What the fuck

What the fuck

Attached: 20190409164602_460.png (910x512, 203K)

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What happened?

>we've all been there somehow

Attached: joseph-ducreux_o_772299.jpg (780x516, 137K)


>look at me i'm avert of changes

>making a crest asymmetric on purpose
how contrived sad

Attached: 1479257310099.jpg (653x590, 76K)

It would've been fine without the yellow lines that go nowhere, faggot.



was it nikes idea?

Attached: raw.gif (300x224, 3.23M)

t. someone who draws logos on paint

looks like the crest was blown apart

Not so bad if its not a yellow background

Attached: logo1.jpg (910x679, 68K)

99% of the people didnt like it.
its just plain assymetrical

I like it. Italy's new crest was way shittier than the old one

Really suits a country that just elected a megalomaniac fascist.

I could see how this is unacceptable to the unrefined.

I wish.

Why they didnt make it simple and better?

Attached: cbfc.png (400x400, 35K)

>megalomaniac fascist

For me, it's the one they used from 1930-79.

>that 2010 crest
absolute kek

Attached: 8a46c02c4a64352f4a913e185946b1d0.jpg (262x562, 37K)

That's worse.

Exactly this.


For me, it’s 2005

>can't tell if it's a parody shoop or not


Slightly higher res.

Attached: cbd-cbf-todos-escudos.jpg (400x578, 88K)

CBF (formerly CBD)

That will be 2.5 million dollars, plz.

I don't think the hexa one went on the jersey

I blame the leftists


It's a low key swastika. Look at it closely. BASED Bolsonaro.

>Really suits a country that just elected a megalomaniac fascist.

Attached: 315.jpg (600x900, 148K)

The servant of Israel is not going to like it


Attached: pure soy.jpg (700x734, 107K)

I'm not sure why but I really really like this crest, well done Brazil!

Attached: 1467990916220.jpg (352x327, 61K)

why is he so smug?

it worked for you guys, we're gonna see if it works for us too

I know kek

Why in the actual name of fuck decided to choose this along with the cursed white shirt?

it's the good old cbf, everything' still fucked.
they learned nothing, they never will
we need two whole generations dead as soon as possible so we can at least begin changing shit around here