Is it over before it even started?

Is it over before it even started?

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what am I looking at here?

Ronaldo's hair.
This is Yea Forums in 2019.

Cum soaked hair

blonde dye with wet effect. it's over, 4 bicycle kicks tonight

The stupid highlights?

apparently Ronaldo is at his absolute peak when he's sporting frosted tips
ignoring the fact that he had frosted tips in last year's CL final and he didn't do shit

Why doesn't he just come out?

how retarded do you think he looks when he comes out of the shower and dries his hair, that's a big length in front, it covers his forehead

Has he died his skull to hide the receeding hairline?

Because football is a very homophobic sport and Portugal a very homophobic country.

so this is why he opened the hair transplant clinic

Because that will destroy his perfect image in his opinion. He's a psycho obsessed with being 100% perfect in everything and being a homo ruins it.

you say that as if that one game undid the 10 ridiculous performances in the knockouts he had whenever he got the hair, are you retarded or something?

it's a meme desu

>seething this hard
I expected nothing less from the retarded hung*rian penaldo cocksucker

nice buzzwords faggot LMAO

seethe harder bitch faggot

read between the lines

HAHAH oh yeah im seething so hard chicano, i bet your little peanutbrain is shaking bitch

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i'm gonna take a shit, just felt like you needed to know.

cry more faggot

LOL no guess what, I'm gonna go on with my day after exposing you and forcing you to reply to me one more time bitch, do it again HAHAHA

seethe harder faggot lmao

>100% perfect in everything
>and that's a bad thing. this is why:

kill yourself

HAHAHAHAH there you go bitch, if you reply in this thread again you're gay

Being Homo perfects it you absolute pleb

you're still a faggot tho

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL you just made yourself gay, enjoy sucking nigger dicks, also from now on you're double the faggot you were with every new post

based retard

In his opinon it's a major flaw.
Fuck off, Twain, you can't even read.

Looks like someting a Ricky Martin action figure would have on head back in 2000

>He's a psycho obsessed with being 100% perfect
But that goes hand in hand with gayness.

oh shit nigga got the fkn ice top its FINISHED

Just saying if Ronaldo comes out now it flips his image of being a psycho narcissist on it's head and makes him the "good guy" for being so open and progressive. Poster boy for the times

awful thread

Attached: It's all so tiresome.jpg (807x659, 42K)

Rip Ajax.
Maybe it's not the game you will loose.
It's the victories you had along the way.

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Maybe in America. Many Euro countries are not so gay friendly the people aren't. I'm not even talking about arabs and pajeets that make a good percentage of Ronaldo fans. He's probably doing the right thing. Everyone with eyes and a brain know he's a homo, but those who hate fags can just choose not to believe it.

never met a sane penaldo fag

why do ronaldo and messi trigger people so much anyway? it's like those people arguing over nintendo and sony, only much worse

That's because you're an obvious muzzie

are you retarded?

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anybody calling ronaldo gay is just an insecure hater. Ronaldo is all man.

before you spout some shit about proxies, it's just a joke about hungary being romania with a weirder language. ronaldo is fucking shit

I think it's a zoomer thing. If it's not console wars it's something else, like this. They just find this sort of blind loyalty to something for no apparent reason and seem to think it's their personal burden to defend it for eternity.
Unironically kinda sad how many essentially become wilful slaves to a corporation, marketing is pretty effective

the dude got banned for some reason lol

the joy of being 14 I guess. except when I was 14 I wasn't arguing all day over who was better between ronaldinho and ronaldo, I liked both

I bet this is a marketing push straight out of facebook tho, nothing brings in revenue like a good old fashioned pointless internet flamewar

probably got banned in a different thread and mods just deleted all the posts under the same IP, they do that sometimes

wait a second...

Attached: what a messi hair.jpg (1080x1080, 390K)


based blind retard

Semi-final also



a year ago i was in Madrid for 4 days, in those 4 days i saw more openly gay people and public displays of affections between fags than ever before in my life
>wtf Juan

But not having to deal with women would make his life perfect.

why is he such a faggot?

frosted tips of inevitable victory

why are you an autist


>a year ago i was in Madrid for 4 days, in those 4 days i saw more openly gay people and public displays of affections between fags than ever before in my life
Gee I wonder why

why is he so greasy ? is gross

They say his hair wanted to do its own thing, but he forced it to lay down and do what he wanted.




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based pirate