Sports fans webm thread

Sports fans webm thread

Attached: westbromfanshitshimself.webm (416x232, 2.66M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Replay 2018-04-09 22-02-09 11-15.webm (960x600, 2.35M)

Attached: 1535919841591.webm (960x540, 1.22M)

Attached: Vira casaca sulafricano.webm (720x404, 746K)


Attached: Boomer BTFO Zoomer.webm (480x270, 1.67M)

a chubby trashy German teen is pretty much all that I want or need

Fucking lmao

Is publicly humiliating your child really as fun as it looks? It might be factor in my future planning

Attached: USA USA.webm (1280x720, 1.75M)

Attached: spin cycle.webm (1920x1076, 1.43M)

Attached: 1548547002950.webm (640x352, 1.25M)

Why are they even chanting while the opposing team is countering?

Attached: 1530679790476.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Attached: 1530216356994.webm (848x624, 2.44M)

Attached: 1534324575655.webm (640x360, 1.78M)

Attached: Nazio.webm (224x398, 737K)

why is there a dancegymnastics group training in a stadium?

No one here has any idea how soccer works.

based , having children seem lit after all

Attached: 1547059113608.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

I can't think of anything more cucked than having a daughter

Portoposter is a 14 year old

Attached: tenor.gif (480x270, 2.54M)

wife material


she is qt
like a cute shy suburbian teenage gf for middle/high school

she looks romanian

Attached: aussies.webm (960x540, 864K)

Attached: eagle2.webm (888x500, 1.05M)


She cute

why are they acting like they're in the ground at all

Attached: brits.webm (720x1280, 2.93M)

Attached: cringe.webm (504x896, 756K)

the longer you look at it the worse it gets

Based and boomerpilled


Can someone post the weeb russian mom from the WC, please.

Attached: 1553810840627.webm (1280x720, 2.56M)

Attached: The ol switcheroo.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Attached: tips sombrero.webm (1280x720, 2.57M)

Wouldn't mind having a dance with that slag

Yea Forums on the left


Attached: sugarrush.webm (480x480, 1010K)

Attached: full kit wanker.webm (600x1066, 2.95M)

This is the most unhealthy thing I've ever seen

>the guy on the left doing the asian eyes

fucking lol, when was this

This is the best one

>that 8ft guy on the right

Young Chad in the making
Does a "good deed" while actually being selfish and keeping the win for himself, while still winning favor with the ladies.

this. the gaylord on the left seemed quite taken as well.

He actually caught two balls. He gave the first catch to the slag he got into a fight with over the first ball.

A >daughter you say?
*hits pipe*

>that bulldyke in the back

Attached: 1554680939641.webm (1280x720, 873K)


Attached: 1535146081152.gif (800x371, 114K)

For me, it's the guy furiously strumming his guitar.

>Gay bowser
That's homophobic

Attached: iowa.webm (720x404, 2.78M)

you're focusing on the wrong thing there
also, ur gay nigga

What's Dendi doing in Iowa?

A true fan really hates his opponents

Attached: Top lad.webm (1280x720, 1.24M)

can Euros put Iowa on a map?

I cant put the majority of states on a map besides texas and california

the headless guy always boggles my mind

somewhere in the red circle

Attached: united-states-state-outlines-outline-map-can-you-fill-in-blank-maps-of-the-world-free-us-arabcooking (1298x805, 151K)


What is it about British women that is so unappealing?

me on the right

one of the most eastern states circled in . Not sure which one.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH She's gonna turn into a right little crackhead.


because they're dumb Americans

ill just leave this here cos its kinda funny

Attached: srfc1.jpg (560x1017, 116K)

Attached: 1530681822376.webm (300x300, 621K)

I believe it's the one in the top-right of that circle

nobody in America cares about Iowa except democrat presidential candidates

anyone got the ones that's a compilation of brazilian crowd reactions to each goal in the 7-1 match?

That's Minnesota, I think. Got to be one of the two below that.


it's the one directly below minnesota

Why would we have to put it on a map? Did Americans forget to include it on their maps somehow?

based on the titties im not sure if thats a really nasty woman or a super fit american man

>souf cunts can't handle some bantz

absolutely shocked

Keked hard

based bayer

I cannot help but chuckle everytime
JayKay spotted

>Live in Texas
>Never have to find another state on the map

I'm impressed tho have a slag

Attached: aya.jpg (1080x1349, 93K)

imagine the smell

wtf, some americans aren't able to tell where are all states located?


i married a burger and am in the process of getting my green card. figured i should at least learn all the basic civics shit before i move there

suppose the stadium collapses? Then who's the wiseguy

hope they have a happy ending

that's like the title sequence to a sitcom

one of the bumps is missing so the last slide is a long one lol

The land that God forgot


Yeah, but I only because I was at an international youth camp that took place at UNI (Cedar Falls).


>I cannot help but chuckle everytime

for me it's the face he makes when he's heading to the second one. no attempt to stop or slow down or roll off, just pure resignation to getting his ass destroyed

What kind of international youth camp takes place in fucking Iowa lmao

>that look to the cam

I swear I was once in a pub just like this in edinburgh
went to find some famous pub and went to the port side of a town where I encountered totally drung guy who was alone dancing to ''I shot the sheriff'' and trying to talk to me with thick scottish accent which ofc I didn't understand
I fucked off scared in like 10min


I liked it. Had a couple of days in chicago too.


Attached: 1551233461913.webm (960x538, 2.96M)

What did she mean by this?

she's beautiful.

> she
that's a boy m8s

Attached: Lamela Barcelona 2004.jpg (590x350, 31K)

can't be true.

based self hating american

BASED customer

tango is tunisian?

lol at the dude leading the dancing

dis nigga has sum, cereal murderer shit goin on dayum

Beautiful no doubt


i like how he wasn't even pushed hard at all and just jumped down on soccerbalerina instincts

fucking kek, my sides

baby making quality right there
>dat lip bite

I'd fucking put 10 kids in her.

That's Porto Poster's cousin

Holy shit.

what an astute chad with the classic switcheroo.

Better with sound desu


would in RC kit with long hair

>tfw you're hitting her from behind and she starts sieg heiling

Attached: 45654.jpg (550x825, 29K)

Based Borat

i'd get so hard i'd cum straight inside her egg

Are they all related? Are all their parents cousins or something?

>The guy having a stroke

Every fucking time


Attached: Screenshot_20190410-215239.png (720x449, 457K)

>last line of the screencap

fucking why lmao. then again people come to me in Idaho from universities in Ireland for some reason

Attached: 1468264660328.webm (720x406, 1.92M)

She was hexing/bewithing/haunting the other team

It was probably a corner kick of sum

Attached: 1398976421512.png (415x367, 142K)

the old guy next to 8ft giant having an orgasm

another classic

Attached: 100 skill.gif (360x299, 3.25M)


wait there's more

Attached: honour.png (613x836, 252K)


100 kgs of head

literal young chad


Attached: huh.jpg (589x380, 53K)

shit.. w-where is it user?

They are ugly


Attached: 1530983010606.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

triggered cucks

>that woman on the bg looking at it with a smile

could have been a threesome selfish cunts

The new Twin Peaks season looks lit

Attached: pewpewpew.webm (800x447, 2.39M)

>the miasma
what the fuck

Attached: 1521601059637.gif (352x196, 1.8M)

Attached: 1523221349754-0.gif (426x240, 1.95M)

Its a parody account geniuses
Still funny though

Attached: 1523219657411-0.gif (364x207, 1.41M)

his reaction when the ball is curving towards him is priceless

>Some slag dancing
>Baffled old geezer
>girl on crutches
>Pic of Lennon on the bar

A bit of everything

it troubles me that it's really common to shit oneself. people really can't hold it or have emergencies that come upon them so quickly? i've only sharted once while i was jerking off.

For me, it's Patrick King-Patrick

Attached: 1415654138440.gif (236x224, 1.89M)

that fat fuck looks like the guy who tried to assassinate bjork, then blew his brains out on camera.

the pacific northwest really is fag central


looks like she's giving him one

We were winning with like 10 seconds left. Then Portugal scored to tie it

most americans actually think that brits are universally a sophisticated people

Attached: When you have to pretend everything is fine.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

nah nothing that bad. probably just spend most of college do lines off frat guys' cocks.

seems like a sweet guy

every fucking time

Attached: eyes.jpg (584x1510, 91K)

One of the reactions that's on the Yea Forums Mt. Rushmore. Who would you guys do as your fan reaction Mt. Rushmore, gif edition?
>guido yankee fan
>stroke victim
>retarded Iowa basketball fans

Attached: German_nationalism_on_the_rise.webm (1024x576, 2.42M)

>tfw eye 3
i'm just tired most of the time ok

>no >schalke

the chewing fat liverpool fan surely has to be one of them

>Mt. Bongistan
Stroke Victim
Agbonlahor Bong


Attached: 1424193630902.gif (250x336, 103K)


Poor kid died later that night. The coroner's report found he had drowned in pussy

This guy.

Attached: 1549048787266.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>/gif/ edition

the fant got btfo since grealish scored the winner

lmao, I usually don't look at soccer shit because I don't follow it but jeez that smug

'stop' girl

I was going to make him replace Iowa or be runner up. The Iowa fans is just so great because of the guy chewing on his pass

'stop' girl is too reddit and not organic. The best ones are where they don't know there's a camera on them

Attached: snap.gif (319x258, 2M)

>the grill that stands up in sync with the guy


Attached: 1549400620523.jpg (199x217, 26K)

Attached: Drunk Mets Fan Falls Down.webm (640x360, 950K)

>too reddit
I'll agree it's not really a "reaction" gif though, more just a sports-related one.

Attached: Woman makes a catch on screaming liner.webm (1280x720, 1.21M)

sweden it literally just varying types of blond.

she just made that retard's day, fucking kek

Attached: 1551787484079.gif (500x208, 925K)


epic shit.

It was a foul ball but I wouldn't call him a retard

It looks so painful but I can't stop myself from laughing

College basketball player "Henderson" and "I don't believe this" man

i was actually at a game where a retard took a liner to the forehead. everybody instinctively scattered but this legend just stared that shit down and took it like a man.

Attached: kaljakatsomo.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

>Sit down
>Dad sit down I told you

Anyone have a webm of the fight and win autist?

Attached: Possessed fan orchestrates the most cringing chant.jpg (480x360, 39K)

the fucking eagle eyes on this cameraguy

Attached: 1526384695322.jpg (228x221, 23K)

lost my shit when the midget walks into view

BASED bambino

Fucking lol, absolutely BASED

Attached: 1529346286558.png (508x280, 97K)

She cute. CUTE

Can you?

Attached: 1532250885969.jpg (720x707, 69K)

why doesn't Europe want these people in it's Union?

They do, you fucking brainlet

why that nigga hung himself?

>dont pull that bullshit with me, you're scoring

Attached: Coke.webm (640x798, 1.93M)

Funniest thing I've read in a while.

>it troubles me that it's really common to shit oneself
now I understand the amerishart meme

We had a good laugh in the original thread. What a way to get yourself fired.

Attached: barlolelti manu.png (1189x814, 395K)

Attached: Korea_fan_smiles.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

>That look on his dad face.

He knows he raised a fine kid.

I like her optimism bringing a glove to those seats.

Is that derrick lewis?


me on the right

>old woman can catch ball

bloody hell didn't realise the oppo had lads the size of this unit

I can't stop laffing

Attached: England Enters the Thread.webm (640x360, 2.73M)

Based boomer.
Colombians can't take the kek


they have isolated Iowa from the Earth

We are reaching Russian levels...


Attached: 1490107667380.png (604x618, 88K)



still no match for a NORFman tho

Attached: NORF FC.webm (288x360, 672K)

Weak sphincters m8, that old faggot probably takes it up the ass which adds insult to injury.

Alcohol is one hell of a drug.

nice reactions. quick chuckle and in for the snap.

Of Course!

mbrappe a qt

they cute


Attached: 1554312755101.jpg (800x771, 220K)

Every god damn time, I never noticed how tall he was

that smug dude always makes me kek

>I never noticed how tall he was
there is always something new in the gif that keeps on giving

Lol what a pussy


>pitcher looks back to check on him

it ain't


>I never noticed how tall he was
it just two kids on one ticket
and they probably step on the strokeman's foot

Attached: vincent-adultman.jpg (646x431, 76K)

Attached: eredivisie2.webm (320x180, 1.59M)

Top lel

Attached: rekt.png (1365x499, 194K)

> 03/09/13

6 years

I've been on this fucking site for 6 years

anybody got that one webm with the qt waving shyly at the camera

absolute Chad, impressive

I always love his look of "oh fuck why did I do this" after the first ball-busting crunch, and then when he launches at the end

Are you the Finn who got dabbed on in the screencap?

Hey, I have that hat!

been here for 12

Attached: 1549557870079.png (808x637, 133K)

aguirre the wrath of god

this makes me happy
t. my pee pee

Attached: 1523435601733.png (1000x1000, 1.33M)

>fapping over a draw

Yes. I went to bed at 3 replies and came back in the morning to find that.

pic related

Attached: 1528378518505.png (744x687, 44K)

That webm is as sophisticated as it gets you walnut.


wtf's up with your language Petteri?

>it's a legit article

I knew the Daily Star requires employees to be braindead, but fuck me.


I could have sworn part of the joke is that slag being a tranny

Kek I don't speak portugese and even I know what he's saying

No it's typical that women look like that over here.
Midgets aren't so common though

>be Columbo
>old English man takes over your Gaff
>shows England tattoo whilst ripping the piss out of you
>Columbo throws paper cups and one of the ultras pushes him and runs off

The absolute state of this gay nation

Does anyone have the webm from a baseball game where some guy whos carrying his child in one arm whilst walking down the stairs manages to catch the ball with his free hand?

but still having a more femine look than most Brits

Attached: notkosher.jpg (636x382, 61K)

this nothing, Does anyone have the webm from a football game where some Everton guy whos carrying his child in one arm whilst walking down the stairs manages to punch a Lyon player in the face with his free hand?

Attached: 1522622163771.webm (676x480, 2.28M)

Who the fuck let Jackie Chan in?

Why is college sport so popular in the US?

from what i've seen i guess it because it looks more fun to be at the sporting event. Pro American sports look like a lively Emirates crowd, so a day at the Library.

Souf or Norf?

there's that one, and then there's one where he has the baby in one arm and his beer in the other hand and catches the ball with the beer cup. I guess I don't have them though.

Attached: tfw19innings.webm (640x360, 1.14M)

Attached: womynsports1.webm (496x280, 2.55M)

What was his endgame?

nice, thanks.

midul actually

>drunken full kit wanker
>having the intellectual capacity to think ahead

pick one and only one

Are these the pros because I could watch a whole season of this shit.

Attached: zieht den bauern die lederhosen aus.webm (1280x720, 802K)

>Are these the pros
that was from the 2011 X games. For comparison here's highlights of the men on the same course

Midul your fucking drip

He seems pretty tall for a 5 year old

How can you even explain the difference?

those logs are clearly members of the patriarchy, duh

Yeah, come to think of it he might of caught it in a beer cup instead of his hand. Was still impressive though.

Attached: 1537284488878.jpg (700x390, 72K)

Attached: the #lads & me.jpg (1374x570, 236K)


that's a based souferner though, look at the red shirt the norferner is wearing
souf truly is the final boss

>getting banged by SOUF
>spilling anyones drink
>NORFand MIDUL not caving his head in
sad times

>I served in WW2 for this?!

a true patriot


have this one as a consolation

Attached: 1445209416018.webm (640x360, 2.36M)

based bro banter

Attached: mexibottles.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

Attached: 1436991651743.webm (960x540, 2.76M)

Attached: bundes.webm (960x530, 2.84M)


divine justice for those subhumans

lel eat a dick mexicunts

Attached: 1511111122635.gif (230x175, 1.94M)

>Mario Götze and Paul Scholes undercover



Portland is the best American soccer venue by a fucking mile

Based boomer crashing that header with no survivors

High IQ move

Attached: 1540959158264.jpg (768x768, 127K)

the louisville bench reacting to kevin ware's leg exploding

underratedingly based

This is like a random, meaningless dream you have during an afternoon nap.

Stg why does every pub have an old mick geezer identical to that?

>recreating Hiroshima 1945

Lmao it just keeps going, I need to be in a pub like that some time

Robert De Niro for me.


Life of a black man must be interesting

Attached: 420359755.jpg (890x960, 66K)

I got you

Attached: dadball.webm (960x540, 2.7M)


yeah, thats the one i was thinking of. thanks!

They aren't actually watching the video in the corner.

And onions consumers think he can't pass

Attached: Torcida do Rennes.webm (960x540, 1.41M)

Attached: 1529738491326.webm (1280x720, 1.86M)

>guy having a smoke



Attached: scousers.jpg (800x1700, 447K)

Nasty woman

>tfw her face is unknown

thread is absolute gold good work everyone

no one beats us in vibe

Attached: Torcedores do Bahia.webm (640x360, 2.87M)


>publicly humiliating your child
Implying. 18+, Hans. Dad is just having some fun.

this was the game that should have gone to 20 innings but that fucking manlet umpire blew a call at the plate.

obligatory gordodecentral-posting

>stop having fun

Attached: mask.jpg (601x508, 92K)

I dun ge' et

Have children

That merely confirms you watch inferior japanese cartoons to me

fun things are fun

>that chewing gum monster


What an antisemetic sponsor for a football league.

lmao way to say "rope yourself my man"

>the guy just coming out of a fucking mario bros pipe

His face after the first nut-shattering hump brings me more happiness than it should

god bless lesbians

west brap

Game of Thrones Season 55

below minnesota

Looks like a late 90-early 2000s alt rock music video.
Even the only normal looking person has a broken arm

>chinamen eyes not highest tier
>rising man not above stroke man

Attached: 1548695006874.png (155x142, 34K)

How the FUCK does this webm always have something new to see holy shit

wtf are you guys talking about, chad? thats not chad behavior. thats the most beta thing ive ever seen

15 in a month or two. Kill me, please.

Attached: o.jpg (438x400, 21K)


me on the left

For me it's the two Palace fans chuckling behind TWAT man and 90's tracksuit woman


fucking based japs

hahahahahahahaha busted

This is fucking amazing. Never been so proud.

The commentary for this is brilliant. The guy says "there's the play of the game".

>Harry Maguire running to catch a tube.webm

>fan attacks footballer
>"oi, u cant do that, thats roit out of order that is!"
>does nothing else
>fan attacks Bret Hart
>gets his shit kicked in

Why are wrestlers, who aren't even real athletes, way harder than footballers?

typical lazio

Based as fuck

The Gang Goes to the Maracana

lefties will SEETHE at this

what happened here?

this is what fandom should be about
based as fuck


Attached: Screenshot_29.png (187x277, 127K)

i can feel the scouse accent

Desperate faggot

How does this webm still have new things?

we spics get so butthurt its unreal
we say we are different but the only difference really it's some words

comfy to let people have a puff at the game

fucking kek

that makes it even more retarded

>ffs dad

the power of the bottle compels you

I dislike hope this webm leaves of the goal. When was this? Modric/Tsu was kino.

lamo. i swear everytown in uk has atleast one pub all the fucking weirdos gravitate to.

Attached: 1530211539281.webm (960x540, 958K)

Attached: Casal do Sport.webm (638x360, 1.31M)

>Spot the main character

someone post Pelles gf

Attached: Italiana frustrada.webm (965x545, 1.47M)

based Hueanon


God Portland really is the gayest city in North America

Texans aren't American

>tfw your dad will never be that proud of you

Attached: wojak.jpg (1600x900, 77K)

Based boomer

Yeah Chinaman is by far peak character of this clip, I think its that he manages to keep the chink eye going while giving the wanker sign, textbook stuff.

Attached: 1523914459507.jpg (658x356, 118K)

what is paul scholes doing there?

Dortmund - Real in Cl group phase last year.

>HALF-TIME: Sydenham United 2-0 Streatham Rovers
what did they mean by this

Attached: dio walking towards jotaro.png (470x446, 612K)

for me, it's chinky wanker man

jesus christ we're not all like this

this is the soccer fan version of diving
weak ass bitch

by the look on his face, she's not doing a great job which is surprising if you get my somewhat racist drift

lmao never seen the stroke guy,
gift that keeps on giving.

thank god stevie wonder is blind

still not convinced the guy in the glasses knows what's going on

The most underrated is the homo touching that other dude's ass, feigning innocence and then laughing to his back.

>Not including The Wall

Darwinism in action

You get asians because they are cheap, not because they are good.

Attached: 1531770490512.webm (368x640, 1.16M)

College sports are the American versions of clubs. Everyone who goes to a university can find solidarity in going to a team sporting event. It's something that can go generations long.

just noticed it lmao

How can they miss the retired pimp in the top left?

what the fuck are they playing? looks similar to baseball.



> 2015 Gold Cup champions: Mexico

>That one dude having a stroke
every time


Attached: New_Jackin_ECW.jpg (250x325, 15K)

Anyone have that fat black redskins fan shaking his head

Actually looks like a good pub

Easy peasy, Capital state Des Moines (The Monks)

Is that Maradona in the blue?

It doesn't matter who you look at the, reaction is comedy gold. Even the fucking headless scalf is funny.

I thought Dani Alves was pulling out his katana
I almost thought he's based


You've just outted yourself as an autistic virgin. Good thing you're anonymous here.


Attached: 8B7359D5-82EC-4B46-B8FF-72F730ED6274.gif (640x360, 3.7M)

I don't know who I like the most
>Old man who is quite clearly asleep and wakes up suddenyl
>Less old man who stands up
>Girl who gets BTFO by that thing
>"nd girl's reaction to first girl being BTFO by thing
>Man so angry he removes cap to continue swearing
>Dude with middle fingers who slides into centre
>Dude booing, then claps twice for some reason before continuing to boo
>White cap man with jelly hands
>Old beardy man at commentary table enjoying the bants