Tfw too smart to win

>tfw too smart to win

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>Sometimes 1-0 is better than 0-0

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>Sometimes 1-0 is better than 0-0
Nigga wtf

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>being 1-0 down is the best position to be in
True brainymen know that 2-0 is the most dangerous lead, he should have let Spurs score another.

He is right. Spurs will get confident and City will smash them.

>Sometimes 1-0 is better than 0-0

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does this statement confirm that 1-0 is the most dangerous lead?

80 IQ football fans can't understand this

>Sometimes 1-0 is better than 0-0
300 IQ mind games from a bald fraud

the bauld fraud is so fucking full of shit. he should become a politician.

Psychonanalysis you idiots

>Scoring goals was a mistake

Gotta say, with away goal rules drawing 0-0 at home is better than winning 2-1, but that's not what happened anyway.

>le least dangerous lead

>if you score on your enemies you lose

Y'all dont realize the 9D chess he is playing here.

>Opponent sees this quote
>Opponent now hyper-vigilant of own morale, unable to completely focus on the match

He just psyched them out by forcing them to psych themselves out

Well, he's right. After all he didn't say "LOOSING 1-0 is better", just "1-0 is better".

>"Sometimes it's better to Lose, than to Win. When you Win, your Enemies Win." -Justin Trudeau

porto will go through


>I told Aguero to miss
— Pep Guardiola

>blame Pep instead of players like you do for every other team
Just shows how good he is that you people are obsessed

Wow, and he must have been playing even more advanced chess all those other times he lost in the CL.
Geez, this is getting to be a little too much for my pea brain to handle.

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Are you this new? This board is flooded with Mou and Klopp threads when they lose.

Someone should chart the history of text to greentext ratio.

all these anons are retarded
>sometimes 1-0 is better than 0-0
obviously, because sometimes you're up 1-0 and sometimes you're down 1-0

look at atleti, they won 2/0 and decided to shit the bus on the away instead of sealing it with 1 goal

>Sometimes 1-0 is better than 0-0

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>sometimes it's better to lose than to win

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Based, Pep completely exposing the BRAINLETS and showing why other managers are on his level. Even Yea Forums is left looking stupid by failing to grasp this basic statement.

Objectively a 1-0 is sometimes better. Why? It's because of what you learned from the game. When you're at the top level, you don't lose matches, you either win or learn. What would a 0-0 result here have gained for Pep? Absolutely nothing, both teams would be so even you could barely analyse the game. By losing 1-0, he can see the flaws in his team, fix them and also look for more openings for the 2nd leg.
THIS is what he means by sometimes 1-0 is better. There are 2 legs, by conceding you gain more valuable data on your opponent than you do by drawing. No one can analyse a 0-0 game anyway, it's too boring. This way, he can look at the game and come back strong in the 2nd leg. That's what he's truly playing for. Expect Pep to solve Spurs in the second leg.

for me, it's 1-0

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"If you kill your enemies, they win". Pepe has been reading The Art of War.

>its 4D chess
Flag checks out migapede



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>Sometimes 1-0 is better than 0-0

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more like
>to smart to tie

>as you know exactly what you need to do
what the fuck is this bald nigga talking about, with a 0-0 you know all you need to do is win

>four digits beginning with twenty
>not losing the opening game by at least two

shig, Yea Forums, shig

Is this better or worse than "trophies are just for ego"?

Fraudiola really is something special. All spurs have to do now is park the bus and score one on the counter (something they’re very good at) and the tie is practically over. Not getting an away goal is such a killer in a game like this



however all they learned from this was stop raising your fucking arm in the air when you think the ball goes out of play

Did Pep instruct Kunt to miss the spot kick? Spuds must be fucking SEETHING right now, having been denied the opportunity to lose 0:1

That's actual 4D chess
compared to magafags "4D chess" of letting in 300,000 immigrants and giving Israel 3 billion dollars a year


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>it's better to lose than not to lose

What did he mean by this

Huddersfield learned a lot this season.

Not entirely untrue
Had Bayern lost their first leg against Liverpool 1:0, then they would have been forced to play more offensively and might have won,

Kane is injury prone

City have nothing to fear from tottenham at the etihad with only a 1 nil lead and their talisman off the field

>then they would have been forced to play more offensively and might have won,
> and might have won

You mean the curren Bayern that manages to play 5:3 against a second league club?

Kovac failed. The occasional high win against some weak team us the only reason Kovac is still hold as coach.

He is right. Sometimes, winning 1:0 is better than than drawing 0:0.

Poch doesn't even realize, Son won him the match, but lost him the tie.


not true Kovac is redpilled and will win the Treble next season

>city one goal down
>kane out for whole season.
its in balance

The strategy was to miss the penalty and give Spurs a false sense of confidence. Top mind games from Guardiola tbqh

why did he start both fernandinho and gundogan? why did he even bother with de bruyne and sane with 3 minutes left? why does he still play delf on leftback?

A brainlet like you can't even begin to understand the complexity of thought processes going on inside the mind of the greatest footballing mind in the history of the Universe.

Son has become a better player than Kane. Tottenham are currently playing better without Kane, who only thinks of himself and the golden boot.

Kovac Byern is the weakest I've ever seen.

Theres no doubt spurs will bottle it but not because they won the first leg, its because they're Tottenham

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Bizarre way to get there, but I'm glad the euros are coming around on admitting their disdain for the tie.


You don't need to literally see Delph fuck up to know he's a weak link.


they would have just exposed themselves to more counter attacks

>If you beat your enemies they win

Surprised Europeans think the same, I was taught that when I was a kid by my grandpa
>never get cocky when you're 2-0 because they'll probably turn it around in 5 minutes

You didn't follow football in the mid/late 00s?

fuck guardiola, bad loser.

kane is overrated af imo

>h-he's not exposed you just need to trust the 8d chess plan