
>complain about soccer being a low scoring sport
also Americans
>hurr durr how hard can it be to kick a small ball into this hugeass goal

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Who are you quoting exactly (and would like a screenshot for proof)

>Mohammed is OBSESSED and SEETHING again


never get why brazlians of all posters post these, but whatever

Your lack of brain is showing in both of your posts

>Switzerstein is against a nation with it's own sports identity instead of being another psuedo-euro npc mass of land.

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how so

ok but really, you obviously dont believe that so why even post it

lmao seething
Everyone hates USA flags in every board

really only see brazilians trashing them

Exclusive swiss sports, Schwingen is even fairly popular in general population
Played by very few countries
>Ice hockey
>Winter sports in general
Limited to white countries with real winters.

Now tell again how we don't have our own sports "identity" you stupid fucking Ameriturd

>quote general opinion of americans
>get asked who specifically am i quoting
>get called mohammed
>not knowing that the filled with albos instead

but I love soccer though (premier league). dunno who you're quoting

those are literally the exact same arguments, health pack.

I never thought of it this way, but actually it's true, it should be easy as fuck to kick a small ball into that giant net. How fucking incompetent are you faggots?

>health pack posting

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It's a lot harder when there are 11 men trying to stop you from doing that.

American not used to having a sport where the score doesn't regularly go into double digits

Icefight and luckswing usually stay below 10, tho.

There's a goalkeeper fren

I never said you didnt have your own sports, youre reading comprehension mixed with the ad hominems makes me think a South American is replying to me. Please re read the post switzerstein, if you can't comprehend it I will make it easy. I am implying a jewish bank baby like yourself would hate anything that is not globalist by nature due to you making a comment on soccers unpopularity in the states. It was shitpost that some how made you take offense to something you created in your head. It's an anonymous board, do seek help friend.

He's not talking about unpopularity in USA. He's talking about americans talking shit of football


Attached: brazil.webm (240x320, 1.45M)

Usa? More like SHIT!

You cant make this up lol...


Well you were right about my reading comprehension, I thought you said that Switzerland had no own sports identity and made that list.
The sad thing is that you, an native english speaker, lack apparently reading comprehension as well if you thought I was against a nation having it's own sports identity. Nope, it's like the Brazilian said, I'm making fun of clueless Americans who want to shit talk sawker.

That's actually cute. I laughed hard at these monkeys.
But if you haven't noticed, the signs in the background are written in some East Asian language.

In summary
>American(s) proving the stereotypes about them being dumb right again

rent free

tfw live in a country where motorsports aren't banned

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Americans are an easy target. Pick on someone your own IQ, you bully!

sorry son but you've got the 'tism

>captcha: select all traffic lights
>ups, you selected too much, try again
fuck captcha, but I think that I solved the patter (just click maximum 4 panels)

Attached: run from murica.jpg (2805x1376, 553K)

I know what you're trying to say, but motorsports aren't banned here.

Yeah because I got vaccinated. Also I've got my foreskin and you?

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Should I get McDonalds or Burger King for lunch today? Need extra calories for the champions league matches today.

Bk obvioulsy


Prove the Americans wrong
Protip: You can't

why are you always sucking USAs cock

Had the Signature Caesar, a McRip and big Vanilla shake today. Was nice.

Attached: signature-sept.1000_0_0.jpg (874x1240, 366K)

based north american bro

but what if i'm a vaccinated american with a foreskin that likes divegrass?

shut up, stretched out switzerland

>condiments and fixings under the meat
this bothers me

>Yeah because I got vaccinated.
it didn't take


Attached: el mono de brasil....jpg (662x371, 87K)

>i'm pure german shepard

this mutt meme is hilarious

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amerimutts truly are a cancer

Attached: amerimutts.jpg (1024x1559, 334K)

the blackhole one needs to be updated now that we know how it really looks like

>whenever i see an american in a footy thread

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The Swiss are unironically the biggest pussies on planet Earth. You make the French look like Russians. So I don't know why you're talking shit

thanks to europeans


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They hate us cuz they ain’t us


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Canada is just a Northern US state, they know their place.

canacucks are way worse off lel

Because we're BFFs NorGAY

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It's really just the Euro leagues. I remember back in 2016 when the Euro Cup and Copa America were taking place at the same time and the yuro posters were bitching about how a bunch of Euro games were low scoring shitshows compared to the Copa America games
that is, when they weren't shitting up the Copa America threads about how high scoring goes against "the beautiful game"

>>hurr durr how hard can it be to kick a small ball into this hugeass goal

>der caesar
>not der kaiser