Dwyane Wade sucks

Dwyane Wade sucks.

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I miss Burn Notice and the life I had when it aired so much bros.

What's the plan Mikey?

what a comfy show

god DAMN is that one old sp reference

Good. I hate him as well. Introduced hard flopping before it was cool. Like the proto James Harden who couldn't shoot. And his name is spelled wrong.

Fuck Dwyane Wade.

Dirk is the greatest.

nah. annoying show

>moved to Florida
>don't drink mojitos all the time
Need to step it up

Nah he's right that show was comfy af nothing like it since

Ikr is there anything with similar vibes? What are you watching?

>the year of our lord 2019
>no made-for-TV sequel film

The Sam movie was a nice surprise.

I kind of want to be rich and live in Miami, bros.

Miami is a shithole senpai.

You don't want to live in Miami, you want to live in Coral Gables.

you could always move in with your mom


Show made it look like paradise desu

get a load of all these texan subhuman border hoppers

Every thread is the same. A clown car worth of the lowest dregs of mexcrement circlejerking pretending to be white. Dallas is a soulless vapid shithole with zero redeeming qualities.

Dirk should have followed Nash's steps instead of playing for the same obese mouthbreathing crowd that hypes up the Cowgirls every fuckin year

RIP in piece prime USA
They had tons of stuff worth watching ~7-10 years ago, and now I don't even know if they have any original programming. All those kinds of channels seem to be reruns of the same 5 sitcoms now

Attached: 1450509200_u-re-stupid.jpg (460x460, 134K)

Yea burn notice, psych, monk was the GOAT of cable tv

burn notice was a pretty good show, that chick was pretty hot and bruce campbell was awesome