AS Monaco

>AS Monaco

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Other urls found in this thread:–16_UEFA_Champions_League_knockout_phase#Manchester_City_v_Real_Madrid

>lose the away leg 1-0
Yeah it's a fucking travesty right? surely there's no coming back from that

El Fraudo

>no away goal
It's over faggot poop exposiola isn't beating tottenham 2-0

0-0 would best result but fraud was exposed that day.

>Kek Fraudiola


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Are you kidding? Do you seriously think that Tottenham won't get crushed at the Ethiad?

>le bauld fraud

it's tottenham

I hope that mentally ill Ahmed finally ends himself


>Do you seriously think that Tottenham won't get crushed at the Ethiad?

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we should wait until he ends his urgent phone call tßh

No such things as home games when you're a citizen

That's Liverpool

>"D-don't w-worry guys! An FA Cup and Carabao Cup double is what we were after all along!"

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such a pathetic insipid performance in the competition they want to win the most?

beta team

Liverpool aren't Spurs you fucking gypo

>Peps last away win in a CL quarter or semi final was in 2011

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You can't go for 4 competitions and play your strongest team in every game
you have to manage it to let your best players play in the most important games
1-0 is easily reversible

>le needs the greatest club team of all time to win the CL man

meme artist

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>Nobody is talking about how the city slip is starting

citeh have literally bought 2 full starting 11s though

>Gets knocked out by 2016 peak Real Madrid in semis by 1 goal

Hurr durr better sack him

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>the competition they want to win the most?
This is not one of the consolation cups

>he needed a refball to do that

not really
they played their b-team tonight and matched tottenhams first team so they did well

Jesus would certainly not start for any other top club. He's wank.

>own goal

>Kloops last trophy was with Dortmund


They played the B team, so i guess.

got mad as fuck after that game. the only consolation i have is watching barça winning the league and cup in my reality distortion field

he needs an extra £1.1 bn in the summer to reach semis

>play your b team in the competition you were brought to win


>B team
De Bruyne and Sane were the only first choice players rested and they both came on off the bench

Fucking exposed AGAIN

Was it? All I remember was those games
being really close

at 89 minutes and bernardo & stones was missing
missing 4 key men makes it a b team

More than half the team being first choice doesn't make it a B team. Especially when one of the back-ups is your record signing


Bernardo is a first choice player and has been their best playmaker this season in De Brown's absence.

it does though
not playing your key players doesn't make it a first team

Tottenham now go through with any draw in the second leg, and if they score 1, city will need 3 goals. In other words, Spurs can play 9 behind the ball with Kane and Son/Alli establishing the counter, and honestly while Kane is an absolute mong, he's unironically the best hold up play striker I've seen since Drogba. Left alone up there, he'll make most balls stick and he's great at springing a counter from that. Also, guess who are great at running on a counter - Son and Alli.

This is best case scenario for spurs, tactically.

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He played plenty of key players though, a B team wouldn't feature Aguero, Fernandinho, Silva and Laporte


I've got some bad news for you buddy

Bernardo was injured not rested

literal cope and utterly pathetic

no but to make it a first team it would have to include stones/de bruyne/zinchenko/bernardo/sane so it's a b-team

Exact same thing you cucks said after the Anfield demolition job last year

He got sacked long before that game

It's a first team with a few players missing. Pep wouldn't have played this team if it was against Accrington in the League Cup

£itehs season is over now. Their fans have gone back to Man U

but he would and he did earlier this season against equally shit opponents

Is that really him?

>Always shitting himself to pass the quarter finals in the CL
>Always managed the best teams in the like with a big budget like Bayern and City
YES YES YES OH MY WORDS. Pepe Guardiola, the big brain spanish man mountain, proving once again that he's the best manager in the word.

>Johnny Pebbles
>Key player

him and laporte were immense and the no.1 CB partnership before he got injured

He had Jesus, Muric and Garcia starting against Burton. That's a B team

jesus is a world class prospect and garcia is better than mahrez

Just a swollen ankle. He'll be back to play them in the league.

they got as much titles as spurs la


didn't bother watching the match eh?


it was

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He was announced gone half way through that season. His players went on vacation, still got them Top 4 and their best ever CL finish. Also, as a fun fact, when MC played their first and so far only CL semi final at home to one of the best teams in the world having managed to earn a 0-0 draw away at the bernabeu, they had 8000 fans show up.

>they had 8000 fans show up
this cant be true

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>having managed to earn a 0-0 draw away at the bernabeu
But that's wrong, retard.–16_UEFA_Champions_League_knockout_phase#Manchester_City_v_Real_Madrid
>8000 fans show up
>butthurt manure customer based on that flag
>ole's at the wheel

not even a citeh fag, I'm a CHI leonfag

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When was the last time city beat an English team in Europe?

I have no memory of this.

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Is there a source for this besides your ass?

tiqui-taca? more like perro caca

why did he start both fernandinho and gundogan? why did he even bother with de bruyne and sane with 3 minutes left? why does he still play delf on leftback?

City lost 1-0 at the Bernabeu on the second leg
I hate City but you're full of shit here, your entire post is riddled with falsehoods


This will never not be funny.

his fear to lose was greater than his will to win