, Rogan talking about big black men


Attached: 1538588602366.png (701x649, 661K)

Herb Dean sounds like a brainlet

>JR already talking about what a built bull Yoel Romero is

>a top fighter

>there are people that unironically watch rogaine in 2004+15
Might have to heem some of you from my window

Attached: the boomer way of doing heems.jpg (750x929, 282K)

left is fire

He sounds like an average dude who got invited to Rogan's show. He just nods

He's one of the most cerebral refs.

Ten pesos?

I only watch the MMA show nowadays desu

Attached: chael.jpg (703x709, 91K)

le cannon fodder for Israel man

>Listening to Rogan
>Posting about Rogan on /heem/

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>he still posts on Yea Forums

Aldo would never be friends with a scumbag.

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sorry to break it to you, buddeh, but this is 4channel (a much better website)

me in the back

>I'm gonna say it!

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heem any here

Attached: wmma training camp.webm (640x360, 1.79M)

This was funny

was there enough time between rounds to disinfect the cage?

Carpeting would be a great way to discouarge wrestling

gsp also missed weight vs diaz, and he insisted on drug testing but refused to take it himself

He beat Khabib

>turn your heel into it

Nice job picking us something everyone realized 50 fucking years ago

>mfw BJ is a cuck

Attached: beej.webm (270x152, 1.49M)

i love the way the women with pink shirt does that little foot swing with heels up, generating energy all from the toes
perfect technique

He shattered his chicken legs months after quitting veganism because his retard leeching serial killer coach told him it would help

remember the time some towel lover landed a punch as hard as possible on a much smaller man's undefended chin and it did zero damage

That lady in the middle would heem half of this board in under 13 seconds, that left hook is a piston.

I think having your wife file a restraining order because she didn't want to bang other dudes as you requested is peak JUST 2019

nobody could handle that kind of speed she displayed at the end

>years of malnutrition have no lasting effects

Attached: 1543257578014.gif (232x218, 2.96M)

tj did nothing wrong, his red blood cells are the result of advanced breathing techniques and training aboard top secret spacejets in low earth orbit

just goes to show that even violent cagefighters can succumb to the cuck meme

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I doubt he was even vegan for long. Probably somw holistic cuck. Months after he quit his legs shattered. Hopefully its his jaw next time

little joe rogan is so fucking gay

"...one of them has a meatball sandwich"

>shows picture of TWood
>doesn't show badonkadonk

Stupid fucking tattoos

O'Malley was never vegan, he never even followed a plant based diet.

Herb, please

That's what 10 years of losing does to your psyche

For me it's the Holy war angel

I like how old Joe had on the ancient aliens guy but now he acts like he's all intellectual and philosophical because he's embarrassed of his past. Unless he has on a black guy then he just goes full cuck.

Early stoppage

Holy fucking cringe, herb sperging out hard. Rambling, bringing up dead end topics, tripping over his words, quivering voice. He sounds nervous as fuck. Stuttering, and spassing out. Awkward and painful as fuck.

>O'Malley was never vegan
He talked about quitting veganism on JRE

>I'm busy I dont have time for conspiracies
>I watched three alien documentaries in a row

I liked that guy, shame he has 15 seconds of cardio

it's not that bad and i really dislike herb

holy shit, herb dean is delirious. speaking in tongues, struggling to breathe, falling in and out of consciousness, having violent, seizures. he looks dumb as fuck. passing out cold on the floor, choking on his own vomit, multiple cardiac arrests. gay and cringy as fuck.

Wasn't until something triggered him and he brought up pro wrestling for no reason and realized he fucked up.

Herb Dean just pulled a gun out and recited Malcolm X

i cant believe joe is letting it go like this, herb will soon declare that the holocaust didnt happen

>how did we get on the subject of aids
Fucking rogan cant remember 5 minutes ago.

Homosexuals have the memory of goldfish

Either you didn't listen properly or don't understand what Veganism is, O'Malley fer sher doesn't, in the podcast he mentioned eating eggs while he was """Vegan""", he simply didn't eat meat, he was vegetarian at best. He's just an idiot pothead.

5 cloves of garlic? fuck me, how can you taste anything else

Hey bong, you ever get munchie boxes?

Why is everything he makes so watery?

I know right, why do the eggs look scrambled but theres yolk at the bottom of the plate?

I just like artificially bumping Joe's youtube numbers, thanks for wasting time and watching an O'Malley clip

Pass the dutchie on the left hand side

TJ Dillashaw was set up

I saw a clip on Reddit whenever the podcast got posted, don't need to look back at it, I have a better memory than an elephant (AKA Gastelum's sister"


>if a fighter doesn't fight hard enough, they ain't gettin paid

Wow I had no idea Bareknuckle was so fucking BASED

Somehow I knew you would claim to have an encyclopedic memory of all things JRE related you sad vitamin d depleted inbred islander

Attached: 012.jpg (600x373, 30K)

Id plow Gastelums sister

Why the fuck they are talking about that bare knuckle shit if the owner has already said they won't cut his pay.

Might as well just dissolve 135

>soi rogan hating on based feldman docking pay

Attached: 1553796874003.png (580x570, 20K)

>takes peds
>gets heemed in less than a minute
tough life bro

Attached: tj-dillashaw-.jpg (1000x576, 224K)

>I'm gonna take half his pay and give it to the other guy!

>haha I was just pretending and it worked lol
What a fag

I remember all things vegan.

You're just mad because you go bankrupt when you break your leg and have to spend your life savings if you ever get cancer.

Imagine having to pay to have a child lol

Marinovich btfo again

o i am laffin

Attached: peakbritishhealthcare.png (650x417, 410K)

>this dialogue

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Imagine staying in bongland

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Imagine getting shot in maths class
Imagine having the highest infant birth mortality rate in the developed world
Imagine not being allowed to take days off of work if you're incredibly ill
Imagine your government telling you healthcare isn't a right

What a mess.


nice outlier case

Attached: maternal mortality rates.jpg (525x709, 89K)

Omae wa mou shindeiru.

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Wait, are you saying you accept the failures of government run healthcare? Is it part and parcel?

Beautiful place to live, full of opportunities I can take advantage of, don't have to get a job if I don't want to and can scavenge the welfare system with little to no repercussion. Never experienced violent crime in my life.

Ahh, I love England.

Rotherham United vs Aston Villa 2-1

Ah yes, I meant maternal mortality rate not infant mortality rate. Good look mate

That's literally what you did too.

Keeping children virgins is a healthcare issue or are you claiming rape victims don't suffer for a lifetime?

Gold Medalist

Attached: gold medal.jpg (1200x800, 79K)

> the health care meme
Lmfao just get a fucking job and you will get benefits. My out of pocket deductible for the entire year is $5000 max. If you got bankrupt over $5k kys. The only people who bitch about health care are dumb fucks who can’t manage a 7-330.


>don't have to get a job if I don't want to and can scavenge the welfare system with little to no repercussion
Kill yourself


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he could still go to a private clinic
its called a choice

>Izzy bowing his head in deference
>squinting to avoid full eye contact
>bashful smile as if he's nervous
>doesn't swivel his full body to face Kelvin like a man, just weakly sticks a noodle arm out
>Kelvin keeping his head fully upright
>staring straight into Izzy's eyes
Kelvin has won the first mental battle

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holy shit how long has the Herb Dean JRE been going on and why can't I go back to the beginning?

>healthcare meme
>not a meme though
You: *cucked by the system*
Me: *can literally do nothing and get paid, fed, clothed and housed*

>is mad because shit welfare system

>t. tanned brit

I'll watch it

You’re a fucking leech on society. Just cause other people pay for you doesn’t make it right. The system will go bankrupt at some point cause scum like you take and don’t give.

you're literally gloating about being a parasite. the fucked up thing is you can't see how tragic that is. you're pretty far down on the totem pole.

>responding to british posters of all people talking about governance/healthcare etc

Attached: retard.jpg (1200x673, 105K)

So, Cody is basically still undefeated?


Attached: world+health+costs+gdp.jpg (600x450, 137K)

I would like to present a hypothetical. Should Cody lose his next bout (let's say Moraes) and gets KO'd in the same brainlet way. If Moraes pops, is it the roids or Cody's predictability? And what if he faces Rivera after, gets KO's the same way, and Rivera subsequently pops. I guess the question is, at what point is it the roids and not Cody having No Brain?

The fuck?


>our healthcare is so low quality that its cheap!

Let the Bean make the thread

one of the greatest freestyle wrestlers ever

it's not even a fight, why make it look and sound like one..

This is gold

Those ring girls are some grade A first class fresh meat

>Mad because your GF/mother/daughter would suck my dick solely from hearing my accent

I think you'd be surprised

>mad because you work 9-5 at a shitty job every day just to pay bills and survive

Attached: qdrv3rwuveg01.jpg (1080x1350, 373K)

A WFRR reference? Based

maternal mortality rates are much higher in america than in all of those other countries
you pay almost twice as much as us for healthcare, but get worse results

This is the butthurt brit

In many ways, Dom Cruz is among the top 5 GOATs

I'm not mad about doing work I enjoy and giving back to society. you can shitpost all you like while fueled by NEETbux, but deep down inside, you know you hate yourself for being a leeching gutter rat.

In a lot of ways this thread hasn't devolved to a delusional brit arguing with angry americans

>mfw you don't realise I'm chatting pure shit

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I'm just pushing your buttons man, calm down

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emergency care and local GP care is very good back home, but usually non emergency care at hospitals is just very slow with the NHS
long term treatment for things like cancer is also pretty good
id honestly rather deal with waiting a few more hours to see to a broken leg or something than pay 7 grand excess because my health insurance doesnt cover the whole cost of it here

Our rates are higher cause unlike immoral commies, capitalism values time and labor so rates will vary. As far as the mortality rates go I have no idea what the varying factor may be I can assure you Europe doesn’t have some secret code when most of the worlds doctors come to America to make a ton of money :) and we also lead the world is medical innovation so for sure my guy you have it figured out

>I was only taking the piss!

Attached: 5059013501.jpg (620x412, 31K)

then move

make the thread, NEET

when you take steroids out of equation, there are not very many actually good competitors in mma
Mark Hunt, BJ Penn, Yoel Romero are the only natty high level fighters

bradford, yeh?

You're right, I WAS taking the piss!

Never made a thread on the text board named 4Channel and never will, do it for me. Slave.


my mrs is going to finish her phd then i will be mate, dont worry
not everything is perfect in the US, pretending it is will stop improvements and more people will get into things like healthcare debt, even with having relatively good coverage
the UK has a lot of faults too, but monkey brained retards like you on here regurgitate the same 2 or 3 points every thread you stumble into and refuse to listen to anything that doesnt line up with what you've seen in a shitty infograph
get a grip



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Thawts on Schaub's stand up?

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Rotherham united heems la galaxy

That's a lot of Vaseline

This is peak British cringe desu. I've met Brits like you and it's a sad sight. Only lads from Manchester are allowed in heem.