Tfw your bitter local rivals are better than you in every way possible

>tfw your bitter local rivals are better than you in every way possible
Anybody else share this feel?

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A lot of rangers fans hate us Astros chads

>”bitter” rivals
Lmao there’s no such thing as rivalry in London. Bunch of tinpot clubs.


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As a Liverpool fan I can answer for every one of us: no.

*This thread made by Spurs gang*

All of Chelsea West Ham and arsenal legitimately hate Spurs and Spurs hate them. It gets tinpot when in he derbies not involving Spurs. When Chelsea and Arsenal play each other they just sing about Spurs. For some reason rivalry in London completely revolves around them.


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>Implying Spurs are better
>Implying they've ever been relevant other than putting the pressure on

No matter how bad Arse is, its better than being a spuds fan.

Because they're the biggest club in London, whenever anyone thinks of London they think of Spurs.

>muh history
Arsenal are a Europa League club now. Just look at their starting XI. Spurs are a far better team.

>whenever anyone thinks of London they think of Spurs

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Mate Kane is out for fuck knows how long. Top 4 here we come! Let them wear themselves out while we sneak in

t. Spuds twat

Kane being injured is a good thing for them, see

>Implying Spuds wont bottle it

Look I'm Arsenal till I die but it's time to call a spade a spade, Spurs are the top dogs in Europe now.

Rent free
Is it because they're Jewish?

maybe u should have tried being nice to them before when things were going well 4 u, then when they got good they would also be nice to you and you could be friends
a valuable lesson, we all have much learning to do

Tottham are even bigger bottlers than le arse, what's the big deal? They have won literally nothing during this tenure.
Arsenal won the league in 2004, got to the CL in 2006, have won a few cups.

Spurs are shite.

Everton fan reporting in

Basically. People underestimate how deep dislike of Jews runs in the UK because of what Germany did overshadows everything, but our harsh treatment of Jews was much more prominent over the course of history. You can find stories in every town and city of them chasing the Jews out.

>muh history

Yes. So? 'Muh history' is what is created when big teams win cups.
You know, cups? Trophies? Like the one Spurs won 11 years ago. Oh, wait, no, that was only a league cup. Nobody remembers them.
Nevermind though, I'm sure Spurs will win something worth celebrating eventually.

Tower of London was built from Jewish taxes. Brits kept jews at bay and that's how they managed to control the entire world up until ww1

Arsenal haven't won a non mickey mouse trophy in over a decade
But we're talking about the present. Spurs are a better team. Arsenal are a europa league club now.

fuck (you) for reminding me of this shit anime

the present? so that means football powerhouse tottenham got 1 point out of 6 from shitty Arsenal ahahaha

Spurs might be the better team but they're still shit. They're ran by jews and those jews couldn't give a fuck if Spurs win anything as long as they keep making cash.

Local rivalries only exist on the high school and college level here.

Hey, at least >you won a superbowl first

>life long espanyol fan
>life long Torino fan
>life long atletico fan
>life long wednesday fan
>life long 1860 fan
feels bad

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Which part of BarcelonaTurinMadridSheffieldMunich are you from lad?

novo sestro


Same as Arsenal, then.

>local rivals go bust and are forced to start again in a much lower league
>constantly mock them for trying to spend beyond their means and killing their club
>reformed club gets promoted 4 seasons in a row, including beating you to the title and being promoted above you
>go years without playing them
>go on a decent FA Cup run
>get drawn against them
>they comfortably beat us 2-0 at home since they've now gone fulltime

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I'm guessing he's a Milwall fan and talking about Leeds.

is there fat depressed cunt pepe?

>Local rivals
makes sense


>region's best team is the irrelevant third wheel that the other teams don't really care about

The Jets and Giants are about the same level.

Sucks about the Mets though.

Chelsea is the third wheel if we're being honest

I didn't realise that getting to a CL final 15 years ago is the same as winning a trophy. I had no idea Arsenal were so shite.

who was it?



Was Chelsea even relevant before the billionaire jew bought the club?

I don't want to say, too embarrassed desu.

Yes. They were Everton-tier and capable of finishing in the top 4 in a good season. Man City on the other hand were West Brom-tier, bouncing between the top two divisions

Do spurs have an outside shot of winning the CL? If they knock out city they'll be feared by other teams.

If spurs don't beat city in the league you'll get to cook
their lasagna as you prepare for next season's CL. Cheer up.

Nobody fears City. They haven't won it yet and until they do they will not be taken seriously.


Honestly which ever team makes it to the semis/final will hope to face either City or spurs, even over Ajax.

Just think about it, you don't want Liverpool, you don't want United in a one off game, you definitely don't want Barca, definitely not Juve, and if Ajax pass, you'd definitely not want to face the team the eliminated Madrid AND Juve. Everyone would rather have the spankers of schalke and the destroyers of dirtmund.

it is temporary

I'd say other teams would prefer utd before spurs. They always have been a good cup team

norf or souf?

I don't know man, Liverpool's worst match up would be united. Honestly, only team that could eliminate manure is Barca, not because united are good but because they're jammy as fuck.

What the fuck are you talking about

>whenever anyone thinks of London they think of Spurs

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thought this was a Celtic fan until like the last half

Arsenal won the season matchup in PL against Spurs though

Lads, it's Arsenal

1.chelsea. richest, european cup, recent success
power gap
2.spurs. won fuck all but atleast have a good team and stadium
3.arsenal. also won nothing in europe but their current team is shit and so is their stadium
4.west ham. its west fucking ham
power gap
9001.everyone else

I'd say they were above Everton-tier. Considering they were winning the FA cup and European trophies in the few years before Abramovich, they were more akin to what Arsenal is today if anything. They also had some of the best players in the late 90s early 00s too, kind of like Tottenham of today so I'd say Chelsea pre-Abramovich were a kind of 2010s Arsenal/Tottenham hybrid.


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>caring about your local rivals except for when your team is playing them
not for me lad, don't let them live rent free in ya head

Then what do you banter about with your m8s who support the other team down the pub?


Thinking East Midlands desu
>tfw leicester are so unimportant to derby and forest that they had to manufacture a rivalry with coventry

>good stadium
It’s literally just the emirates 2.0

Arsenal is owned by fucking Americans

Who do you think calls the shots?

>tfw your "local" rivals are an hour+ away because your city is in the middle of nowhere and next season you'll be two divisions apart and the nearest club is now 4 hours away


>no other local team within an hour
Do you live on the moon?

Other London clubs be seething right now lmao.


>you now remember Arsenal exists

Correct. If we get promoted Spurs will be our new local rivals.

hahaha ok

p.s this image is missing the 2014, 2015 and 2017 FA cups on the Arsenal side

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