Now that both are retiring, who had the better career?

Now that both are retiring, who had the better career?

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Dirk and it isn’t even a debate.

Depends on whether you think team achievements are better or personal ones. Dirk had the MVP, Wade has 3 championships. They both had a Finals MVP, had pretty much the same all star appearances, but Wade made All Defense 2nd team a few times, Dirk never made All Defense. I'd still go with Dirk though desu.

Dirk would be the #1 PF of all time if TD, a top 5 player of all time didnt exist. Wade is objectively below Kobr and probably West in SGs

West was a PG.

Dirk with the exception of the year wade won his first title, he was electric that year.



Dirk isn't even a top 5 PF, you brainlet

Tim Duncan.

Oh of course, I was having a moment.

dirk had a lot of questionable playoff runs though with some of the better teams in the western conf

The guy who didn't choke in the first round as the 1st seed

What is it like to be so monumentally retarded?

Dirk brought more to the game of basketball, so I'd say him. But fuck was Wade a hell of an athlete. He fucking earned his nickname

t. literal retard who thinks Dirk is the second best PF ever lmao

Garnett is better in almost every statistic besides 3pt than Dirk, not to mention he's a top 5 defensive player of all time

Have gone back and looked at that Mavs team? The roster is trash. How they won more than 60 games is beyond me.

>this revisionist history

Absolute cringe

Dirk top 25
Wade top 30

So were the refs

Those teams were great because of Dirk. Please go back and look at those rosters between 04-09 and tell me Wade could’ve done the same with those players.

>Devin Harris
>Josh Howard
>Erick Dampier
Tell me more about how great these starters are

Wade has more rings, but do they count in his favor when he essentially won two of them as LeBron's sidekick? As far as rings won purely by their own power, Wade and Dirk are even.

Dirk’s top 15


As an individual player, dirk had a bigger impact on the game and better longevity so you probably have to give him the nod

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Dirk. Wade couldn't win rings without Shaw and Lelbron. Dirk pretty much won the 2011 chip by himself. Look at the roster he was playing with that season and the teams he went up against. Easily one of the most impressive underdog stories ever.

Duncan was a center

Dirk dominated Garnett while he was in Minnesota and Garnett could’ve never taken the rosters Dirk had as far as Dirk did.

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Paul Pierce.

Dirk and other old men beat the big three.

Dirk and im not a fan of either

this probably.

also dirk is the greatest european player to ever play in the nba and with a huge longevity. plus top 5 or something in points made.

so dirk but not by that much like you dickmunchers imply


This is a brillant thread op everyone who says dirk just outted themselves as a racist.... LOL anyone that said dirk do me a flavor and get the fuck off my board... no room for racists here fuck off back to /pol/ or /r/thedonald....

Fuck off tripbitch

Wade is top 15
Dirk is top 25

Does anyone have any of the old Dirk memes from when they beat the Heat in the finals? Like the one where Dirk chopped off the Bosh/Lebabby/Wade hydra heads?

dunno about the better career but the white one had the better life just by virtue of not being a nigger

I love D Wade, he's a fellow Marquette alum
but the correct answer is Dirk

lol u must be new here. im kinda of a big deal round here been posting since 2008...., imo if I were you i'd delete your post wuick before everyone notices what a fucking clown you are bruh....

hey buddy do us all a favor and fuck off Yea Forums


- one of the most iconic players ever
- almost twice as much winshares
- lead team of ragtags to improbable championship
- lost to wade and shaq in very suspicious finals (directly stains wade legacy)

>- lost to wade and shaq in very suspicious finals (directly stains wade legacy)
fuck off retard

>tripcunt double posting

lmao the state of this newcunt

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lol you contiue to embrass yourself check the archives bruh I'm what they call a legned around here, delete your post before you dig that whole deeper bruh...

Wade won 2 on a super team though.

the first 2 rings from each cancel each other out, so it's 2 on super teams versus 0. Wade still wins

could not imagine how bad one's life must be to be forcing a newtrip in 2019...

>tripfags in 2019


Also led an even worse team to the 2006 Finals (when they would’ve swept the Heat if it wasn’t for the fucking refs)

So who will be the next big stars for Mavs and Heat franchises in a few years?

being so new they don't recognize one of the most respected trips in /nba/ and Yea Forums history


as for being a trip sorry i'm brave enuff to stand behind my opnions unlike you coward anons!

Doncic obviously
Who knows with the Heat

*bad opinions

>who had the better career
Manu Ginobili

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>carried by duncan

take your shit opinions elsewhere, spic.

>both Duncan and Pop have said they wouldn't have won the 4 championships they got after 2002 if it weren't for Manu

Now i know your zoomer ass is too young to have watch Manu in his prime but he became Super Saiyan in each of the 2000s finals series the Spurs were a part of


>unironically calling anyone else a zoomer when using dragonballz references

just end your life

>implying zoomers have seen DBZ

>Wade says it's gonna be his last season, has a crew follow him around all year to make a Ken Burns-length documentary
>Dirk never says a word and still gets more love than Wade everywhere he goes

Dirk is forever based

Why you lying, Dirk said a billion times that this was most likely his last year

>Dirk never says a word and still gets more love than Wade everywhere he goes
Because Dirk has been irreverent in terms of winning since 2011. It's easy to support something you don't see as a threat

>Dirk is forever based
Dirk will never be as based as Timmy or Manu who never said a word, just tweeted "getting too old for this shit lol" in the offseason.

>implying you are older than 24

Dirk never said a word either. Difference is that neither of those guys had Cuban as an owner.


wew lad

also, Dirk had Finley and Nash

KG had Wally

Dirk isn't top 5 in his position and that really cant be argued

I liked loss of the ring the most



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Wade would never get eliminated by a fucking 8th seed. Also Wade isn't a meme chucker like Dirk and Wade actually gave a fuck on defense.

Wade all the way.

Also got eliminated by the 8th seed warriors LOL

The nigger or the player that eliminated his super team and revolutionized his position and changed the way front offices viewed European players? Hard choice

why do polfags have to make everything about race

Dirk won MVP the year Wade was the best player in the league. I guess it comes down to whether you think playing 80 games a year is more important than playing 60 at a higher level.

3 better than 1

Dirk said a billion times that he would make up his mind after the season. He didn't tell the organization he was retiring until a couple of weeks ago


Paul Pierce would bootyblast both these bums.

This is just not true. Dirk’s defense has been and always will be underrated. Dirk actually had a higher defensive win share over his career than Wade. Dirk actually destroys Wade in the majority of advanced metrics.

Duncan got beat by an 8 seed as well. Don’t see anyone using that against his legacy.

The best metrics are +/- based and Wade is way better in those. Dirk's longevity and health is his advantage over Wade, which is reflected in career win shares because that's a counting stat.

>Mark Cuban had an all-time great and only gave him a competitive roster two, maybe three seasons

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I agree while Dallas deserved him Cuban did not. How many times did he play for peanuts just for the management to bring in shitters

>Dirk never says a word and still gets more love than Wade everywhere he goes

Nice headcanon retard

dirk did dominate garnett they platyed in the playoffs when he was on timberwolves... smaller defenders gave dirk a hard time like bruce bowen u nitwit

Can you imagine if two white NFL players did this to a black NFL referee?

The nigger, he could still star in

If Dirks not top 10 please post your top 15

dirk is top 10, check the all time scoring list


Wade was dominant in his time but he didn't do what Dirk did for the game of basketball, and nowhere near as long.

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That's a lie and you know wade was carrying Shaq against the mavs in 06
And was blasting in the 11 finals and would’ve won finals mvp hasn’t for Lebum choking


Dirk because he's white.

Yeah but Shaq was still waaaay better than any of the teammates that Dirk had in his championship run. The next best player on that Mavs team was fucking Jason Terry. Dirk never had a teammate as good as Shaq to help him, even if Shaq was starting to decline by then. Plus, the 2006 finals were fishy as fuck anyway. Real good chance it was rigged what with all the free throws Wade was taking.

>dirk is the greatest european player to ever play in the nba

Manu is Argentinian

Its basketball, nobody cares, literally.

All this wade hate.

It really must suck living in flyover land

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Have lived in both and I prefer mountains and women with cool accents.

Dirk's title wasn't refballed, he won an MVP, played for way longer, and has top 15 all time stats.

Barkley or Garnett? Even the mailman or how bout Rodman? Dirk revolutionized the position tho for sure and I'd put him right up there with those guys

Holy shit fucken kys

Wade was on too many really underachieving teams in his prime. The Mavs were always a 50+ win team int the West during Dirks prime and probably should have won in 03 and 06. Wade was amazing in 06 too.

Both are really good players so I don't think we should compare them like pieces of meat.

>knew a black dude who's favorite player was Dirk
Fucking race traitor. He was from the caribbean though.

I'm a black dude and my favorite player is Bird

Dirk, because he's white.

dirk, carried garbage to the finals twice, hell that gives him a better career than 9/10 super team players

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original superteam groupie
meme free agency swings. remember that the best center dirk ever played with was fucking tyson chandler

Wade by a mile. And that's not a knock on Dirk, Dirk is great, but Wade in his prime was ridiculous, super underrated.

you don't hear opposing arenas applauding wade the same way they do dirk
>brendan haywood won a fucking a ring

PF-TD had been long gone, user

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>living in a sink hole
>fans even more fairweather than dallas

how'd you get this secret pic of porzingis?

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Dirk is literally 6th in all time scoring
>but nah let's rate Dwade because he's Lebrons buddy

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Is that Travolta from Pulp-Fiction on the right?

Omg! Im a 21 year old sociology major whos been studying Yea Forums for my senior project on online toxic masculinty, im absolutely shocked to see such a heartfelt post on whats been described to me as the armpit of the internet. Bravo sir you are truly an ally to women and minority groups

fucking kek

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lmao I bet you rate Wilt. Wade mad sacrifices to win more. Dirk just padded his states then choked in the playoffs

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No thats Ichiro

God his children are going to be athletic gods

Dirk had a much greater impact on how the game is played. Wade is just really athletic.


Shaq did a lot to help wade with his first ring too. Wouldn't say he was the sidekick in that scenario like with LeBron but their contributions were close to equal.

Wade also played in the JV conference his entire career. 8th seeds in the East are laughably bad. Doesn't excuse the Macs losing to an 8th seed but still.

I would rather have Wade

>13 points per game in the finals
>Wade put up as many points as the next 3 heat players combined

Dirk choked way too many times in the post season, also its because of him we have so much meme chucking today. Gotta go with Wade the third greatest shooting guard of all time.

Also Dirk played pretty bad the 1 year he won a chip, he got hard carried by Terry and barea.

Dirk top 15 all time
Wade top 25 all time
Both are top 5 all time in their respective positions, arguably both are top 3 all time for their positions


my nigga

dirk ain’t a top 3 pf, malone barkley and duncan

I could shit on these niggas any day of the week right after waking up, so; me