
black hole edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


you now remember this:

we are also going to the moon for the first time in 2024

go knights

the black hole is gonna be like the first picture of pluto

>implying that won't be filmed in a studio by Christopher Nolan

yep. still cool in my book, but a lot of people are going to be underwhelmed.

It's gonna be a hole that's really black.

How are black holes even possible


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Black hole more over-hyped than VGK in the finals.

>implying they wouldn't take Kubrick out of cryostasis for it

>going to the moon for the first time
how the fuck are they going to get past the firmament?

it's gonna be an out of focus hole looking thingy

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Fuck black holes.

Let's go Rangers!

thread theme

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It's your moms meat glove when it's been worked by sweaty sasauge for 20 summers.

which team has the shittest name and why is it the oilers?

i hate the soilers but their name is fine. it's culturally relevant

go back


KEK the state of the snes

here are some fun space songs imo

based 'Lanche

this is a based version for sure lad

/cric/ explored your mum's black hole last lads.

it's the hurricanes.
it'd be like my team deciding to call themselves the paddocks.

here is one for ya


This is the post.

best space song coming through

hey /cric/ haven't seen you in a hot minute


We're here to pick up Finland.

nope, you got grease in the trade m8

Finland, get your things, we're leaving.

Finland stays, our 393 million guns say so.

Finland is not going anywhere.

Think again, leaf.

the black hole picture will be like 30 pixels


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Finland, you tell your mum you're staying at my house and I'll tell my mum I'm staying at your house.

I dont have a house, I live in the forest and use wifi

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Where are we going


/cric/: home of cricket.

>watched video about the black hole image
>just after finishing watching the video I see these comments

>in a few billions years our galaxy will merge the andromeda galaxy
>the black will holes will collide and swallow everything in it's path
>no matter what we do we can't stop this from happening
>everything is ultimately pointless

Attached: Doomer 2.png (498x594, 122K)

what are you guys talking about?

>in a few billions years our galaxy will merge the andromeda galaxy
nothing will collide when this happens. It would be cool to catch glimpses of other solar systems though

Fuck black holes the scientists need to make a Jurassic Park. If I can't see a live T-rex within 20 years I'm gonna be pissed.


*if I cant fuck a live T-rex*

What would T-rex pussy feel like?


no, not like that. the merge will take billions of years and simply create a new galaxy. nothing will be swallowed

something was swallowed last night lad, just ask your mum

either we learn to do planetary engineering within those billion years, or our planet dies out anyway far before any collision event due to rising luminosity of the sun

plus a collision event wouldnt cause any disturbance to our solar system, except maybe get ejected

Not possible. I would need a step ladder and they would have to tie it down. Even then the T-Rex vag would be too big. Like a giant black hole.

>black hole

I would settle for raptors

ageing will be cured in our lifetime

And you still wont see another leaf cup

the wild


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when you building an iihf approved hockey arena, grease?

reading about black holes and it's fucking me up a bit lads

The playoffs start TONIGHT and Columbus will win the cuppo Stanley strawpoll.com/6ckgffek

Why? If we get blacked it will super compress us together and I will finally be one with all of /hoc/

you mean /cric/ cheated? so business as usual.

>ted with the most votes
seems fishy to me lad

You can only vote once per thing

There is some freaky shit out there fren, at any point a solar flare could fuck us up.

>American education


Here’s the first image of the black hole

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getting tired lads, probably gonna have to wait to see the black hole

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H8 niggers Tbh


Lads Taylor Hall dented the Devil's ball he cheated watch the video

>mfw the Debbie's fall for the Finnish meme and draft Kaapo "Bust" Kakko and MY New York Rangers get Jack Hughes

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I am just a person, not the goddamn athletic ministry

kek, no

not very fren post

someone make Zacha's goal a webm please, thank you



and why hasnt your athletic ministry rectified this issue? SAD

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Here's my bracket

What you guys think?

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Fuck, I just realised I literally put in the higher seed advances in every bracket like some normie cunt.

Post yfw >rags
>"and with 2nd overall pick the New York Rangers select, from TPS Turku..."

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so i had a thought, probably way dumber than i'm thinking
debbies know that jack lose doesn't wanna play for them, why don't they swap picks with the rags and get next year's first rounder and some other shit with it?

When can we crown Kakko?

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>doesn't wanna play for them
wrong, AND it literally doesn't matter because he is 99.9% just gonna sign a contract with the team that drafts him (forget the one fuck that didn't).


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this is it.

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'bout to take my morning kakko in the NYrangers

birb is winning the cup and daddy banko is gonna shit on poor lil jonny

>you wont see kakko with zuccarello

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do you mean your morning rags into the kraapo?

It's not the educational system. I'm just a brainlet that spent 5 minutes on google.

Kakko has nothing to worry about. He will get a nice welcome from his fellow finn, Zibanejad

Eating some cereal before work lads

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do you think jack hughes, being the qt twink he is, will have to fight off pedos in ny?


lmao the bing bings absolutely btfo
dorian is a fucking wizard

why do ppl live in jew york

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Seattle Black Holes


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Bing bang bong bulju got a huge dong

has anyone double checked that they didnt send a bunch of mtf trannies?

>eurospics gitting gud at hockey

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Just woke up.

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So did I

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Been awake for four hours already. Would like to sleep desu.

Same 2bqh.
Finland has the right idea.

>playoff hockey starts today
how many red bulls will i need to get through the night?

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Try it without any energy drinks.

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none you weak cuck

fuck you im buying million cans then

gonna pärisee like parise

>taking two dicks in your ass costs THOUSANDS in production


hell your mom does it for free

halo halo where are the energies drinks

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30min till we see the universes hole

jesus bud

Live Black hole thing


Goddamn Pekka you got no chill baka

fuck off to nerd

Make me

>first thing you see if you go there
ha ha memes

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>black holes

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you now remember patrik laine

How many alien species have been genocided by black holes?

Can you imagine the amount of fucking shitposting if the Avs won the cup this year.

It would be like being on fucking Yea Forums

oh good, here i thought you were gonna make me remember some sweshitter

We'll never know.

just like the amount of shitposting if the avs won first overall?
how did that go again?

>not literally any Canadian team

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I don't

There is no such thing

Have you been membering him this whole time?

You mean Patrik Score 25 goals before All star and then only score 5 after Laine?

All teams are Canadian

Love Vasy

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being a man and falling in love with another man is homosexual, right?

yeah, that's the guy!

good morning lads. wasn't feeling well this morning. was taking my morning Matthews and started seeing stars in my vision and got a headache. called off work, gonna be productive later and then enjoy some ploffs
bretty cool
implying (((Spielberg))) won't be chosen by the zog fucks in office at the time

Can't say I know him.

I know a Landeskog though.


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jesus christ my head hurts. also this black hole shit makes me want to watch Interstellar again. truly regret not seeing it in IMAX

I saw Interstellar in IMAX, in Berlin. Was pretty good.

do you know German or is just similar enough to Swedish for you to understand?

Imagine being a SNES fan right now

Attached: manlets.jpg (1083x634, 438K)

Berlin actually has a bunch of English-language movie theaters. There's a really good, really big one right in Potsdamer Platz.

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The age of the Swede is over, the time of the FINN has come

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Neither. Germans do love to dub movies. But I watched it in english. If I remember correctly the subtitels were even in english at that showing.

That's the one we went to!

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It's a fucking onion ring.

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pretty cunty if I may say
I always hear about other countries having way nicer looking theaters. maybe here we're just thinking okay you can go to this one or another one 3 miles away or that one 5 minutes away by highway and don't have many that stand out

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looks more like your mom's asshole

Is Barkov /fa/?

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It's brighter at the bottom because that is matter heading towards us, which we perceive brighter than matter heading away from us :)

space was a fucking meme

sens traded a 4th overall for a 3rd overall
they must be feeling pretty good

For me it’s moving up a cheeky 9 spots in the draft

I'd give him an F, eh

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the mighty ducks of Anaheim

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>I always hear about other countries having way nicer looking theaters.
tbf it's the nicest theater in the biggest city in the country that also hosts a ton of international movie premieres.
I'm sure that there's a comparable theater for us in New York City or something, but our country is way more spread out. So most people just think about whatever their local theaters are, instead of caring about some big-city theater that's hours or literally days away by car, whereas Berlin is only a few hours away from most parts of the country.

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billions upon billions of dollars for this

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The Vegas golden knights

>the heat signature of /hoc/'s ass after the blots win the cup

I hope Germany wins this years IIHF tourney

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the worst part about that would be having to edit his hands off the original picture

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If I jump in the black hole with this itchy rash on my leg finall go away

>not rooting for based TeamGB to win the Skodac Up

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I don't which one would be worse to create desu


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mabbe on the otherside murray could be a real tendie


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>not rooting for guys who almost won the olympic gold and who helped you in ww2

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you can call me space cadet because I've been in a few black holes in my day


>tfw no jewish blackhole mommy gf

kill yourself

yeah you have a point there. they probably don't know what theaters we have in rural areas either. also Berlin International Film Festival attributes to more prestigious theater experiences

Shit games tonight desu

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Why do we suck so badly at women's hockey?

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Also, why does the US never host the hockey world championship?

who cares

>Carrick for a 7th, a guy who is basically a Dermott clone
>Leivo for a literal who
>Mcbackup lost for nothing, leads team to one point behind the Leafs
>Tavares and Matthews signed for almost double what Pastrnak makes when they produce about the same

Muzzin deal was pretty good

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no one would show up for the games and the majority of the television audience wont deal with EST or PST time zones

>Tavares and Matthews signed for almost double what Pastrnak makes when they produce about the same
why do people think its ok to compare contracts signed 2 years apart?

I am a calculus master ask me anything

Majority of the countries aren’t in NA. Probably cheaper to have it in Europe travel wise. Also Gary wouldn’t like it being in his backyard

why do you think its not

It takes a lot longer than two years for player salaries to double, inflation and revenue growth are closer to 2% than 50%

will the state of hockey get a cup before a black hole swallows earth?

Oh fuck, it's you again.

Here, have something to autistically rave about

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you are comparing apples or oranges
neither matthews or tavares is making 13.3 mil per
>mad at hockey discussion

>Getzlaf/Kesler for 15+


The drivel that you spew about contracts couldn't pass for manure, let alone hockey discussion

if my opinion is such shit, why is it ingrained into your head?

absolutely rekt

>siding with the retard who legitimately thought pulju was a generational talent

someone please post the /hoc/ meme database imgur album


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its gone.

Nashville's got the worst center core out of all the playoff teams. Dallas in 7

>he rates tyler seguin

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>When Pasta signed his contract he had 113 points in 172 career games (49 goals)

>When Tavares signed his contract he had 121 points in 161 games (53 goals)

>When Matthews signed his contract he had 178 points in 182 games (97 goals)

He scores twice as much so he gets paid twice as much

based Tyler will carry the stors to the finals

Attached: girlshockeysign.jpg (575x379, 232K)

>dedicated 1st line winger
>cant even approach a ppg
lmao @ bombston

your chin can carry my balls to the finals

Leafs don't have balls

He played his ELC from 2014-2017, just before Brad Marchand decided to start being an elite player. Worked out well for Boston in the long run

>Worked out well for Boston in the long run
really? surely pasta has a ring then

Dallas in 6*

Would you rather have him or Nylander for a cup run? Basically the same price

i want to FUCK crosby

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well pasta produces more, but at the expense of needing 1st line minutes and the best talent boston has to offer
willy is sucking shit this season with 15mins ATOI, playing with kadri and old man marleau

its a tough comparison to make


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are you an islander?

>kakko to rags or devlels

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... technically?

Name me a worse goalie in the vezina race than vasy. Hard mode: no anderson

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Arent we all living on islands? Some smaller than others.

cant be done
even bishit stepped up

it's not a race, he's winning

big brain reply

well that's like saying any landmass is a continent. who's >your team?

the only metric vasi leads is a team based stat

>shitposting on Twitter with Yea Forums memes

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The Wise Sage Åland

vasi has more assists than bish

Unironically reported for doxxing.

High IQ
low IQ

crawshit leads the league goalie assists

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A planetary island in a sea of infinite nothingness

Wow real hot take there weeb

It’s almost as if it’s impossible for the jackets to beat this loaded tampa team. Really big think

people thought it was impossible for the 06 wongs to lose to edmongolia in that series

this is why the games are played instead of jerking off to regular season records

>Finnish betting site had Caps winning the cup at 20.00 yesterday
>it's 10.00 today

Printing money

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Then again, I see so many parallels to those two, except the jackets don’t have a chris pronger like player. Maybe that could be jones or werenski but that’s a stretch. Bob could become like roloson if he steps his game up

Ahh the ol 10:45 spanker


tranpa doesnt have 4 (soon to be 6) HHOFs on its roster

Jon cooper
Victor Hedman
Ryan McDonough

Seth Jones is literally pronger 2.0 except not a piece of shit

they need to win a cup before you post shit like this



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The only ones I can see on there will be stamkos and kucherov. The rest are debatable

stammer wont make the hof if he remains cupless
his stats arent that good

Oh is that why no one except me is giving the Avs any chance?

>an hokkei puck that is destroyer of worlds

Attached: seattle-guy.png (270x270, 10K)

avs facing off against the flames isnt anywhere close to the 06 wongs/coilers series dumbfuck

Fucking kek no

Ready4Playoffs, lads

The avalanche need to prove that they aren’t just a one line wonder team with a very inconsistent defense.

ah yes, the notorious weeb isluls fan. All avatarfags should hang.

Also look at that series as well. The oilers just played a overall gritty game and their goalie just bailed them out massively

Unironically a retard

They were without Landeskog and/or Rantanen for almost the entire streak that got them in.

just woke up

literally busting your ass for your job


shoo shoo /cric/

Something smells bad

Whats the matter india. Can't find a street to shit in?

Eternally seething A*gloos

Which gets higher ratings, regular season NBA games or the NHL Finals?

who cares? its literally the most basic of god damn opinions

>black holes
Sharks gonna shork all the way to the cup!

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a stanley cup game averages ~6mil viewers world wide

Extremely excited for the bluejackets to play again

>don't play until tomorrow

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I'm ready

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>"If you don't start covering your fucking defensive assignments, I'm throwing your PS4 into the bottom of Lake Winnipeg."

>remember that your game is on NBCSN and has the result of hearing emerick and mcguire dicksucking crosby

bring back gary thorne

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That time again boys

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All Ted's report in.

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Space is Reddit.

will be getting extra Pub subs tonight to watch my bloties HEEM the teds

>for those about to rock
>not for those about to /hoc/
One jobb..

Other than that, nice webm tbf!

>bring back gary thorne
this 2bqh

Attached: mighty ducks blue (white).png (270x270, 12K)

>for those about to rock
It's from their goal song.

>Beef Meatball on sale
considering going for one for lunch now, thanks for reminding me lad

I know

>Other than that, nice webm tbf!
There's more :^)

I ate too many last week when the Italians were on sale.
Stuffed mushroom caps, sirloin and salad to kick off the ploffs.

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dont see you post here often mr. vinik


post the rantanen one

So Laine suffers from sleepwalking.

>trash team
>trash fans
>trash city

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Reposting from yesterday

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Which part of Ohio are you from lads

Shall be bragging once my masculine bracket dominates your cuck picks.

Sharks/leafs will be the final

Sharks 4-1 over leafs

Here I thought Colorado was a state.

who wins according to your bracket?

Findlay sounds good

Gentle reminder that Colombus will take game 1 in an insane double ot victory

No my swedish friend, Denver is a city

cant see torts winning on the road
cooper is gonna get the match ups he wants




Why are Canadian journalists upset about this?

BIG brekky today
>2 eggs
>3 strips of turkey bacon
>1 veggie sausage patty
>2 slices of toast
>1 banana
>side of cottage cheese

Denver Avalanche? Did they change their name during the night?

Columbus. I might go either game 3 or 4 depending on how the series goes.

Because they're all huge faggoty virtue signallers.

>and seething

I'm watching ALL HOKKEI tonight

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>The Colorado Avalanche are a professional ice hockey team based in Denver, Colorado.

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The shitty part

imagine torts beating his former team which just had the best season ever

yea I have seen jets games too

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Is he /ourguy/

Would be extremely based and tortspilled

>which just had the best season ever

For me, it's Jets-Blues followed up by Sharks-Knights. Other two are irrelevant

tampa gay used to have torts as their coach

im aware, that doesnt answer my question

>even the EA think Avs will beat the flames


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Based post
Based get

Because they're fucking faggot leafs

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Carolina BTFO

>bing bing wahoos think they are getting out of round 1

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Rantanen is the only good finn in the NHL right now.

The 6 stages of being a finn
Would be 7 but stage 7 is suicide

cause he plays for the avs? lol
could you be any more of a homer?

a fucking brit bong homer that has never even visited denver -- masochism on a whole nother level


Mikko is back

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For me the guy in the middle is the first overall pick because my wife told me size doesn't matter!

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Hi tod here
Just took a large poop
Thats all

>gets swept in 4

You're not making me buy skyrim again todd




free rent?
how do i apply?

Åsa opas älä pää sää löytyy lähes Ässät ädöm

Game 1s tonight
All playoff games should be treated as a must win imo

Good point desu

was it kino?

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What are we drinking tonight lads?

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>absolute blow out of a scf
the only good series was the wcf

Kas par hujņu?

Would have been kino had Darcy Tucker not fucked over Michael Peca and thus the Islanders

The virgin hughes vs the chad kakko

I need to take a few nights off

>colorado in 3 game 7s
has anyone ever been in 4 in one postseason?

Koopa Kekko desu

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Yes, right down to the tragic ending.

I work early mornings but have the next two days off so it's the only time I can relax with a few beers in the evening.


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I remember crying as a kid after wings went up on avs 4-0 in the first and my euro dad laughing at me

some johnnie walker black label

leafs islanders should be the ECF this year. That would be the best possible east matchup alone.

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no but boston won the cup with 3 game 7s in 2011

Going to sleep soon

same with LA in 2014

I'm going to watch ManU-Barca and skip hockey nonsense

someone tell me who is winning the jets blues series

>tfw you are a part of the "lose in seven after being up two games in the finals" club

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What kind of nigger scheduling is this

jets if laine wakes the fuck up
blues if binnington is the real deal


I have koney on the blues to win game 1

>Three old tweets from his verified account were dug up and shared online Tuesday night by Paul Gackle, a California-based sports reporter who primarily covers the San Jose Sharks.

whoa, are you implying that other user LIED!?!

for me, it's avs - blues and jackets - canes for pure shitposting purposes

should have picked the 3 canadian clubs then

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no the >25 is about to become >26, I'd rather play it safe than break the streak

frent ree

sounds like you dont care about shitposting at all and really believe those other 4 teams have a chance at the cup

unironically based as fuck, bloos sweep in 5

blues are HOT
jets are a meme team riding on 93 selänne nostalgia

putting some bets in lads
everyone is saying rory and dj, but i'm thinking this is rahm's big breakthrough
throwing down a cheaky 5'er

Peak shitposting would be if the conference finals were Flames / Jets and Leafs / Canes, and then the Canes ended up winning the Cup.

jets have the god damn potential but they arent translating that lately

>blues are HOT
bloos needed a fucking garyout to defeat the might vaughcouver cantpucks

I actually have this as the final

will Torts head to LA after getting swept this weekend?

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Islanders leafs would be the best ECF, followed by canes laffs

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/mlb/ owns ya
n we pwn ya
knock out ya teeth
and make ya seeth

>Randy injects his fandom into everything as if his meme team would be better shitposting than a Islanders-Laffs ECF

EA also said Laine would win the Rocket Richard trophy this year from season simulations so I'm not to worried about what they predict.

He would have if his fortnite addiction didn't take over

Shitposting is reddit.


It seems like it's already working.

8-1-1 in L10 including a win over Tampa my brother.

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who let american /cric/ here?

glad you finally admit you're a redditor randy

Too bad, you're getting the grimdark Broons v. Pongs in the East and Sharks v. Preds in the West

playing with imaginary friends again?

>everyone is the same person
oh no no no
here he goes again

>Randy FUMING that literally no one else on hoc thinks the Relocanes would provide good shitposting

they also predicted this with the season simulation

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id take this than that one guy who just spams basedjacks and thinks he is right

I wonder when he'll finally get that he's the problem. :^)

>3 shoot outs
>1 ot loss
>7 of the games were versus non-playoff teams
but yeah they won over tranpa

Those are far more interesting matchups though.

>tfw wanna bet money but have no money

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>thinking that'll ever happen

ah yes penguins bruins, just what the NHL needed again because fuck these teams.

1 ot win*

leave bobandy alone you bastards

is this another reddit park boys meme that I'm supposed to get

So excited to watch Tom Wilson heem that faggy Finn Aho and Ovie dunks on the reloniggers :^)

>upset level: high
yeah right

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just because reddit likes it doesn't make it bad. it was on TV many years before that site even existed. reddit likes titties too, that doesn't make titties reddit

imagine the canadian butthurt if the knights beat the laffs in the final. holy shit, would THAT be some shitposting

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Stop being poor

only shit games on tonight

At least make up some believable

Go find a job, Pekka

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for me it's vocaroo.com/i/s112O0ngLp5h

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>deserved banter = mindless shitposting
2019 Yea Forums is softer than Charmin

No one cares. The rest of Canada hates Toronto.

piss and moan all you want the penguins are winning the next 3 stanley cups and theres nothing you queers can do to stop it

>being a wageslave


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>the ALPHA underdog bracket
everyone who disagrees is a homo

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>Matt "Murray Christmas have a free goal on me buddy" Murray

>i have no dad so i obsess over a boomer youtuber


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>Canadian butthurt
Everyone outside southern Ontario would be uncontrollably ejaculating everywhere

this is based

>crying on 4chanel because no money
Your parents must be really proud of you, Ukko-Pekka

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EA also predicted >my team would win a few years ago look how that turned out

kek 100% this. fuck I hate those god damn leaf faggots

black hole suuun, wont ya come and wash away the rain

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Scientists believe that the black hole they were observing was actually the oilers' office

Chris Cornell never got to see what a black hole looks like :( feelsbadman

high level roast, Taylor

he was alive when "Interstellar" came out, so maybe that will have to do

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Grunge is reddit.

not gonna name any names here but theres a specific shorks fan tripfag that thinks the earth is flat

That video combined with the music creeped the hell out of me as a child

>something that only existed in the 1990s is the same as something that only existed in the 2010s
Nigga No.

Saw that too. Very very grim.

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Is it early for sharksposting?

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You really think mr.mental health issues will take the fishdicks to a final?

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FUN FACT: While filming the movie "Singles," director Cameron Crowe made a list of fake songs for fake set-list for the fictional band featured in the movie. Chris Cornell saw this list of names and wrote an actual song for every name on the list; those songs were all included in their "Superunknown" album, including Black Hole Sun, Spoonman, etc

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get it in before the >shork posting starts

all this space talk still makes me think relocating the Dallas Stars to be the worlds first Intergalactic sports team in space would be cool

the ice in space would be pretty good

Good point

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ha ha what the fuck

Straight from Gary lads

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Sharkies desu

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He’s about to FUCK a supple rookie goalie and there isn’t a god damn thing the city of St. Louis can do about it

Anime is reddit.

So does that make Yea Forums and 4channel reddit too?

Yet you post on Yea Forums.

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Everything but blue boards.



>who cares about black holes and science all scientists are cucks

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>hes back

shoo shoo





end of thread reminder that black holes ARE radiational

One of the best playoffs I've ever seen.
>tfw will never watch the leafs and isles beat the shit out of each other with my dad and older brother again


This guy kinda looks like toilet water guy

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try losing in six, still hurts jackies bros.

if the CBJ TB series goes to 7 then TB are not getting out of the second round.

>making a new thread and then not linking to it
why are you people like this
apparently we're all in here: