Start new job last Wednesday, assistant directorial position

>start new job last Wednesday, assistant directorial position
>don’t feel well Friday
>get sent home yesterday for being sick
>see doctor just now, sinusitis
>go to McDonalds for a Diet Coke and hash brown because my pharmacy is literally down the street and I should just wait for the antibiotics to be filled
>hash brown is soggy and sucks
>prescriptions still not filled
Is having a bad day a sport? Since I am not going to work today, what sports do I watch?

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Watch Barcelona rape Manchester United

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Blog posting is not a sport faggot

how do drugs work in the US so that you have to wait for them to fill something before you get it? You'd expect the pills to come pre-packaged, and then you just get the package.

Canada’s national sport

the pharmacist has a big bag of pills and fills up your prescription kind of like your run of the mill drug dealer

>Masters Par 3 Contest
>Champions League

Picked a good day to be sick, lots of sports choices for a weekday afternoon.

>just wait for the antibiotics to be filled


what kind of 3rd world commie shit is that?

He probably got prescribed something stronger than over-the-counter stuff like nyquil

>assistant directorial position
you expect us to believe that Miguel?

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Yeah, an antibiotic and some prescription steroid or some shit.

I’m actually half Jewish desu

in Finland, and probably Germany apparently, you get prescribed a certain-sized box of certain type of pills from a certain manufacturer, and then you go to a pharmacist and they just get it from their backroom shelf and then you pay and walk out. You don't have to wait for them to fill a separate container for you regardless of what you're picking up.

> half

that's why you're only the assistant manager instead of manager.

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I was plowing this girl once and her dog snuck up and licked my asshole. I blew my load instantly out of surprise. Am I Canadian now or can I just forget about it?

Well it’s on my mother’s side so technically I am fully Jewish. I do have my dad’s facial features whose family was mostly Germans, but not his hair and eye color.

I think you’re okay user

>I was plowing this girl once and her dog snuck up and licked my asshole.



you were always Canadian, now you just know for sure.

In America they put it in an orange pill box. It usually doesn't take that long desu. Once I drive from the doctor's office to the pharmacy, it's almost always ready.

The Finland way does sound slightly more efficient though.

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yep, this goes to my cp notepad

I like how you posted an unrelated picture with a Red Dead reference considering I used a Red Dead quote in a group chat this morning regarding my doctor visit.

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yep, that happened


Have some faith user.

Thanks senpai