Which sport's athletes are the most chad?

Which sport's athletes are the most chad?

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is this really how famous athletes meet those trashy looking girlfriends of theirs?

Being black helps. White stacies love the BBC BVLL

White girls love black cock

white genocide fuck yeah

RG3 agrees.

Attached: America in a nutshell interracial.png (794x542, 460K)

yeah it must be that and not the millions of dollars they have

Gotta be Rugby/AFL

I expect nothing less from these flags

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the dog's eyes say it all

But they're nigs though

F1 probably.
>individual sport
>paid to drive expensive powerful race cars
>risk brain injury or death every time they turn a corner
>get to travel all around the world

So in reality you didn't want to discuss the proposed topic and just attempted to disguise your cuck thread as something else.

The reality would likely be hockey. Players tend to be from wealthy families, theyre tall but not freakish, and they usually come from North America. Add those together and they fit within the "chad" idea.

I can only imagine her jumping and moaning ...

Rugby is pretty white, even in the Islamic Republic of France, the wogs in the banlieues play football and the whites from suburbs and rural areas play rugby

even the dog is a light skin negro
how can Wh*toids even compete?

He's desperate to escape that family. Imagine how tall the fences are.

>I found her on Instagram

High IQ.

Post link pls


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actually yes. there are way more instathot relationships in professional sports than you would guess

There is an entire class of women who travel around stadiums hoping to hook up with an athlete, take his semen and live off the child support.

Reminder black men have to pay $154,000 more for access to a white golddigging slut compared to white men.

Not even Latinos have to pay that much.

Attached: price of white women.jpg (1080x1113, 378K)

In cases like this it's blacks that lose out, not whites. In a few generations their great grandkids will look indistinguishable from whites because they will keep marrying white. Meanwhile there's a whole line of potential black kids that will never be born and will never have the head start of having a rich family.
You frustrated virgins are just angry that you could never come within 10 feet of a girl like that. But she wont date you not because you're not black but because you're a loser.

Seems super credible and scientific.

From where did they pull those numbers?

meanwhile no amount of money is enough to get a white girl to date an indian or paki

Makes sense to me. Also there are a lot of desperate fat white girls who will settle for broke black guys otherwise those numbers would be even higher.

it's no different than buying a mail order bride, they get to go shopping and not work for the rest of their lives. true love if i ever saw it.

source: trust me

Attached: kumail-nanjiani-and-emily-v-gordon.jpg (750x400, 47K)

Some study by the University of Chicago and MIT

Here it is if you're interested (it's a PDF)

They're unironically more deairable than chinks, but they're still betabux incarnate

This goes agains the whole narrative most people on here believe which is that black guys get white girls easily. The reality is it's the opposite, you need more money as a black guy if you want to get a white girl.

based Kumar

most chad sport is cycling:
>The two riders were travelling back together to Paris. While they waited, Linda sat on the bonnet of her husband’s Citroen. Walsh recounted in the book “As she moved away from the car, she left a mark where her hand had rested. Fastidious in the extreme, Kelly wiped away the mark. Never said a word, just cleaned the area which had been stained. Mildly annoyed Linda complained that Sean’s priorities were first his car, then his bike and finally his wife. Kelly heard the accusation, turned and with a look of deadly seriousness told his wife that she had got the order wrong: ‘The bike comes first’.

Attached: kelly1.jpg (360x553, 54K)

>This goes agains the whole narrative most people on here believe

Kek nobody actually believes this, Sherlock
Even the cucks on here know reality, because even the biggest basement dwellers go out in the real world once in a while.

And black guys know it better than anyone, I think Chris Rock even made a joke about this once.

Stop taking this place so seriously.
Also, why are we putting white women on a pedestal so much, when Latinas are far superior anyway?

Disguised cuckoo thread.

Our civilization is well and truly destroyed.

>Also, why are we putting white women on a pedestal so much, when Latinas are far superior anyway?
That's our value system, our culture: white women are superior to other women. If you really want to show off how well you're doing, you get a white girl.

>Kek nobody actually believes this, Sherlock
You must live a sheltered life.

Being slightly famous in this day and age is an absolute blessing. I mean it was before, but now you can just find a couple of 10/10 instagram babes, message them and there you go. I know a bunch of instagram girls from norway get contacted every time some rapper here has a show, i mean they even brag about how easy they are in click bait videos "i met young thug after his concert!!" etc.

its one big urinal with pot and whores.

>some autist on twitter says that something stupid
>this represents everyone who plays hockey
Don't be mad that you got called out on your porn addiction

She's a Jew.



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You need more money if you're black if you want a relationship with a white girl.

If you just want to have a white night stand, black men have it easy with white girls. Literally every single stereotype about them is conductive to getting girls sexually arouse: big dick, "alpha" bad boy personality, athletic and physically more muscular, dangerous, forbidden fruit...etc.

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This is for long term partners, not sexual one night stands.

Black men fucks, white men give the bucks.

It's kinda true. I'm hispanic and I had to out earn a lot of white people to land my current white gf.

Attached: hispanic husband white wife.png (420x778, 22K)

If you had the BBC, you could slay in any night club at a college town. White girls between 18-22 years old, before they start thinking about marriage and kids, are big cock fiends. All they want is to have sex with the biggest buck.

Attached: interracial blon.png (960x960, 1.53M)

Really goes to show how a lot of what makes behavior autistic or not is the person behind it.

This. F1 drivers are fucking chads. Almost as chad as fighter pilots.

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Really goes to show how a lot of what makes behavior autistic or not is the cock size behind it.

>Settling for an InstaThot