Will Barron Trump be the greatest MLS star in 10 years?

Will Barron Trump be the greatest MLS star in 10 years?

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>The American Busquets

reminder that even though he bought his way into the training academy, it proved too difficult for him and he quit to join a shitty team in the suburbs

and Trump thinks he is part of a genetic master race lmao

He's pretty fucking tall but he's probably gangly and awkward as fuck on the ball.

He could fit that Peter Crouch role, maybe he could play center back or something but he won't be very athletic until he's done with puberty

>reminder that even though he bought his way into the training academy, it proved too difficult for him and he quit to join a shitty team in the suburbs
literally the same messi did before he joined newells

Should have just played keeper

This is Trump's punishment for marrying foreigners.

No, Cletus.

From your lips to God's Ears
Trump deserves to have his last son turn out to be some ludicrous soccer star, getting adoration instead of derision, we'd be so lucky
Brian McBride was the shit but I don't know if the modern game has a place for it

Nope. Football is a sport for Manlets

Imagine putting one of our 7-footer genetic freaks in goal. It'd break the game and have everyone else pleading for rule changes desu

the MLS screwed McBride over multiple times

I wonder what the yellow card was for.

>not playing basketball
Pussy ass white boi

Imagine Giannis Antentmpouskous in that position. We would win the World Cup.

He's a bit wild with his throws

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because he's 6'1 and 12 years old, there are probably some 5'3 jose's running circles around him

look at the size of this lad

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Giannis backed up by wily veteran Gasol. Meme 3rd string Boban.
USA would be unstoppable.

the yank peter crouch

t. /heem/ poster

Do you know how he got the nickname "Greek freak"?

isn't Gasol Spanish?

This is fucking hilarious.

Passes it between their legs*

Thats fucking crazy, good for him tho

Are you greek/nigerian?


Isn't he legitimately a retard? Even moreso than his father?

that's great

Mutts are this retarded

Tyson Chandler at keeper

is this real?

Manlets once again proving their superiority. I bet Barron will end up creating manlet threads on /fit/ in couple of years

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Future man mountain

>0 goals in 24 games as a midfielder

lmao, actually sad! At U12 level even defenders are banging in multiple goals a game.

If he ends up being good he will pick Slovenian NT and play in Europe


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but trump IS a genius
i don't think that's debatable

Just put him up top and hoof it to his head, easy

smarter than any Italian, that's for sure

that's my point, miguel

Hoof it to Trump

>sacrificing all of your grandchildren to Moloch because you're greedy for shekels

>tfw you're the tall lad who always got stuck in goal

>Trump thinks he is part of a genetic master race lmao

I'm pretty sure you are the one that thinks that way, my üntermensch friendo

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he's so cute (no pedo)


He's not a good footballer, so no. Hit his growth spurt early and had a place in a good academy paid for. He'll probably give up the sport within a few years.

>Trump fan
>makes incomprehensible and retarded post
like clockwork

When you watch the game you don't see Trump

And he’s stable

You guys act like Greece, a country that Football country and that fucking HAD Giannis, couldn't put him as a goalkeeper themselves.
It would clearly not work, Giannis probably started to play Basketball at his teens cause he was too tall for Football.

>You guys act like Greece, a Football country and that fucking HAD Giannis, couldn't put him as a goalkeeper themselves.
I need to stop smoking weed in the morning