Americans are the worst posters on Yea Forums

americans are the worst posters on Yea Forums

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For me its Brazilians, the worst posters on Yea Forums

Does that include me m7?

>Australian "comedians"

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you guys realize youve been posting this bitch for years and no one else knows what the fuck you are talking about. im just wondering has anything else happened in australia in all these years? i ask because like youve literally just been posting this one chick and nothing else. i cant think of anything else from australia that i recognize with such frequency. what is it about this one bitch that makes you post her constantly, and no one else from your entire country, day in and out, on every board for years?

I respectfully disagree

what is the name of the woman?

dad's google history

>australians opinions mattering after recent events
Yeah, no. You nutjobs should be rangebanned.

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Moot made this.

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whom is this girl(boy)?

i agree
fuck the trash Olympics, garbage event

I forgot about Moots ridiculous disdain for Australian posters.

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No bad posters on this board.

post boi pucci

Hide all asspie aussie threads
Your rules of "football" are as dumb as americunts and their "football"
Also cricket is for pajeets and shitskins

shut up, fattie

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finally someone that's truly redpilled


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brazilians are canadians are the worst by far


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You mean "Moot's justified disdain"

That's a bit rich.

Nothing personal m8, just have to enforce the Monroe Doctrine and keep the commies out.

kek the creator of this site even hates aussies and wishes they wouldnt post here.

to protect the interest of the banker Jews

Well it's about the oil too, Pekka.