Odds hes quitting because of gay sex rumours or possibly another HIV transmission?

Odds hes quitting because of gay sex rumours or possibly another HIV transmission?

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he said he would step down if he couldn't bring in talent and after the AD trade mess up it he kept his word

Maybe he realized he is bad at his job and didn't need to fuck up some more. Maybe he realized LeBron wasn't a good idea.

People say a lot of things. What do you think the real reason is? A sex tape is very possible imo.



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>Rich Paul has now been hired as president of basketball operations

>(((Rich Paul)))
He goes to the local synagogue near L.A. Live

Check these, faggot.

scar repp must be happy

post rumors and video proof


This. he's really feeling the pressure after this shit-show of the season. Magic also seems pissed that he can't mentor Ben Simmons (which Simmons asked for) because that would be 'tampering'

Magic fucked a dude right? How do you get HIV unless you take it in the ass or share needles?

Trannies most likely. That’s likely how the downlow worked in the 80s in the NBA

There's no such thing as AIDS

I think he's quitting because he's completely unqualified to be GM and has no idea how to do the job?

no way

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Magic truly an inspiration, survives both AIDS and cancer

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He's quitting becayse he's owns around 200 starbuckeses and owns the la dodfers, there's not way he has time to run the lakers and he knows it.

by the way just a friendly warning to all the bigots itt making hiv/homophobic jokes you have no p;lace on Yea Forums

>gay sex rumours
who would give a fuck?

again, who'd care? it's not the 80's

that's the narrative they're pushing.

he was shit at this job from day one. For all I know he's grown into a decent human being, but being a GM is not in his skill set. He can't do the job.

his wife and kids might care

idk if it's a narrative it's the truth, magic quit because his power play w/lebron/rich paul to get AD this year back fired so fucking bad it ruined two teams...

he knows he'll just damage his own personal brand if he contiunes to run the team so he gtfo, imo I think that's the closest to the actual truth there is

Banging trannies.


What? This tweet wasn't even an ad.

You almost certainly don't get HIV from banging anyone. It's from getting banged. In the ass.

No, Magic can't take the stress because he sucked-off trannies, took it up the ass from trannies, as well as stuck his penis up the rectum of trannies (They shit from there dumbass) in the 1980's and acquired GRIDS you degenerate idiot.

Immune system is too fragile to put up with Le Brick's antics.

Fun fact you can still get aids if you're straight. It's rarer but it can unfortunately still happen.

A black man offered a powerful high-paying job...quits because it's too much work....IMAGINE MY SHOCK

Fuck off not everyone want to work 16 hours a day like you.

He's quitting because lechimp is a dumpster fire and this is a no win situation

You guys realize that HIV is pretty treatable these days, right?


There will be a huge scandal, because someone uncovered he never had HIV and made it up.

More than likely didn't want to deal with Lebron trying to run the team.

Black women carry HIV more than any other race combination.

>Thinking former players will automatically make good front office workers

Get a fucking jew as your GM, dummy.

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The same rumors he’s had since getting HIV?

>or possibly another HIV transmission?
Are you retarded? He already has HIV you stupid fuck

Its from banging anyone with HIV. If you’re swapping sex fluids its going to happen. Anal sex just increases likelihood of blood transmitting

Realized he wasn't qualified for the job, LeBron was too much to deal with, and that LA in general sucks compared to what it did in the 80s.



Ok so lets say you're a straight male and you have intercourse with an HIV positive female. How does she transmit the virus to you? Up your dick hole? From what I've read it's possible but it's literally the least likely way to transmit the virus. Receptive anal sex and needle sharing are the main ways it occurs.

Well yeah, Lebron fucked him

And he fucked Eazy-E and Freddie Mercury right after