When is /our guy/ returning?

When is /our guy/ returning?

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Unironically what did he mean by this?

He will go back to inter when pep goes to juventus next season

It's almost like murdeball has a high risk of being red carded

Who will he coach? What teams have unironically $300m to spend every window?

His choices are really limited i think he might take a year out and wait. Serie A is still a tinpot league and p$g want style with success

He means he told his team to boot the shit out of Barca players then cry afterwards when the ref sent them off.


Next year. Inter will qualify for CL, fire Spalletti, get rid of Icardi and give Mourinho a €300 million budget.

Unironicallg Russian club like zenit. He already is a frequent guest for RT sports

If Inter fired Spalletti they'd get Conte, not Mouyes


His stock's not low enough just yet that he'd return to >serie a. Getting another top 6 PL stint right now seems a little iffy (Unless madman Abramovich goes for the trifecta). Germany and France are no goes as well. Wildcard move would be to get a top championship side and get them promoted.

He would have gone to Buyern if Dirtmund didn't shit themselves so hard

he's going back to being a pundit

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Going back to inter is not exactly a small job. They're back in cl and have extremely rich owners. It will be either him or conte but either way i think inter will invest heavily with a new manager in europe

If Inter qualifies they will not sack Spalletti

Unironically a barnstorming return to Chelsea.

wolves when nuno gets poached

he meant that when you take a defensive approach on highly technical players you are more likely to commit fouls and when you're used to dominate 90% of your games yoiu're not used to that approach and you're even more likely to commit stupid fouls, especially when you have south american defenders/

And still fail at everything

Is there any chance he could coach a team in Brazil? Mou's antics in the Copa Libertadores would be hilarious.

Next season. Conceição leaves for Lazio, gives them STRONGMIND and wins the Setie A somehow and Mourinho returns to Porto

Why does he trigger the redditor so hard?

He would unironically get killed

PSG. My dad is a sheikh.

>plays anti-football murderball
>bitch about getting red cards
kek, barcelona (and good football in general) haters always bring the "muh refball" meme when they just look at the stats and see their opponents get red cards

what about you play the game instead of kicking the opponent?

Please come back to Inter

threre's literally no way allegri would beat mouyes

even with tsu

Reminder to everyone about how Arsenal were the softest team of the decade and still got a red card against Barcelona as soon as there was actually a threat of them going through.

Is that image from spitting image?

>le always complaining dog feeder man