New Brazil logo

I like it

Attached: ConfederaĆ§Ć£o_Brasileira_de_Futebol_2019.png (800x1057, 128K)

Looks cartoonish

Looks off centre desu

*vomits profusely*


good post

Looks dreadful. Why does CBF hate brazilian football so much, lads?

it's fucking garbage and you should go fuck yourself

Why change it in first place?

I don't
but it would look better with the 6th star in 2022

they're 'modernising the brand'

yeah, they're cunts

Looks Jewish

Wake up sheeple

Attached: IMG_20190410_034550.png (800x1057, 139K)

Jews and their everlasting need to change what's already working.

too bad the confederation is shit and our NTs future is dead

Based and redpilled.

Hitler confirmed samba

Is this somewhat related to the 7-1?
Old logo best logo btw

Attached: images (10).jpg (500x500, 24K)



I feel bad for you guys, I hope the jews and modern """""artists"""" don't touch my country's logo

Attached: Costa_Rica_preview.png (1643x1536, 819K)

What the fuck is this shit.

>Implying yours doesnt look like generic modern shit
Also good thing >we changed it on the last decade to this more based one

Attached: 654DAB2B-866A-4DAD-8B8B-129628762A3C.png (300x405, 126K)

they had to change something to win another cups and this is all they could do desu

dude what

New President, New Crest