We will win 3-0

We will win 3-0.

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can you afford the ref this time?


Remember you guys said you win 6-0


maybe, porto had big chances and that was at anfield. liverpool will get eliminated

>muh gayming waifu


punished conceição will unleash his wrath on scousers. We will thrash those refballing cunts
And if we lose...
Im actually from boavista looooool l8r incel virgin nerds. Have sex

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I admire your devotion.

>anime posting

Are you an imposter Porto Poster? This is completely unbased and I am losing respect for /Porto/ bros. What is going on.

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based and roundabouted

More lashes for the infidels incoming

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>that file name
you can turn off your vpn João

Why are Porto fans so optimistic all the time?

Because we try the best we can

And the best we can is good enough

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OP post is horrible and had me questioning all of Porto posting.
This post is good. Based Porto posters.

Based porto bro, but sadly you cannot win. Liverpool is strong against underdog teams and weak against big money.

I like you man, I really do bro. Which is why I want you to stop. Heck, if you just keep quite and stop resisting I'll even watch your league.


God bless

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