58 days until the world cup. Are you excited yet?

58 days until the world cup. Are you excited yet?

Attached: perfect šut.webm (678x718, 2.83M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: women football gernor.webm (872x424, 2.35M)

Attached: Sport - Asian football expert.webm (720x1270, 725K)

Attached: what a defence.webm (720x720, 1.64M)


Attached: 450k.webm (480x270, 2.45M)


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Italy is getting stronger.

Attached: Dorothea Pirlo.webm (1280x720, 1.88M)

10 keepy uppies elite

pamen hates em

how the fuck do you get that kind of spin on a plastic bottle


Attached: fran.png (900x1100, 2.09M)


>implying we're not going to steamroll everyone
user, I...


You're one of those idiots who thought that Ronaldinho clip of him playing keepy uppy with the cross bar was real

b-but women can't be this classy

How do i get sexed by a thicc thighs elite footballing gf?

What does UBNGD mean?

Start watching some low female league. There will be some bfs and old guys watching and nobody else so will garner attention

>mfw brits call juggling, keepy uppies

Attached: 1530478220364.png (396x385, 138K)

she can lay deep on my playmaker.

If you call keepy uppies 'juggling', then what do you call actual juggling?

I just realised how quintessentially British the term 'Keepy Uppies' is. We get to call it whatever we wanted tho since we invented them.

Not be


How am I to believe in a good and almighty God if a goal wheel gets more pussy than me?

imagine preferring vithotzzi over this

*wins bronze*

Attached: bronze bum.webm (736x395, 1.43M)

that's just... terrific


have sex

have sex

Attached: alexmorgan.webm (946x532, 484K)

Attached: hegersperg.webm (1280x720, 1.98M)

Attached: tackling-clean-as-a-whistle.webm (1280x720, 1.41M)

Do you mean throwie uppies?

What will Amerishits do now that our lasses are rank 1 and theirs arent?

a funny thing about female football is that the few red cards you see are mostly by misscalculations and not by malice

it's like watching kids play kek

it was

Shame >our lasses are fucking dogshit with a shittier coach. What's the point of having the female GOAT footy player if the other 10 players are useless?

If you call juggling throwie uppies, what do you call vomiting?

platonic in its concept of justice for sure

We will post it.

Attached: 1552658123162.png (234x258, 79K)

I know one thing, we wont be as obsessed with you as you are with us.

it still real for me dammit!



France will roll this shit.
Incoming the pic with Pogdab and Wendy Renard dabbing with the 2 world cup.
Screen that shit, fuckers

>implying it wasn't
how dare you

Post some fucking Lieke

is doro elite?

Attached: doro.jpg (562x582, 66K)

Do women go to the pub to watch this?

Do men?

Should I?

If this were a man playing in any Latin-speaking country, he would've dived the first chance he got. You know it to be true.

Attached: stop_liking_file.jpg (600x673, 83K)

the what?

Attached: 1494218335245.png (612x491, 98K)

Nothing will bring me greater joy than seeing us knock England out at the group stages.

pure sex

Girls who can kick a footy get +1.5 to their hot value/10

>ywn grab Pernille's breasts
Why even live bros?

Attached: 1547132375588.webm (1280x720, 1.47M)

Attached: tampon on the field.webm (1280x720, 2.63M)

To be fair, if she had dived she might have gotten a red on the CB which, given how fucking shit their defense was, would have probably meant even more goals

>no goal

Attached: Arby's saves the day.webm (640x640, 1.43M)


N_ _ _ _ _ _

Why is there a black girl playing for Russia?

Will be watching for /ourgirl/

Attached: 66059442-2074-4905-A66E-A3032EB09F68.jpg (435x580, 110K)

because russians arent white

ugly(no offense mate)


Yea Forums is a Press board

Attached: 7E847490-0E03-406C-BA5A-23D730CDEB6E.jpg (1500x1336, 1.48M)

I miss her, lads.

>tfw she will never be remembered for being a genuinely quality keeper for as long as THAT photo exists online

ayyyyy el goblina

solid reaction desu

fake and gay


>for me, it's turbine potsdam

10/10 reaction.
countless male keepers would have just kneeled and watched it slowly go in.


No one speaks Latin anymore dipshit, you meant to say Portuguese.

this. our team is stacked as fuck and we just 4-0'd the finalist of Euro, it's a great feeling to know that we'll be the first country to win the WC two years in a row.
1000 years of french football domination INCOMING

Based trannies

>you now realize this is choupo-moting girlfriend
you can't make this shit up

I'm starting to accept that France are the protagonists of football and we're all just supporting actors

>no Hegerberg
>no Marozsan
>no Bronze
reminder that your clubs are only this successful on international level because they are stecked with foreign players. At the WC those players will be playing against your team.

African niggers put on the french flag and win a sporting event. Why the fuck do you care?

full englishing

The beta inmediately stands to aplaude the whore. Everything that a woman does is an achievement, betas should be eliminated

Diving was objectively the correct play there. Any non retarded defender would have gotten the ball in the time it took her to santd up. It was a legit fault so the penalty would have been awarded and considering that female football is basically playing without GK it would have been a guaranteed goal.
Females just can't take any good decisions in their lives

how is my thiccfu savannah mccaskill doing?

Attached: thicc.webm (1024x576, 2.79M)

Christ, women's """""sport""""" is a fucking joke

They fall so cute.

womens football is so bad americans can win at it.

>tfw you will never mating press Christen Press

Attached: 1354954538650.png (673x625, 54K)

Everyone please stop m'lady posting. This is an incel and chad board, fedora's not welcome. Take your women worshipping and white knighting to /soc/.

>have sex
t. coping incel

post more bronze

Attached: bronze.webm (1280x720, 2.16M)

You and I wish


but Yea Forums is 50% cucks due to all the americans

Attached: Full pitch sprint try.webm (720x405, 2.15M)

what the fuck is number 2 doing

Admiring British superiority

serious question how does period affect women high level sports?
like can they take meds that would be otherwise not allowed for doping?


Yeah but a sick shot though.
Especially in high heels which are basically slut tripods hahaha am so high right now what the fuck am i going in about oh shit son

they couldn't find more than 10 slim women in murrica

the what?

play should've been blown dead (and possibly was) as soon as she stumbled and no longer had a clear advantage

possibly even giving a card for that slide

>10 juggles
>clearly a splice after 4

I'm 99% sure that ball broke the plain



Attached: yawning.jpg (782x520, 130K)

Obviously they can take hormones but generally the wrong ones for performance athletics.

>racemixing is ba-


imagine the smellz

we've got the clean sheets

Attached: hope.jpg (320x421, 17K)

She looks like boxxy

The USA team is too busy bitching about woman empowerment and equal pay bullshit

shes the goat

This is why Soccer is so shit lads

Of course a woman needs to be a whore for attention...

>This is why Soccer is so shit lads
*men's soccer
that's why we watch the women, men's football died about twenty years ago.

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i thought hockey playoffs were sooner than that? or is playoffs like 2 months long?


I'm supposed to like/watch this joke?

Why I can only watch men footy?

Maybe because they look like a fucking joke?

there's literally no non-whore based reason to wear pants that tight

aerodynamics m8

probably a bit easier to do when the wall can only jump 3 inches in the air

I did the same thing throwing a tennis ball at my friends when the car was twice as far away

It's a thing they invented a while back called a tampon


ummm sounds like men's Argentina

>if you put "next world cup" on google it says 2022 and sends you to a hundred 2022 men WC articles


that was fucking impressive

tighter shorts was the only thing sepp blatter was ever right about.

fuck thats genuinely really good

>English goalkeeping

Attached: sniff.webm (1070x506, 1.62M)

what tits?
what is different between the two?

seething incel

>you now remember FIFA Ballon d'Or winner Nadine Angerer

Attached: Nadine-Angerer.jpg (968x681, 62K)


Attached: 150114135608-nadine-angerer-tz-3-exlarge-169.jpg (780x438, 65K)

she likes hats :3

Attached: Angerer-DW-Bayern-Berlin-jpg.jpg (1024x1001, 80K)

Hello stormnigger, how are you?

fuck she's ugly

How is Japan's Yamato Nadeshiko?

The South American mindset is shit, 1st worlders don't like seeing diving.

I heard somewhere that she fucks men too.

sadly, it's not only the South American mindset but also the African mindset, the Middle eastern mindset, and all the Mediterranian countries mindset as well. in total there are maybe 10-15 countries relevant in football which don't share this mindset.

more "diversity" = more predomination of this mindset

This is why women's sport is almost everywhere cleaner than the men's counterpart.

>what is different between the two?
The shittiest men's team would beat the best woman's team by at least 10 goals.

Women only go to ground if they are genuinely injured, men (in the professional game at least) will roll around like they've been stabbed if someone so much as sneezes.

Basically, womens football hasn't been corrupted by bad sportsmanship and rigging (yet). Lower quality but more integrity.

did he died?

to be fair, women playing footy is pretty based and funny
still as shit as it gets anyways

I am pretty hyped yes. I've been watching these since 2009 and they've always been fun. If the game isn't good you can always look at cuties. Every team has at least one.

Well, duh, if the sport is shit it's irrelevant whether it's men, women or tapeworms playing it.

UEFA Womens Nations League when?

I feel bad for Karius
How is this a goal but Lampards strike wasn't? Fifa pls explain

This one fully crossed the line.

>This one fully crossed the line.
Maybe you're right

Attached: Teaser%20-%20foot.jpg (1024x576, 85K)

Also don't forget that FIFA is ABE

i just understand the feel that faggots have while they watching normal football

literally the only good female goalkeeper

Attached: Alex morgan.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

*partially blocks your path*
Not so fast!

Attached: karenbardsley.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

>tfw Arsenal doesn't have Anouk anymore

Attached: Arsenal Ladies.webm (1040x576, 2.82M)

Leah Williamson seems like a good footballer.

based Vivianne Miedema

they look like oblivion characters


Attached: 1463169974908.webm (832x468, 2.63M)

That's because you're a fucking mong

Attached: no title.jpg (968x681, 127K)

first of all that looks like a woman in the back, second of all if you didnt think that was pretty fun, especially done by some weirdo hostess/escort looking woman in high heels on the side of a road that got trash thrown in her direction, probably by some other woman from the passenger seat of an expensive car, you're a fucking autist

You're a fucking autist if you don't realise that it probably took about 50 takes for them to get it right.

Pamens' the darkie

she looks hapa

A day later and I'm the only person to (You) this

English GK habbits work on m and f footy

idk and idc, i was replying to the guy saying the guy in the back is a beta, idk if its fake or real

Attached: 1498208591477.jpg (640x385, 170K)

gerrard, rooney etc

klinsmann's diving which he was famous for won a world cup, muller is another ridiculous diver

you people just love to pretend about honor, fucking hypocrites

and we hated them when they did it, Latinos cheer and actively encourage diving.

For me it's gotta be Louisa Necib.

Attached: giphy.gif (480x270, 2.29M)

>we hated them
no you didn't, you just call it a penalty and pretend it was a foul. just more of your hypocrisy, at least they're honest about it because even now everyone dives. look at robben and how his dick is sucked all the time when he's a neymar tier diver

>Be Houston Dash fan
>Trade to get Press
>Says she doesnt want to come and goes elsewhere

Fuck her

Attached: 1554882130456.jpg (452x576, 93K)

Thanks for correcting me on my personal experiences.

>you people
Those are bavarians, respectively people who played for a bavarian team.
Bavarians are literally the niggers of Germanic people. Even collaborating with fucking France to rat Südtirol out.

tell me more about bavarians, I was told it's the best part of germany, most productive people etc

Are Bavarians like Scousers then?

A lot of the top athletes don't get their periods because of low bf% and high test

that would be hamburg. bavarians are literally german hillbillies.

Literally incest hillbillies sucking of the German State's tit until Uncle Sam occupied it in 1945 and felt like resettling all industry there to show people how rich the US occupied zones are compared to those occupied by commies.

Don't know. Drunk, fat and incest faces. Might be the stereotypes that people at least over here hear about scousers. Funniest thing is that on one day they will promote themself as the prototypical Germans when it suits them, on another day they will feel insulted when you assume they are Germans and correct you that they are Bavarians not Germans.

Attached: 1544282412119.jpg (911x617, 58K)

>jordan "gobble my nob " nobbs

sounds like scousers, I understand now why everyone can't stand them, their victim complex mixed with delusional arrogance. klopp has unironically become one with all his moaning and excuses, unless he was always like that

Best womens goalkeeping i've seen
Painfully true. Spics spread diving to British footy and now everyone games the rules.

Also, why do people use trips on Yea Forums? Do they not realise they are immediately filtered by many?


Yea her and the Donk lady must be good

god i wish i was that ball


who is blonde?


>muh moral high grounds on a FUCKING SPORT
Go fuck yourself, Hans, you uppity faggot.

>shitty defending
>shitty goal keeping
>shitty weak header
>womens soccer
yep, checks out

go watch some apes hooping, jamal

>Diving was objectively the correct play there.

Attached: 1527054180311.jpg (320x320, 18K)

>1 minute added to stoppage time for tampon retrieval

Latin as in Latin-derived. Romance languages. The absolute state of you, user.


>the united state of american education


Attached: Alaba-Mitchell.jpg (630x660, 265K)

By wearing high heels

dios mío...

I hope the USWNT loses because it'd be insufferable to hear the media boast their win

Jesus Christ you're a bitter traitor


Attached: 767863487526.jpg (455x376, 29K)

quality from start to finish



female athlete body power rankings
1)Soccer (saw-ker)
3)Long jump

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i can feel you. Had the same feelings during the european championship, because of schoko jones. Now she's gone and i can cheer for germany again.

Attached: rolfö_crying.webm (1280x720, 1.52M)

go watch some local beheadings, muhammed


i want to but im an ugly incel like eggman tier. that being said he still gets more pussy than me

Attached: eggygf.jpg (1248x860, 124K)

That was really good

fucking kek imagine doing this. it's just such an absent-minded thing of the moment, where your instinct is just to score on the open net, and it doesn't really matter because nobody's watching anyways, but imagine how embarrassed you would be after this.

eggman's not actually that bad looking

reminder that the kraut mindset was to introduce systemic doping

>not rating pole vaulters

>Do women go to the pub to watch this?
>Do men?
>Should I?
yeah probably, why not?

absolute HOSS


absolutely based

Attached: amst16_295.jpg (1667x2500, 293K)

i haven't felt any kind of excitement for a considerable time frame now, this won't change that

Canadian girl

>Diving was objectively the correct play there.
This is why soccer will never be accepted in North America. We are used to truly manly sports like football and hockey, where such anti-manly behaviour is considered absolutely cringe-worthy.
"Men" who dive are not role models for children.

post webms of fights from soccer women's!!!!

We find Latino culture cringe too, they actively encourage cheating whilst 1st worlders despise it.


Her best

I could have written my thesis in the time it took her to run that pitch

Cant she afford football boots?

I am surprised that women living in Liverpool or Birmingham have access to tampons

Scousers already have blood on their hands after Heysel and Hillsbrough, not going to allow that to happen again.

>England white
>Belgium light blue
>Logic not found

Look how scared is him because the woman looks like a man and he is suddenly attracted to her

Most countries have ditched their black and white TVs m8


>that razor burn on her crotch

Sad that Humphrey's career turned to shit when she left Arsenal, she would have made a very attractive partnership with her mate Williamson

Attached: df587570-b3bf-11e5-92ec-25da199d858b_CarlaHumphrey_Instagram_carlahumphrey_6.jpg (476x595, 23K)

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>being this desperate
Not a good look desu


A male player would have gone down from the light tug from #8, and if not would definitely be rolling on the ground for 5 minutes after that tackle. Why are men such pussies?

She's unironically better than Poozan

Attached: aaronson_doop_guzan.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

>that smile
So cute, fuck

for me, it's Lieke

Attached: 534.jpg (534x516, 42K)


>Tab Kemme
yes please

is pushing out of bounds leagal in Rugby? why the fuck the canadian number 2 just ran along her

they lack Ngubuets

I would flat out refuse to pull out of Leah Williamson

Are you the guy who claims to see her in a club in Barcelona from time to time?

Incredibly impressive

Attached: kemme_heath.webm (960x540, 2.51M)


Yes. Number 2 was probably afraid to get hurt.

>playing any sport in Houston
I don’t blame her

Attached: 3C64B15A-3B24-4009-91A0-DABC983214C4.jpg (750x910, 57K)

I'd like to snog her blooter.

I wish people will talk about football not about le qt waifu bullshit during the world cup.

B-but... the womyn's national team should get equal pay!

He's mocking her actually.

BTFO you

>the captain

Attached: A62C2FE8-202F-45BB-9DD0-514F11617FEA.jpg (503x478, 73K)

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Imagine finishing outside the top three ever

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-12 at 3.59.00 PM.png (1690x896, 228K)


>Not rating the objectively best-looking women in all of sports. Those ski girls that are even hot enough to have their own general here

Wtf eggy got a gf?

so lonely lads

Attached: 1422028027120.png (529x327, 80K)

he's had a few
he actually leaves his room unlike some other people

Why are women so cute?

doubt it, you didn't look very impressive at all in our last friendly.
i think germany will be slightly favourite, because our team is very experienced, with players like maro, popp, huth and kemme playing together since junior days.
england and france are also very strong, while japan, brazil, australia and the uswnt, are hard to judge for me, because they play in their own leagues, so it will be no easy run for anybody.

Attached: schüller_goal_2.webm (1920x1024, 3M)

nice after effects shit

Can't handle the heat?

>people itt honestly think they can stop our QT soccer team
shiggy diggy doo

Attached: usa-today-8682480.0.jpg (1200x800, 183K)


you couldn't even win the shebelieves cup you played at home, also please answer webm unrelated

Attached: zadrazil.webm (576x576, 1.62M)

money shot

>most of them aren't playing any longer

A day late, but I just want to emphasize how you have no idea how obnoxiously annoying it is over here with the "womynz sports" shit.

"We deserve millions because we've won 4 world cups" fuck offffffffff

So we're pretending to care about women's sports now?

God this board went to shit.

Have sex

have sex

>t. saves his virginity for his lesbian sportsfu

That striker cutting through the defense with her massive nose